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alena06 posted:

Time for countrywide demonstrations and to alert the International Community.  The Best in the PPP are seen in the pictures being harassed by the Police to drive fear in them. Frank Anthony and Priya Manickchand are both Presidential material. PNC thieves turning to assault folks now.  

They went after the best and the brightest in Guyana's Parliament.  This whole charade is a planned distraction for the missing money.  Tomorrow's headlines will not say anything about the signing bonus.  All of a sudden GECOM chairman is history also.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Prince posted:

Teixeira demands Speaker stands down as PPP MPs claim “Police assault” during move to remove Edghill

While all of that was taking place, Government Members had already left the Chambers. Minister of Natural Resources and former Speaker Raphael Trotman approached the PPP MPs, in an effort to offer some mediation between them and the Speaker. 

Teixeira demands Speaker stands down as PPP MPs claim “Police assault” during move to remove Edghill

As the National Assembly’s Committee of Supplies descended into chaos following the refusal by Opposition Member of Parliament Bishop Juan Edghill to  leave the Chamber on the order of the Speaker,  PPP Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira believes the Speaker should stand down from that position and allow the work of the Committee and the Assembly to move forward.

As the Parliamentary Office called in the Police for assistance to get Mr. Edghill to leave the Chamber, the PPP Members of Parliament formed a human circle around him and started to sing “We Shall Overcome”.

Police ranks moved in and were shoved and pushed back by the PPP MPs.  One rank had his shirt ripped apart as A’ Division Commander, Marlon Chapman moved in and withdrew his ranks.

It was at that stage that a tearful PPP Member of Parliament, Priya Manickchand came forward saying that she had been shoved to the chest by the Police.  Through tears, Ms. Manickachand claimed that her chest must be “black and blue” from what she called the “assault by the Police”.

She said the Police still cannot say who was the person dressed as Santa Claus and turned up in Parliament last week during the Opposition Leader’s speech, but the Force was somehow quick in its response to ensure the Speaker’s orders.

While all of that was taking place, Government Members had already left the Chambers. Minister of Natural Resources and former Speaker Raphael Trotman approached the PPP MPs, in an effort to offer some mediation between them and the Speaker.

“Tell him to stand down”, PPP Chief Whip Gail Teixeira said, as she complained that the Speaker is biased against the PPP and was refusing to offer the party more time to question Government members about the budget estimates and allocations.

Speaker Scotland earlier this afternoon ordered the PPP Member Bishop Edghill out of the Chamber after declaring that he was out of order with his decision to refuse the Speaker’s order to take his seat and allow the Committee to move on with its work.

Edghill shouted that he did not mind being out of order.


Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I agree the PPP should fight back by any means...personally, I don't like them (PPP)....but if you like Guyana, the opposition cannot sit by idly when nonsense going on


The country is divided,both parties are trying to out do each other.

They are stoking the flames of ethnic conflict.

PNC more than PPP....

recent things like the Education Minister showing utter disrespect to the Indian community to the missing $18 mill are both on the PNC!

PPP stands to lose more in an ethnic conflict, they will go out of their way to, I don't think they want one

PNC on the other hand has called out their goons in the past!!

RiffRaff posted:
Django posted:

The country is divided,both parties are trying to out do each other.

They are stoking the flames of ethnic conflict.

PNC more than PPP....

recent things like the Education Minister showing utter disrespect to the Indian community to the missing $18 mill are both on the PNC!

PPP stands to lose more in an ethnic conflict, they will go out of their way to, I don't think they want one

PNC on the other hand has called out their goons in the past!!

Agreed some in the PNC can be very disrespectful and brutal,I am very afraid East Indians well feel the brunt.

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:
Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

Where is Djanjo !!! 

He was suspended.

NO!!  What fun can be there without Django But thanks for letting us know.

He was not suspended. He was given a scholarship to sharpen his slop can skills by his boss lilmohan,. 

Banna haul yuh a...s,better to stay quiet if you have nothing good to say.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Keep Hope alive as long as your head is not blocked.

You think it's laughing matter,this is serious Guyana is ticking.

The two peas of the same pod,PNC and PPP is no good for the Country,I have been saying over and over they need to be thrown in the Atlantic Ocean.

What about the AFC.? Heck, they are just as bad as the others. All of their leaders received their training from the PPP and the PNC. people who supported the AFC now know that Moses, Trottman, Ramjattan, and others see positions in government as doing service for themselves instead of doing service for the nation. Barefaced liars, they are!!


That bloody speaker Scotland wanted to muzzle Edghill like a dog because Edghill was asking hard questions about questionable money allocations in the Ministry of the Presidency. The government doesn't want the people's representatives in parliament to question their suspected wrongdoings in the MOTP.

