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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:

* By the way, The majority of Guyanese people are against the No confidence motion.





Nagamootoo is even more confident than he was before that he will make some serious inroads into PPP strongholds.  Despite the screams of HM_Redux, he remains obsessed with the Indian vote, because he knows that snatching more of it will lead to the down fall of the PPP.


Unless the PPP calls for elections tomorrow then they will be revealed as being cowardly dictators, no more respectful of the democratic rights of the Guyanese people than Forbes Burnham was.

Moses did more for lindeners than Granger. Refute that......

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

 death threats against the owner and staff of Kaieteur News..

And what most Guyanese want to know is how come the PPP is so blatant in breaking the law and yet NEITHER APNU or the AFC have done ANYTHING about it, leaving the PPP officials to flout their criminal behavior with impunity.


Why was Ashni allowed to drive drunk, injure some one, pay them off, and have the issue dropped?


What are they doing about an AG, who is supposed to uphold the law, but instead makes death threats just like a common criminal?


Guyanese are frustrated with the PPP, but they are also frustrated with APNU/AFC who literally allow them to get away with murder.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses did more for lindeners than Granger. Refute that......

Lindeners will vote for who ever Solomon votes for. As of this time Solomon has said that there is no way that Granger is going to run him out of the PNC.


Why should he go to the AFC where people like you will call him a selfish black AFC leader and a traitor!


In addition Solomon is very outspoken about the situation of Afro Guyanese.  Is Nagamootoo going to address that issue? 


BTW you know why the PPP is scared to raise electricity rates.  Because Lindeners rioted and after being gunned down by PPP goons.


Nothing to do with Nagamootoo who lacks the power in Linden to get them to do a thing.  As far as Lindeners are concerned Nagamootoo is just another G/town politician, just like Trotman and Granger.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP made a serious mistake today. Unless they announce elections later today or tomorrow they will go down in history as being as undemocratic as Burnham was. 


* Screw history! Let's deal with today. Today is REAL.


* Look! Half the people in Guyana like the PPP while the other half don't like the PPP.


* All the PPP needs to do is convince 1 of the 50% that don't like them to give them a chance in the next election.


* Then it will be 51% for PPP 49% against PPP.




* The PPP is still the best party to rule Guyana today.


* You believe the people will ever elect a dog shit like AFC's Moses as President ?



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP made a serious mistake today. Unless they announce elections later today or tomorrow they will go down in history as being as undemocratic as Burnham was. 


* Screw history! Let's deal with today. Today is REAL.


* Look! Half the people in Guyana like the PPP while the other half don't like the PPP.


* All the PPP needs to do is convince 1 of the 50% that don't like them to give them a chance in the next election.


* Then it will be 51% for PPP 49% against PPP.




* The PPP is still the best party to rule Guyana today.


* You believe the people will ever elect a dog shit like AFC's Moses as President ?



Ravi bai yuh gat big mout now. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The President action to prorogue parliament was done in the best interest of the Guyanese people. The joint opposition was hell bent on derailing the progress of Guyana. 

Running away from the people and refusing to face them is not in their best interest.


It is in the best interest of the low breed thief man dem.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Stormy, How can it be ABUSE of Power if it is allowed CONSTITUTIONALLY? I would like a straight, direct and short answer, please.


* You really expect an honest and intelligent answer to that excellent question from blabbermouth Stormy ?



You ever gat anything intelligent foh say? Keera daag...

Kappy boy, Bhai Nehru gun put you infront of RiffRaff.

Originally Posted by Wally:

To prorogue Parliament is a dangerous move without giving an exact date for the return of parliament and sticking to that date.  This is why.  In today's world it can be used as grounds and/or an excuse for a military coup. Those military guys would have a workable excuse not to face the International  Criminal Court charges.




Present Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper prorogued parliament and later went on to win a majority.


Rammo taught the fools in the opposition a political history of their lives. 


Granger made a idiot of himself by following the fools in the AFC.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The no confidence motion was the A.F.C last attempt to remain relevant, their supporters both financial and non financial has left the political gathering, their survival at the 2016 elections were uncertain, so they propose the no confidence motion in a bid to salvage any support that may be left behind.

