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Former Member

[] – General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee says the Party is amused by the Opposition’s desire to move a ‘no confidence’ motion against the Donald Ramotar led administration.

At a press conference on Monday, June 30, Rohee said the PPP remains eternally optimistic about its prospects at any future elections and as such, he called on the Opposition to show its “testicular capacity” by brining the motion.

“If they can’t bring it, let them shut up and hold thy peace,” Rohee told the news conference.

Rohee is of the view that the People’s National Congress/ Reform is embarrassed by the damming revelations at the ongoing Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry about its involvement in the death of the Historian and is using this talk of a ‘no confidence’ motion as a diversion.

However, it was the Alliance For Change (AFC) that expressed the desire to pass a no confidence motion against the Government citing the illegal spending of Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh.

A Partnership for National Unity is yet to definitively state if it will support the AFC in this regard. They are expected to discuss the AFC’s proposed no confidence motion at its shadow Cabinet on Tuesday (July, 01).

“Extending the life of the Commission of Inquiry has become a big nightmare for the APNU/PNC in particular, regarding the AFC and Mr. Nagamootoo it is a known fact that he has always been driven by political vanity and unbridled craving for political office which eventually led to his resignation from the PPP after he realized that his political maneuvering had failed to impress and find favor with the PPP leadership,” Rohee said.  

Rohee went on to note that the Leader of the Opposition, David Granger is currently on shaky political grounds in his own Party, because of his weak leadership.

“It is clear that Granger is trying to salvage his political imagine by making outlandish statements which are far removed from reality on the ground and so far as his influence and popularity is concerned.”

According to the constitution, the President and the Cabinet must resign if government is defeated by a majority vote of the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.

Once this is done, the Government has three months to remain in office and prepare for elections.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rohee, the people have no confidence in you. First off, you were not democratically elected as Secretary. It was gifted to you by Jagdeo. You are a just a puppet.

and a very gifted puppet


PSC not in favour of ‘No Confidence’ motion



[] – The Private Sector Commission [PSC] of Guyana has taken note of the recent public statements by the Opposition with regards to passing a motion of no confidence in the Government of Guyana along with the challenge put out by President Donald Ramotar for the Opposition to make good on its threat.

The PSC in a statement noted that it will be unfortunate if such a motion is passed as it would signal political instability “to our foreign investors, financiers, customers and suppliers. This will further increase the political risk premium added to the cost of capital when overseas funding is sought by Private Entities and can negatively impact our economy.”

The PSC believes that for progress to be made in a dispensation where a minority Government and a Majority Opposition exist, the political culture should consist of dialogue, compromise and patriotism on issues of national interest and development.

“This culture has been very much absent since our last general elections in 2011 as both sides of the house have exposed their limitations in dealing with such a dispensation.”

According to the PSC, the calling for elections prematurely is signaling that only in a “winner takes all” environment can progress be made.

“This does not auger well for a plural society such as Guyana,” the Commission noted.

The PSC is not hopeful that General Elections will automatically resolve many of the problems facing the country.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

PSC not in favour of ‘No Confidence’ motion



[] – The Private Sector Commission [PSC] of Guyana has taken note of the recent public statements by the Opposition with regards to passing a motion of no confidence in the Government of Guyana along with the challenge put out by President Donald Ramotar for the Opposition to make good on its threat.

The PSC in a statement noted that it will be unfortunate if such a motion is passed as it would signal political instability “to our foreign investors, financiers, customers and suppliers. This will further increase the political risk premium added to the cost of capital when overseas funding is sought by Private Entities and can negatively impact our economy.”

The PSC believes that for progress to be made in a dispensation where a minority Government and a Majority Opposition exist, the political culture should consist of dialogue, compromise and patriotism on issues of national interest and development.

“This culture has been very much absent since our last general elections in 2011 as both sides of the house have exposed their limitations in dealing with such a dispensation.”

According to the PSC, the calling for elections prematurely is signaling that only in a “winner takes all” environment can progress be made.

