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Miami needs LeBron to bring his "A" game every minute - no time off. Indiana has a more complete team. If the Pacers play as a team they have a chance. Miami needs LeBron to make the Pacers loosen-up on the other guys like Birdman and Haslem, etc.


One Pacer-like team (Memphis) lost to a complete team - the Spurs. If Indiana is giving Miami so much problems, think of what a superior all-around team like the spurs can do. Of course if Miami beats the Pacers, they can say "awrite we got the tools to beat these "complete" teams".

Originally Posted by Stinger:
There it is my HEAT pals, these two blabber mouths aready anointed de Spurless squad led by Mister Softee to destroy us

You have to first get past a Spurs-like complete team, albeit with a little less experience and savvy, but superior athletically. Your Heat may not get the chance to see if they can dispose of two of the NBA's most complete teams.


Game 5 winner takes the Series. Indiana beat the Heat one of the two games there already and should have won the other and be up 3 to 1 if Paul George had squared up instead of cheating one way and let LeBron take a jumper.


The three best coaches in the game today are still in the playoffs - Popa, Spoelstra and the under-rated Vogel.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Ya'll fulla shit. Miami will win in 6 games. The referees are done sabotaging the Heat. All they were trying to do is fill up the extra days until June 6th. This is the exciting series because of the Heat, not the Pacers. There was no interest in prolonging the Spurs/Grizzlies series.



Sounds like the ranting of a man disappointed at the challenge to his super-duper unbeatable team, that is now 2 and 2, and should have been down 1 - 3.


Cheer up heater - if Miami wins tomorrow it's 7 games. If Indiana wins it's 6 games.


If this is how much agita the Ppacers give you what about IF thew do play San Antonio

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Ya'll fulla shit. Miami will win in 6 games. The referees are done sabotaging the Heat. All they were trying to do is fill up the extra days until June 6th. This is the exciting series because of the Heat, not the Pacers. There was no interest in prolonging the Spurs/Grizzlies series.

excuses for not finishing off the Pacers in 4...

Please...Heat get all the calls, the last game was the first one I see the opposition get some calls

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Ya'll fulla shit. Miami will win in 6 games. The referees are done sabotaging the Heat. All they were trying to do is fill up the extra days until June 6th. This is the exciting series because of the Heat, not the Pacers. There was no interest in prolonging the Spurs/Grizzlies series.



Sounds like the ranting of a man disappointed at the challenge to his super-duper unbeatable team, that is now 2 and 2, and should have been down 1 - 3.


Cheer up heater - if Miami wins tomorrow it's 7 games. If Indiana wins it's 6 games.


If this is how much agita the Ppacers give you what about IF thew do play San Antonio

Why would I need to be disappointed when my team is still playing. I don't have to suddenly pick a new team to make up for my team being kicked out the playoffs.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Ya'll fulla shit. Miami will win in 6 games. The referees are done sabotaging the Heat. All they were trying to do is fill up the extra days until June 6th. This is the exciting series because of the Heat, not the Pacers. There was no interest in prolonging the Spurs/Grizzlies series.

excuses for not finishing off the Pacers in 4...

Please...Heat get all the calls, the last game was the first one I see the opposition get some calls

Exactly. Without those horrible ref calls, Miami would have been up 3-1. But it does not matter because Miami will still win the NBA championship this year.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Ya'll fulla shit. Miami will win in 6 games. The referees are done sabotaging the Heat. All they were trying to do is fill up the extra days until June 6th. This is the exciting series because of the Heat, not the Pacers. There was no interest in prolonging the Spurs/Grizzlies series.

excuses for not finishing off the Pacers in 4...

Please...Heat get all the calls, the last game was the first one I see the opposition get some calls

Exactly. Without those horrible ref calls, Miami would have been up 3-1. But it does not matter because Miami will still win the NBA championship this year.

yeah right...hope yuh see how Heat getting all the calls tonight..NBA want Miami to get a free pass

Heat and James get the most favorable calls, yet Pacers giving them a run

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Ya'll fulla shit. Miami will win in 6 games. The referees are done sabotaging the Heat. All they were trying to do is fill up the extra days until June 6th. This is the exciting series because of the Heat, not the Pacers. There was no interest in prolonging the Spurs/Grizzlies series.



Sounds like the ranting of a man disappointed at the challenge to his super-duper unbeatable team, that is now 2 and 2, and should have been down 1 - 3.


Cheer up heater - if Miami wins tomorrow it's 7 games. If Indiana wins it's 6 games.


If this is how much agita the Ppacers give you what about IF thew do play San Antonio

Why would I need to be disappointed when my team is still playing. I don't have to suddenly pick a new team to make up for my team being kicked out the playoffs.

