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Gilbakka posted:

STABROEK NEWS --- The Ministry of the Presidency this afternoon issued a one line statement saying that the appointment of Brian Tiwari as Ministerial Advisor on Business Development has been rescinded.

Redux they read your post.   Keep on telling folks about GNI.



Nehru posted:


Dum Dum, if the PPP ever said "OOps,we erred, we'll correct that" they might still have been in Govt. But noooooo, they played wrong and strong and they LOST THE ELECTION.

cain posted:
Nehru posted:


Dum Dum, if the PPP ever said "OOps,we erred, we'll correct that" they might still have been in Govt. But noooooo, they played wrong and strong and they LOST THE ELECTION.

Dummy, no wonder you are a PNC supporter.

OOPS, was that the Nuke button I pressed.


Dem seh STUPID as STUPID gets.

Demerara_Guy posted:

The ink on Tiwari's confirmation document is not yet dried and Granger rescinded the appointment.

Interesting times, Nehru.

Interesting?? You are being very kind Bhia. Well, the people voted for DUNCES!!!


Public Pressure from where?

This says alot about the government. Either government officials operate in an isolated mode or collectively they are not forgiving and inclusive. 

Brian Tiwarie was wrong for the job but should not be dismissed in an abrupt decision.

There was  alot of resentment about Hamilton Green, President Granger din care hoots about indo complaints. I think BT became the scorn of Black People.

Last edited by seignet
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Does backpedaling sound like a familiar word people?????   Every time they feel the heat, they run out of the kitchen.

They got a ton of emails saying that if people expected APNU to behave like the PPP they would have stayed home.  They voted for change, not exchange.

To APNUs credit their supporters are bold enough to scream at the leaders, and the leaders are smart enough not to ignore them.

Over to Jagdeo, who is still screaming "we win," even as Ramkarran blasted his bubble by indicating that all the PPP did was to win, where they had already won, and preside over LOSING ground in areas where the "East Indian support base (rural Hindus)" couldn't be consolidated!

seignet posted:

How come yuh know about the vast amount of e-mails?

Don't worry!

Just ask yourself why Jagdeo doesn't get emails from his supporters telling him when he is wrong.  They are too scared that he will hack their communities.

seignet posted:

How come yuh know about the vast amount of e-mails?

Unheard of during PPP's tenure eh?

Ayou rass sat back and watched those dirty rass screw up the country with nary a peep out of most of you here. Yes, some of us sent emails and also vented on this site which is read by many.

cain posted:
seignet posted:

How come yuh know about the vast amount of e-mails?

Unheard of during PPP's tenure eh?

Ayou rass sat back and watched those dirty rass screw up the country with nary a peep out of most of you here. Yes, some of us sent emails and also vented on this site which is read by many.

The PPP stooges are saying "man dem PNC people brave. You tink if we do it we gun survive?  Jagdeo gun send virus to mess up our computers!".

Gilbakka posted:

Not for the first time the coalition government has accepted criticisms and made necessary corrections. Way to go!

It's called "Listening to the people".... yet again, something this PPP knows nothing of.


What is troubling is that instead of extending the olive branch to the business class, they have now chosen to alienate them at the slightest show of resistance from the few but vocal supporters. This does not bode well for reconciliation as Granger et al can not depend on the likes of loudmouths like CaribJ, Stormy, Gilly, Redux who do not have the capital to replace BT financial influence on the economy. 

Last edited by Former Member

BT was hired on the phone, but when he showed up, they then realized he is a Coolie man and all them Black people get MAD from USA, Canada and UK shouting me want the job. Well, after Granger had a meeting with Ramjaat about awarding seats in the recent Lge he decided that he already has too many Coolie BOSS.

kp posted:

BT was hired on the phone, but when he showed up, they then realized he is a Coolie man and all them Black people get MAD from USA, Canada and UK shouting me want the job. Well, after Granger had a meeting with Ramjaat about awarding seats in the recent Lge he decided that he already has too many Coolie BOSS.

Asinine post. kp gotta be Cobra

Last edited by cain
Drugb posted:

What is troubling is that instead of extending the olive branch to the business class, they have now chosen to alienate them at the slightest show of resistance from the few but vocal supporters. This does not bode well for reconciliation as Granger et al can not depend on the likes of loudmouths like CaribJ, Stormy, Gilly, Redux who do not have the capital to replace BT financial influence on the economy. 

