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Former Member

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

2. US Embassy in Guyana is currently the largest embassy in the Caribbean. Blue Print and approval has been given to build another embassy two time the current size.  

I have confidential info about Moses but cannot say. 

Keep tune for more more breaking news.  

It's nothing to worry about, but AFC will be history. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

2. US Embassy in Guyana is currently the largest embassy in the Caribbean. Blue Print and approval has been given to build another embassy two time the current size.  

I have confidential info about Moses but cannot say. 

Keep tune for more more breaking news.  

It's nothing to worry about, but AFC will be history. 

Very sad news. This will come back to haunt the PNC.

Wondering what is happening with Moses ?

I hope that all is well health wise. Even though I oppose his politics, I do not have have any hard feelings for him. He fought very hard while in opposition PPP for the poor.

Last edited by Former Member
Mr.T posted:

That will be good news for the economy if the US builds a bigger embassy. That shows that they have confidence in the country. A bigger embassy will help in processing travel visas quicker and offer confidence to potential investors that the US sees Guyana as a good place to invest.

The have to get the Indians out of Guyana before 2020 election. The killing is going too slow.

Cobra posted:
Mr.T posted:

That will be good news for the economy if the US builds a bigger embassy. That shows that they have confidence in the country. A bigger embassy will help in processing travel visas quicker and offer confidence to potential investors that the US sees Guyana as a good place to invest.

The have to get the Indians out of Guyana before 2020 election. The killing is going too slow.

PNC's leader and Burnham's student Papa DAG is out to destroy Guyana.

AFC must now pull the carpet from under his feet before it is too late.



April 14, 2016

The main sugar union GAWU today said GuySuCo’s plans for the integration of the East Demerara Estates will effectively see the end of operations at the LBI estate and repercussions for around 800 employees.

A statement from the union follows:

Delegations from the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and the National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) that comprised Union officials and shop stewards of Enmore and LBI Estates met with the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) on April 12, 2016 at the request of the Corporation with respect to “finalising the integration of East Demerara Estates”.

The Corporation at the meeting informed the two (2) Unions that the company has decided to have the operations of the Field Workshop, Mill Dock, Field Lab, Stores, and Administrative Offices that are based at LBI Estate be merged with similar operations at Enmore Estate during this year.

This announcement came as a surprise to the Unions and their delegates to the meeting. When the LBI factory was closed and its workers were transferred to Enmore factory, both Unions were assured by a member of the current Interim Management that there will be no closure of any other department after the closure of the factory. Thus, it was never expected that the Corporation under the same Management could decide to dismantle the costly buildings at LBI Estate and end the operations which it approved about five (5) years ago.

The areas that the company has indicated will be closed basically means the closure of the entire estate. LBI will thereby cease to exist. The company, in effect, is using the term “consolidation” as a guise for the complete closure of LBI.

The closure of the LBI operations would result in over 800 workers who are represented by GAWU and NAACIE being deployed to Enmore Estate. It is doubtful that the deployed workers would be offered regular and full work at Enmore as is the present case at LBI. In this regard, account must be taken that similar operations at Enmore Estate have their own full complement of employees, a situation likened to that at Uitvlugt where Wales Estate workers are to be channeled according to a statements by high-placed authorities and promised regular, permanent employment.

At the meeting the Corporation did not inform the Union when the operations are to be closed nor was vital information about the employees’ future given. It is a similar experience to that of Wales where the company, to date, has failed to provide full information on the status of the future of 1,700 workers from Wales Estate.

It is recalled that on January 20, 2016 when GuySuCo officially advised the Unions on the Wales Estate closure and in keeping with the Termination of Employment and Severance Pay Act Section 12(3)(b) that it would meet with the Union to fulfill the one month’s notice period regarding the workers who would be deployed to Uitvlugt Estate and those who would be made redundant. GuySuCo, however, did not meet the two (2) unions and on March 22, 2016 the Corporation informed GAWU that 105 workers are to be made redundant. Prior to the Corporation’s letter, 15 workers were deployed to Uitvlugt Estate and 67 temporary workers were deprived of their jobs without any compensation. It is to be noted that these actions are being taken before December 31, 2016 – the date announced by the Ministry of Agriculture for the closure of Wales Estate. These actions certainly violate the law and norms of such situation.

