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Former Member

Nehru has proclaimed that Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan are 'house slaves' in the APNU+AFC government. I shall use Nehru's terminology to make my point. Can house slaves revolt? History shows us that in 1763 a house slave named Cuffy led a rebellion in Berbice that will be remembered long into the future.

On February 14 last year, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan and APNU Leader David Granger jointly signed a document named the Cummingsburg Accord that led to a coalition government after the May 11 general elections. APNU+AFC had issued a joint Manifesto two weeks before May 11. During the past 8 months some of the new government's actions have been at variance with its manifesto promises. For me, that is bad but not unexpected. Politicians notoriously make and break promises. However, the Cummingsburg Accord is a signed document and it must be applied scrupulously in letter and in spirit.

I support the coalition government because I am an AFC supporter. I have observed through social media and the mainstream news media that many AFC supporters and members are dissatisfied at how Guyana is governed now. They had held high expectations that this government would have been far better than the defeated PPP regime which Ralph Ramkarran described as the most corrupt in the history of Guyana.

According to the Cummingsburg Accord, “The President is Head of State, Head of Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces ....” Clearly, the AFC contested the elections with the foreknowledge that the Prime Minister would NOT have been Head of Government as is usually the case. Now we know that President Granger has placed the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) within the Ministry of the Presidency (MOTP) and that PM Moses Nagamootoo would have responsibility for 'governance'. In my view, Mr Nagamootoo will be rubber-stamping governance matters decided by the Head of Government, Mr Granger.

Recently, Mr Nagamootoo paid an official visit to the Essequibo Coast. He and his wife reportedly could not sleep in the Prime Ministerial suite in the region's State House because the REO Hopkinson was occupying it. I understand that Hopkinson is an APNU appointee and I assume that APNU knows where he is residing. There were days or weeks of planning for the PM's visit and I don't understand why the government didn't ensure that Hopkinson vacate the PM Suite. If that is not humiliating to the AFC, what is?

Again, according to the Cummingsburg Accord, “The Prime Minister shall have responsibility for: Domestic Affairs and Chairing the Cabinet. Recommending Ministerial appointments and providing the organizational structures of Ministries for the approval of the President. Appointing Heads of Agencies and non-constitutional commissions, subject to the required and agreed democratic mechanisms of consultation and appointment. Domestic security.” News media reports have shown that some of these things are not happening and that the OPM is a virtual rubber-stamp of the MOTP. It seems as if Mr Granger and Mr Ramjattan don't respect their signatures on the Cummingsburg Accord.

If the trend of governance continues, sooner or later the AFC part of the coalition will be meaningless. So, I think that AFC members and supporters must call upon the party's leadership to give straight answers to straight questions as to whether President Granger is surreptitiously and methodically marginalizing the AFC in government.

The Accord will be 12 months old on February 14. In its own words, the Accord is “a sunset agreement with a lifespan of a minimum of 36 months and a maximum of 60 months....” In other words, after February 14, 2018 President Granger can scrap the Accord if he feels strong enough to govern without the AFC. Mr Granger is an astute chess player and a master strategist and tactician. In his power play, it appears as if he is positioning his men to check the AFC king.

The AFC leadership must boldly demand strict adherence to the Cummingsburg Accord, failing which the party reserves the right to withdraw its 12 parliamentary seats from the 33-seat coalition. It can still be a powerful third force and significant influence in the Guyanese political arena. Gilbakka is hereby offering the AFC friendly advice to assert itself in the coalition before it is too late and the party becomes 'dead meat', fulfilling Mr Ramjattan's prophecy.




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These are words from the wise and experienced.

Let me hear what AFC supporters on GNI think about this fair and balanced analysis of the current situation within this governing coalition.

Quote from Gil:

"If the trend of governance continues, sooner or later the AFC part of the coalition will be meaningless. So, I think that AFC members and supporters must call upon the party's leadership to give straight answers to straight questions as to whether President Granger is surreptitiously and methodically marginalizing the AFC in government."

