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Budget Cuts case…Full court decision

erroneous …APNU

January 16, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

-We are confident that we will get satisfaction when we move to appeal the court’s decision – Basil Williams


The recent decision by the Full Court in the Budget Cuts Case does come as a “disappointing turn in the proceedings of the matter,” but it has not daunted the spirit of the political opposition Party, the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
In fact, Shadow Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams of the APNU has emphatically stated that the Party will appeal the decision by the Full Court will be appealed.

Basil Williams, Attorney at Law

Basil Williams,
Attorney at Law

The Full Court had ruled that it had no power to hear the appeal; that the Chief Justice’s use of the word “dismissed’’ meant  that the issues between the Attorney General, Mr.  Anil Nandlall and Brig. David Granger who stands as the Leader of the political collation, APNU had been determined.
The Full Court of the Supreme Court after months of hearing arguments from lawyers on both sides took less than five minutes to render their ruling in the controversial Budget Cut Case on Monday last.
Justice James Bovell-Drakes and Rishi Persaud had refused to rule on whether Chief Justice Ian Chang breached Brig. David Granger’s constitutional right to be heard in that case even though he had waived his immunity to defend the cuts made to the budget when it was laid before the National Assembly.
Further, Williams told members of the media corps that he is confident that the appeal would be granted.
“We are very confident about this appeal. The issue is a simple one. It is not the first time we have this case. In fact the Attorney General and I had a case and he won that one and I appealed that case at the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and won…we have to get leave to appeal. When we get this leave, we have 14 days to file the appeal…The decision by the Full Court was erroneous in the point of law because that was in fact the proper forum for such a matter. If the decision remains unchanged we will go to the CCJ.”
Moreover, Williams explained that APNU will stand by its position which is; the Opposition has the right to cut the budget in spite of the fact that Nandlall believes otherwise.
Williams however during a press briefing yesterday held at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition on Hadfield Street expressed that an appeal lies with either the Full Court or the Court of Appeal depending on if the High Court’s decision is final or interlocutory (not finished).
The Opposition faction, the Attorney asserted will therefore have to appeal the Full Court’s ruling. It is convinced that the continuation of the issue of whether the Opposition can cut the budget before the Chief Justice despite the exclusion of Brig. Granger means that it is still interlocutory.
Williams said that the decision by the Full Court will not have any effect on their approach to the 2014 budget when it is laid before the National Assembly.


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Quote "“We are very confident about this appeal. The issue is a simple one. It is not the first time we have this case. In fact the Attorney General and I had a case and he won that one and I appealed that case at the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and won…we have to get leave to appeal. When we get this leave, we have 14 days to file the appeal…The decision by the Full Court was erroneous in the point of law because that was in fact the proper forum for such a matter. If the decision remains unchanged we will go to the CCJ.”


The fight continues...Caribbean Court of Justice is the next stop: where the PPP/C have no upperhand.

Originally Posted by asj:

When I looked at the Corrupt PPP/C in every member from RAMOTAR/ROHEE down I see a DIRECT IMAGE OF CUFFY



* What do you see when you look at the faces of those 2 goons who ruined and bankrupted Guyana ? You see allah, right ?



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

When I looked at the Corrupt PPP/C in every member from RAMOTAR/ROHEE down I see a DIRECT IMAGE OF CUFFY



* What do you see when you look at the faces of those 2 goons who ruined and bankrupted Guyana ? You see allah, right ?



If you are asking my opinion, hmm I would say they do resemble The Rev even if you would add in Ptolemy Reid, unless you can prove me wrong.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* What do you see when you look at the faces of those 2 goons who ruined and bankrupted Guyana ?



You should ask the one who brought you into this world why do you look so much like them. The truth hurts.


There were so many dunces in the Corrupted PPP/C, it would seem that they stole Hoyte's ERP and called it their own. The Corrupted PPP/C is still working on Hoyte's Economic Recovery Program, It took them twenty plus years and they will never get that Program right, despite of  the many billions that were wasted. 



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Williams IS a Dunce. He probably paid someone to write the Bar Exams!!!  APNU the new experts on Law!!!!  BLOODY IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!

man when you drunk you can be mean

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* What do you see when you look at the faces of those 2 goons who ruined and bankrupted Guyana ?



You should ask the one who brought you into this world why do you look so much like them. The truth hurts.

So are you saying that Rev's real daddy looks more like Cuffy than Ghandi? No wonder the man so angry, a lil blow like it pass. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* What do you see when you look at the faces of those 2 goons who ruined and bankrupted Guyana ?



You should ask the one who brought you into this world why do you look so much like them. The truth hurts.

So are you saying that Rev's real daddy looks more like Cuffy than Ghandi? No wonder the man so angry, a lil blow like it pass. 

Further, I say not!


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