“This does not auger well for a plural society such as Guyana,” the Commission noted.

The PSC is not hopeful that General Elections will automatically resolve many of the problems facing the country.

so the ppp lose their dog to try and brain wash the people,well low life it will not work the people have enough of the ppp

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P is the most prepared political party to contest the polls, even if elections are called tomorrow, the P.P.P is fully geared.....Bring it on!!!!

ass hole the only reason is because they have the money and they use the state resource as they wish,and with all of this they is a minority government

Last edited by Former Member

The P.P.P was a victim of their own success at the 2011 polls, complacency also played a huge part in the outcome of the result, the P.P.P also suffered incumbency fatigue, all of which the party has fully recovered from....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

PSC not in favour of ‘No Confidence’ motion



[] – The Private Sector Commission [PSC] of Guyana has taken note of the recent public statements by the Opposition with regards to passing a motion of no confidence in the Government of Guyana along with the challenge put out by President Donald Ramotar for the Opposition to make good on its threat.

The PSC in a statement noted that it will be unfortunate if such a motion is passed as it would signal political instability “to our foreign investors, financiers, customers and suppliers. This will further increase the political risk premium added to the cost of capital when overseas funding is sought by Private Entities and can negatively impact our economy.”

The PSC believes that for progress to be made in a dispensation where a minority Government and a Majority Opposition exist, the political culture should consist of dialogue, compromise and patriotism on issues of national interest and development.

“This culture has been very much absent since our last general elections in 2011 as both sides of the house have exposed their limitations in dealing with such a dispensation.”

According to the PSC, the calling for elections prematurely is signaling that only in a “winner takes all” environment can progress be made.

“This does not auger well for a plural society such as Guyana,” the Commission noted.

The PSC is not hopeful that General Elections will automatically resolve many of the problems facing the country.

The PSC is made up largely of opportunistic cronies of the corrupt PPP cabal. They don't want a no-confidence vote because they smell the rat.

A no-confidence vote will bring down their corrupt PPP godfathers, leaving them to their own fates.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P was a victim of their own success at the 2011 polls, complacency also played a huge part in the outcome of the result, the P.P.P also suffered incumbency fatigue, all of which the party has fully recovered from....

Dumbass, You are like a broken record. We already responded to this shit. Your head is full of shit.


OI conscience, what happen to the computer laptop madness, people making inroads with these laptops?

How come I doan see dem posting so like is only you and a couple others who are paid have the access to the internet? Seems quite odd don't you think?


Do most Guyanese have a laptop now?

All laptops given out and accounted for?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

PSC not in favour of ‘No Confidence’ motion



[] – The Private Sector Commission [PSC] of Guyana has taken note of the recent public statements by the Opposition with regards to passing a motion of no confidence in the Government of Guyana along with the challenge put out by President Donald Ramotar for the Opposition to make good on its threat.

The PSC in a statement noted that it will be unfortunate if such a motion is passed as it would signal political instability “to our foreign investors, financiers, customers and suppliers. This will further increase the political risk premium added to the cost of capital when overseas funding is sought by Private Entities and can negatively impact our economy.”

The PSC believes that for progress to be made in a dispensation where a minority Government and a Majority Opposition exist, the political culture should consist of dialogue, compromise and patriotism on issues of national interest and development.

“This culture has been very much absent since our last general elections in 2011 as both sides of the house have exposed their limitations in dealing with such a dispensation.”

According to the PSC, the calling for elections prematurely is signaling that only in a “winner takes all” environment can progress be made.

“This does not auger well for a plural society such as Guyana,” the Commission noted.

The PSC is not hopeful that General Elections will automatically resolve many of the problems facing the country.

The PSC is made up largely of opportunistic cronies of the corrupt PPP cabal. They don't want a no-confidence vote because they smell the rat.

A no-confidence vote will bring down their corrupt PPP godfathers, leaving them to their own fates.

