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baseman posted:
VVP posted:
baseman posted:

Listen banna, the rule of law dictates crimes be proven in a court of law. 

Have you ever heard about legal corruption?

What nonsense, they were never even taken to court.  The case was never even presented.  So, now if the court rules "not guilty", you cry "legal corruption".  What a corrupted logic you have!  You are for the law of the jungle and onto yourself!

I thought you had a financial background.  Why don't you do a Google search on "legal corruption" an inform yourself.

Can the AFC/APNU be brought to court for giving themselves astronomical raises? Can Jagdeo be brought to court for paying next to noting for Pradoville?  NO, because they used the system they had control of to "legally" benefit themselves.

VVP posted:
baseman posted:
VVP posted:

Dude, weren't you one of the people on THIS SITE praising (or asking to give him a chance) Granger after the elections?  How come suddenly you are Nostradamus? 

Listen banna, not sure where you draw your logic.  The operative word in "AFTER", as you stated.  I opposed to the end, however when the man won, it's appropriate to accept and say congrats.  That being the case, yes let him have his chance until he prove otherwise.  Get that logic?  He had become the legit new leader, aided and abetted by these folks.

I never went off cussing out the PPP and joining to kick them out.  That's a different thing, if you can get that around your mind!

All these bannas where part of that wolf pack hounding with the PNC to destroy the PPP Gov't.  Now they getting kicked to the curb by the PNC, they all have become "mice", as the man himself stated.

Listen, people vote according to what is know at the time.  At the time many Guyanese thought that the coalition was the best for Guyana and they voted that way.  It is terrible to try to blame people today for action they took in the past.

I don't buy that.  I don't talk about the people, but those who misled them.  People were out with their own selfish agenda and they chose to ignore the threat and risk.

Anyway, my point, they cuss and ridicule and conspire against, now they getting kicked to the curb, they all like mice scampering away from the big bad PNC.

Terrible to blame?  Sorry, that's politics, it's unforgiving especially when the perpetrators of the hoax are unrepentant!

VVP posted:
baseman posted:
VVP posted:
baseman posted:

Listen banna, the rule of law dictates crimes be proven in a court of law. 

Have you ever heard about legal corruption?

What nonsense, they were never even taken to court.  The case was never even presented.  So, now if the court rules "not guilty", you cry "legal corruption".  What a corrupted logic you have!  You are for the law of the jungle and onto yourself!

I thought you had a financial background.  Why don't you do a Google search on "legal corruption" an inform yourself.

Can the AFC/APNU be brought to court for giving themselves astronomical raises? Can Jagdeo be brought to court for paying next to noting for Pradoville?  NO, because they used the system they had control of to "legally" benefit themselves.

I'm not talking what was done legally, even if unconscionable.  Let the voters decide.  What I was referring to was all the accusation of illegal activities and stealing they were accused of.  TK seh they tief we just cannot prove it.  Well, that's an ringing endorsement of their (PNC) competency!

If there are loopholes which allow people to get away with things, then close it.  But I have a feeling, this corrupt Govt will eagerly exploit the very loopholes they cuss the PPP so much about.  As you see, they already gave themselves astronomical raises and screw the people over.  Those same "prim and proper" people in the AFC will join in the shakedown!

baseman posted:
I never went off cussing out the PPP and joining to kick them out.  That's a different thing, if you can get that around your mind!


Stop lying. You were an AFC member a few years ago cussing out the PPP daily on GNI for their corrupt ways. They didn't give you any leadership position so you ran back to the PPP with your tail between your legs. Now you're pretending that the PPP were altar boys and were not involved in corruption.

Mars posted:
baseman posted:
I never went off cussing out the PPP and joining to kick them out.  That's a different thing, if you can get that around your mind!


Stop lying. You were an AFC member a few years ago cussing out the PPP daily on GNI for their corrupt ways. They didn't give you any leadership position so you ran back to the PPP with your tail between your legs. Now you're pretending that the PPP were altar boys and were not involved in corruption.

Listen banna, I had a short interaction with the AFC checking them out, not knowing who the were and what they stood for.  As I got to know more and more, i pulled back.  They look great on paper though.  I did this even before the election in 2011.  I never aspired to any position as I had no plans returning to Guyana.

If the PPP was involved in illegal acts, prove it in a court of law!

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
I never went off cussing out the PPP and joining to kick them out.  That's a different thing, if you can get that around your mind!


Stop lying. You were an AFC member a few years ago cussing out the PPP daily on GNI for their corrupt ways. They didn't give you any leadership position so you ran back to the PPP with your tail between your legs. Now you're pretending that the PPP were altar boys and were not involved in corruption.