LOOK OUT FOR MORE DRUG BUSTS. Fundraising will begin shortly.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The no confidence motion was the A.F.C last attempt to remain relevant, their supporters both financial and non financial has left the political gathering, their survival at the 2016 elections were uncertain, so they propose the no confidence motion in a bid to salvage any support that may be left behind.


This move by Rammo (Rambo) ruined the AFC. The AFC is led by a bunch of immature fools.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


The AFC is finished. This is one the best political moves in Guyana's history.


Ha Ha !



* This power play by the President to prorogue parliament has excited and energized the PPP base. PPP supporters now see their President as a decisive leader.


* On the otherhand, Moses, Khemraj, Burger KinG and Granger look like a bunch of shithounds---LOSERS!



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The AFC is finished. This is one the best political moves in Guyana's history.


Ha Ha !



* This power play by the President to prorogue parliament has excited and energized the PPP base. PPP supporters now see their President as a decisive leader.


* On the otherhand, Moses, Khemraj, Burger KinG and Granger look like a bunch of shithounds---LOSERS!





The PPP base is energized and it now looks like Baseman's 55 percent prediction is within reach.


The opposition are a bunch of fools who showed their cards and allowed the PPP to eject them before they made their move.


As you mentioned in an earlier post, Guyanese now understands the Power of the Presidency and what gift the PNC's constitution gave to them today.


It is fun to look at the face of defeat on Moses. This loser brought down both the AFC and PNC. President Rammo ejected them all including the Burger King with a stroke of a pen.


I have never been this energized in my life.

Again I have to support Kari position on the prorogate the parliament
Originally Posted by Kari:

Were the President to prorogue Parliament he might be motivated by the fact, as PPP Parliamentarian Bibi Shaddiq pointed out, that while the PPP got 6 more seats than the next opposition party it is not allowed to run the country by the constant APNU-AFC alliance in Parliament. It's analogous to the obstructionist Republican-controlled Congress and filibuster-enabled Senate that made Obama's Presidential life miserable. The only thing is that Obama cannot dissolve Congress, but he can take Executive action.


Vish M
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal is unworthy of governing the country. They are desperate and have descended into ugly arrogance, cuss-down and vulgar behavior and most unfortunate, and obscene language and death threats against the owner and staff of Kaieteur News. For the last three years, the majority Opposition has produced enough hot air in Parliament to start a global heat wave, and yet the unrighteous and loutish PPP cabal has never been under any obligation to make changes to the budget, legislation or any of their policies. The Freedom House gang has not changed their barefaced and rigid stance and will not yield anything to the opposition—a fact that must be understood by the AFC and APNU. So for the opposition to continue to have meetings with the president is a total waste of the taxpayers’ money and an act in futility.

Sock it to the PPPites, man.

But, rest assured, no opposition meeting with any president. Granger and Rupnaraine told a big crowd in front Public Buildings that they're starting a mass resistance movement that will hold parliament in the streets and the people will speak and take action accordingly. The PPP must go, with or without parliament.


Guyana has laws and the President has an obligation to maintain law and order in accordance to the constitution of Guyana and to protect citizens and private property.


I have no sympathy if force is used to arrest and demolish illegal protests.


Those who violate the laws of Guyana must be arrested and jailed. No one is above the law.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana has laws and the President has an obligation to maintain law and order in accordance to the constitution of Guyana and to protect citizens and private property.


I have no sympathy if force is used to arrest and demolish illegal protests.


Those who violate the laws of Guyana must be arrested and jailed. No one is above the law.

Ramotar can arrest. Rohee can shoot. Nothing comes without sacrifice. Remember Tunisia and Egypt.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ramotar can arrest. Rohee can shoot. Nothing comes without sacrifice. Remember Tunisia and Egypt.

Yes black blood is cheap after all.  Should they be the only casualties, given that it was the AFC which moved for the MONC?  Why the onus only on APNU protesters? 


You know full well that the best way to protect the protesters is to have Indians amongst them as the PPP will dare not shoot themShould it only be blacks sacrificing?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Comparing Harper our Honorable Prime Minister to a low breed dunce who is delaying facing the voters of this country is comparing chalk to cheese.