The business class consists of various kinds of businessmen. There are corrupt businessmen and there are straight principled businessmen. BK's name has become synonymous with utter venality and unreliability and shameless opportunism. BK would have been a liability to the government, as the big uproar against his appointment has shown. There was uproar not only in GNI Political but also in Facebook, Stabroek News and by coalition supporters who bombarded the MOTP and Minister Harmon with sharp no-nonsense language. Commendably, the government has listened to public opinion.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

What is troubling is that instead of extending the olive branch to the business class, they have now chosen to alienate them at the slightest show of resistance from the few but vocal supporters. This does not bode well for reconciliation as Granger et al can not depend on the likes of loudmouths like CaribJ, Stormy, Gilly, Redux who do not have the capital to replace BT financial influence on the economy. 

The business class consists of various kinds of businessmen. There are corrupt businessmen and there are straight principled businessmen. BK's name has become synonymous with utter venality and unreliability and shameless opportunism. BK would have been a liability to the government, as the big uproar against his appointment has shown. There was uproar not only in GNI Political but also in Facebook, Stabroek News and by coalition supporters who bombarded the MOTP and Minister Harmon with sharp no-nonsense language. Commendably, the government has listened to public opinion.

What corruptions was he involved in? Is there proof or reports of this in the media?

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

What is troubling is that instead of extending the olive branch to the business class, they have now chosen to alienate them at the slightest show of resistance from the few but vocal supporters. This does not bode well for reconciliation as Granger et al can not depend on the likes of loudmouths like CaribJ, Stormy, Gilly, Redux who do not have the capital to replace BT financial influence on the economy. 

The business class consists of various kinds of businessmen. There are corrupt businessmen and there are straight principled businessmen. BK's name has become synonymous with utter venality and unreliability and shameless opportunism. BK would have been a liability to the government, as the big uproar against his appointment has shown. There was uproar not only in GNI Political but also in Facebook, Stabroek News and by coalition supporters who bombarded the MOTP and Minister Harmon with sharp no-nonsense language. Commendably, the government has listened to public opinion.

Noooo!!!! The government was shamed into changing their decision.  Poor decision-making skills are the hallmark of Granger and his incompetent team.  Not because a man give you money to buy a bus and put your name on it you have to make him Advisor.  That is how the people in this government got their jobs.  They are all being paid back for something.  

So Gilbakka, please stop pulling wool over people's eyes.  We are not as stupid as you think.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
cain posted:
seignet posted:

How come yuh know about the vast amount of e-mails?

Unheard of during PPP's tenure eh?

Ayou rass sat back and watched those dirty rass screw up the country with nary a peep out of most of you here. Yes, some of us sent emails and also vented on this site which is read by many.

The PPP stooges are saying "man dem PNC people brave. You tink if we do it we gun survive?  Jagdeo gun send virus to mess up our computers!".

Two races of bigots that destroyed Guyana. Putagees and Negroes united against the Indians. 

Suh, if we are PPP stooges, then who forced us to be.

Caribj, do u also know of the APNU thiefman?


kp posted:

Suddenly ,GNI supporters wants to take credit for BT 's termination. Guyana is now control by expatriates.Ha,Ha,Ha.

I may have missed that, who on GNI is taking credit for the Government's decision to rescind Brian Tiwarie's appointment as Adviser? 

susan posted:

This is a good development, augurs well for the coalition that they are responsive to well founded opinions. 

My goodness, yuh din tink dem PNC politicians knew about the man. Or yuh tink dem stink mouth ppl who complained suddenly wake up Granger wid dem foul mouth.


Can someone tell me which country in the world has a government that appoints someone as advisor and rescinds it a day later?  Every other country has a vetting process for putting people in positions BEFORE the appointment.  The incompetence here is shameless!!!


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Can someone tell me which country in the world has a government that appoints someone as advisor and rescinds it a day later?  Every other country has a vetting process for putting people in positions BEFORE the appointment.  The incompetence here is shameless!!!

if u bothered to check u would know that the appointment was a done deal at least since mid-January!

KN hilited it yesterday because it was (not surprisingly) being kept quiet, quiet by the Gov't

as per normal, u pull 'facts' out your ass and pole vault with it


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Can someone tell me which country in the world has a government that appoints someone as advisor and rescinds ita day later?  Every other country has a vetting process for putting people in positions BEFORE the appointment.  The incompetence here is shameless!!!


BK was appointed business adviser since January,two plus months after it was figured out he is not suitable for the position,his appointment was withdrawn.

