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Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Comparing Harper our Honorable Prime Minister to a low breed dunce who is delaying facing the voters of this country is comparing chalk to cheese.


Only a low breed thief man guvament is scared of their own people.

I would not compare Harper to Donald.  It is like comparing apples to oranges.  Harper is basically a fiscal conservative economist with a few British Canadian social conservative tendencies thrown in. 


Donald is not the Dumb that some in the opposition has portrayed him to be.  I have had several conversations with the man in the past.  I can say this the man is a widely read man; particularly, of the works of some of the great African political writers like Amilcar Cabral.  He is also a very strategic thinker.


I would bet if I ask Harper who Cabral, Achebe or Fanon is he would not know them from a French or Italian food dish.




Tell that to HM_redux and he will disagree with you.

Redux will disagree but I know the guy I sat with the guy several times and talked with him.  He is not the dumb that some portray him to be.


So he uses GNI and hides behind a computer to fight his cause as opposed to being on the ground ?


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ramotar can arrest. Rohee can shoot. Nothing comes without sacrifice. Remember Tunisia and Egypt.

Yes black blood is cheap after all.  Should they be the only casualties, given that it was the AFC which moved for the MONC?  Why the onus only on APNU protesters? 


You know full well that the best way to protect the protesters is to have Indians amongst them as the PPP will dare not shoot themShould it only be blacks sacrificing?

Carib, you misunderstand me. APNU and the AFC have to bring out their supporters on the streets. Mass action is mass action, not partisan action. Yesterday I said in another thread that the AFC talked the talk, now it must walk the walk.

Now, let me reminisce a little. I participated in 20 PPP picketing actions during the PNC regime. I attended PPP and WPA public meetings where police battered people's heads right in front of me, where police teargas affected my eyes, where bottles and bricks flew wildly. I was in that march on Brickdam the day Father Darke was killed. The blood of a young WPA activist named Jomo squirted onto my pants. Never was I afraid.

Yesterday I told my wife that if I were in Guyana I would have joined the street protests. I mean it. I'm not afraid of death.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


I would bet if I ask Harper who Cabral, Achebe or Fanon is he would not know them from a French or Italian food dish.

Why should he know who these people are?


Ramotar presides over a party which has extreme contempt for black people, so reading African authors obviously hasn't meant anything. Since he became president there have been at least two occasions when he police goons attacked black people who were protesting for their rights.


So it really isn't a measure of anything whether Harper knows these African authors are not!

Last edited by Former Member

I disagree with you on that, again you have a penchant for just inciting race in everything.


Its like you are eating fried chicken and you grab a bottle of some hot race sauce..


If the PPP hates black people so much how come they have


Luncheon next to them





Joe Hamilton




Those fools from hits and jams.


I can go on and on and on. are you telling me these black folks they have amongst them is window dressing?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
if I were in Guyana I would have joined the street protests. I mean it. I'm not afraid of death.

Good for you, but the recent history of Guyana is that blacks protest and the PPP guns them down. After a while they begin to wonder on whose behalf they protest, as let us be fair, Afro Guyanese are the ones grabbing for crumbs more than others, so shouldn't be expected to risk their lives for these others.


This is the truth of today's Guyana.  The relative position of Afro Guyanese is much worse than it is for blacks in any other Anglophone Caribbean country.  They are fast being reduced to being street vendors, security guards and cashiers!


Again not entirely accurate partially accurate. 


Naith Ram and the Rice farmers protested in Essequibo coast right?


Sugar workers protested in Rose hall and Albion right?


Residents of region 5 protested at rosignol stelling right?


MMA protests? you are such one sided puss its not funny. This is where I would insert a load of horse shit picture.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Luncheon next to them





Joe Hamilton




Those fools from hits and jams.


I can go on and on and on. are you telling me these black folks they have amongst them is window dressing?


To pretend as if race isn't an issue in Guyana is dishonest.  Tell me something.  When Burnham was president, did you pretend as if race wasn't a problem then?  Because the PPP is no less racist than the PNC was, and at least among the Indian stooges there were some very high caliber people.


1.  They are window dressing.


2.  They are hooligans who are being paid to do dirty things.  Benn's favorite occupation is destroying black people's property.  Freddie Kissoon can tell you all about this.


3.  It takes a real racist to cite these as examples of Afro Guyanese.  Use as an example some one like  Shridath Ramphal, the Luckhoo brothers, or Shahabudeen.  Those were the caliber of Indians who worked with Burnham, and yet you would call him a racist.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Again not entirely accurate partially accurate. 


Naith Ram and the Rice farmers protested in Essequibo coast right?


Sugar workers protested in Rose hall and Albion right?


Residents of region 5 protested at rosignol stelling right?


MMA protests? you are such one sided puss its not funny. This is where I would insert a load of horse shit picture.