Only a low breed thief man guvament is scared of their own people.

I would not compare Harper to Donald.  It is like comparing apples to oranges.  Harper is basically a fiscal conservative economist with a few British Canadian social conservative tendencies thrown in. 


Donald is not the Dumb that some in the opposition has portrayed him to be.  I have had several conversations with the man in the past.  I can say this the man is a widely read man; particularly, of the works of some of the great African political thinkers like Amilcar Cabral.  He is also a very strategic thinker.


I would bet if I ask Harper who Cabral, Achebe or Fanon is he would not know them from a French or Italian food dish.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Comparing Harper our Honorable Prime Minister to a low breed dunce who is delaying facing the voters of this country is comparing chalk to cheese.


Only a low breed thief man guvament is scared of their own people.

I would not compare Harper to Donald.  It is like comparing apples to oranges.  Harper is basically a fiscal conservative economist with a few British Canadian social conservative tendencies thrown in. 


Donald is not the Dumb that some in the opposition has portrayed him to be.  I have had several conversations with the man in the past.  I can say this the man is a widely read man; particularly, of the works of some of the great African political writers like Amilcar Cabral.  He is also a very strategic thinker.


I would bet if I ask Harper who Cabral, Achebe or Fanon is he would not know them from a French or Italian food dish.

Thanks Wally.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Comparing Harper our Honorable Prime Minister to a low breed dunce who is delaying facing the voters of this country is comparing chalk to cheese.


Only a low breed thief man guvament is scared of their own people.

I would not compare Harper to Donald.  It is like comparing apples to oranges.  Harper is basically a fiscal conservative economist with a few British Canadian social conservative tendencies thrown in. 


Donald is not the Dumb that some in the opposition has portrayed him to be.  I have had several conversations with the man in the past.  I can say this the man is a widely read man; particularly, of the works of some of the great African political writers like Amilcar Cabral.  He is also a very strategic thinker.


I would bet if I ask Harper who Cabral, Achebe or Fanon is he would not know them from a French or Italian food dish.




Tell that to HM_redux and he will disagree with you.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ramotar can arrest. Rohee can shoot. Nothing comes without sacrifice. Remember Tunisia and Egypt.

Yes black blood is cheap after all.  Should they be the only casualties, given that it was the AFC which moved for the MONC?  Why the onus only on APNU protesters? 


You know full well that the best way to protect the protesters is to have Indians amongst them as the PPP will dare not shoot themShould it only be blacks sacrificing?


Moses and Rumjhaat will show up at Granger's organized protest minus their supporters since they have none left and make a lot of noise.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ramotar can arrest. Rohee can shoot. Nothing comes without sacrifice. Remember Tunisia and Egypt.

Yes black blood is cheap after all.  Should they be the only casualties, given that it was the AFC which moved for the MONC?  Why the onus only on APNU protesters? 


You know full well that the best way to protect the protesters is to have Indians amongst them as the PPP will dare not shoot themShould it only be blacks sacrificing?


Moses and Rumjhaat will show up at Granger's organized protest minus their supporters since they have none left and make a lot of noise.

Will TK and Sase be there?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Comparing Harper our Honorable Prime Minister to a low breed dunce who is delaying facing the voters of this country is comparing chalk to cheese.


Only a low breed thief man guvament is scared of their own people.

I would not compare Harper to Donald.  It is like comparing apples to oranges.  Harper is basically a fiscal conservative economist with a few British Canadian social conservative tendencies thrown in. 


Donald is not the Dumb that some in the opposition has portrayed him to be.  I have had several conversations with the man in the past.  I can say this the man is a widely read man; particularly, of the works of some of the great African political writers like Amilcar Cabral.  He is also a very strategic thinker.


I would bet if I ask Harper who Cabral, Achebe or Fanon is he would not know them from a French or Italian food dish.




Tell that to HM_redux and he will disagree with you.

Redux will disagree but I know the guy I sat with the guy several times and talked with him.  He is not the dumb that some portray him to be.


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