Kszam.....focus on your team....the Knicks are history. It matters not what I do or say. Look objectively at the competition the Heat is involved with. Stay on course fellah, don't bring in the side distractions about some "my team", blah, blah. It's about Miami not steamrolling over the Pacers and a Spurs team in the waiting that is a class above the Pacers. Deal with that and not me. It's about the Heat and not Mullah Kahari.....potbelly an all.....

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Ya'll fulla shit. Miami will win in 6 games. The referees are done sabotaging the Heat. All they were trying to do is fill up the extra days until June 6th. This is the exciting series because of the Heat, not the Pacers. There was no interest in prolonging the Spurs/Grizzlies series.

excuses for not finishing off the Pacers in 4...

Please...Heat get all the calls, the last game was the first one I see the opposition get some calls

Exactly. Without those horrible ref calls, Miami would have been up 3-1. But it does not matter because Miami will still win the NBA championship this year.

yeah right...hope yuh see how Heat getting all the calls tonight..NBA want Miami to get a free pass

Heat and James get the most favorable calls, yet Pacers giving them a run

I went out to dinner with my daughter - Graduation dinner so I missed the game so far, but I just saw where LeBron got his first foul with about 3 minutes to go in the 3rd qtr.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Ya'll fulla shit. Miami will win in 6 games. The referees are done sabotaging the Heat. All they were trying to do is fill up the extra days until June 6th. This is the exciting series because of the Heat, not the Pacers. There was no interest in prolonging the Spurs/Grizzlies series.

excuses for not finishing off the Pacers in 4...

Please...Heat get all the calls, the last game was the first one I see the opposition get some calls

Exactly. Without those horrible ref calls, Miami would have been up 3-1. But it does not matter because Miami will still win the NBA championship this year.

Pacers would have been up 3 -1 if they weren't robbed in the first game

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Ya'll fulla shit. Miami will win in 6 games. The referees are done sabotaging the Heat. All they were trying to do is fill up the extra days until June 6th. This is the exciting series because of the Heat, not the Pacers. There was no interest in prolonging the Spurs/Grizzlies series.

excuses for not finishing off the Pacers in 4...

Please...Heat get all the calls, the last game was the first one I see the opposition get some calls

Exactly. Without those horrible ref calls, Miami would have been up 3-1. But it does not matter because Miami will still win the NBA championship this year.

Pacers would have been up 3 -1 if they weren't robbed in the first game

Didn't you say that the Pacers will win in 6?

Originally Posted by Kari:

Kszam.....focus on your team....the Knicks are history. It matters not what I do or say. Look objectively at the competition the Heat is involved with. Stay on course fellah, don't bring in the side distractions about some "my team", blah, blah. It's about Miami not steamrolling over the Pacers and a Spurs team in the waiting that is a class above the Pacers. Deal with that and not me. It's about the Heat and not Mullah Kahari.....potbelly an all.....

Trust me, I am focused on the Heat. They are an exciting team to watch. I am fully aware of the struggles that they have with Indiana but that is because they have skyscrapers blocking the rim. Miami has the requisite talent to make the necessary adjustments. You on the other hand is mislead by the bigness of the Pacers and think that Miami would have the same problems with them while Miami has beaten the Spurs both times this year with one of those without our big three. Certainly they did not use their big three in the other game that we also won. But given that we beat them without our big three when they played their big three, the odds of us winning that first game with their big three is strong. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Kszam.....focus on your team....the Knicks are history. It matters not what I do or say. Look objectively at the competition the Heat is involved with. Stay on course fellah, don't bring in the side distractions about some "my team", blah, blah. It's about Miami not steamrolling over the Pacers and a Spurs team in the waiting that is a class above the Pacers. Deal with that and not me. It's about the Heat and not Mullah Kahari.....potbelly an all.....

Trust me, I am focused on the Heat. They are an exciting team to watch. I am fully aware of the struggles that they have with Indiana but that is because they have skyscrapers blocking the rim. Miami has the requisite talent to make the necessary adjustments. You on the other hand is mislead by the bigness of the Pacers and think that Miami would have the same problems with them while Miami has beaten the Spurs both times this year with one of those without our big three. Certainly they did not use their big three in the other game that we also won. But given that we beat them without our big three when they played their big three, the odds of us winning that first game with their big three is strong. 

In the Spurs you have to deal with 3 skyscrapers - Tim Duncan, Tiago Splitter and......Coach Gregg Popovich. Don't treat the latter lightly when it comes to Series games where there is one opponent only. Have they lost a Finals yet? Remember the 2007 sweep against LeBron's Cavaliers? Spurs won in 1999, 2003, 2005, and 2007. Now for 2013 - Heat or Pacers

Originally Posted by Kari:

In the Spurs you have to deal with 3 skyscrapers - Tim Duncan, Tiago Splitter and......Coach Gregg Popovich. Don't treat the latter lightly when it comes to Series games where there is one opponent only. Have they lost a Finals yet? Remember the 2007 sweep against LeBron's Cavaliers? Spurs won in 1999, 2003, 2005, and 2007. Now for 2013 - Heat or Pacers

I am not ignoring the Spurs. But I understand matchups enough to feel confident of the Heat's chances against the Spurs. Miami don't match up well against the Pacers but that is more because of size than overwhelming talents. Miami still has the talents and given enough time, talent will overcome size. This is a tough series for the Heat but as you can see, it is still one up for the Heat. Once the Heat get through this series and have a moment to exhale, they will be more than ready and able to defend their title against the Spurs. And don't forget that twice this year out of two times, Spo out-coached Pap.