Conscience is a dumbass. She can't think for herself.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

PSC not in favour of ‘No Confidence’ motion



[] – The Private Sector Commission [PSC] of Guyana has taken note of the recent public statements by the Opposition with regards to passing a motion of no confidence in the Government of Guyana along with the challenge put out by President Donald Ramotar for the Opposition to make good on its threat.

The PSC in a statement noted that it will be unfortunate if such a motion is passed as it would signal political instability “to our foreign investors, financiers, customers and suppliers. This will further increase the political risk premium added to the cost of capital when overseas funding is sought by Private Entities and can negatively impact our economy.”

The PSC believes that for progress to be made in a dispensation where a minority Government and a Majority Opposition exist, the political culture should consist of dialogue, compromise and patriotism on issues of national interest and development.

“This culture has been very much absent since our last general elections in 2011 as both sides of the house have exposed their limitations in dealing with such a dispensation.”

According to the PSC, the calling for elections prematurely is signaling that only in a “winner takes all” environment can progress be made.

“This does not auger well for a plural society such as Guyana,” the Commission noted.

The PSC is not hopeful that General Elections will automatically resolve many of the problems facing the country.

The PSC is made up largely of opportunistic cronies of the corrupt PPP cabal. They don't want a no-confidence vote because they smell the rat.

A no-confidence vote will bring down their corrupt PPP godfathers, leaving them to their own fates.

Conscience is a dumbass. She can't think for herself.

Mits, you read this part? QUOTE: "At a press conference on Monday, June 30, Rohee said the PPP remains eternally optimistic about its prospects at any future elections and as such, he called on the Opposition to show its “testicular capacity” by brining the motion."


If the opposition takes up the challenge, Rohee's cabal will get big motion sickness and erectile malfunction.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mits, you read this part? QUOTE: "At a press conference on Monday, June 30, Rohee said the PPP remains eternally optimistic about its prospects at any future elections and as such, he called on the Opposition to show its “testicular capacity” by brining the motion."


If the opposition takes up the challenge, Rohee's cabal will get big motion sickness and erectile malfunction.

Dis make Iman remember a famous picture with Jagdeo scratchin his testicular capacity.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

PSC not in favour of ‘No Confidence’ motion



[] – The Private Sector Commission [PSC] of Guyana has taken note of the recent public statements by the Opposition with regards to passing a motion of no confidence in the Government of Guyana along with the challenge put out by President Donald Ramotar for the Opposition to make good on its threat.

The PSC in a statement noted that it will be unfortunate if such a motion is passed as it would signal political instability “to our foreign investors, financiers, customers and suppliers. This will further increase the political risk premium added to the cost of capital when overseas funding is sought by Private Entities and can negatively impact our economy.”

The PSC believes that for progress to be made in a dispensation where a minority Government and a Majority Opposition exist, the political culture should consist of dialogue, compromise and patriotism on issues of national interest and development.

“This culture has been very much absent since our last general elections in 2011 as both sides of the house have exposed their limitations in dealing with such a dispensation.”

According to the PSC, the calling for elections prematurely is signaling that only in a “winner takes all” environment can progress be made.

“This does not auger well for a plural society such as Guyana,” the Commission noted.

The PSC is not hopeful that General Elections will automatically resolve many of the problems facing the country.

The PSC is made up largely of opportunistic cronies of the corrupt PPP cabal. They don't want a no-confidence vote because they smell the rat.

A no-confidence vote will bring down their corrupt PPP godfathers, leaving them to their own fates.

Conscience is a dumbass. She can't think for herself.

Mits, you read this part? QUOTE: "At a press conference on Monday, June 30, Rohee said the PPP remains eternally optimistic about its prospects at any future elections and as such, he called on the Opposition to show its “testicular capacity” by brining the motion."


If the opposition takes up the challenge, Rohee's cabal will get big motion sickness and erectile malfunction.

Yes! I did read it. Perhaps you mean "exasperate".  

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mits, you read this part? QUOTE: "At a press conference on Monday, June 30, Rohee said the PPP remains eternally optimistic about its prospects at any future elections and as such, he called on the Opposition to show its “testicular capacity” by brining the motion."


