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Former Member


JULY 8, 2012 | 

By Ralph Seeram

Some years ago on a visit to Guyana, I had the misfortune of experiencing a relative dying. It was not pleasant, but it was an experience that remains indelibly in memory. He had an enlarged heart and was told he can die any day. The night after he received the news, he had a transformation, a total 180 degrees change in personality. The spirit of death had visited him. You would have to see this to believe what I about to say. The spirit of death was transforming his personality.
One could tell there was an internal battle going on between his conscious self and the shadows of death, his illogical utterances interspaced with some logical conversation, his unbelievable display of strength, the constant back and forth conversation between himself and the spirit of death, all totally out of character with the person I knew.
A few hours later all was quiet; the spiritual battle was finished; death had won. And as he lay on his death bed in the final throes of life he began to”travel”. The physical battle began. Death starts at the sole of your feet and works its way up. His feet were cold then lifeless, same for his legs and waist. The Pastor said even though he appeared unconscious he could still hear.
The Minister whispered something in his ears and we saw a trembling reaction from his hands and head. He was conscious. It must be a terrible thing to know you are dying and incapable of doing anything about it. Finally the numbness reached his heart and his journey was over. His journey however, did not happen overnight, the neglect to his health started years before.
Like my relative, the PPP as a political party has been dying for years. However the resignation of the highly respected former Speaker of the House and PPP stalwart, Ralph Ramkarran, has put the PPP in death throes, the likes of which the PPP will not be able to recover from unless President Donald Ramotar can show some fortitude, display strong leadership and take drastic measures to resuscitate the PPP.
It doesn’t matter if Ralph Ramkarran returns to the PPP fold that is irrelevant at this stage. His outspoken article about corruption within the Government, and his subsequent resignation have hastened the death of the party. Death is working its way to the heart of the PPP.
President Ramotar has the power to stop it. The question – is he going to take any action or will he let the patient die?
I am sure some may ask about the symptoms which are showing the PPP is in demise. In 1992 the PPP received 162,000 votes from roughly 300,000 vote cast.  Moving on to the 1997 elections, with a voter turnout of nearly 400,000 the PPP got 220,000 a gain of 58,000 votes but the PNC also picked up 33,000 new votes for a total of 161,000 votes.
Of note, the cast votes had increased by 100,000 new voters in 1997. Moving on to the 2001 elections the PPP dropped to 210,000 votes a loss of approximately 10,000 supporters while the PNC gained 4,000 vote for a tally of 165,00 votes. Then came Bharrat Jagdeo elections in 2006 where the PPP made its biggest gains in Parliamentary seats, but this was also deceiving because the PPP dropped to 182,000 votes, a loss of 28,000 votes.
It gained more seats because the PNC did worse garnering only 114,000 votes.  This steady decline made me predict long before the elections last year that the PPP could lose the elections. No one at that time even conceived such a thought. When I brought my views to former President Bharrat Jagdeo on a fundraising trip to Orlando last year, he said that they “ran the numbers” and will win the elections.
The 2011 elections saw the PPP slumped to 166,000 votes a loss of 16,000 votes despite an increase in voter turnout of 7,000. In 2011 the PNC under the banner of APNU pulled in a gain of 25,000 votes for a total of 139,000 votes… Just 27,000 votes separated the two major parties.
The PPP has been in steady decline for the past three elections, the PNC has shown increase.
The point I want to show here is that the PPP supporters are disenchanted, frustrated with the constant revelation of corruption, and are staying away from the polls. There are some in the PPP hierarchy who are aware of this while some are in denial.
One senior executive of the PPP told me flatly that Bharrat Jagdeo divided and destroyed the PPP and there may be a lot of truth to that. The PPP Government must realize that you can build the best roads, airport, hydropower or whatever grandiose plans you may implement.
Every Guyanese can own a car and a house. At the end of the day no one, even PPP supporters, likes people to steal his hard earned money, be it one’s personal money or one’s tax dollars. Nobody likes a thief.
Instead of confronting the truth the thieving elements in the PPP viciously attacked this decent man for telling the truth. Problem is what Ralph Ramkarran said was nothing new or revealing to the Guyanese public.Every “rum shop drinker” knows who the crooks are; who is getting rich overnight.
There is talk of a snap elections. Take it from me; the PPP will not dare call a snap elections. It will lose the Presidency if it does. The resignation of Ramkarran made sure of that.
So where does the President go from here? Begging Ralph Ramkarran to come back will not solve the PPP problem, the damage has been done. The question is what life saving measures the President can make to resuscitate the PPP.
The President has to demonstrate that he can make bold decisions regardless of what others think. The end must justify the means. A firefighter in Orlando will cut a car in seconds to save the life of the driver. The destruction of the car is his least concern. The surgeon will amputate both legs of that driver in the hospital to save his life, the legs are unimportant at that point. So what decisions will President make to save the PPP?
Ralph Seeram can be reached at email:


"...So what decisions will President make to save the PPP?"

and  the  simple  answer is none.  There  is  absolutely nothing  in  Ramotar's  body  politics to  suggest  that  he possess the  wisdom  and  courage  to do what  it  takes  to change  tack and  deviate  from  the  Blue  Print bequeathed to  him  by   Bharrat Jagdeo and  his  'Thiefing  Parang'.  The  corrupt  cabal  at  Freedom  House  bought, owned  and  control  Donald  Ramotar.  It  is  through  their scheming and  connivance,  he   ascended  the  Presidency,  so  he  is  totally  emasculated from  taking  any  decisive  action  against   these corrupt,   bald  face carpet  baggers  and feather  bedders  he  is surrounded  by.

At  the  end of  the day,  the  Chinese Billions and  Re- Migrants' Million  would  do nothing  to  resuscitate a  terminally  ill  PPP, as  long  as   the thiefing  and  corruption  remain  unabated.      

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by baseman:

This is wishful thinking, the PPP is strong.  The Diaspora will always have their views, but politics is local and they see it differently.

The PPP may be strong enough to regain the presidency but the AFC would gain another few seats from the PPP fold...




The AFC will not do as well as the last time. The reason is that it is not advancing any new ideas but is there just to frustrate the government. One solution is for the PPP to start courting the progressive elements of the opposition and work with them.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

The AFC will not do as well as the last time. The reason is that it is not advancing any new ideas but is there just to frustrate the government. One solution is for the PPP to start courting the progressive elements of the opposition and work with them.

Who are the progressive forces within the Opposition? Throw out some names, I am sure that the PPP would like to know them.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

The AFC will not do as well as the last time. The reason is that it is not advancing any new ideas but is there just to frustrate the government. One solution is for the PPP to start courting the progressive elements of the opposition and work with them.

The solution is for the PPP to rid itself of the corrupt BJ cabal which has hijacked the party and made it into a family affair.  If the PPP rids itself of the nepotistic crooks, it will do much better for itself and for Guyana.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Jagdeo has no Power. He is an EX Prez of Guyana. There is a new Sheriff in Town. However, his advise will be taken into account because of his vast knowledge and experiences.

I don't think you know Jagdeo one iota.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Man you cant help but to imagine things. Jagdeo cant even get a birth Certificate without waiting the usual 7 Days.

That's benign and getting into minutia.  BJ outwitting all and playing innocent.  The man got things in the palm of his hands, don't kid yourself.  He pulls the strings from behind the scene and his bulldogs do the barking.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Jagdeo has no Power. He is an EX Prez of Guyana. There is a new Sheriff in Town. However, his advise will be taken into account because of his vast knowledge and experiences.

Yuh see bai Badlu, its all about relativity...for example when you speak  its hard to know whether its comming from your mouth or kakahole, if you apply the the same logic to annalise the president who admited that Jagdeo presence in OP to help out, you would find out who running things....

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Jagdeo has no Power. He is an EX Prez of Guyana. There is a new Sheriff in Town. However, his advise will be taken into account because of his vast knowledge and experiences.