"The AFC leadership must boldly demand strict adherence to the Cummingsburg Accord, failing which the party reserves the right to withdraw its 12 parliamentary seats from the 33-seat coalition. It can still be a powerful third force and significant influence in the Guyanese political arena. Gilbakka is hereby offering the AFC friendly advice to assert itself in the coalition before it is too late and the party becomes 'dead meat', fulfilling Mr Ramjattan's prophecy."



If I may add, it was a Berbician who led the revolt in 1763. Is history going to repeat itself ?

Last edited by Former Member

I will say this, the apnu won the elections on their own accord, they didn't need the afc support, but this is in hindsight. So I don't follow why Naga and Ramjattan believe they should be rewarded with cushy jobs, Cummingsburg accord or not.  Granger can get away with shafting these fellows as they have no recourse. These two men want to hold on to their jobs and paychecks, even if powerless. They will tow the line. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

I will say this, the apnu won the elections on their own accord, they didn't need the afc support, but this is in hindsight. So I don't follow why Naga and Ramjattan believe they should be rewarded with cushy jobs, Cummingsburg accord or not.  Granger can get away with shafting these fellows as they have no recourse. These two men want to hold on to their jobs and paychecks, even if powerless. They will tow the line. 

I think that Gil is expressing the concerns of grassroots supporters who assisted in building the AFC from the ground.

I recently spoke with a big time rice farmer from Corentyne who was once a big time supporter of the AFC who is now crying the blues since the rice market collapsed under the AFC/PNC coalition.

The biggest frustration of die hard AFC supporters is that the leadership of the AFC does not appear to care about concerns from the grassroots. This is similar to what the PPP did due to their arrogance.

Moses has a cushy job, well paid and will receive a pension bigger than Jagdeo's. Based on his age, Moses is looking towards a nice retirement and has left AFC grassroots supporters behind.

I honestly cannot comment on Ramjattan. He is still young and has to carefully consider his future but he is a lawyer and has a bright future in his profession.

At his point, it looks like Ramjattan's prediction about dead meat might come true.


Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

The Accord will be 12 months old on February 14. In its own words, the Accord is “a sunset agreement with a lifespan of a minimum of 36 months and a maximum of 60 months....” In other words, after February 14, 2018 President Granger can scrap the Accord if he feels strong enough to govern without the AFC. Mr Granger is an astute chess player and a master strategist and tactician. In his power play, it appears as if he is positioning his men to check the AFC king.


Interesting, I did not realise this part. They could be in for the long haul

Amral posted:

The PPP need to win the backing of the majority of Guyanese, both Indians and Blacks. They have to show that their slate is clean.

The PPP can regain credibility by cleaning house. 

Past ministers who were allegedly involved in wrongdoings must be shown the door.

The PPP also needs new leadership. Jagdeo must pave the way for a new leader, this can be done in a way so as not to bruise his ego.

The current PPP General Secretary, Rohee must also be shown the door in a dignified manner.

Interesting times ahead.


Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:

The West don't trust the PPP....they think PPP were in cahoots with Venezuela....look how many of you PPP on here are supporting Venezuela against Guyana

You stand corrected. I always support my country's territorial rights and boundaries.


Humbly beg to disagree with Gilly.


Nothing will change.  The REO will continue to sleep in the PM bedroom and the PM will continue to sleep in the guest room for the next 4 years.


There is a lot of money involved here.


Look carefully G$110 million in salary over the next 5 years in total plus 1.4 million a month after than in pension IF, they are asked by the people to leave office.


THINK about that Uncle GILLY.


We will find a very COY PM for the next 4 years who will be the chief excuse finder to justify his existence.



Last edited by Former Member

While we are it, can we please ask the PM who is his Permanent Secretary?  He has NONE.


There is only one Permanent Secretary serving at Shivnarine Chanderpaul Drive and he is service Mr. Harmun.


Question for Kishan:

What are you and others who supported change going to do about this problem ?