Where is the incompetence.??  Please note he was Business Adviser.

Last edited by Django
kp posted:

BT was hired on the phone, but when he showed up, they then realized he is a Coolie man and all them Black people get MAD from USA, Canada and UK shouting me want the job. Well, after Granger had a meeting with Ramjaat about awarding seats in the recent Lge he decided that he already has too many Coolie BOSS.

Keep on braying!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

What is troubling is that instead of extending the olive branch to the business class, they have now chosen to alienate them at the slightest show of resistance from the few but vocal supporters. This does not bode well for reconciliation as Granger et al can not depend on the likes of loudmouths like CaribJ, Stormy, Gilly, Redux who do not have the capital to replace BT financial influence on the economy. 

The business class consists of various kinds of businessmen. There are corrupt businessmen and there are straight principled businessmen. BK's name has become synonymous with utter venality and unreliability and shameless opportunism. BK would have been a liability to the government, as the big uproar against his appointment has shown. There was uproar not only in GNI Political but also in Facebook, Stabroek News and by coalition supporters who bombarded the MOTP and Minister Harmon with sharp no-nonsense language. Commendably, the government has listened to public opinion.

Noooo!!!! The government was shamed into changing their decision.  Poor decision-making skills are the hallmark of Granger and his incompetent team.  Not because a man give you money to buy a bus and put your name on it you have to make him Advisor.  That is how the people in this government got their jobs.  They are all being paid back for something.  

So Gilbakka, please stop pulling wool over people's eyes.  We are not as stupid as you think.

I beg to differ.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Can someone tell me which country in the world has a government that appoints someone as advisor and rescinds it a day later?  Every other country has a vetting process for putting people in positions BEFORE the appointment.  The incompetence here is shameless!!!


I asked this question a couple times but no one seems to read the question, here goes again.

Can someone tell me which country in the world has a government where a Minister of said Government is shot and killed along with his family and the Government does absolutely nothing even after the President is said to know who's the perp? The incompetence here is shameless.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
cain posted:
seignet posted:

How come yuh know about the vast amount of e-mails?

Unheard of during PPP's tenure eh?

Ayou rass sat back and watched those dirty rass screw up the country with nary a peep out of most of you here. Yes, some of us sent emails and also vented on this site which is read by many.

The PPP stooges are saying "man dem PNC people brave. You tink if we do it we gun survive?  Jagdeo gun send virus to mess up our computers!".

Two races of bigots that destroyed Guyana. Putagees and Negroes united against the Indians. 

Suh, if we are PPP stooges, then who forced us to be.

Caribj, do u also know of the APNU thiefman?


Oh those angelic coolies, ohhhh so sweeet!

FC posted:

The right decision was made. Kudos to the government for recognising the error in judgement and took appropriate corrective action. 

believe me Tiwari may have been rewarded some other way already. He is well connected to the APNU.


PM Nagamootoo, Business Minister knew nothing about BK Tiwari’s appointment

Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo speaking with the media aboard the United Kingdom’s naval vessel, HMS Mersey.

Guyana’s Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo and Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin Tuesday night distanced themselves from the now rescinded appointment of Brian Tiwari as ministerial advisor on business development.

“I only know what I read in the papers,” Gaskin said, adding “that’s telling you a lot.” He said he only knew that the appointment was revoked during an interview with a reporter.

Instead, Nagamootoo suggested that the prominent businessman had been handed the job by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon who was up to recently on an overseas visit to China.

Hours after the Ministry of the Presidency announced in one sentence that Tiwari’s appointment has been rescinded, Prime Minister Nagamootoo and Business Minister, Dominic Gaskin said they had only learnt of Tiwari’s appointment and its revocation through the media. While Tiwari’s appointment was never announced by the Ministry of the Presidency, that same government agency announced the decision to scrap the portfolio in the one-sentence statement.

Gaskin and Nagamootoo could not say definitively why the appointment was made. Nagamootoo, however, noted that Minister of State, Joseph Harmon could make an order for certain appointments as had been done by the Head of the Presidential Secretariat. “I am not aware of how the appointment took place and who actually did that appointment,” Nagamootoo said.

The Prime Minister surmised that Harmon might have appointed Tiwari temporarily during their overseas visit

Brian Tiwari.

Brian Tiwari.

because that might have been a requirement. “I need to find out if this was for a convenience. I understand a delegation had gone overseas and obviously it could have been a one-off delegation appointment to give the person some status in going to some negotiation or some sort so we need to wait and find out what were the actual circumstances that had required this person to have an appointment,” he said.

