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Squatting, land grabbing cause chaos at Charity

– Police, Fire Service intervene


Police and the Guyana Fire Service in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) had to be

Jaiantie Lall standing in front of his 10 acres showing his lease

Jaiantie Lall standing in front of his 10 acres showing his lease

summoned to the Charity New Housing Scheme and the Dredge Creek areas on Monday. Persons from various communities started to clear, burn and occupy state-owned and private agricultural lands for housing purposes.
As a result eight cash crop farmers are counting their losses as persons bullied their way into their private cultivated lands and cleared the area.
According to information reaching Guyana Times, persons were told by an APNU regional official that the lands were available and they should start clearing. When Guyana Times visited both areas Monday, there were massive confusion between those who are squatting and those who have leases for the agricultural lands. Persons were seen with cutlasses and chain saws clearing lands.
According to a resident, she began clearing land after the councillor/activist told her that the lands were available.
“Everyone was informed about the free lands so we start clear and burn and put up we names; they said it was directive from the regional officials,” the woman stated. When asked if any legal documents were given to them for the lands, she replied in the negative.
“We saw people clearing and we follow and start do the same, they say to start squatting and the lands would eventually belong to you,” another resident said.
Meanwhile, Jaiantie Lall of Dredge Creek is counting thousands of dollars in losses as persons bullied their way onto his 10 acres of agricultural lands. He said five pear along with coconut trees and other plants were destroyed by fire.
“This is a clear act of bullyism. How can persons come on my private land and start clear and cut down? I invested in my land over 12 years and I have legal documents, I don’t understand what’s going on and I made a report to the REO, Rupert Hopkinson, Charity/Urasara NDC and the Lands and Surveys Commission, nothing done to date,” Lall said.
The cash crop farmer said that persons are using chain saw and other machinery to cut and bulldoze his plants and he is barred from entering the land. He said the 10 acres was a lease one but last year he received his legal documents of ownership.
The farmer explained that he had invested a lot of money to upgrade the drainage and irrigation system because he could not have cultivated due to poor drainage.
Another cash crop farmer Kenethe Kellawan’s land was also occupied under similar circumstances. Persons have cleared and burnt his 30 acres. Kellawan said he had to summon the fire service since his daughter’s house was threatened.
Farmer Alvin Cotchman was also affected.
Visiting the areas also was Region Vice Chairman, Nandranie Coonjah who met with the farmers and those squatting. She said she was very surprised when she learnt about the “land grabbing” and squatting.
Coonjah has promised to investigate and to follow-up on the matter.
Meanwhile, Chairman for the Charity/Urasara Neighbourhood Democratic Council, Mc Bool Basir said several complaints came concerning the illegal squatting and burning. Basir said despite officials stopping persons from doing so the practice continues.
He said persons started to squat at the Charity New Housing Scheme, an area earmarked for a Nursery School and play field. The chairman said while the NDC is aware of the matter, the situation requires Central Government attention as it is out of control.

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Jalil what does your statements about Jagdeo @ Ramotar have to do with these 8 farmers losing their private lands to squatters on advise of APNU Councillors? 

As a result eight cash crop farmers are counting their losses as persons bullied their way into their private cultivated lands and cleared the area.
According to information reaching Guyana Times, persons were told by an APNU regional official that the lands were available and they should start clearing. When Guyana Times visited both areas Monday, there were massive confusion between those who are squatting and those who have leases for the agricultural lands. Persons were seen with cutlasses and chain saws clearing lands.
According to a resident, she began clearing land after the councillor/activist told her that the lands were available.
“Everyone was informed about the free lands so we start clear and burn and put up we names;


According to information reaching Guyana Times, persons were told by an APNU regional official that the lands were available and they should start clearing.


This is hear say = lies by the ass wipe paper.


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