Our Unions are wary and concerned about the fate of the LBI workers. GAWU and NAACIE are hopeful that the unsavory and oppressive situation at Wales is not repeated and call on GuySuCo to revisit its decision on the full closure of LBI. The Unions reiterate its commitment to stand by the workers and will defend their rights that are protected by local and international labour laws.

Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!


Dem AFC/PNC dunces do not understand basic economics. Remember how foreign currency was scarce under Burnham ? Those days will be back.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Jagdeo's name should never be mentioned with anything good related to sugar. He closed sugar estates too and you clowns didn't complain. He wasted hundreds of millions in the Skeldon white elephant. Experts in the sugar industry advised him that the Chinese should not be given the contract to build Skeldon as the contractors had no experience in building sugar factories. He went with the Chinese because the kickbacks were the biggest for him and today the Guyanese people are left to drag along the Skeldon Goadie. He appointed his friends in positions to run sugar and all they did was mismanage the industry into the ground and fill their pockets with money. The government of the day is trying to clean up the massive dump that Jagdeo left behind. The destruction of the sugar industry is Jagdeo's legacy.

Last edited by Mars

Nigel resign because,

1. The coalition had a understanding to change the constitution. APNU does not want to.

2. Nigel want Harmon to be strip of his powers. 


Ramjattan and Nigel are on the same page and realized they have sell out the APNU supporters big time, by giving in to APNU. They are not getting Moses support. 

Ramjattan and AFC had no clue that Harmon had  his hand in so many ministry until the China controversy. 


Moses did not want Harmon to be strip of his powers and do not want the constitution to change, he has  since gone over full out with APNU. 

Moses is a sell out to Indians and AFC. 

ian posted:
yuji22 posted:
Amral posted:

will Moses lead the Guyanese people out of despair?  Is he really the deliverer

Valid Question.

Seriously Guys Moses has gone full-time with APNU.  

He has sold out AFC.  

Oh Oh what names will they call him now...hmmmm...maybe one of Cobra's fav word **ggerNdian...mmmm

Moses is a big man he can do whatever he wants regarding his party choice.

Mr.T posted:

That will be good news for the economy if the US builds a bigger embassy. That shows that they have confidence in the country. A bigger embassy will help in processing travel visas quicker and offer confidence to potential investors that the US sees Guyana as a good place to invest.

The US has since change their visa pick up policy. 

You can go to any DHL office now in Guyana to uplift your visa.  

The Americans are giving visa wild west to Guyanese.  

What is their motives, I don't know.   

ian posted:
Mr.T posted:

That will be good news for the economy if the US builds a bigger embassy. That shows that they have confidence in the country. A bigger embassy will help in processing travel visas quicker and offer confidence to potential investors that the US sees Guyana as a good place to invest.

The US has since change their visa pick up policy. 

You can go to any DHL office now in Guyana to uplift your visa.  

The Americans are giving visa wild west to Guyanese.  

What is their motives, I don't know.   

That is great for the Guyanese people,do you think there is a conspiracy?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate .  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.

Jagdeo set the stage when he squandered millions on that failed project at Skeldon.  He landed Guysuco into a major high cost, money losing and indebted situation.

Of course you didn't care squat when Jagdeo threw the bauxite workers on the bread line. Do you think that sugar workers need better consideration?

Django posted:
ian posted:
Mr.T posted:

That will be good news for the economy if the US builds a bigger embassy. That shows that they have confidence in the country. A bigger embassy will help in processing travel visas quicker and offer confidence to potential investors that the US sees Guyana as a good place to invest.

The US has since change their visa pick up policy. 

You can go to any DHL office now in Guyana to uplift your visa.  

The Americans are giving visa wild west to Guyanese.  

What is their motives, I don't know.   

That is great for the Guyanese people,do you think there is a conspiracy?