If the opposition takes up the challenge, Rohee's cabal will get big motion sickness and erectile malfunction.

Dis make Iman remember a famous picture with Jagdeo scratchin his testicular capacity.

Lemme pull it up from OP archives:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mits, you read this part? QUOTE: "At a press conference on Monday, June 30, Rohee said the PPP remains eternally optimistic about its prospects at any future elections and as such, he called on the Opposition to show its “testicular capacity” by brining the motion."


If the opposition takes up the challenge, Rohee's cabal will get big motion sickness and erectile malfunction.

Dis make Iman remember a famous picture with Jagdeo scratchin his testicular capacity.

Lemme pull it up from OP archives:

Jagdeo was not scratching his testicles. He get caught at an awkward moment. At those times, everyone was after Jagdeo to get him. It was a media circus with this photo, but Jagdeo survived it. Any photo journalist who publish this photo to make newsworthy was a news disgrace.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by cain:

Dis make Iman remember a famous picture with Jagdeo scratchin his testicular capacity.

Lemme pull it up from OP archives:

Jagdeo was not scratching his testicles..

So what anyway, everyman is allowed to scratch his own balls.  He was not scratching someone else's.

I'm sure Gilly and Cain does often.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mits, you read this part? QUOTE: "At a press conference on Monday, June 30, Rohee said the PPP remains eternally optimistic about its prospects at any future elections and as such, he called on the Opposition to show its “testicular capacity” by brining the motion."


If the opposition takes up the challenge, Rohee's cabal will get big motion sickness and erectile malfunction.

Dis make Iman remember a famous picture with Jagdeo scratchin his testicular capacity.

Lemme pull it up from OP archives:

Jagdeo was not scratching his testicles.

Are you saying he does not have any? Anyway this is a classic.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Opposition is bluffing, if they had passed a vote of no confidence, they are cognizant of what the likely results would be.....bluff!!!! bluff!!! bluff!!!

Khorohee, we know why the PPP/C don't want Local Gov Elections.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

[] – General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee says the Party is amused by the Opposition’s desire to move a ‘no confidence’ motion against the Donald Ramotar led administration.

At a press conference on Monday, June 30, Rohee said the PPP remains eternally optimistic about its prospects at any future elections and as such, he called on the Opposition to show its “testicular capacity” by brining the motion.

“If they can’t bring it, let them shut up and hold thy peace,” Rohee told the news conference.

Rohee is of the view that the People’s National Congress/ Reform is embarrassed by the damming revelations at the ongoing Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry about its involvement in the death of the Historian and is using this talk of a ‘no confidence’ motion as a diversion.

However, it was the Alliance For Change (AFC) that expressed the desire to pass a no confidence motion against the Government citing the illegal spending of Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh.

A Partnership for National Unity is yet to definitively state if it will support the AFC in this regard. They are expected to discuss the AFC’s proposed no confidence motion at its shadow Cabinet on Tuesday (July, 01).

“Extending the life of the Commission of Inquiry has become a big nightmare for the APNU/PNC in particular, regarding the AFC and Mr. Nagamootoo it is a known fact that he has always been driven by political vanity and unbridled craving for political office which eventually led to his resignation from the PPP after he realized that his political maneuvering had failed to impress and find favor with the PPP leadership,” Rohee said.  

Rohee went on to note that the Leader of the Opposition, David Granger is currently on shaky political grounds in his own Party, because of his weak leadership.

“It is clear that Granger is trying to salvage his political imagine by making outlandish statements which are far removed from reality on the ground and so far as his influence and popularity is concerned.”

According to the constitution, the President and the Cabinet must resign if government is defeated by a majority vote of the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.

Once this is done, the Government has three months to remain in office and prepare for elections.