As was demonstrated in the House, the PPP is no pushover. The party has been through fire and brimstone in its 67-year history and is steeled in struggle. PPP parliamentarians wasted no time in protecting Edghill bodily, bravely facing men in police riot squad uniform. I salute my indomitable PPP comrades.


Last edited by Former Member

Police probing parliamentary disorder; PPPC’s Edghill says “I haven’t committed a crime”


The Sergeant-at-Arms ordering PPP parliamentarian, Juan Edghill to leave the National Assembly’s Chamber. Edghill refused

As parliamentarians were up to 6 PM Monday awaiting the resumption of the Sitting after a fracas involving opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) parliamentarian Juan Edghill when he was refused an opportunity to speak, Police Commissioner David Ramnarine said a probe would be launched.

“There is some preliminary work being done, yes,” Ramnarine told Demerara Waves Online News but he could not immediately say what offence might have been committed.

Since Monday’s sitting of the House was suspended at 12:30 PM,  up to shortly after 6 PM the work of the Committee of Supply to consider the estimates of expenditure for 2018 had no resumed.

Members of the media were instructed to leave the Chamber and the lights and air condition units were switched off. However, the opposition MPS said they would remain the Chamber until 10PM, the time at which Monday’s sitting was scheduled to end.

However, Edghill told Demerara Waves Online News that he has not been questioned and he was seated in the Chamber awaiting the resumption of the sitting.  He denied committing an offence and the police had no legal right to remove him from the House. “I haven’t committed a crime and so I cannot come under any police investigation and I am in the National Assembly where I have full immunity to speak and represent the people of Guyana.

The police has no place in the National Assembly. I cannot arrested for anything I say or do in the National Assembly. The police cannot order me to leave. The police have no jurisdiction in the people’s House,” he said.

Earlier Monday, Edghill refused House Speaker, Barton Scotland’s instruction to sit. When the lawmaker refused instructions by the Sergeant-at-Arms, the House Speaker called Tactical Services Unit and members of other police detachments who are stationed at Parliament Building to remove him.

At that juncture, several of Edghill’s colleague PPP parliamentarians encircled him to block the police from removing him from the Chamber. The House then descended into chaos with opposition MPS and police seen pushing each other and themselves as they sought to prevent the lawmen from getting close to Edghill.

The incident all started when the PPP parliamentarian defied the Speaker’s instruction and continued to question the allotted duration for grilling the responsible ministers for the Ministry of the Presidency which for 2018 National Budget will have four additional budget programmes.


Speaker: Aren’t you going to have your seat, Honourable Member”

Edghill: So we are not going to be allowed scrutiny in the House, Sir?

Speaker: Honourable Member, would you have a seat, please, Mr Edghill?

Edghill: Mr. Speaker, I would like to have a response to this.

Speaker: Honourable Member Mr Edghill, you are out of order.

Edghill: I don’t mind being out of order, Sir, on a matter of principle Sir. On a matter of principle I stand up to be out of order, Sir because we have four additional programmes that have been added to the Ministry of the Presidency and the same two hours that were given last year is going to be given to this year, four additional programmes, it means the government don’t want scrutiny of this budget. That is what it means and I will stand up and be out of order, Sir.

Speaker: The Honourable Member is out of order and I must order you to leave this Chamber and take no further part in the business of this matter. Honourable Memberâ€Ķ Sergeant-at-Arms, you will take steps to enforce the Speaker’s direction. If you need assistance then you will have to get it.



Meanwhile, several government ministers sharply criticised the episode in the House, the second such similar in less than one month, coming after the opposition PPP parliamentarians had chanted and held placards to disrupt President David Granger’s address to the Parliament

Describing today’s incident as “a fast slippage into disorder”, Minister Trotman said, “I believe that after today, the Speaker certainly has a duty to call in the Chief Whips and maybe even speak to the Leader of the Opposition, and even the President about whether or not we want to continue as a Parliamentary Democracy, and be seen as one or be labelled internationally as a bunch of hooligans.”

In addition, Minister Trotman said the Opposition’s actions today took the National Assembly to its lowest ever.

“I have been a member of Parliament since 1997 and in all of the 20 years, I have never witnessed anything like this. When there has been a Government and an Opposition, there has been an opposition and there has always been a Speaker. The Speaker has always been shown respect. Whenever the Speaker has invited a member to sit, be quiet, to refrain or withdraw that has always been complied with. We have set a new precedent today. Some may say we have descended into a new low”, Minister Trotman added.

Minister Trotman, himself a former speaker, reminded that Doctor Barton Scotland was acting within the ambits of Parliamentary procedure and encouraged the opposition to bring a quick resolution to the matter.