Reduce the Indos majority.  

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Jagdeo's name should never be mentioned with anything good related to sugar. He closed sugar estates too and you clowns didn't complain. He wasted hundreds of millions in the Skeldon white elephant. Experts in the sugar industry advised him that the Chinese should not be given the contract to build Skeldon as the contractors had no experience in building sugar factories. He went with the Chinese because the kickbacks were the biggest for him and today the Guyanese people are left to drag along the Skeldon Goadie. He appointed his friends in positions to run sugar and all they did was mismanage the industry into the ground and fill their pockets with money. The government of the day is trying to clean up the massive dump that Jagdeo left behind. The destruction of the sugar industry is Jagdeo's legacy.

Mars - this is more stupid than stupid.  Are you sure you went to QC?  Your mind is so biased and racist, you fail to see the economic implications of what is happening in the sugar industry.  I have deduced that your presence on this board is to spread hatred and bigotry.  Shame!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
ian posted:

Reduce the Indos majority.  

The PPP already saw to it that Indians are no longer the majority. Under the PPP the Corentyne has seen its population drop by more than 30%.

Carib - can we stick to the subject at hand?  If you wish to discuss racism, please start another thread and post your racist rants there.  If you have nothing of value to say, please shaddup!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Jagdeo's name should never be mentioned with anything good related to sugar. He closed sugar estates too and you clowns didn't complain. He wasted hundreds of millions in the Skeldon white elephant. Experts in the sugar industry advised him that the Chinese should not be given the contract to build Skeldon as the contractors had no experience in building sugar factories. He went with the Chinese because the kickbacks were the biggest for him and today the Guyanese people are left to drag along the Skeldon Goadie. He appointed his friends in positions to run sugar and all they did was mismanage the industry into the ground and fill their pockets with money. The government of the day is trying to clean up the massive dump that Jagdeo left behind. The destruction of the sugar industry is Jagdeo's legacy.

Mars - this is more stupid than stupid.  Are you sure you went to QC?  Your mind is so biased and racist, you fail to see the economic implications of what is happening in the sugar industry.  I have deduced that your presence on this board is to spread hatred and bigotry.  Shame!!!!!

Lame! What is racist about this? When y'all have no answers for hard cold facts you scream racism. Get a life!

It's a fact that the sugar industry was decimated under Jagdeo's watch. You must have missed the economic implications of the destruction that Jagdeo's regime foisted on the sugar industry putting them in debt to the tune of $82 billion. And now you have the nerve to talk about economic implications when the industry is being restructured to keep it from dying. Gwan suh and tek the booboo out yuh eye.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Jagdeo's name should never be mentioned with anything good related to sugar. He closed sugar estates too and you clowns didn't complain. He wasted hundreds of millions in the Skeldon white elephant. Experts in the sugar industry advised him that the Chinese should not be given the contract to build Skeldon as the contractors had no experience in building sugar factories. He went with the Chinese because the kickbacks were the biggest for him and today the Guyanese people are left to drag along the Skeldon Goadie. He appointed his friends in positions to run sugar and all they did was mismanage the industry into the ground and fill their pockets with money. The government of the day is trying to clean up the massive dump that Jagdeo left behind. The destruction of the sugar industry is Jagdeo's legacy.

Mars - this is more stupid than stupid.  Are you sure you went to QC?  Your mind is so biased and racist, you fail to see the economic implications of what is happening in the sugar industry.  I have deduced that your presence on this board is to spread hatred and bigotry.  Shame!!!!!

Lame! What is racist about this? When y'all have no answers for hard cold facts you scream racism. Get a life!

It's a fact that the sugar industry was decimated under Jagdeo's watch. You must have missed the economic implications of the destruction that Jagdeo's regime foisted on the sugar industry putting them in debt to the tune of $82 billion. And now you have the nerve to talk about economic implications when the industry is being restructured to keep it from dying. Gwan suh and tek the booboo out yuh eye.

