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Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

India can help with creating an ethnic balance in the Army and Police Forces.

AFC has to push that through since PPP refused to even try and India is not interested.

Do you suggest a mandatory draft, applicable to Indians only?  If they don't want to join you cannot force them.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

India can help with creating an ethnic balance in the Army and Police Forces.

AFC has to push that through since PPP refused to even try and India is not interested.

Do you suggest a mandatory draft, applicable to Indians only?  If they don't want to join you cannot force them.

Good, ask him to elaborate his "plan" to attract Indians.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

India can help with creating an ethnic balance in the Army and Police Forces.

How?  Sending people from India to join because Indo Guyanese refuse to?

Mandatory service in the joint service would be a good thing for all 18 - 20 year old males.


If them MUMMA nah want them to serve, then take them to live in Trinidad.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

India can help with creating an ethnic balance in the Army and Police Forces.

How?  Sending people from India to join because Indo Guyanese refuse to?

Mandatory service in the joint service would be a good thing for all 18 - 20 year old males.


If them MUMMA nah want them to serve, then take them to live in Trinidad.

Then you will here the wails that the military African dictatorship is forcing Indians to join the army and live harsh lives in the bush.  GNS again.


That doesn't solve the problem as people forced to do what they don't want to do aren't effective.  The Indos will leave as soon as they can, while the Afros will stay, so the upper ranks will remain ethnically imbalanced.


Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

India can help with creating an ethnic balance in the Army and Police Forces.

How?  Sending people from India to join because Indo Guyanese refuse to?

Mandatory service in the joint service would be a good thing for all 18 - 20 year old males.


If them MUMMA nah want them to serve, then take them to live in Trinidad.

Then you will here the wails that the military African dictatorship is forcing Indians to join the army and live harsh lives in the bush.  GNS again.


That doesn't solve the problem as people forced to do what they don't want to do aren't effective.  The Indos will leave as soon as they can, while the Afros will stay, so the upper ranks will remain ethnically imbalanced.


Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Why this isn't the case?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Why this isn't the case?

  Indians don't want to join.  Maybe they don't like taking orders from black people.

Its quite simple.  If mainly blacks join then the armed forces will be mainly black.  Folks will have to accept that fact.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Why this isn't the case?

  Indians don't want to join.  Maybe they don't like taking orders from black people.

Its quite simple.  If mainly blacks join then the armed forces will be mainly black.  Folks will have to accept that fact.



indians can take orders from black people its you the indians do not like 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Why this isn't the case?

  Indians don't want to join.  Maybe they don't like taking orders from black people.

Its quite simple.  If mainly blacks join then the armed forces will be mainly black.  Folks will have to accept that fact.



indians can take orders from black people its you the indians do not like 

I am not in the army.  They don't join. Since you so bright tell us why?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Why this isn't the case?

  Indians don't want to join.  Maybe they don't like taking orders from black people.

Its quite simple.  If mainly blacks join then the armed forces will be mainly black.  Folks will have to accept that fact.




You're a jackass. In almost every Guyanese Indian family in NY and the rest of the Diaspora, it is considered a great honor for your son or nephew or other relative to serve in the military. I don't know any Guyanese Indian family without a servicemember in the U.S. military. My uncle at the Pentagon is a GOD in my mom's family. All the rich family members bow to him.


And FYI, most Drill Sergeants and NCOs are Black. I had no problems with mine. You know why chap? Because they were tough but they were tough so that I could succeed and meet the standard not because they wanted me to drop out. My Drills "punished" me especially over other Soldiers not because they hated Indians but because they thought I had potential. And guess what? In 18 months after enlistment, a Pentagon Board selected 400 new officers to gazette from the ranks and I was on that list. So syar yuh rass dah side chap.


There is inherent anti-Indian bias in the GDF and GPF designed to make Indians drop out.


I wanna quote the great Afrocentric scholar Dr. Ivan Van Sertima "if it's not a such a big deal then why do you care so much?"


So Caribj, if the GDF isn't so important then why do you care so much to spend so much time and internet ink behind defending the status quo?


We're not all as schupid as you seem to think chap.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Why this isn't the case?

  Indians don't want to join.  Maybe they don't like taking orders from black people.

Its quite simple.  If mainly blacks join then the armed forces will be mainly black.  Folks will have to accept that fact.



indians can take orders from black people its you the indians do not like 

I am not in the army.  They don't join. Since you so bright tell us why?

the government have to open training school in different part of guyana,maybe a special training school for indians for a start like a introductory courses 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Why this isn't the case?

  Indians don't want to join.  Maybe they don't like taking orders from black people.

