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Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.

Have you noticed only PNC & AFC people sitting at the table? Other APNU members like WPA, JP Sharma & Keith Scott missing in action.

Maybe a member of one of these small APNU parties wants PPP soup, given that he fears that PNC soup is now too salty.   They need to see how "powerful" Africo is within the PPP.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

So why was parliament cancelled impromptu?

Probably due to the Government Press Conference, held this morning.

Stop with your lies.  These school kids were invited to Parliament today, and they sat there looking at empty chairs.

Your hero Bharat Jagdeo filed the no confidence motion at Parliament Yesterday.

There was a sitting in Parliament today, with events planned ahead.So the government should work with the whims and fancies of the opposition leader and show up in Parliament.

They have no rights to assemble their MP's and hold a press conference.


Mars posted:

Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Media release
For immediate release
Friday, November 16, 2018

Statement on the postponement of the sitting of the National Assembly

The Government of Guyana requested a postponement of the scheduled sitting of the National Assembly from today, Friday, November 16th to Monday November 19th.

The Clerk of the National Assembly has confirmed that the sitting will be held on Monday next and all Members of Parliament have been formally notified.

Given the submission of a Motion of No Confidence yesterday, the Government felt it necessary and urgent to convene a meeting to apprise and brief all Members of Parliament.

There is precedent, going back to 2011 and 2012 for the request for postponement. Under the PPP government, four requests were made for postponement without explanation.

Given its majority in Parliament the Coalition Government of Guyana is confident that the motion of no confidence will be solidly defeated.

OK. Fair enough. Let us see what happens with the no confidence motion.

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.

Have you noticed only PNC & AFC people sitting at the table? Other APNU members like WPA, JP Sharma & Keith Scott missing in action.

Teach them lil boys some Maths. I was speaking to someone who talked to a PPP camrade back home and  there is one maybe two defection from the coalition . If PNC/AFC have the balls ,then convene parliament ASAP and call Jagdeo's bluff.

And yet the PPP has all of this mouth.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

You are dangerous and shameless.  The announcement was made in Parliament minutes before it was scheduled to begin.  They even order their food and top shelf liquor for the sitting.  Stop with your nasty lies.

Shameless, stupid , DUMB naive, brainless, FILTH HEAD and many more!!!!!!!!!


So you Cheer both, for being nasty without knowing the facts.

Birds of feather flock together.

I did NOT address you, you are going senile. Is the man Birthday!

yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:

Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Media release
For immediate release
Friday, November 16, 2018

Statement on the postponement of the sitting of the National Assembly

The Government of Guyana requested a postponement of the scheduled sitting of the National Assembly from today, Friday, November 16th to Monday November 19th.

The Clerk of the National Assembly has confirmed that the sitting will be held on Monday next and all Members of Parliament have been formally notified.

Given the submission of a Motion of No Confidence yesterday, the Government felt it necessary and urgent to convene a meeting to apprise and brief all Members of Parliament.

There is precedent, going back to 2011 and 2012 for the request for postponement. Under the PPP government, four requests were made for postponement without explanation.

Given its majority in Parliament the Coalition Government of Guyana is confident that the motion of no confidence will be solidly defeated.

OK. Fair enough. Let us see what happens with the no confidence motion.

Not only did the PPP do this but they also prorogued parliament.

Why does the PPP think that they have a divine right to rule Guyana any way that they like?

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

You are dangerous and shameless.  The announcement was made in Parliament minutes before it was scheduled to begin.  They even order their food and top shelf liquor for the sitting.  Stop with your nasty lies.

Shameless, stupid , DUMB naive, brainless, FILTH HEAD and many more!!!!!!!!!


So you Cheer both, for being nasty without knowing the facts.

Birds of feather flock together.

I did NOT address you, you are going senile. Is the man Birthday!

Sorry have no reached that stage as yet.

There is a Birthday thread, don't try to wiggle out.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

You are dangerous and shameless.  The announcement was made in Parliament minutes before it was scheduled to begin.  They even order their food and top shelf liquor for the sitting.  Stop with your nasty lies.

Shameless, stupid , DUMB naive, brainless, FILTH HEAD and many more!!!!!!!!!


So you Cheer both, for being nasty without knowing the facts.

Birds of feather flock together.

I did NOT address you, you are going senile. Is the man Birthday!

Sorry have no reached that stage as yet.

There is a Birthday thread, don't try to wiggle out.

Like I said I don't have to answer to you, move on.


I Don’t think the constitution allows for deflection. 

A member can abstain from voting or absent, this will allow the opposition the majority in voting. 

For sources back home, it’s a tatics by the government to buy time for Granger return hence their absence from parliament.

Guyannese are a very sympathetic people, knowing Granger is in hospital was not the smartest move by Jagdeo. The next two years will expose the infighting between APNU and AFC, and Jagdeo should have play along and apply the pressure. 