These PPP apologists were not able to see the damage inflicted by Jagdeo on the sugar  industry. They were being blinded by all that foreign currency being waved in their face.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

You guys are very good at practising voodoo economics . So you want to suffer a financial loss in the sugar industry, in exchange for foreign currency. Not only is that draining money out of the economy, it is also creating inflation and a devaluation of the local currency. Suriname is experiencing that right now, except that in their case it is oil, not sugar. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Jagdeo's name should never be mentioned with anything good related to sugar. He closed sugar estates too and you clowns didn't complain. He wasted hundreds of millions in the Skeldon white elephant. Experts in the sugar industry advised him that the Chinese should not be given the contract to build Skeldon as the contractors had no experience in building sugar factories. He went with the Chinese because the kickbacks were the biggest for him and today the Guyanese people are left to drag along the Skeldon Goadie. He appointed his friends in positions to run sugar and all they did was mismanage the industry into the ground and fill their pockets with money. The government of the day is trying to clean up the massive dump that Jagdeo left behind. The destruction of the sugar industry is Jagdeo's legacy.

Mars - this is more stupid than stupid.  Are you sure you went to QC?  Your mind is so biased and racist, you fail to see the economic implications of what is happening in the sugar industry.  I have deduced that your presence on this board is to spread hatred and bigotry.  Shame!!!!!

I Agree with you. A Jackass will always be a Jackass. Don't waste time with this moron.  

ian posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Jagdeo's name should never be mentioned with anything good related to sugar. He closed sugar estates too and you clowns didn't complain. He wasted hundreds of millions in the Skeldon white elephant. Experts in the sugar industry advised him that the Chinese should not be given the contract to build Skeldon as the contractors had no experience in building sugar factories. He went with the Chinese because the kickbacks were the biggest for him and today the Guyanese people are left to drag along the Skeldon Goadie. He appointed his friends in positions to run sugar and all they did was mismanage the industry into the ground and fill their pockets with money. The government of the day is trying to clean up the massive dump that Jagdeo left behind. The destruction of the sugar industry is Jagdeo's legacy.

Mars - this is more stupid than stupid.  Are you sure you went to QC?  Your mind is so biased and racist, you fail to see the economic implications of what is happening in the sugar industry.  I have deduced that your presence on this board is to spread hatred and bigotry.  Shame!!!!!

I Agree with you. A Jackass will always be a Jackass. Don't waste time with this moron.  

Look who is talking .

Mr.T posted:
ian posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Jagdeo's name should never be mentioned with anything good related to sugar. He closed sugar estates too and you clowns didn't complain. He wasted hundreds of millions in the Skeldon white elephant. Experts in the sugar industry advised him that the Chinese should not be given the contract to build Skeldon as the contractors had no experience in building sugar factories. He went with the Chinese because the kickbacks were the biggest for him and today the Guyanese people are left to drag along the Skeldon Goadie. He appointed his friends in positions to run sugar and all they did was mismanage the industry into the ground and fill their pockets with money. The government of the day is trying to clean up the massive dump that Jagdeo left behind. The destruction of the sugar industry is Jagdeo's legacy.

Mars - this is more stupid than stupid.  Are you sure you went to QC?  Your mind is so biased and racist, you fail to see the economic implications of what is happening in the sugar industry.  I have deduced that your presence on this board is to spread hatred and bigotry.  Shame!!!!!

I Agree with you. A Jackass will always be a Jackass. Don't waste time with this moron.  

Look who is talking .

Yo Daddy. Wha go on son. 


I wanted Harmon to stay on because because replacing him runs the risk of having a hardcore anti-koolie racist take over his position. If Tiwari was an Afro instead of an Indo then those East Indians who are protesting would have shut their mouth because they would have been terrified of being painted as a racist of Afros.  

Prashad posted:

I wanted Harmon to stay on because because replacing him runs the risk of having a hardcore anti-koolie racist take over his position. If Tiwari was an Afro instead of an Indo then those East Indians who are protesting would have shut their mouth because they would have been terrified of being painted as a racist of Afros.  