Initially, the Prime Minister had declined comment on the issue and had asked that “this matter be raised” with President David Granger or the Minister of State.

Shortly after news surfaced that Tiwari had been appointed ministerial advisor on business development,  eyebrows had been raised in several quarters especially since his company had been named in the purchasing of government land and its subsequent sale to the Chinese company, Bai Shan Lin.

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), under the leadership of then Opposition Leader Desmond Hoyte, had severely criticized Brian Tiwari’s BK International for his performance in the delivery of several infrastructural contracts.


BK is from Wakeanam.  

25 years ago, he could not afford $ 5000. G to buy food... will not say further to this. 

BK had no business experience. Nokat Harripersaud was the 10 % minister that brought BK in the construction business. That 10 percent then went bigger as bigger contract was awarded ... 

Moses and Rumjat knew this.  

kp posted:

BT was hired on the phone, but when he showed up, they then realized he is a Coolie man and all them Black people get MAD from USA, Canada and UK shouting me want the job. Well, after Granger had a meeting with Ramjaat about awarding seats in the recent Lge he decided that he already has too many Coolie BOSS.

A name like Tiwari and a company named BK and you don't think that APNU didn't know exactly who he was.

Now continue to regale with pride the corruption of Mr. Tiwari.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

What is troubling is that instead of extending the olive branch to the business class, they have now chosen to alienate them at the slightest show of resistance from the few but vocal supporters. This does not bode well for reconciliation as Granger et al can not depend on the likes of loudmouths like CaribJ, Stormy, Gilly, Redux who do not have the capital to replace BT financial influence on the economy. 

The business class consists of various kinds of businessmen. There are corrupt businessmen and there are straight principled businessmen. BK's name has become synonymous with utter venality and unreliability and shameless opportunism. BK would have been a liability to the government, as the big uproar against his appointment has shown. There was uproar not only in GNI Political but also in Facebook, Stabroek News and by coalition supporters who bombarded the MOTP and Minister Harmon with sharp no-nonsense language. Commendably, the government has listened to public opinion.

Druggie likes corrupt business people.  He lacks the minimal level of respect for people like Chris Ram who conduct themselves with some level of integrity.

ian posted:

BK is from Wakeanam.  

25 years ago, he could not afford $ 5000. G to buy food... will not say further to this. 

BK had no business experience. Nokat Harripersaud was the 10 % minister that brought BK in the construction business. That 10 percent then went bigger as bigger contract was awarded ... 

Moses and Rumjat knew this.  

And what a difference did his engagement in PPP corruption made.

Gilbakka posted:

STABROEK NEWS --- The Ministry of the Presidency this afternoon issued a one line statement saying that the appointment of Brian Tiwari as Ministerial Advisor on Business Development has been rescinded.

They spared themselves some dirt. I congratulate them on their ability to listen and respond to the voices of guyanese appalled at this appointment.

cain posted:


I thought they wanted to keep him close by so he doan run away when things got hot hot hot.

Now I know why Harmon, Chinee and he were drinking it up and hugging at a wedding last week. 

ian posted:

PM Nagamootoo, Business Minister knew nothing about BK Tiwari’s appointment

Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo speaking with the media aboard the United Kingdom’s naval vessel, HMS Mersey.

Guyana’s Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo and Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin Tuesday night distanced themselves from the now rescinded appointment of Brian Tiwari as ministerial advisor on business development.

“I only know what I read in the papers,” Gaskin said, adding “that’s telling you a lot.” He said he only knew that the appointment was revoked during an interview with a reporter.

Instead, Nagamootoo suggested that the prominent businessman had been handed the job by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon who was up to recently on an overseas visit to China.

Hours after the Ministry of the Presidency announced in one sentence that Tiwari’s appointment has been rescinded, Prime Minister Nagamootoo and Business Minister, Dominic Gaskin said they had only learnt of Tiwari’s appointment and its revocation through the media. While Tiwari’s appointment was never announced by the Ministry of the Presidency, that same government agency announced the decision to scrap the portfolio in the one-sentence statement.

Gaskin and Nagamootoo could not say definitively why the appointment was made. Nagamootoo, however, noted that Minister of State, Joseph Harmon could make an order for certain appointments as had been done by the Head of the Presidential Secretariat. “I am not aware of how the appointment took place and who actually did that appointment,” Nagamootoo said.