Listen banna, I had a short interaction with the AFC checking them out, not knowing who the were and what they stood for.  As I got to know more and more, i pulled back.  They look great on paper though.  I did this even before the election in 2011.  I never aspired to any position as I had no plans returning to Guyana.

If the PPP was involved in illegal acts, prove it in a court of law!

You cussed the PPP about their corrupt ways for years on this very site as an active AFC member now you talking crap about law courts. You fulla shyte. Hypocrisy to the max. hahaha

Last edited by Mars

Former AFC official predicts its death

JANUARY 18, 2016 | BY

Dear Editor,
Since joining the coalition, there are signs that the AFC has been losing support especially among the youths in Regions Five and Six as well as in other Regions of the country.
This was evident in the 2015 election when the AFC lost a significant number of votes to the PPP compared to 2011. The AFC had never had a solid support base like the PNC and the PPP.
Its membership is comprised mostly of disgruntled members from the two major parties, so if the trend of losing support continues, it will only be a matter of time before the party becomes defunct.
There are several other reasons for the AFC loss of support. One- it is due largely to the fact that it has not fulfilled its promise to the youths and most of its supporters by offering them jobs.
Two- most of its Ministers have become arrogant and aloof and have distanced themselves from the members. Three; most of its members in Region Five and Six were former PPP members who have now returned to the PPP.

The same is true for the AFC New York/New Jersey Chapter (NY/NJ) where most of its members have drifted back to the PPP and the PNC. The only functioning AFC Chapter in the United States is the Queens AFC Chapter which has only fourteen members.
The loss of support for the AFC has been a major problem for its leaders who are totally confused as what to do. However, the current problems facing the AFC have stemmed from the bitter public squabble after the election in its stronghold constituency of Region Six on the Corentyne when its leading candidate was told by the AFC leader that there is no job for him and the boys.
This was the ultimate test of the sincerity of the promises made by the leaders of the party to its members during the election campaign. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Many of the AFC supporters have bought into the narrative which says that the AFC leadership is weak and indecisive and does not act on behalf of them when they should.
Many AFC members are fed-up with the selfish behavior of some of its leaders and have abandoned the party because they seem to believe that it, along with APNU will lose the next election.
In other words the people are quietly evaluating the performance of the lackluster leadership of the AFC in government.

In Guyana as in many other countries with two-party dominated systems, third parties have found it very difficult to survive more than three or four election cycles which is approximately twelve to sixteen years.
This has been the lifespan of the United Force (UF) which formed the first coalition government in Guyana with the PNC in 1964.At the time, the UF was viewed as a viable third party but it lost that status during the 1970s.
The same can be said of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) which is now a shell of itself than when it was under the tutelage of the late Dr. Walter Rodney and so was ROAR. The AFC has endured three election cycles and is now heading to the sunset. Can it survive a fourth election cycle, only time will tell?
If the AFC continues to lose support as it is now, the coalition will be in serious trouble in the next election, whenever it is held.
In fact, the AFC will become a liability to APNU which together will not win enough votes to defeat the PPP.
Lest we forget, with all the crime and corrupt practices of the PPP, the APNU/AFC coalition won the election in 2015 by the skin of their teeth—by a mere 4,506 votes.

The AFC has made decisions that were unpopular and it will only endure as a party if it remains faithful to its members and to the principles upon which it was founded.
Asquith Rose

baseman posted:
I never went off cussing out the PPP and joining to kick them out.  That's a different thing, if you can get that around your mind!


Yuh hear lie, that is lie. This is the AFC you back in the days when you cuss out the PPP every day for being the most corrupt and incompetent party in Guyana. Fast forward to today, you're telling us about proving PPP corruption in a court of law. You real jokey bhai.

Baseman quotes -

Not condoning the PPP corruption, as it's real, pervasive and the reason I went against them in 2011.....
The PNC represents an existential threat to the Indians of Guyana, which then leaves the corrupt, inept PPP as the better alternative.

Oh lord. He is on the same page as Baseman however, I hope he help to fight corruption in the PPP. It is this corruption and ineptness which caused Baseman to go against the PPP. I still have a big issue with PPP corruption however, more transparency and openness will render the PPP the best thing for Guyana and its people.

Baseman openly support a cheaper bridge toll, baseman's problem with the PPP is corruption, and primarily the Jagdeo camp.

The PPP has to return to it's roots. This will also entail getting rid of that corrupt cabal dominating key decisions.