Rohee to Opposition on ‘No Confidence’ motion…‘Put up’ or ‘shut up’


“The Peoples Progressive Party challenges the opposition parties to demonstrate their testicular capacity by giving

General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee

effect to their stated desire for a no-confidence motion in parliament, failing which they should shut up and forever hold their peace.”
This was PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee, towards the combined political opposition, the Alliance for Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
The AFC had indicated that it would be contemplating bringing a motion of no confidence against the PPP government since all of the changes that it bargained for, the development of the country have not been given an ear by the government.
In addition, there was the Finance Minister “violation of the law” by spending $4.5B of monies not approved by the National Assembly in the 2014 budget.
AFC’s motion would however, have no effect if it didn’t have the support of the main political opposition APNU. APNU has since established that they had to discuss the matter but the end result would be that they might support it.
According to Rohee, the fact is that both the AFC and the APNU are “basking in the glory of their combined Parliamentary one-seat majority which they fully well know would not continue in any future elections.
“The statements by the opposition are therefore nothing but the work of a politically bankrupt opposition intended to make up for their pathetic performance in and out of Parliament rather than out of any clear and well thought out position.”
Elections posturing
If a motion of no confidence is passed on the current government, then a period of six months is given before National Elections are called.
Rohee, who is of the opinion that the opposition would lose its one-seat majority should new elections be held, was asked to justify his statements against the backdrop the statement by former political executive and analyst Ralph Ramkarran, who is contending that the new elections could yield the same results.
He responded that everyone is free to give their prognosis of what they discern or predict based on their analysis that could be the outcome of any future elections.
“What I am saying is on the part of the PPP, we remain eternally optimistic about our possibilities, our prospects at any future elections held in Guyana. This optimism that we have is based on the work that we have been doing on the ground, the feedback that we have been receiving in terms of those areas where we suffered losses because we have been doing a lot of targeting and not scattershot work.
“Our work is more targeted, more concentrated and more results oriented” said Rohee.
The GS added, “The comments that I made about how the party sees the outcome of any future elections with respect to the opposition losing its one-seat majority, that is a great possibility as far as our analysis shows, the fear with respect to the outcome of any future elections returning to be the same, that for us is more imagined than real.”
Rohee was then asked that, if there is passage of the no confidence motion in Parliament by the combined opposition and elections have to be held, does the PPP intend to have Donald Ramotar as the Presidential candidate or is there a possibility that someone else would be used?
To that he responded, “I am not prepared at this point to get in the realm of speculative politics when it comes to housekeeping matters of the PPP, and its future move in respect to such matters. When we come to that bridge we will cross it.”
He was then asked if he would be interested in being the Presidential candidate if a no confidence motion is moved. He said that he would “prefer not to discuss that at this time.”






Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

[] – General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee says the Party is amused by the Opposition’s desire to move a ‘no confidence’ motion against the Donald Ramotar led administration.

At a press conference on Monday, June 30, Rohee said the PPP remains eternally optimistic about its prospects at any future elections and as such, he called on the Opposition to show its “testicular capacity” by brining the motion.

“If they can’t bring it, let them shut up and hold thy peace,” Rohee told the news conference.

Rohee is of the view that the People’s National Congress/ Reform is embarrassed by the damming revelations at the ongoing Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry about its involvement in the death of the Historian and is using this talk of a ‘no confidence’ motion as a diversion.

However, it was the Alliance For Change (AFC) that expressed the desire to pass a no confidence motion against the Government citing the illegal spending of Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh.

A Partnership for National Unity is yet to definitively state if it will support the AFC in this regard. They are expected to discuss the AFC’s proposed no confidence motion at its shadow Cabinet on Tuesday (July, 01).

“Extending the life of the Commission of Inquiry has become a big nightmare for the APNU/PNC in particular, regarding the AFC and Mr. Nagamootoo it is a known fact that he has always been driven by political vanity and unbridled craving for political office which eventually led to his resignation from the PPP after he realized that his political maneuvering had failed to impress and find favor with the PPP leadership,” Rohee said.  

Rohee went on to note that the Leader of the Opposition, David Granger is currently on shaky political grounds in his own Party, because of his weak leadership.