Dave posted:

I Don’t think the constitution allows for deflection. 

A member can abstain from voting or absent, this will allow the opposition the majority in voting. 

For sources back home, it’s a tatics by the government to buy time for Granger return hence their absence from parliament.

Guyannese are a very sympathetic people, knowing Granger is in hospital was not the smartest move by Jagdeo. The next two years will expose the infighting between APNU and AFC, and Jagdeo should have play along and apply the pressure.

Imran Khan
57 mins Β·

Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Media release
For immediate release
Friday, November 16, 2018

Statement on the postponement of the sitting of the National Assembly

The Government of Guyana requested a postponement of the scheduled sitting of the National Assembly from today, Friday, November 16th to Monday November 19th.

The Clerk of the National Assembly has confirmed that the sitting will be held on Monday next and all Members of Parliament have been formally notified.

Given the submission of a Motion of No Confidence yesterday, the Government felt it necessary and urgent to convene a meeting to apprise and brief all Members of Parliament.

There is precedent, going back to 2011 and 2012 for the request for postponement. Under the PPP government, four requests were made for postponement without explanation.

Given its majority in Parliament the Coalition Government of Guyana is confident that the motion of no confidence will be solidly defeated.

Dave posted:

I Don’t think the constitution allows for deflection. 

A member can abstain from voting or absent, this will allow the opposition the majority in voting. 

For sources back home, it’s a tatics by the government to buy time for Granger return hence their absence from parliament.

Guyannese are a very sympathetic people, knowing Granger is in hospital was not the smartest move by Jagdeo. The next two years will expose the infighting between APNU and AFC, and Jagdeo should have play along and apply the pressure. 

The timing is right, "strike the iron while it's hot" just after a successful LGE fresh in the voters mind. As for Granger, out of sight ,out of mind.

   This is all experienced political strategy. The Doctor knows best.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Word out of Guyana is that there are some "defections" (either PNC or AFC) and Jagdeo has been assured of their support in a vote of no confidence....hence Jagdeo's call for no confidence and the PNC delaying tactic...

Interesting days ahead in Guyana...kangaroo country...

Government is Missing in Action.  Suppose dem never come back?

Aren’t the institutions of the government all still functioning?  Delay a sitting does not mean the β€œgovernment” is MIA!

Gilbakka posted:

APNU comprises the PNC, WPA, Justice for All Party, National Democratic Front and National Front Alliance. They all have MPs. Why only PNC parliamentarians holding press briefings with the AFC?

Mr Speaker, Gilbakka demands answers. Why no WPA, JFP, NDF & NFA parliamentarians with the chosen PNC & AFC people at the press briefs? We want to see their faces. Where is the show of coalition unity without them?

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Word out of Guyana is that there are some "defections" (either PNC or AFC) and Jagdeo has been assured of their support in a vote of no confidence....hence Jagdeo's call for no confidence and the PNC delaying tactic...

Interesting days ahead in Guyana...kangaroo country...

Government is Missing in Action.  Suppose dem never come back?

Aren’t the institutions of the government all still functioning?  Delay a sitting does not mean the β€œgovernment” is MIA!

Let's see what happens on Monday. Maybe, they call in the army to intimidate the opposition, the leader is away and the rats are scared.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

All you keep guessing who I am while Jagdeo is busting all you Ball*. He ain’t finished with all you yet. He just buried the AFC and just sit back and watch what is coming next.

Banna who the r@ss interested in who you are, give it a rest.

You and Mitwah. Day in and day out.

All you worried how you going to deal with AFC ashes and the Biggest surprise is yet to come from President Jaggy. He busting all you balls and messing up all you minds.

Granger’s biggest mistake was leaving Moses who cannot control the AFC/PNC mice. He should have left Greenidge in charge.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

All you keep guessing who I am while Jagdeo is busting all you Ball*. He ain’t finished with all you yet. He just buried the AFC and just sit back and watch what is coming next.

Banna who the r@ss interested in who you are, give it a rest.

You and Mitwah. Day in and day out.

Banna, you smoking some crappy stuff, I am interested who you are.

If i wanted to that can be cracked easily, as mentioned not interested.

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:
Gilbakka posted:

APNU comprises the PNC, WPA, Justice for All Party, National Democratic Front and National Front Alliance. They all have MPs. Why only PNC parliamentarians holding press briefings with the AFC?

Mr Speaker, Gilbakka demands answers. Why no WPA, JFP, NDF & NFA parliamentarians with the chosen PNC & AFC people at the press briefs? We want to see their faces. Where is the show of coalition unity without them?

Sorry, Mr. Speaker closed up parliament and ran away. You will have to wait and see if the House is open on Monday. We PPP did the same under pressure once. De foolish ones are missing your questions. They are quite valid.

Last edited by Former Member

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