This is a violation to the highest degree of a promise made to the supporters of the AFC.


Time for the PPP to recruit the bright young people that have left Guyana. Get them back in the country to share their ideas and use their experience in help rebuilding the party. It will be tough, people are reluctant to uproot their lives and go back to the uncertain. It has to be worthwhile.

yuji22 posted:

Question for Kishan:

What are you and others who supported change going to do about this problem ?

This is a violation to the highest degree of a promise made to the supporters of the AFC.

Listen YUJI.


I was not born yesterday.  I know exactly where you are going with this.  This is real politik.  Bharat had to go and there was a price to pay for him to go.


Let me make it clear.  This coalition will last the full five years.  


We did the right thing to get rid of Bharat and Dunuld but there was price to be paid for the AFC - death!


PLUS There us too much money involved for the TOP AFC people.  PM alone walking away with 110 million in salary, why compromise that.  For who?


There shall be no break down of relationships, actually we a stuck together because the LAAR deep in our derrierre right now.


We are one - one give balanjee and one taking balanjee.



KishanB posted:
yuji22 posted:

Question for Kishan:

What are you and others who supported change going to do about this problem ?

This is a violation to the highest degree of a promise made to the supporters of the AFC.

Listen YUJI.

I was not born yesterday.  I know exactly where you are going with this.  This is real politik.  Bharat had to go and there was a price to pay for him to go.

 Yuji: Bharat was not President at the last election, Donald was President and quite a useless one.  Bharat must step aside for a new and Young leader with appeal across racial lines. Rohee must also do, time for of PPP dinosaurs to step aside.

Let me make it clear.  This coalition will last the full five years.

Yuji: I never doubted that.

We did the right thing to get rid of Bharat and Dunuld but there was price to be paid for the AFC - death!

Yuji: Looks like the AFC might end up paying a very high price but Moses and Ramjattan has to answer for that.

PLUS There us too much money involved for the TOP AFC people.  PM alone walking away with 110 million in salary, why compromise that.  For who?

Yuji: I already mentioned that Moses will not walk away from his millions when his pension is set to exceed that of Bharat.

There shall be no break down of relationships, actually we a stuck together because the LAAR deep in our derrierre right now.

Yuji: No Comment

We are one - one give balanjee and one taking balanjee.

Yuji: No comment

Yuji: You guys were hollering about curbing the powers of the President while in opposition. Who will bell the cat now ?



Gilbakka posted:

Nehru has proclaimed that Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan are 'house slaves' in the APNU+AFC government. I shall use Nehru's terminology to make my point. Can house slaves revolt? History shows us that in 1763 a house slave named Cuffy led a rebellion in Berbice that will be remembered long into the future.

So, leh me get this right!!  Are you saying the Indians of Guyana should hold a Kufi-style revolt against Afro slavery of Indians?

Last edited by Former Member
KishanB posted:

The biggest dissapointment is that Ramjutan and PM have metamorphasis from Lions to mouses in 6 months.

Is not alyuh put the PNC in powah.  Now alyuh sitting alyuh rass high and dry in the great White USA and chilling out while the Indians of Guyana deal with alyuh wutlisness and Black powah!!

Amral posted:

The PPP need to win the backing of the majority of Guyanese, both Indians and Blacks. They have to show that their slate is clean.

The PPP had a clean slate, just they allowed negative perception to become reality in virtual reality.  The PNC are the real crooks and they show.  The PPP needs to learn to play the perception game better and ensure lies does not become facts in feeble minds.

baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Nehru has proclaimed that Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan are 'house slaves' in the APNU+AFC government. I shall use Nehru's terminology to make my point. Can house slaves revolt? History shows us that in 1763 a house slave named Cuffy led a rebellion in Berbice that will be remembered long into the future.

So, leh me get this right!!  Are you saying the Indians of Guyana should hold a Kufi-style revolt against Afro slavery of Indians?