“It is clear that Granger is trying to salvage his political imagine by making outlandish statements which are far removed from reality on the ground and so far as his influence and popularity is concerned.”

According to the constitution, the President and the Cabinet must resign if government is defeated by a majority vote of the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.

Once this is done, the Government has three months to remain in office and prepare for elections.

Rohee to Opposition on ‘No Confidence’ motion…‘Put up’ or ‘shut up’


“The Peoples Progressive Party challenges the opposition parties to demonstrate their testicular capacity by giving

General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee

effect to their stated desire for a no-confidence motion in parliament, failing which they should shut up and forever hold their peace.”
This was PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee, towards the combined political opposition, the Alliance for Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
The AFC had indicated that it would be contemplating bringing a motion of no confidence against the PPP government since all of the changes that it bargained for, the development of the country have not been given an ear by the government.
In addition, there was the Finance Minister “violation of the law” by spending $4.5B of monies not approved by the National Assembly in the 2014 budget.
AFC’s motion would however, have no effect if it didn’t have the support of the main political opposition APNU. APNU has since established that they had to discuss the matter but the end result would be that they might support it.
According to Rohee, the fact is that both the AFC and the APNU are “basking in the glory of their combined Parliamentary one-seat majority which they fully well know would not continue in any future elections.
“The statements by the opposition are therefore nothing but the work of a politically bankrupt opposition intended to make up for their pathetic performance in and out of Parliament rather than out of any clear and well thought out position.”
Elections posturing
If a motion of no confidence is passed on the current government, then a period of six months is given before National Elections are called.
Rohee, who is of the opinion that the opposition would lose its one-seat majority should new elections be held, was asked to justify his statements against the backdrop the statement by former political executive and analyst Ralph Ramkarran, who is contending that the new elections could yield the same results.
He responded that everyone is free to give their prognosis of what they discern or predict based on their analysis that could be the outcome of any future elections.
“What I am saying is on the part of the PPP, we remain eternally optimistic about our possibilities, our prospects at any future elections held in Guyana. This optimism that we have is based on the work that we have been doing on the ground, the feedback that we have been receiving in terms of those areas where we suffered losses because we have been doing a lot of targeting and not scattershot work.
“Our work is more targeted, more concentrated and more results oriented” said Rohee.
The GS added, “The comments that I made about how the party sees the outcome of any future elections with respect to the opposition losing its one-seat majority, that is a great possibility as far as our analysis shows, the fear with respect to the outcome of any future elections returning to be the same, that for us is more imagined than real.”
Rohee was then asked that, if there is passage of the no confidence motion in Parliament by the combined opposition and elections have to be held, does the PPP intend to have Donald Ramotar as the Presidential candidate or is there a possibility that someone else would be used?
To that he responded, “I am not prepared at this point to get in the realm of speculative politics when it comes to housekeeping matters of the PPP, and its future move in respect to such matters. When we come to that bridge we will cross it.”
He was then asked if he would be interested in being the Presidential candidate if a no confidence motion is moved. He said that he would “prefer not to discuss that at this time.”






This man Rohee know how to tek the fight to them weakling in the opposition.


This fight will determine who gets the plurality in 2016.


Score - AFC/Nagamootoo  - 1 (the first call),  PPP/ Rohee -1 (the strong reaction),  


Granja/PNC/APNU and his side kick TYRONE  - 0 (no action).