The Prime Minister surmised that Harmon might have appointed Tiwari temporarily during their overseas visit

Brian Tiwari.

Brian Tiwari.

because that might have been a requirement. “I need to find out if this was for a convenience. I understand a delegation had gone overseas and obviously it could have been a one-off delegation appointment to give the person some status in going to some negotiation or some sort so we need to wait and find out what were the actual circumstances that had required this person to have an appointment,” he said.

Initially, the Prime Minister had declined comment on the issue and had asked that “this matter be raised” with President David Granger or the Minister of State.

Shortly after news surfaced that Tiwari had been appointed ministerial advisor on business development,  eyebrows had been raised in several quarters especially since his company had been named in the purchasing of government land and its subsequent sale to the Chinese company, Bai Shan Lin.

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), under the leadership of then Opposition Leader Desmond Hoyte, had severely criticized Brian Tiwari’s BK International for his performance in the delivery of several infrastructural contracts.

Another example of Moses not having any powers as Prime Minister. 


Can someone explain to me why this time they listened but during the heat of the salary increases, they refused to listen? What changed? They knew Brian is a corrupt businessman, they said it many times when they were in opposition. Why did they appoint him initially?

some posters are splitting hair when they said that his appointment was  not recinded immediately after he was hired. Well, does this mean that they see some merit in appointing him and now rescinding the appointment?

the facts as we know them are

1. Members of the government, when in opposition  accused the previous government of giving preferential contracts to BK and that Brian was corrupt.

2. Brian was appointed as a business adviser by the Coalition government. No public announcement was made.

3. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Business Affairs claimed that they were unaware of the appointment or it being rescinded.

4. Shortly after the appointment became public knowledge, the appointment was recinded without explanation.

There many things wrong with this when we look at the facts as we know them.

ian posted:

BK is from Wakeanam.  

25 years ago, he could not afford $ 5000. G to buy food... will not say further to this. 

BK had no business experience. Nokat Harripersaud was the 10 % minister that brought BK in the construction business. That 10 percent then went bigger as bigger contract was awarded ... 

Moses and Rumjat knew this.  

So you give the man no credit. In 25 years one should not be able to improve from a pauper to a millionaire? In business your fortunes can change dramatically in 5 years or less. But this is no surprise, the afc/apnu have been claiming that all successful IndoGuyanese businesses are either involved in drugs or corruption. Beware thought, it is not advisable to alienate the Indian business class as they did in Uganda. 


Brian Tiwari's appointment has not been rescinded.  Maybe tomorrow, next week, or next ten years but as of now he legally remains in that position.  Granger knows how to throw out an article in the media to shut y'all up. 

Even if he changes his name from Advisor to Friend, this will still remain: all the contracts that have already been awarded to BK Companies, his diplomatic passport, his funding for Granger's Buses, Bicycles, and Bullschitts programs, etc.

Tiwari helped Granger to get into power and he will be handsomely rewarded like every other person who helped Granger to get where he is. On May 11th it was BK's vehicles that were transporting APNU voters to the polling stations.  Jagdeo was loyal to his friends, Granger is loyal to his friends, and every future President will be loyal to their friends.

So y'all stop screaming bloody murder and accept the fact that Granger and Tiwari are laughing all the way to the bank.

Bibi Haniffa

Govt. rescinds BK’s appointment…while on official trip

March 30, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

One day after a report in Kaieteur News that Government had appointed businessman Brian

Appointment rescinded: Brian Tiwarie

Appointment rescinded: Brian Tiwarie

Tiwarie as a Ministerial Advisor, the administration yesterday announced that it has reversed that decision.
A terse statement from the Ministry of the Presidency said: “The appointment of Mr. Brian Tiwarie as Ministerial Advisor on Business Development has been rescinded.”
The report of the appointment was heavily criticized on social media, especially by supporters of the coalition Government.
Tiwarie is one of Guyana’s biggest contractors when it comes to infrastructural works. He has branched off to other businesses including mining, quarrying, real estate and aviation.
He was close to the previous PPP/C Government, but immediately offered his help to spruce up the Brickdam area for the new administration following their victory at the May 11th general elections.
His appointment as a ministerial advisor was not announced by the Government.
It was signed by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, on January 19th, 2016.
Under the previous administration, BK International won several contracts, including the East Bank Demerara four-lane extension, the West Coast Demerara road improvement project and the troubled $600M Supenaam wharf, which is now facing problems and has to be repaired.
The company also clashed with Government on the management of the Haags Bosch dumpsite project.
Over the weekend, Tiwarie reportedly accompanied Minister Harmon to China on state business.