If you need another example on matchups, consider that the Spurs needed six games to put away the Warriors and while the Thunder dominated the Warriors, Spurs and Grizzlies this year, they could not overcome their injuries to survive the Grizzlies. Yet the Spurs dominated the Grizzlies in the last round of the playoffs.


Now you would find these arguments reasonable but to do so, you would have to forsake your natural hatred for the Heat in general and LeBron in particular. Unfortunately reason cannot overcome those for you.


LeBron is the best player on the planet - no argument. He is more of a distributor in the Magic mode. But he has to win multiple rings and play through adversities like MJ to be called a truly special player in light of how he moved to South Beach. He did the right thing going to the Heat BTW, but it was the foolish manner in which a young person did it.


I agree with everything you said except I would throw out the Spo out-coaching Popa part. Spurs are older and less athletic than their 2007 version, but I think you'd be doing a disservice to the likes of Ginobli and Parker and Duncan to say that the Heat talent will trump that bunch when we see how Bosch has been emasculated and Wade is an injured shell of himself.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
We not losing in six either moron

LeFraud still losing

Wazzup Knicks-gone-fishing-and-we-can't-improve-our-roster-because-we're-stuck-with-Amare-Tyson-and-all-the-rest-of-the-geriatrics fan? How you doing?


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers. 

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
We not losing in six either moron

LeFraud still losing

Wazzup Knicks-gone-fishing-and-we-can't-improve-our-roster-because-we're-stuck-with-Amare-Tyson-and-all-the-rest-of-the-geriatrics fan? How you doing?


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers. 

hope you enjoy the ass whoopin Pacers about to put on yuh..I'll be tuned in, unfortunately, I would not feel your pain

Originally Posted by Kari:

LeBron is the best player on the planet - no argument. He is more of a distributor in the Magic mode. But he has to win multiple rings and play through adversities like MJ to be called a truly special player in light of how he moved to South Beach. He did the right thing going to the Heat BTW, but it was the foolish manner in which a young person did it.


I agree with everything you said except I would throw out the Spo out-coaching Popa part. Spurs are older and less athletic than their 2007 version, but I think you'd be doing a disservice to the likes of Ginobli and Parker and Duncan to say that the Heat talent will trump that bunch when we see how Bosch has been emasculated and Wade is an injured shell of himself.

Do you believe in forgiveness. Check how Shaq left the Heat. Do you see me berating him for it?


But back to the current topic. Not 2008 (Shaq) or 2010 (LeBron).


Miami match up better with the Spurs than with Indiana. Miami playing the Spurs in the finals presents better opportunities for Miami than this series with Indiana is affording them.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
We not losing in six either moron

LeFraud still losing

Wazzup Knicks-gone-fishing-and-we-can't-improve-our-roster-because-we're-stuck-with-Amare-Tyson-and-all-the-rest-of-the-geriatrics fan? How you doing?


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers. 


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers.

....and the Award for Prediction goes to........yeah Bruddaman.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
We not losing in six either moron

LeFraud still losing

Wazzup Knicks-gone-fishing-and-we-can't-improve-our-roster-because-we're-stuck-with-Amare-Tyson-and-all-the-rest-of-the-geriatrics fan? How you doing?


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers. 


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers.

....and the Award for Prediction goes to........yeah Bruddaman.

Can't be right all the time.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
We not losing in six either moron

LeFraud still losing

Wazzup Knicks-gone-fishing-and-we-can't-improve-our-roster-because-we're-stuck-with-Amare-Tyson-and-all-the-rest-of-the-geriatrics fan? How you doing?


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers. 


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers.

....and the Award for Prediction goes to........yeah Bruddaman.

Can't be right all the time.

Any predictions for tonight Bruddah?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
We not losing in six either moron

LeFraud still losing

Wazzup Knicks-gone-fishing-and-we-can't-improve-our-roster-because-we're-stuck-with-Amare-Tyson-and-all-the-rest-of-the-geriatrics fan? How you doing?


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers. 


Heat wins tonight via a blowout of the Pacers.

....and the Award for Prediction goes to........yeah Bruddaman.

Can't be right all the time.

Any predictions for tonight Bruddah?

Pacers gun tek this one. They will keep LeBron frustrated and that will be enough to win.


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