Yuh see bai Badlu, its all about relativity...for example when you speak  its hard to know whether its comming from your mouth or kakahole, if you apply the the same logic to annalise the president who admited that Jagdeo presence in OP to help out, you would find out who running things....

Well it is EASY for the rest of us to know where you are coming from since it is Universally known that YOUR MOUTH IS ALSO YOUR KAKAHOLE.

Originally Posted by baseman:

This is wishful thinking, the PPP is strong.  The Diaspora will always have their views, but politics is local and they see it differently.

The  PPP is only  strong   by  default. As  long  as  the  PNC exist  in  any  permutation,  and  Indians remain  the  largest  block, the  PPP  may continue  to  hang  on  to power by a  thread  bare   plurality of the   votes.  Ethnic insecurity and  the  fear factor is  the  morphine that  mask the  pain  a  terminally  ill  patient,  whose  internal  organs  are  overtaken  by  malignant  tumors,    (thievery,  nepotism and  wide  spread  corruption.) that has already  metastasize and  is  past  the  stage  of surgical  intervention.

Had  black  people  shown  the  wisdom  to  abandon  the  PNC ,  I  have absolutely  no doubt  that  the  PPP would  have  died  a  natural  death  a  long time  ago, or  at  least the  cancer  would  have  been  contained /  treatable.

Originally Posted by baseman:

This is wishful thinking, the PPP is strong.  The Diaspora will always have their views, but politics is local and they see it differently.

i have a family crisis.. and I called about 20 people in Guyana this morning  to advise them that they are being duped by a family member who has no authority to lease our lands. In the process I had to do the usual chit chat before  putting someone dreams of wealth on hold. Every person I spoke to this morning told me they are disgusted with the corruption in the PPP and will stay home or vote other than them if things does not change.The numbers and the trend do not favor the PPP winning back the majority but losing more..

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is wishful thinking, the PPP is strong.  The Diaspora will always have their views, but politics is local and they see it differently.

The  PPP is only  strong   by  default. As  long  as  the  PNC exist  in  any  permutation,  and  Indians remain  the  largest  block, the  PPP  may continue  to  hang  on  to power by a  thread  bare   plurality of the   votes.  Ethnic insecurity and  the  fear factor is  the  morphine that  mask the  pain  a  terminally  ill  patient,  whose  internal  organs  are  overtaken  by  malignant  tumors,    (thievery,  nepotism and  wide  spread  corruption.) that has already  metastasize and  is  past  the  stage  of surgical  intervention.

Had  black  people  shown  the  wisdom  to  abandon  the  PNC ,  I  have absolutely  no doubt  that  the  PPP would  have  died  a  natural  death  a  long time  ago, or  at  least the  cancer  would  have  been  contained /  treatable.

I agree with you, I have said umteen times that the PPP continues to win due to this fear.  Unfortunately, as long as this hangs over, the PPP will get away with almost anything.  The PNC is  o different, they prefer to wait for that outside chance to grab power and then use the GDF to hang on forever and do as they did pre-1992.  The PNC themselves are also not interested in true democracy.

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is wishful thinking, the PPP is strong.  The Diaspora will always have their views, but politics is local and they see it differently.

The  PPP is only  strong   by  default. As  long  as  the  PNC exist  in  any  permutation,  and  Indians remain  the  largest  block, the  PPP  may continue  to  hang  on  to power by a  thread  bare   plurality of the   votes.  Ethnic insecurity and  the  fear factor is  the  morphine that  mask the  pain  a  terminally  ill  patient,  whose  internal  organs  are  overtaken  by  malignant  tumors,    (thievery,  nepotism and  wide  spread  corruption.) that has already  metastasize and  is  past  the  stage  of surgical  intervention.

Had  black  people  shown  the  wisdom  to  abandon  the  PNC ,  I  have absolutely  no doubt  that  the  PPP would  have  died  a  natural  death  a  long time  ago, or  at  least the  cancer  would  have  been  contained /  treatable.