BT is an Indo hated by Jranger supporters. They protested in messages by the hundreds. Indos protested over the koolie grim ripper of death being awarded but they were East Indian and not Granjer supporters so it did not matter.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

A whole lot of people who supported the coalition believing that they will be a corruption-free government are now left with their mouths wide opened and unable to speak.

No bhai, dem still a speak.  They have an answer for everything this coalition is doing.  All of Granger's actions are justified. Me can't wait for Ed Ahmed to come out of jail and start funding some of Granger's projects and send some of them to Home Depot to buy rope!!!!

Bibi Haniffa

This is an example of gross incompetence on the PNC'S part.  You appoint someone to a prominent position secretly without doing any due diligence and rescind months later because of public outrage.  How many more Ministers and top 'appointees' were appointed by this sloppy method who are not deserving of those positions.

Shame on the PNC!!  Damage Control will not help;  the people are tired of their incompetence...add this to the list of reasons to vote them out in 2016!!

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

BT was hired on the phone, but when he showed up, they then realized he is a Coolie man and all them Black people get MAD from USA, Canada and UK shouting me want the job. Well, after Granger had a meeting with Ramjaat about awarding seats in the recent Lge he decided that he already has too many Coolie BOSS.

Keep on braying!

Are you still alive, I taught you were busy doing income tax. Try and expand your vocabulary.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

A whole lot of people who supported the coalition believing that they will be a corruption-free government are now left with their mouths wide opened and unable to speak.

No bhai, dem still a speak.  They have an answer for everything this coalition is doing.  All of Granger's actions are justified. Me can't wait for Ed Ahmed to come out of jail and start funding some of Granger's projects and send some of them to Home Depot to buy rope!!!!

I won't be surprised if Ed does so after doing his time after all it was the AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, who introduced him to the PPP gov't.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

A whole lot of people who supported the coalition believing that they will be a corruption-free government are now left with their mouths wide opened and unable to speak.

No bhai, dem still a speak.  They have an answer for everything this coalition is doing.  All of Granger's actions are justified. Me can't wait for Ed Ahmed to come out of jail and start funding some of Granger's projects and send some of them to Home Depot to buy rope!!!!

I won't be surprised if Ed does so after doing his time after all it was the AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, who introduced him to the PPP gov't.

Ok.  You get my drift!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:


During the election campaign last year I kept telling the jumbie crabs on GNI and the die-hards and moderates of the PNC and AFC that the removal of the PPP gov't. would lead to greater corruption and even a return to totalitarian rule. Oh! They were all high on cheap propaganda coming out of Congress House and various media houses thinking they were on the express train to history. Reality is now kicking in and some of moderates are rebelling against what they see as rampant corruption in every sphere of life by Granger gov't. 

How can you trust a professional soldier from a backward military to govern a country like Guyana that desperately needs a leader who understands international economics and business and the importance of reducing corruption? 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Nehru posted:


During the election campaign last year I kept telling the jumbie crabs on GNI and the die-hards and moderates of the PNC and AFC that the removal of the PPP gov't. would lead to greater corruption and even a return to totalitarian rule. Oh! They were all high on cheap propaganda coming out of Congress House and various media houses thinking they were on the express train to history. Reality is now kicking in and some of moderates are rebelling against what they see as rampant corruption in every sphere of life by Granger gov't. 

How can you trust a professional soldier from a backward military to govern a country like Guyana that desperately needs a leader who understands international economics and business and the importance of reducing corruption? 

Good question BRB.  

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

BT was hired on the phone, but when he showed up, they then realized he is a Coolie man and all them Black people get MAD from USA, Canada and UK shouting me want the job. Well, after Granger had a meeting with Ramjaat about awarding seats in the recent Lge he decided that he already has too many Coolie BOSS.

Keep on braying!

Are you still alive, I taught you were busy doing income tax. Try and expand your vocabulary.

Imagine you were an English Teacher with such exemplary punctuation and word usages skills. Hahahahahah!

alena06 posted:

This is an example of gross incompetence on the PNC'S part.  You appoint someone to a prominent position secretly without doing any due diligence and rescind months later because of public outrage.  How many more Ministers and top 'appointees' were appointed by this sloppy method who are not deserving of those positions.