Its quite simple.  If mainly blacks join then the armed forces will be mainly black.  Folks will have to accept that fact.




You're a jackass. In almost every Guyanese Indian family in NY and the rest of the Diaspora, it is considered a great honor for your son or nephew or other relative to serve in the military.

We're not all as schupid as you seem to think chap.

Yes a WHITE controlled army.  Not one run by Guyanese black people.


Your nonsense about the anti Indianism of the GDF and the GPF is just that.  NONSENSE.  Almost 23 years of PPP rule and you are trying to peddle that myth.  Well if so, how come the PPP didn't change it.  Virtually NONE of the officers who were in the GDF or the GPF in 1992 remain today, and yet those forces remain as African as ever.


Come with another excuse.  That one is NOT working.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Why this isn't the case?

  Indians don't want to join.  Maybe they don't like taking orders from black people.

Its quite simple.  If mainly blacks join then the armed forces will be mainly black.  Folks will have to accept that fact.




You're a jackass. In almost every Guyanese Indian family in NY and the rest of the Diaspora, it is considered a great honor for your son or nephew or other relative to serve in the military.

We're not all as schupid as you seem to think chap.

Yes a WHITE controlled army.


Your nonsense about the anti Indianism of the GDF and the GPF is just that.  NONSENSE.  Almost 23 years of PPP rule and you are trying to peddle that myth.  Well if so, how come the PPP didn't change it.  Virtually NONE of the officers who were in the GDF or the GPF in 1992 remain today, and yet those forces remain as African as ever.


Come with another excuse.  That one is working.


You seem to be quite invested in the status quo. Why is that pray tell? Why is an all Black Army and an all Black Police Force so important to Caribj?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Some folks want a balanced army/police but they don't want to be honest as to why this isn't the case. 

Why this isn't the case?

  Indians don't want to join.  Maybe they don't like taking orders from black people.

Its quite simple.  If mainly blacks join then the armed forces will be mainly black.  Folks will have to accept that fact.




You're a jackass. In almost every Guyanese Indian family in NY and the rest of the Diaspora, it is considered a great honor for your son or nephew or other relative to serve in the military.

We're not all as schupid as you seem to think chap.

Yes a WHITE controlled army.  Not one run by Guyanese black people.


Your nonsense about the anti Indianism of the GDF and the GPF is just that.  NONSENSE.  Almost 23 years of PPP rule and you are trying to peddle that myth.  Well if so, how come the PPP didn't change it.  Virtually NONE of the officers who were in the GDF or the GPF in 1992 remain today, and yet those forces remain as African as ever.


Come with another excuse.  That one is NOT working.

who you think is the recruiting officer and the training personals they are all blacks and every police officer is relate some way or the other  

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

You seem to be quite invested in the status quo. Why is that pray tell? Why is an all Black Army and an all Black Police Force so important to Caribj?

Another one fooling himself.


Tell me Shaitaan where is all this evidence that between 1992 and 2015 thousands of Indians wanted to join the GDF and the GPF?


You seem to believe in magic in that you think that Indians can simultaneously refuse to join, and yet be well represented.  Do you plan to enlist robots who have the physical appearance of being Indian? Because that is the only way that the forces can be balanced without Indians joining.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

You seem to be quite invested in the status quo. Why is that pray tell? Why is an all Black Army and an all Black Police Force so important to Caribj?

Another one fooling himself.


Tell me Shaitaan where is all this evidence that between 1992 and 2015 thousands of Indians wanted to join the GDF and the GPF?


You seem to believe in magic in that you think that Indians can simultaneously refuse to join, and yet be well represented.  Do you plan to enlist robots who have the physical appearance of being Indian? Because that is the only way that the forces can be balanced without Indians joining.

shut up fool i know lots of indians that was refuse in the police force 

Originally Posted by warrior:

who you think is the recruiting officer and the training personals they are all blacks and every police officer is relate some way or the other  

yes I know and the notion of an Indian taking orders from these people is as bad as having their sister get married to one of these people.


FYI in the NYPD many uncles, sons and fathers serve.. What is new.  But yet Asians are now joining, despite all the myths that they are too soft to command respect from criminals.


Your excuse is WEAK!  Surely in the almost 23 years of PPP rule if these forces were so anti Indian, and Indians were so eager to join, ample evidence of this would have been presented, and a solution worked out.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

You seem to be quite invested in the status quo. Why is that pray tell? Why is an all Black Army and an all Black Police Force so important to Caribj?

Another one fooling himself.


Tell me Shaitaan where is all this evidence that between 1992 and 2015 thousands of Indians wanted to join the GDF and the GPF?