“As a former Speakerâ€Ķ the Speaker from what I have seen has taken all the correct procedural steps and it is for the Clerk if he feels that the Sergeant-at-Arms is incapable of enforcing the speaker’s ruling to invite the Police in, and none of us would like to see chaos erupting further in the house. There is enough of it. At the end of the day, the parliamentary system we practice under is where the Speaker is the presiding officer, and that presiding officer must be shown respect and the dignity of the house has to be maintained. I would urge the members of the Opposition to try to de-escalate the situation. The speaker cannot be expected to assume the chair where there has been a breakdown of order”, he emphasised.

Zed posted:

What about the AFC.? Heck, they are just as bad as the others. All of their leaders received their training from the PPP and the PNC. people who supported the AFC now know that Moses, Trottman, Ramjattan, and others see positions in government as doing service for themselves instead of doing service for the nation. Barefaced liars, they are!!

They are defectors from the PNC and PPP claiming the can't condone the wrong doings of their partys.Supporters hoped they will bring about change.In a short span of time getting in to power,one can see they haven't changed it's same old...same old.I was expecting transparency and accountability it turns out,as you mentioned they are there for themselves.

Amral posted:

Ok my comments were meant in jest. I do apologize. I would have said a similar comment if any of the males had his balls kicked 

Thank you.  Usually comments like this don't bother me.  But our sister was assaulted today in a very derogatory manner.  Adding insult to injury is not in anyone's best interest at this time.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Why some of you are calling on Nagamootoo and Ramjattan when the issue lies between the Speaker and MP Edghill?

Those two men are not going to embrace PPP parliamentarians and go against the speaker's decision. 

Those who are hurt in the brawl could have avoided it by getting out of the police way. I like Priya, but she gets carried away too easy sometimes. 



Gilbakka posted:

That bloody speaker Scotland wanted to muzzle Edghill like a dog because Edghill was asking hard questions about questionable money allocations in the Ministry of the Presidency. The government doesn't want the people's representatives in parliament to question their suspected wrongdoings in the MOTP.

As was demonstrated in the House, the PPP is no pushover. The party has been through fire and brimstone in its 67-year history and is steeled in struggle. PPP parliamentarians wasted no time in protecting Edghill bodily, bravely facing men in police riot squad uniform. I salute my indomitable PPP comrades.


And I salute YOU for making the most fair minded and sound comment on this thread so far.  

Bibi Haniffa
Cobra posted:

Why some of you are calling on Nagamootoo and Ramjattan when the issue lies between the Speaker and MP Edghill?

Those two men are not going to embrace PPP parliamentarians and go against the speaker's decision. 

Those who are hurt in the brawl could have avoided it by getting out of the police way. I like Priya, but she gets carried away too easy sometimes. 



Shut up if you don't understand what is happening in that Parliament.  Priya shows guts more than many of the men in there.


Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Cobra posted:

Why some of you are calling on Nagamootoo and Ramjattan when the issue lies between the Speaker and MP Edghill?

Those two men are not going to embrace PPP parliamentarians and go against the speaker's decision. 

Those who are hurt in the brawl could have avoided it by getting out of the police way. I like Priya, but she gets carried away too easy sometimes. 


Shut up if you don't understand what is happening in that Parliament.  Priya shows guts more than many of the men in there.


Like I always say. The snake is an ass. 

Cobra posted:

Why some of you are calling on Nagamootoo and Ramjattan when the issue lies between the Speaker and MP Edghill?

Those two men are not going to embrace PPP parliamentarians and go against the speaker's decision. 



That's why they are parasitic louses.  Good men say and do the right thing.  They cannot escape karma, however.

Django posted:


The country is divided,both parties are trying to out do each other.

They are stoking the flames of ethnic conflict.

There will be the usual ethnic interpretation of this as there was during the Jagdeo regime. 

Then Jagdeo had his drug lord run paramilitias killing blacks with no due process. and evidence is that not all were criminals.  Indians cheered and called him a hero.

No doubt Granger, etc will have his Afro backers for this act today.

Folks can continue to ignore the reality of Guyana.  Indians and blacks (and most mixed) don't trust each other and until this is dealt with expect more.  As this problem exists expect both Jagdeo and Granger to add fuel to the piles of dry wood.

Let us be honest Indians and blacks (and most mixed) are fighting an undeclared war against each other, using the political process as a proxy.  It is within their power to stop Jagdeo and Granger from trying to turn this undeclared war into an open one, but they don't because they like it so.

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
Cobra posted:

Why some of you are calling on Nagamootoo and Ramjattan when the issue lies between the Speaker and MP Edghill?

Those two men are not going to embrace PPP parliamentarians and go against the speaker's decision. 



That's why they are parasitic louses.  Good men say and do the right thing.  They cannot escape karma, however.

It sound like Indian jealous over Indian for switching sides. KARMA, my rass. Jagdeo did a number on Nagamootoo when he was in the PPP. That don't COUNT? Why the PPP members were yelling rape in parliament? Did anyone actually get raped?


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