The AFC never forced anyone to vote AFC. You are a clown to miss the message. Amid the security fear, PPP voters switched to the AFC knowing the risk. This is a indictment of the PPP and the BJ corrupt cabal. The AFC did not send in voters from region 11, it was the people speaking.

The institution of the PPP is corrupt.

We know, there is alot of corruption shyte to clean and flush away. And we know, dem bais getting lil belly wuk at the thought of te AFC riding in.

The PPP is setting itself for a power-sharing arrangement with the PNC (APNU). The desparate trucking and busing of supporters to meetings is a last ditch effort to shore up their image. The PPP senses the posibility of losing the majority and prefers to bear hug the PNC as they share the same principles, corruption, nepotism, shades of dictatorship, theivery, etc. The two have always made good "bed fellows".

Beacuse maybe the principles which CBJ preached are now more in the AFC that the corrupt PPP entity. The PPP, in principle, seems a shell of what CBJ stood for.

Leh jaggy and di others show how they come by USD 1 mio houses. Oh, i forgot, lot's of "gifts" from corrupt US businessmen.

The PPP made some early "forgivable" errors and mis-judgement. We all expected some errors and mis-steps along the way. However, the digression into corruption, nepotism, cronyism is a whole different matter. The failure of the PPP to take the nation out of it's rot has been disappointing. With the Jagans off the scene, I'm very pessimistic the PPP leadership will change direction. Guyana will remain a sidelined country due to corruption on one hand and the PPP's public policy posture on the other. The will get little strategic investment and when they do, it will come at a very high price.

Mmmm, presiding over the second poorest country in th region, one of the most corrupt regimes. He is certainly the greatest, greater than lfsb, cbj and jj. he beat them all.

I guess there is something worrying you about the AFC replacing the corrupt PPP.

Long live corruption, long live incompetence, long live the PPP.

But believe me, the guys running the show in Guyana got their hands on the pulse. They ain't losing out on the action. The GoG has graduated well beyond corruption 101 and 201, they into graduate level corruption. The very top has signed off on these runnings.


Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

You cussed the PPP about their corrupt ways for years on this very site as an active AFC member now you talking crap about law courts. You fulla shyte. Hypocrisy to the max. hahaha

Glad you brought that up. He was an AFC until the AFC joined up with APNU, and not the PPP, in parliament.

Then his Indo KKK instincts chimed in and he fled to the PPP.

VVP posted:
baseman posted:
KishanB posted:

The biggest dissapointment is that Ramjutan and PM have metamorphasis from Lions to mouses in 6 months.

Don't know why you so surprised. All some alyuh good for is cuss alyuh mattie Indians.  All the big cuss down, ganging up with PNC Black goons mek alyuh feel big and straang.  Now PNC kicking all alyuh to the curb, YOU ALL HAVE BECOME MICE rolled up in a corner like you got hit by lightening and shrivel up!!  And cannot say shit to PNC.  And some alyuh still say good Jagdeo gone.  No shame, sheer stupidity, and I'm being polite today!

Dude, weren't you one of the people on THIS SITE praising (or asking to give him a chance) Granger after the elections?  How come suddenly you are Nostradamus? 

Baseman is a hypocrite, he went to meet Grainger when the man visit 'merica to suck NONI juice.


Now that Grtainger only giving noni to the army bwoys, Baseman vex.

KishanB posted:
VVP posted:

Dude, weren't you one of the people on THIS SITE praising (or asking to give him a chance) Granger after the elections?  How come suddenly you are Nostradamus? 

Baseman is a hypocrite, he went to meet Grainger when the man visit 'merica to suck NONI juice.

Now that Grtainger only giving noni to the army bwoys, Baseman vex.

Listen banna, I don't run to the NY, Toronto, etc looking to meet with anyone, resume in hand.  BTW, I met "big basha" at a private party recently and was funny some of the things he revealed, real funny, me juss laff.  Leh we leff it deh!

Listen again banna, I had ample opportunity to meet the Grangers prior to May but politely declined.  And this was when everyone touted him as the great [white] hope.  Why would I want to meet this [revealed] old PNC clone now?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

Glad you brought that up. He was an AFC until the AFC joined up with APNU, and not the PPP, in parliament.

Then his Indo KKK instincts chimed in and he fled to the PPP.

Truthfully, at that time I had hoped to see an independent and more balanced AFC as a credible additive political force.  And yes, baseman preferred an alliance with the PPP.  My concerns then, and this time, regarding the PNC has borne out!

Baseman was spot-on!!


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