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'Drunk' Women Force Landing of Flight

<cite class="byline vcard">By Genevieve Shaw Brown | ABC News</cite>
<cite class="byline vcard">

Two reportedly drunk women forced the landing of a British Airways flight in Lyon, France, earlier this week.

Flight BA2664 was headed from London's Gatwick Airport to Tunis. The flight was diverted to Lyon, the airline said, following "the continued disruptive behavior of two female passengers."

British tabloid The Sun reported the women were drinking Malibu rum and swore at children. They reportedly threatened the family of a British Airways flight attendant and tried to storm the cockpit and hid in the lavatory and tried to smoke.

The paper quoted a passenger as saying, "They decided they were going to meet the captain and marched towards the cockpit. It was very frightening."

"Our customers and flying crew deserve a safe and enjoyable flight experience," an airline spokesperson said. "We do not tolerate any disruptive behavior onboard our flights.

"They were handed over to the custody of the French police and detained upon arrival in Lyon."

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