You had no issues with an anti black and buck running the show for 25 years. 

ian posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Jagdeo's name should never be mentioned with anything good related to sugar. He closed sugar estates too and you clowns didn't complain. He wasted hundreds of millions in the Skeldon white elephant. Experts in the sugar industry advised him that the Chinese should not be given the contract to build Skeldon as the contractors had no experience in building sugar factories. He went with the Chinese because the kickbacks were the biggest for him and today the Guyanese people are left to drag along the Skeldon Goadie. He appointed his friends in positions to run sugar and all they did was mismanage the industry into the ground and fill their pockets with money. The government of the day is trying to clean up the massive dump that Jagdeo left behind. The destruction of the sugar industry is Jagdeo's legacy.

Mars - this is more stupid than stupid.  Are you sure you went to QC?  Your mind is so biased and racist, you fail to see the economic implications of what is happening in the sugar industry.  I have deduced that your presence on this board is to spread hatred and bigotry.  Shame!!!!!

I Agree with you. A Jackass will always be a Jackass. Don't waste time with this moron.  


One mental midget providing comfort to another.

Mr.T posted:

That will be good news for the economy if the US builds a bigger embassy. That shows that they have confidence in the country. A bigger embassy will help in processing travel visas quicker and offer confidence to potential investors that the US sees Guyana as a good place to invest.


ian posted: 

Ramjattan and Nigel are on the same page and realized they have sell out the APNU supporters big time, by giving in to APNU. They are not getting Moses support. 


Moses did not want Harmon to be strip of his powers and do not want the constitution to change, he has  since gone over full out with APNU. 

Moses is a sell out to Indians and AFC. 

Thanks, Ian. I suspected some skullduggery like this. Last night when I commented on another thread that PM Naga does less work than Harmon but earns more dough and changes new suits like a Bollywood star bai to show up at public ceremonies, I wanted to say also that, IMHO Khemraj Ramjattan actually does more work than Moses in the AFC party and in the government.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Make product "A" to earn foreign exchange but keep getting annual losses and see if you should be in business. Foreign Exchange earner is not the issue here HANIFFA. It's about selling 1 lb of sugar at 1/5th the price. In fact Guyana can shut down its sugar industry completely and import US sugar cheaper. Laborers can be retrained in industries where we can get foreign investment with high value-added and better educated jobs. Then these retrained parents can read books to their children instead of drinking and increasing domestic violence.

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ian posted:

1. LBI Estate will be close - it will be announce tomorrow. 

The PPP/C had closed LBI for more than a decade now. When did they reopen it?

Approximately 800 sugar workers from LBI estate will be losing their jobs.  Listen people I understand that sugar is not a profitable business, but it is a foreign exchange earner.  That is why Jagdeo kept these estates open.  If the economy doesn't have foreign exchange it will crash and burn.  Unless we find a new source of foreign exchange we cannot close all these estates.  Guyana will be heading for economic disaster!

Make product "A" to earn foreign exchange but keep getting annual losses and see if you should be in business. Foreign Exchange earner is not the issue here HANIFFA. It's about selling 1 lb of sugar at 1/5th the price. In fact Guyana can shut down its sugar industry completely and import US sugar cheaper. Laborers can be retrained in industries where we can get foreign investment with high value-added and better educated jobs. Then these retrained parents can read books to their children instead of drinking and increasing domestic violence.

Excellent idea, however one major flaw. Under this govt there is no alternate industry to retrain sugar workers. With all the big talk prior to elections by afc/apnu about development, we have seen no new industry or development by this govt. They are still hanging on to the staples of sugar, rice, bauxite, timber and gold. 


800 workers been out of jobs, not only affects them, but the businesses where these workers are  shopping. 

It's a fact the PPP did not diversified when there are lots of avenues to explore. However, the coalition government fail to explore  option or have alternative jobs for these workers before closing the estates.  

It appears  APNU  have target Indians who are PPP supporters.  They are out to drive Indians out of Guyana. 

The coalition government instead is installing street lights in Mocha and building bridges and roads in Sophia. 

Non of these communities pay taxes and utility bills.  


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