 There is a change in the electorate from the traditional taboo lines. As our kids here do not see color, the same is happening in Guyana. The traditional hard racist lines may still be the dominant force but there is seepage and the fear of the PNC is being overcome with the rise of the AFC as a check. It is not about "wisdom" to abandon the PNC ( as if they indeed are so corrupt that canl steal more brazenly than what is being stolen!)it is about hope for a difference.  The PPP has out performed on the corrupting scale all the indexes of corruption one can speak to....state lands conversion to private hands...graft...patronage....kickbacks ..murder etc. The PNC boogieman is beginning to loose his scare factor.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 There is a change in the electorate from the traditional taboo lines. As our kids here do not see color, the same is happening in Guyana. The traditional hard racist lines may still be the dominant force but there is seepage and the fear of the PNC is being overcome with the rise of the AFC as a check. It is not about "wisdom" to abandon the PNC ( as if they indeed are so corrupt that canl steal more brazenly than what is being stolen!)it is about hope for a difference.  The PPP has out performed on the corrupting scale all the indexes of corruption one can speak to....state lands conversion to private hands...graft...patronage....kickbacks ..murder etc. The PNC boogieman is beginning to loose his scare factor.

You are clearly out of touch with reality.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 There is a change in the electorate from the traditional taboo lines. As our kids here do not see color, the same is happening in Guyana. The traditional hard racist lines may still be the dominant force but there is seepage and the fear of the PNC is being overcome with the rise of the AFC as a check. It is not about "wisdom" to abandon the PNC ( as if they indeed are so corrupt that canl steal more brazenly than what is being stolen!)it is about hope for a difference.  The PPP has out performed on the corrupting scale all the indexes of corruption one can speak to....state lands conversion to private hands...graft...patronage....kickbacks ..murder etc. The PNC boogieman is beginning to loose his scare factor.

You are clearly out of touch with reality.  The happenings of Nov 2011 exposed the naked truth of what's happening behind the scenes.  The PNC game-plan was clear to see in the dark of night.  Many (Indians) are fed up with the PPP but fear a rise of the PNC.

The PNC's game plan is to win no difference than the PPP. That they will out-steal the PPP is a biased not a rational conclusion. The PPP already demonstrated they are thieves par excellence.


You cannot constrain your latent racism so you are like the old hardliners who see the PNC as a "black people threat" for dominance that  you cannot abide.


Well, indian or black it makes no difference to me. Both are equally disposed to crookedness and that can only be stopped if we check them with systems. The PPP does not seem to want that to change as the had 20 years to do it.

Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . The happenings of Nov 2011 exposed the naked truth of what's happening behind the scenes.  The PNC game-plan was clear to see in the dark of night.

Tell us . . . Dr. Goebbels

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PNC's game plan is to win no difference than the PPP. That the will out-steal them is a biased not a rational conclusion. The PPP already demonstrated they are thieves par excellence. You cannot constrain your latent racism so you are like the old hardliners who see the PNC as a "black people threat" for dominance that  you cannot abide. Well, indian or black it makes no difference to me. Both are equally disposed to crookedness and that can only be stopped if we check them with systems. The PPP does not seem to want that to change as the had 20 years to do it.

I will not argue or belabor the point as neither of us live there or vote.  We have to wait and see next elections.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . The happenings of Nov 2011 exposed the naked truth of what's happening behind the scenes.  The PNC game-plan was clear to see in the dark of night.  Many (Indians) are fed up with the PPP but fear a rise of the PNC.

Tell us . . . Dr. Goebbels

Hmm, go figure.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . The happenings of Nov 2011 exposed the naked truth of what's happening behind the scenes.  The PNC game-plan was clear to see in the dark of night.  Many (Indians) are fed up with the PPP but fear a rise of the PNC.