Why are you being so stupid? Gilly made his point a long time ago.

yuji22 posted:
Amral posted:

The PPP need to win the backing of the majority of Guyanese, both Indians and Blacks. They have to show that their slate is clean.

The PPP can regain credibility by cleaning house. 

Past ministers who were allegedly involved in wrongdoings must be shown the door.

The PPP also needs new leadership. Jagdeo must pave the way for a new leader, this can be done in a way so as not to bruise his ego.

The current PPP General Secretary, Rohee must also be shown the door in a dignified manner.

Interesting times ahead.


Your hilited should have read

Jagdeo should be used as paving for the new leader, this can be done in a way to bruise his rass good an propa *u*k his ego his e didn only go, it went.

Last edited by cain
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

The PPP had a clean slate,

When? In 1953?

Only an Indo KKK like you will claim that this remained true in 2015.

Prove it was not so in 2015 in a court of law!!


I am still supporting the PPP while you PNC folk figure our your priorities. Unfortunately, if the AFC get kicked out, their credibility will shattered and they still can't win election with seven seats as a third party. Let the chips fall wherever they may.


Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:

Prove it was not so in 2015 in a court of law!!

Not every thief is convicted in a court of law.

The fact that only the House Negress was taken to court doesn't mean that her Indian Massas weren't also stealing.

Don't worry though.  The USA and the UK are providing Clive Thomas with info to do his job.  Roger Khan has sung like a parrot and so much info is available.

Then you will scream "blackman a kill ahbe".

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Prove it was not so in 2015 in a court of law!!

Not every thief is convicted in a court of law.

The fact that only the House Negress was taken to court doesn't mean that her Indian Massas weren't also stealing.

Don't worry though.  The USA and the UK are providing Clive Thomas with info to do his job.  Roger Khan has sung like a parrot and so much info is available.

Then you will scream "blackman a kill ahbe".

Listen banna, the rule of law dictates crimes be proven in a court of law.  This is not the law of the jungle!  OJ is innocent, so is Zimmerman regardless of the court of public opinion.  What the PPP is accused of could all be audited, investigated and proven by qualified financial or forensic auditors.

BJ called upon the PNC to engage expat experienced professionals, yet they chose to go local fly-by-night.  Well, that's their call and to their peril.  Why did you not call his bluff if you are so confident?  I tell you why, because you are afraid of the outcome, and the findings would have international credibility, something you cannot admit.  Now you prefer to leave it hanging to throw shyte against the wall every now and then.  Guess what, the shyte don't cut it!

KishanB posted:

The biggest dissapointment is that Ramjutan and PM have metamorphasis from Lions to mouses in 6 months.

Don't know why you so surprised. All some alyuh good for is cuss alyuh mattie Indians.  All the big cuss down, ganging up with PNC Black goons mek alyuh feel big and straang.  Now PNC kicking all alyuh to the curb, YOU ALL HAVE BECOME MICE rolled up in a corner like you got hit by lightening and shrivel up!!  And cannot say shit to PNC.  And some alyuh still say good Jagdeo gone.  No shame, sheer stupidity, and I'm being polite today!


And the PNC nah done with them as yet.  This is only the beginning.  The AFC has become a victim of its own demise.  They never understood the fundamentals of Guyanese politics.  And worse yet they never realized who the power players were.  They completely missed the big picture and now the rug has been pulled from beneath their feet.  

And Baseman is today really your polite day?  Don't get nasty like those PNC guys now.

Bibi Haniffa
RiffRaff posted:

If the PPP good enough to make some changes...maybe...but lots of them are communists and they would not get the backing of the west

Frig the West BUT I agree with you that the PPP can and must make changes.  Communism is dead even in China and Russia. Which Planet you on???

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Prove it was not so in 2015 in a court of law!!

Not every thief is convicted in a court of law.

The fact that only the House Negress was taken to court doesn't mean that her Indian Massas weren't also stealing.

Don't worry though.  The USA and the UK are providing Clive Thomas with info to do his job.  Roger Khan has sung like a parrot and so much info is available.