Shame on the PNC!!  Damage Control will not help;  the people are tired of their incompetence...add this to the list of reasons to vote them out in 2016!!

I did submit your Resume for consideration.

Mitwah posted:
alena06 posted:

This is an example of gross incompetence on the PNC'S part.  You appoint someone to a prominent position secretly without doing any due diligence and rescind months later because of public outrage.  How many more Ministers and top 'appointees' were appointed by this sloppy method who are not deserving of those positions.

Shame on the PNC!!  Damage Control will not help;  the people are tired of their incompetence...add this to the list of reasons to vote them out in 2016!!

I did submit your Resume for consideration.

Bai, me hear that you can't even read her resume!!!!  Rumor has it that she pays more taxes than the Ministers make in GY.

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

BT was hired on the phone, but when he showed up, they then realized he is a Coolie man and all them Black people get MAD from USA, Canada and UK shouting me want the job. Well, after Granger had a meeting with Ramjaat about awarding seats in the recent Lge he decided that he already has too many Coolie BOSS.

Keep on braying!

Are you still alive, I taught you were busy doing income tax. Try and expand your vocabulary.

Imagine you were an English Teacher with such exemplary punctuation and word usages skills. Hahahahahah!

Mits, I have seen a lot of people here who use are not English proficient, including myself. Maybe we should ask the dude who is taking a class in linguistics.


skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

BT was hired on the phone, but when he showed up, they then realized he is a Coolie man and all them Black people get MAD from USA, Canada and UK shouting me want the job. Well, after Granger had a meeting with Ramjaat about awarding seats in the recent Lge he decided that he already has too many Coolie BOSS.

Keep on braying!

Are you still alive, I taught you were busy doing income tax. Try and expand your vocabulary.

Imagine you were an English Teacher with such exemplary punctuation and word usages skills. Hahahahahah!

Mits, I have seen a lot of people here who use are not English proficient, including myself. Maybe we should ask the dude who is taking a class in linguistics.


Skelly, I am responding to KP who was an English teacher, WC Dem.,  and his suggestion for me to expand my vocab.

 I keep my expressions, simple.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
alena06 posted:

This is an example of gross incompetence on the PNC'S part.  You appoint someone to a prominent position secretly without doing any due diligence and rescind months later because of public outrage.  How many more Ministers and top 'appointees' were appointed by this sloppy method who are not deserving of those positions.

Shame on the PNC!!  Damage Control will not help;  the people are tired of their incompetence...add this to the list of reasons to vote them out in 2016!!

I did submit your Resume for consideration.

Bai, me hear that you can't even read her resume!!!!  Rumor has it that she pays more taxes than the Ministers make in GY.

Is that because you are her tax advisor? She should consult with Cobra.

Zed posted:

Can someone explain to me why this time they listened but during the heat of the salary increases, they refused to listen? What changed?

At the time of the increase they arrogantly misinterpreted the euphoria surrounding the demise of the PPP, and the massive turn out in PNC strongholds, and the minimal cross ethnic support that they received, as carte blanche to do as they want.

They have seen that their support base are angry and that cries of "Thank God the slow holocaust is over. I can finally feel as if I will be treated as a Guyanese again", have been replaced by "we voted for CHANGE, not EXCHANGE".

Granger knows that he doesn't enjoy the unconditional support from his base that Jagdeo has.  He cannot boast about "consolidating the black vote" because he will be slapped down hard by people who will remind him that they don't belong to him to be bought and sold. Burnham days are long gone!

baseman posted:
!!  Granger will eventually fold to the PPP business elites who dominate the economy!  BJ will start calling the shits soon!


One has NOTHING to do with the other. How well funded was the PPP LGE campaign? Apparently not very.

The business elites do what they have always done, and that is to support who ever is in power. They supported Burnham, Hoyte, Jagdeo, and will now support Granger. 

In 2020 if the PPP wins, they will resume supporting them.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
that the removal of the PPP gov't. would lead to greater corruption

Its interesting that you and alena, who now cite the embrace of BK as a sign of corruption, didn't think so when he was very close to the PPP.

In fact the PPP MADE BK!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I won't be surprised if Ed does so after doing his time after all it was the AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, who introduced him to the PPP gov't.

Of course Ramjattan did so when he was a proud PPP member.

Did you object at the time?

Prashad posted:

BT is an Indo hated by Jranger supporters. They protested in messages by the hundreds. Indos protested over the koolie grim ripper of death being awarded but they were East Indian and not Granjer supporters so it did not matter.