You seem to believe in magic in that you think that Indians can simultaneously refuse to join, and yet be well represented.  Do you plan to enlist robots who have the physical appearance of being Indian? Because that is the only way that the forces can be balanced without Indians joining.


Laying aside all the reasons, valid or otherwise......Is it your position that a Black GDF and a Black GPF is what is needed in a multiethnic and multiracial State like Guyana?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by warrior:

who you think is the recruiting officer and the training personals they are all blacks and every police officer is relate some way or the other  

yes I know and the notion of an Indian taking orders from these people is as bad as having their sister get married to one of these people.


FYI in the NYPD many uncles, sons and fathers serve.. What is new.  But yet Asians are now joining, despite all the myths that they are too soft to command respect from criminals.


Your excuse is WEAK!

there is a law in NY that certain amount of minority must be accepted in the force also in canada there is no law in guyana or no body to over view these laws the force do as they please example the commissioner  was transfer personal and the president had to stop him until the minister give his views 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Laying aside all the reasons, valid or otherwise......Is it your position that a Black GDF and a Black GPF is what is needed in a multiethnic and multiracial State like Guyana?

I would love for every ethnicity to be equally represented in all facets of life in Guyana.  However history, culture, values, social connections, and otherwise prevent this.


Do you see me screaming that blacks must become rice farmers?  No.  That is not an occupation that most have an interest in engaging in.


Ditto for Indians and the armed forces.  The excuses of the Burnham era don't apply.  The PPP was in power for 23 years and there has been no change.  When Cheddi went in, he tried his best to get young Indians interested.  Yet every batch of new recruits was disproportionately black.


So should we have no GDF and no GPF because Indos refuse to join?


They didn't join in the 50s, 70s, 90s, and they didn't join in 2014 either.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:

there is a law in NY that certain amount of minority must be accepted in the force also in canada there is no law in guyana or no body to over view these laws the force do as they please example the commissioner  was transfer personal and the president had to stop him until the minister give his views 

Except that, as the largest ethnic group, and the wealthiest one at that, Indians aren't a minority group in Guyana.


Try again!  Only Amerindians can play that minority card in Guyana.  My understanding is that Amerindians are NOT under represented in the armed forces in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Laying aside all the reasons, valid or otherwise......Is it your position that a Black GDF and a Black GPF is what is needed in a multiethnic and multiracial State like Guyana?

I would love for every ethnicity to be equally represented in all facets of life in Guyana.  However history, culture, values, social connections, and otherwise prevent this.


Do you see me screaming that blacks must become rice farmers?  No.  That is not an occupation that most have an interest in engaging in.


Ditto for Indians and the armed forces.  The excuses of the Burnham era don't apply.  The PPP was in power for 23 years and there has been no change.  When Cheddi went in, he tried his best to get young Indians interested.  Yet every batch of new recruits was disproportionately black.


So should we have no GDF and no GPF because Indos refuse to join?


They didn't join in the 50s, 70s, 90s, and they didn't join in 2014 either.


You're either stupid or dishonest. Which is it?


Since when is rice farming the same as the military servants of the State?


This is about building an inclusive State. No multiethnic State can be at peace without multiethnic State institutions. This is multiethnic states 101. Something you so disingenuously carp about here daily.


So you Caribj is moh smart than all the experience mankind has had in stabilizing multiethnic states something the UN does every day. They ALWAYS start with the Army and the Police being racially/ethnically balanced.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


You're either stupid or dishonest. Which is it?


Since when is rice farming the same as the military servants of the State?


This is about building an inclusive State. No multiethnic State can be at peace without multiethnic State institutions. This is multiethnic states 101. Something you so disingenuously carp about here daily.


So you Caribj is moh smart than all the experience mankind has had in stabilizing multiethnic states something the UN does every day. They ALWAYS start with the Army and the Police being racially/ethnically balanced.

And yet you haven't told us why Indians refuse to join, or how the GDF can be multi ethnic if they refuse to.


Scream as you wish at "baad black man", but then offer Granger no advice as to how to get Indians to join.  Something that Cheddi, Janet, Jagdeo, and Ramotar ALL failed to do.


FYI the fact that blacks aren't major economic players through ownership of income producing property arises to the same security crisis as the fact that Indians aren't in the armed forces.


Yet is there any one demanding that blacks should be given assets, loans, etc. in a preferential basis?  Not any one I can think of.


But the Indo racist that you are cannot see this.


Indos do not want to join.  If you do not recruit those who want to join to replace those who leave then you will have no GDF and no GPF. Now what about this is to intellectually sophisticated for you to comprehend?

Last edited by Former Member

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