Then you will scream "blackman a kill ahbe".

Listen banna, the rule of law dictates crimes be proven in a court of law. 

Have you ever heard about legal corruption?

baseman posted:
KishanB posted:

The biggest dissapointment is that Ramjutan and PM have metamorphasis from Lions to mouses in 6 months.

Don't know why you so surprised. All some alyuh good for is cuss alyuh mattie Indians.  All the big cuss down, ganging up with PNC Black goons mek alyuh feel big and straang.  Now PNC kicking all alyuh to the curb, YOU ALL HAVE BECOME MICE rolled up in a corner like you got hit by lightening and shrivel up!!  And cannot say shit to PNC.  And some alyuh still say good Jagdeo gone.  No shame, sheer stupidity, and I'm being polite today!

Dude, weren't you one of the people on THIS SITE praising (or asking to give him a chance) Granger after the elections?  How come suddenly you are Nostradamus? 

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VVP posted:
baseman posted:

Don't know why you so surprised. All some alyuh good for is cuss alyuh mattie Indians.  All the big cuss down, ganging up with PNC Black goons mek alyuh feel big and straang.  Now PNC kicking all alyuh to the curb, YOU ALL HAVE BECOME MICE rolled up in a corner like you got hit by lightening and shrivel up!!  And cannot say shit to PNC.  And some alyuh still say good Jagdeo gone.  No shame, sheer stupidity, and I'm being polite today!

Dude, weren't you one of the people on THIS SITE praising (or asking to give him a chance) Granger after the elections?  How come suddenly you are Nostradamus? 

Listen banna, not sure where you draw your logic.  The operative word in "AFTER", as you stated.  I opposed to the end, however when the man won, it's appropriate to accept and say congrats.  That being the case, yes let him have his chance until he prove otherwise.  Get that logic?  He had become the legit new leader, aided and abetted by these folks.

I never went off cussing out the PPP and joining to kick them out.  That's a different thing, if you can get that around your mind!

All these bannas where part of that wolf pack hounding with the PNC to destroy the PPP Gov't.  Now they getting kicked to the curb by the PNC, they all have become "mice", as the man himself stated.

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
baseman posted:

Listen banna, the rule of law dictates crimes be proven in a court of law. 

Have you ever heard about legal corruption?

What nonsense, they were never even taken to court.  The case was never even presented.  So, now if the court rules "not guilty", you cry "legal corruption".  What a corrupted logic you have!  You are for the law of the jungle and onto yourself!

baseman posted:
VVP posted:
baseman posted:

Don't know why you so surprised. All some alyuh good for is cuss alyuh mattie Indians.  All the big cuss down, ganging up with PNC Black goons mek alyuh feel big and straang.  Now PNC kicking all alyuh to the curb, YOU ALL HAVE BECOME MICE rolled up in a corner like you got hit by lightening and shrivel up!!  And cannot say shit to PNC.  And some alyuh still say good Jagdeo gone.  No shame, sheer stupidity, and I'm being polite today!

Dude, weren't you one of the people on THIS SITE praising (or asking to give him a chance) Granger after the elections?  How come suddenly you are Nostradamus? 

Listen banna, not sure where you draw your logic.  The operative word in "AFTER", as you stated.  I opposed to the end, however when the man won, it's appropriate to accept and say congrats.  That being the case, yes let him have his chance until he prove otherwise.  Get that logic?  He had become the legit new leader, aided and abetted by these folks.

I never went off cussing out the PPP and joining to kick them out.  That's a different thing, if you can get that around your mind!

All these bannas where part of that wolf pack hounding with the PNC to destroy the PPP Gov't.  Now they getting kicked to the curb by the PNC, they all have become "mice", as the man himself stated.

Listen, people vote according to what is know at the time.  At the time many Guyanese thought that the coalition was the best for Guyana and they voted that way.  It is terrible to try to blame people today for action they took in the past.


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