Did Jagdeo care when blacks complained that BK was getting all the projects, and that his work was shoddy?

No. It was APNU and the AFC who did.  The PPP didn't listen!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Brian Tiwari's appointment has not been rescinded.  Maybe tomorrow, next week, or next ten years but as of now he legally remains in that position.  Granger knows how to throw out an article in the media to shut y'all up. 

Even if he changes his name from Advisor to Friend, this will still remain: all the contracts that have already been awarded to BK Companies, his diplomatic passport, his funding for Granger's Buses, Bicycles, and Bullschitts programs, etc.

Tiwari helped Granger to get into power and he will be handsomely rewarded like every other person who helped Granger to get where he is. On May 11th it was BK's vehicles that were transporting APNU voters to the polling stations.  Jagdeo was loyal to his friends, Granger is loyal to his friends, and every future President will be loyal to their friends.

So y'all stop screaming bloody murder and accept the fact that Granger and Tiwari are laughing all the way to the bank.

BK fall out with the PPP before the election. 

There was over 100 CIA in Guyana before the election. All the CIA was black , they blend in with the population .  

Everyone jump ship , they know the Americans will remove the PPP from government. Hence BK in bed with PNC before the election . One contract profit for Harmon and Congress Place. BK smiling to the bank 

Corruption will always be there. Which minister will refuse money from Businessman. And I don't blame the businessmen from corrupting the PNC. 

PPP is their own downfall. The American Ambassador would sit waiting to see Jagdeo or Ramotar. Today that ambassador would walk into Granger office. 

ian posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

. All the CIA was black , they blend in with the population .  

What a pile of manure. African Americans stand out in Guyana almost as much as foreign whites do.  They look different, have different mannerisms, and don't know the slightest thing about the nuances of the Guyanese creole culture!

baseman posted:

And he turned on them, so "coolies" ain't so "clannish" after all!

The reference to BK as corrupt was the mantra of the PNC/AFC.  If he was that, then why they so quickly rush to embrace him

They embrace him as they are corrupt. Willing to bet that APNU AFC officials have heavier wallets now.

As to clannishness. The Indo elites know that blacks can be easily bought off, and that they can even be used to harm their own people.

Willing to bet that the folks who got those black farmers tossed off the lands are new found ex PPP friends.

Nehru posted:

I don't think you have a clue what's going on, you like a chicken without a head!!



Oi man, isn't it lunch break yet, go out nuh, lef people leh dem talk sensible stuff. Go for a nice long walk after lunch, tek about five hrs..aright?


Most people, including many from the camps of APNU/AFC, have already realized that this government is incapable of maintaining the economic growth that this country has been experiencing over the last two decades. The attempt by Granger to incorporate a contractor as an economic advisor brought laughter and ridicule on the gov't.  It is sad to see how desperate and vulnerable this gov't. has become.

Billy Ram Balgobin
baseman posted:
He prefers it in the "White man's" country

Caribny lives in NYC, which is 65% non white.  He doesn't live in a "white man's" country.

I leave that to you to run around KKK land!

seignet posted:

delusional as usual. and heading in the direction of the segregationist. 

Why was the fight for integration?

Funny man.  You scream that white man is God and that only one race (whites matter), then you rant about segregation.

It is the racist segregationist who screams that America is a white man's country.   The rest boast about its diversity, and the ease that it absorbs its immigrants!

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
He prefers it in the "White man's" country

Caribny lives in NYC, which is 65% non white.  He doesn't live in a "white man's" country.

I leave that to you to run around KKK land!

Caribj, you can live on a Black street, Black borough, Black town, but you live in a White man's country

Given that blacks aren't 65% NYC's population it is you who live in your racist bubble.

NYC is 35% white, 30% Hispanic, 24% black, and the rest Asian or Middle Eastern.   Does that look to you like a white city?

You do know that NYC is less white than Guyana is black or Indian!

Now go and scream at US News for telling you that the USA is NOT a white man's nation.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:

You rass crazy.  Some neighborhoods are 100%, don't change a damn thing!!

NYC is a diverse city, not some white man's town, and by 2044 whites will be another minority group.  You might soon have to learn Spanish.

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

You rass crazy.  Some neighborhoods are 100%, don't change a damn thing!!

NYC is a diverse city, not some white man's town, and by 2044 whites will be another minority group.  You might soon have to learn Spanish.

Spanish not bad bai!!


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