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An explosion this morning at the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Camp Stephenson Base, Timehri has left three soldiers dead and one injured.

A statement from the GDF said that it is currently investigating the circumstances surrounding an explosion which occurred around 9 am at its Arms Store complex at Timehri.

Preliminary investigations have so far revealed that the soldiers were involved in the preparation of pyrotechnics for demolition when the incident occurred.

The injured rank is currently receiving medical care.

The explosion follows another at the GDF Coast Guard base on February 22 this year in which 21331 Corporal Seon Rose, 31, sustained fatal injuries and several others were injured. They were at the time preparing fireworks for the celebration of the anniversary of the Republic later that day.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Prashad posted:

The explosion may be a cover to steal weapons and explosives to attack unarmed East Indians. These racist anti koolies are preparing for something.

Dude, you are  kinda frikin annoying with your stupid racist talk about coolie dis, coolie dat, anti coolies. All that talk only makes the other side see your type as against everything they stand for which makes things worse especially for those in Guyana and don't go telling me about how you got a real good good fren from Haiti who married to a brown skin girl from Botswana who's parents came from Afghan and some such bullshit, just stop it.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Dude, you are  kinda frikin annoying with your stupid racist talk about coolie dis, coolie dat, anti coolies. All that talk only makes the other side see your type as against everything they stand for which makes things worse especially for those in Guyana and don't go telling me about how you got a real good good fren from Haiti who married to a brown skin girl from Botswana who's parents came from Afghan and some such bullshit, just stop it.

@cain posted:

Dude, you are  kinda frikin annoying with your stupid racist talk about coolie dis, coolie dat, anti coolies. All that talk only makes the other side see your type as against everything they stand for which makes things worse especially for those in Guyana and don't go telling me about how you got a real good good fren from Haiti who married to a brown skin girl from Botswana who's parents came from Afghan and some such bullshit, just stop it.

Give the man a break. He cant help himself. Its the voices in his head.

@cain posted:

Dude, you are  kinda frikin annoying with your stupid racist talk about coolie dis, coolie dat, anti coolies. All that talk only makes the other side see your type as against everything they stand for which makes things worse especially for those in Guyana and don't go telling me about how you got a real good good fren from Haiti who married to a brown skin girl from Botswana who's parents came from Afghan and some such bullshit, just stop it.

The ediot Cain is an anti koolie snake. You got nothing to lose because they see you as a brother in the fight against people like Prashad. Haul your rass.


Oh raaassss, the voices are it like an echo or does it come through loud and clear?  Soon we'll see you using vocabulary like we boy Ron saying things like "They cross IT, with time to materialize IT so they can delete my feelings. The corona virus is a manifestation of the Gods and space invaders.             SYSTEM COMMAND FOR RECOGNITION 538.  Bleep bleep, nanu nanu."

Careful deh banna, there is a nice tight white jacket your size waitin to be worn, carry on with your stupidness.

Last edited by cain

You have nothing to lose. It is Guyana East Indians who are living with a Rwandan style genocide situation hanging over their heads that can only be solved by the creation of an independent sovereign country for our people. You can never understand this issue because in Guyana you are a seen as a fellow brother by anti koolies.

Last edited by Prashad
@cain posted:

Dude, you are  kinda frikin annoying with your stupid racist talk about coolie dis, coolie dat, anti coolies. All that talk only makes the other side see your type as against everything they stand for which makes things worse especially for those in Guyana and don't go telling me about how you got a real good good fren from Haiti who married to a brown skin girl from Botswana who's parents came from Afghan and some such bullshit, just stop it.

I have never advocated an ethno state on this board. We East Indians of Guyana should separate into an independent sovereign country of our own to prevent the genocide of our people. Which will happen rapidly in the future but is now happening slowly. But when we leave we must take all of our allies with us regardless of race or religion.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

I have never advocated an ethno state on this board. We East Indians of Guyana should separate into an independent sovereign country of our own to prevent the genocide of our people. Which will happen rapidly in the future but is now happening slowly. But when we leave we must take all of our allies with us regardless of race or religion.

Do u have a location for the creation of this country?

@Prashad posted:

I have never advocated an ethno state on this board. We East Indians of Guyana should separate into an independent sovereign country of our own to prevent the genocide of our people. Which will happen rapidly in the future but is now happening slowly. But when we leave we must take all of our allies with us regardless of race or religion.

Berbice, Essequibo, and Demerary were three separate countries under Dutch Rule.  It was the British who made it one country and called it British Guiana. 

Bibi Haniffa
@Mitwah posted:

Haul yuh ass dah side. Yuh don't even have one supporter. 

If that is true then this collation government should put it to the test.  Hold a free and fair referendum for East Indians of Guyana to vote on the issue.  In my opinion, at least 75 percent of East Indians of Guyana will vote for an independent sovereign country of their own.

@cain posted:

No need to waste time with a vote, just go and stop the bellyaching for fk sakes. You been carryin on with this for over ten years and done fk all about about it. Grab that potato peeler and go, go,go.

10 years is short time for the process.

I agree with three autonomous regions where each are largely responsible for themselves.  The central authority will be a joint representation of each with a rotating head.  Election each five years will be for your representative and not for any singular head.

Each region will run their own affairs including internal security. Each region will contribute to a central defense force (GDF) for National security.

You will still have a central bank and central institutions. However, some will be weakened like GRA as more revenue authority will be decentralized.  Education, etc will have a central framework but regionally administered.

There will still be reallocation of revenues to regions as some infrastructure and assets will be shared for viability reasons. Natural resources will be nationally shared.

People wishing to cross regions must be registered locally and there will be rules by which a region can refuse someone. 

Rules for foreign citizenship will be uniformed but admission will be granted by region of residency.

Last edited by Former Member

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