Guysuco runs out of cash to pay office staffers


…Workers plan to take matter in hand if no word forthcoming

The beleagued Guysuco Sugar Corporation (Guysuco) is heading for a crisis with staff not being paid and workers not too sure when and if they will be paid. According to information, as is the custom and practice the workers are usually paid at least by the last Thursday of the month. On Thursday, the workers and their representatives were called by management to an emergency meeting and told that they would not be paid by the specific date, because Guysuco do not have any money.  The workers who made up the staff component of the ailing Sugar Corporation are mainly represented by NAACIE. The workers were told that it is not known if and when they would be paid. Now with the end of the month there is still no word as to if and when the workers will be paid. Workers of the Rose Hall and Albion Estates decided to take some limited industrial action, but now at the end of the month and no word forthcoming, the workers are considering taking serious industrial action. One representative stated that according General Secretary of the National Association of Agricultural Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE), Kenneth Joseph, both Guysuco Deputy CEO Paul Bhim and Human Resources Director Jairam, indicated that Guysuco just does not have any money. However it was learnt that weekly paid workers received their wages last week end.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

on a serious note, rohee scored a political point here.  the followers of the ppp would feel bouyed by rohee's actions.


And the AFC took a punch in the nose. Moses threatened a no confidence vote and is now hiding in his backyard. Useless opposition, just useless.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

on a serious note, rohee scored a political point here.  the followers of the ppp would feel bouyed by rohee's actions.


And the AFC took a punch in the nose. Moses threatened a no confidence vote and is now hiding in his backyard. Useless opposition, just useless.

Could you provide proof of Moses threat.

Home > NEWS > No-confidence motion will signal political instability – PSC
No-confidence motion will signal political instability – PSC

No-confidence motion will signal political instability – PSC


THE Private Sector Commission (PSC), yesterday weighed in on the talk of a no-confidence motion being brought against the current Administration by the combined Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC).The PSC contends that such a move will be an unfortunate one, which will signal political instability to Guyana’s foreign investors, financiers, customers and suppliers.
In a missive issued yesterday, the Commission said, “The PSC takes note of the recent public statements by the Opposition with regard to passing a motion of no confidence in the Government of Guyana. We also take note of the President’s remarks challenging the Opposition to do so if they think that it is necessary.
“The PSC believes that it will be very unfortunate if such a motion is passed, as it would signal political instability to our foreign investors, financiers, customers and suppliers. This will further increase the political risk premium added to the cost of capital when overseas funding is sought by private entities and can negatively impact our economy.”
According to the PSC, for progress to be made, given the current dispensation of the National Assembly, where the combined Opposition holds the majority, dialogue, compromise and patriotism must be the underpinning points of focus, particularly on issues of national interest.
“This culture has been very much absent since our last general elections in 2011, as both sides of the house have exposed their limitations in dealing with such a dispensation. The calling for elections prematurely is signalling that only in a “winner take all” environment can progress be made. This does not augur well for a plural society such as Guyana,” the Commission said.
The PSC, the representative of the nation’s largest contributors to the local economy, made it clear that a move to general elections is not the answer to the prevailing political impasse.
“The PSC is not hopeful that general elections will automatically resolve many of the problems facing the country,” the group said.
However, the Commission noted that if general elections were to be called, the process must be conducted efficiently and effectively.
“We would also hope that whatever the results, that they would be accepted by all and that the country can move forward so that every member of our population can be guaranteed a better life,” the PSC said.
The AFC’s Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo, last week indicated that the party was considering the movement of a no-confidence motion against the Government. Nagamootoo, in an article in Wednesday’s edition of the Stabroek News, under the headline ‘AFC considering no-confidence motion against Gov’t’, such a move is seriously being contemplated by his party. However, he acknowledged that a no-confidence motion would have to be supported by the main Opposition. A few days after, last Friday, APNU endorsed this possibility as a serious consideration.
Section 106 (6) of the Constitution states that: “The Cabinet and President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of the majority of all Members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.”
However, the following paragraph, Section 106 (7) makes clear that: “Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall, by resolution, supported by no less than two-thirds of all elected members of the National Assembly, and shall resign after a new President takes the oath of office following the election.”

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Since "Moses" make the headlines by stating his political gathering will be pursuing a no confidence motion, he indeed seem to be hiding in the shadows.

The AFC overstepped it's limits there and the PNC balked. You see, the PNC is more politically mature and astute.  They know the risk, they seem to understand the AFC limitations more than the AFC.  Do that, it will backfire and the "one-trick pony" will be back in the stables.


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