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Thank you cher,will make note and tell buddy that Cher say,"stop writin shit" Big Grin
Wait till you hear the rest, actually,I might post one more,that's it and it will be a ballad
called "Talk to the stars"
I'm not the frontman but was supposed to really belt it out in a few spots but due to my throat doing it's winter thing on me, I kinda lost my voice.
I might go back in to do it over or take it out altogether,it sounded not as good as I thought.
Hi Cain !
Haven't listen to your jam as yet but will soon.
Question , there use to be a Band called the Revolutions headed by an Indian guy. They use to jam in Campbellville not too far from a great "Saralla" Bakery ! They use to play alot of Santana's music ! Would love to know if you knew about them back in the days !
Happy New Year !
JG, the title of the song is, Waiting for the aliens.

It's a peek into the future,something about illegals in NA and their being exploited by those who really don't care what it takes for the poor people to get over the border as long as they could be used for cheap labour.

The Bridge, "We become aliens too" it's about the population being taken over by illegals making those who were using them,feel alien in their own home.
Originally posted by Kennys:
Originally posted by cain:
So in other words you callin Iman ole right? Big Grin

Not really Banna !
I just checked your tune out , not bad !Nice piece of guitar solo .
Do you "guys" play for hire also ?
Good luck !

We do private parties usually and some fundraisers.
I'll check with my bro in GY about the Revolutions,he'll jog my memory, he knows most of the bands and played with a few there.

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