They protested for their own direct interests.  Now let them protest for the good of Guyana.  The protests were because they didn't get paid, or because they object to paying the high tolls on the Berbice Bridge.


Let them protest along side black people to PROTECT them from a violent and racist Indian regime.  Already the PPP is plotting violence against these black protesters.  They will NOT dare to do this if substantial numbers of Indians are among the crowds!


How many people were killed or severely injured when those Indians protested?  Compare that with the protests shortly after the last elections when old women and small kids were tear gassed, or in Linden when 3 people were killed and dozens injured.


The PPP is  a racist regime and if you deny that you are a FRAUD!

Last edited by Former Member

HM_Redux, one of your own AFC leaders, Nigel Hughes has accused the PPP of being a racist regime, and defended Freddie Kissoon, when Jagdeo tried to sue him for calling the PPP racist.  The suit was dropped because Hughes embarrassed Jagdeo and Luncheon with numerous examples of PPP hostility to Afro Guyanese.


Is it that you like yuji, Nehru, rev, and others will call Hughes a racist for raising these points?


I'm not saying they are not a racist regime and they don't engage in blatantly racists acts. What I am saying is you try to inject race into everything even when it clearly is not the case.


You have a very poor method of trying to make a point and that is because you just lack the ability understand and articulate your point properly. You just repeat bullshit that are great sound bites for your racist friends but with other people who have some common sense and logic they would immediately realize you are just babbling shit.


A clear case of the PPP's racism for example are the actions exposed in the Kissoon vs. Jagdeo case specifically the issue as it pertains to being unable to find qualified black people to fill jobs at the Ministry of Foreign affairs or the allocation of land to black people. Those are clearly racist policies of the PPP.


Can you try to articulate something like that rather than babbling incoherent bullshit? you sound like a dunce. (Insert Fecal matter here).

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Can you try to articulate something like that rather than babbling incoherent bullshit? you sound like a dunce. (Insert Fecal matter here).

First of all its not just the PPP which is racist. It is also large parts of the Indian elite who think that blacks are only good to perform the worst tasks. There have been numerous stories of black UG students been told that "it isn't Burnham time now" when they went looking for jobs.  RETURNING Afro Guyanese have been told the same thing.  Indeed an Afro Guyanese in Antigua told Jagdeo that he will stay in Antigua, because, unlike Guyana, in Antigua he feels good to be black.



Afro Guyanese are being reduced to levels where even Freddie Kissoon had to wonder if their future was to become like blacks in Brazil whose lives have scarcely improved since the end of slavery.


So this is an issue that is real and that any one who wants to run Guyana, and I assume that Nagamootoo does, will have to deal with!


If you think that this is injecting race you are a HYPOCRITE!


Let me make it simple.  If only black people protest the PPP will shoot them down.  So send Indians to protest with them.


Or is it that Indians must benefit by blacks shedding blood?  If Guyanese want democracy ALL should be part of the struggle, not just some.


You know full well that at some point the PPP will order the police to attack the black protestors, and that with the addition of paid goons, this can then descend into disorder where any perceived PPP supporter (you know who they are) gets attacked in revenge, by these paid goons.  What do you think the House if Israel folks are attempting to coordinate?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Yawn, you are a racist old fool. Go peddle you wares to those who are racist like you.



I suggest that you read the Jamaica Observers analysis of the political situation in Guyana.  To the outside world every thing in Guyana boils down to an ethnic competition by the two major groups for power and resources, and the ethnic insecurities which happen as a result.


So continue to see only blacks protest.  Watch when the PPP guns them down, and then look and see what will happen after that.  The PPP is itching for this scenario, knowing exactly how race in Guyana, works, and you are too dumb to preempt that by urging Indians from the AFC to go to the picket lines in LARGE NUMBERS!


You know full well that if ethnic panic results your fellow Indians will flee right back to the Cup and the Africans to the Palm Tree.

Last edited by Former Member

Plus HM-Redux its the racist who denies when widespread racism is a fact of life.  So when you deny that there are significant levels of bias IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR against Afro Guyanese then YOU become the racist!


Because I am sure that when Indians were excluded by the Burnham regime for working in the state corporations, where the most lucrative jobs were, you didn't call those Indians who complained about that 'old racists"


But I see being the racist that YOU are, it is OK for blacks to be discriminated against, but not when Indians suffer that fate.


Continue merrily along.   Your every attempt to ignore the facts of life faced by Afro Guyanese indicates to me that the AFC has been taken over by PPP refugees, who have turned it into Indo party II.  Having moved for the MONC, they now stand by and watch mainly blacks turn out to protest, knowing that at some point what the PPP will do.


If the AFC is so popular among Indians where are they?

Last edited by Former Member

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