Tell us . . . Dr. Goebbels

Hmm, go figure.

yeah, I thought so . . . EMPTY!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PNC's game plan is to win no difference than the PPP. That the will out-steal them is a biased not a rational conclusion. The PPP already demonstrated they are thieves par excellence. You cannot constrain your latent racism so you are like the old hardliners who see the PNC as a "black people threat" for dominance that  you cannot abide. Well, indian or black it makes no difference to me. Both are equally disposed to crookedness and that can only be stopped if we check them with systems. The PPP does not seem to want that to change as the had 20 years to do it.

I will not argue or belabor the point as neither of us live there or vote.  We have to wait and see next elections.

 What does living there has to do with an opinion or concern with ones homeland? My sister spent some 200k of our combined holdings here over there there these past 3 years to try to conserve, rebuild and enhance  ( inclusive of thief and squatting prevention) our family holdings there.


You and Rohee and the PPP lot can squat on the idea that being here means we are absent a voice. In terms of the small piece family members ask for constantly alone and  we already make more of a contribution there than the average guyanese. Screw that idea that I cannot make a difference!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I will not argue or belabor the point as neither of us live there or vote.  We have to wait and see next elections.

 What does living there has to do with an opinion or concern with ones homeland? My sister spent some 200k of our combined holdings here over there there these past 3 years to try to conserve, rebuild and enhance  ( inclusive of thief and squatting prevention) our family holdings there.


You and Rohee and the PPP lot can squat on the idea that being here means we are absent a voice. In terms of the small piece family members ask for constantly alone and  we already make more of a contribution there than the average guyanese. Screw that idea that I cannot make a difference!

Yes, I understand but property don't vote.  I can relate to that thief prevention measures, I remember my father having to do that back in the 70's.


And yes, like me, you are an absent voice, our only influence are these blogs.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . The happenings of Nov 2011 exposed the naked truth of what's happening behind the scenes.  The PNC game-plan was clear to see in the dark of night.  Many (Indians) are fed up with the PPP but fear a rise of the PNC.

Tell us . . . Dr. Goebbels

Hmm, go figure.

yeah, I thought so . . . EMPTY!!

If you say so, Mr FILL with SHIT!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . The happenings of Nov 2011 exposed the naked truth of what's happening behind the scenes.  The PNC game-plan was clear to see in the dark of night.  Many (Indians) are fed up with the PPP but fear a rise of the PNC.

Tell us . . . Dr. Goebbels

Hmm, go figure.

yeah, I thought so . . . EMPTY!!

If you say so, Mr FILL with SHIT!

still have nothing, eh?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . The happenings of Nov 2011 exposed the naked truth of what's happening behind the scenes.  The PNC game-plan was clear to see in the dark of night.  Many (Indians) are fed up with the PPP but fear a rise of the PNC.

Tell us . . . Dr. Goebbels

Hmm, go figure.

yeah, I thought so . . . EMPTY!!

If you say so, Mr FILL with SHIT!

still have nothing, eh?


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . The happenings of Nov 2011 exposed the naked truth of what's happening behind the scenes.  The PNC game-plan was clear to see in the dark of night.  Many (Indians) are fed up with the PPP but fear a rise of the PNC.

Tell us . . . Dr. Goebbels

Hmm, go figure.

yeah, I thought so . . . EMPTY!!

If you say so, Mr FILL with SHIT!

still have nothing, eh?

What else to do with shit....nothing!


The progressive elements in the PNC and AFC are not in Parliament but in the villages and towns. The PPP will have to work with them to increase the vote as it did in the past.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

The progressive elements in the PNC and AFC are not in Parliament but in the villages and towns. The PPP will have to work with them to increase the vote as it did in the past.

The PPP has to return to it's roots.  This will also entail getting rid of that corrupt cabal dominating key decisions.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Yes, the best way to work politically is to go where it matters most, the poor in the dusty villages. And be sincere.

Hmm, maybe the new PPP will rekindle that as it seems the just past adopted the silo mentality.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Yes, the best way to work politically is to go where it matters most, the poor in the dusty villages. And be sincere.

That would be Linden where the bauxite dust has created boon conditions for pharmacists.


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