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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ten dollars, Gaskin walks away empty handed on Friday!  He will show up there wid his lil piece paper and babble quietly to himself without making eye contact with his audience and no one will have a clue what he is talking about.

Again Bibi serious investors don't make instant decisions.  The purpose of the investor conference is to interest businesses, both Diaspora and others in investing in Guyana.   This will give them a chance to meet the gov't officials, and Guyana based businesses who can be of assistance as they determine whether investing in Guyana makes sense.

This is the BEGINNING of a process.  It will then be up to Go Invest and others to continue the conversation, which hopefully would lead to some projects being implemented.

You are such a bad mind that you want this to fail, yet when the PPP wasted tens of thousands buying ads and writing propaganda nonsense in one of the business journals you would have jumped for joy.

Well meeting people face to face gives Go Invest more control of the process than hoping that people read the ad.  And usually they don't which is why most countries stopped those advertorials since the 90s.  The advertorials only work if tied to an event which can attract people.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ten dollars, Gaskin walks away empty handed on Friday!  He will show up there wid his lil piece paper and babble quietly to himself without making eye contact with his audience and no one will have a clue what he is talking about.

I have to ask Dominic if you made a play for him and was rejected. 

That would be par for the course.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ten dollars, Gaskin walks away empty handed on Friday!  He will show up there wid his lil piece paper and babble quietly to himself without making eye contact with his audience and no one will have a clue what he is talking about.

Again Bibi serious investors don't make instant decisions.  The purpose of the investor conference is to interest businesses, both Diaspora and others in investing in Guyana.   This will give them a chance to meet the gov't officials, and Guyana based businesses who can be of assistance as they determine whether investing in Guyana makes sense.

This is the BEGINNING of a process.  It will then be up to Go Invest and others to continue the conversation, which hopefully would lead to some projects being implemented.

You are such a bad mind that you want this to fail, yet when the PPP wasted tens of thousands buying ads and writing propaganda nonsense in one of the business journals you would have jumped for joy.

Well meeting people face to face gives Go Invest more control of the process than hoping that people read the ad.  And usually they don't which is why most countries stopped those advertorials since the 90s.  The advertorials only work if tied to an event which can attract people.

The beginning of the process with the Canadian investors started last October 2015.  Dem still beginning???  Not one person committed to anything.  Only difference was, that time it was Ramjattan making the pitch.  His problem was he was looking at the wall while talking to the audience so no one had a clue what he was talking about.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The beginning of the process with the Canadian investors started last October 2015.  Dem still beginning??? 

That event was more of a PPP type event. Going to folks who you begged money from.  Nagamootoo was a PPP man so some of that mentality still persists.

This event is being organized by US based Guyanese, so is set at a much higher level.  To my knowledge this is the first time Guyana has had an event of this type.   The PPP was too backward to think of it. T&T, Jamaica and other Caribbean countries have been involved in activities like this.

Whether it succeeds are fails will depend on the degree to which Go Invest uses this opportunity to establish direct ties to those who attend, and not act stand offish, going on as if Guyana is so precious, and all the world is begging for it.  That was the PPP's style.

The pitch is not being made by any one politician.  Indeed no one in the USA will have respect for any Guyanese politician of either party.  A whole list of panelists will be talking and credibility will be added by the presence of international agencies, which might help fund some of these projects, if they qualify.

Last edited by Former Member

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

. We use to talk about development and excitements under the PPP,will be the same.


Yes flights to India, China, and the moon. 

Guyana did NOT develop a tourist industry under the PPP so Gaskin cannot do any worse.

Competing with the established tourist destination is a tall order.  The Marriotts, Sandals, etc who set up resorts in the islands don't see the value proposition in Guyana given what tourists look for!  You can rest assure, if that value proposition was there, the PPP would not need to partner up and build the Guyana Marriott!!

There will be some niche tourists visitors, not not the scale we see in the sandy beach blue water islands!  Gaskin cannot change that, and it's not his fault, jut reality!  Even the Brooklyn tourists run back as soon as the bacanal was over fearing for their safety!

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

So you take your money and invest it with them.  Do it.  Let me see how much balls you have!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

So you take your money and invest it with them.  Do it.  Let me see how much balls you have!

Money talk, BS walks.  Django will hold onto his bank book so tight, not even the best GT tiefman can get to it!!

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

So you take your money and invest it with them.  Do it.  Let me see how much balls you have!

Money talk, BS walks.  Django will hold onto his bank book so tight, not even the best GT tiefman can get to it!!

As a matter of fact  there is an electronic device,that i can design here and assemble there then sold cheaply in the local market,I am planning a trip will look in to it.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

So you take your money and invest it with them.  Do it.  Let me see how much balls you have!

You probably didn't pay attention to what you wrote [see the highlighted],an investor is not giving the Gov't money to invest,an investor will invest his money in some form of business that will create jobs etc in the country i am not going into nitty gritty of an investor that is open knowledge.

That is why i said stupid prattle,some times you does take off like a run away train.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ten dollars, Gaskin walks away empty handed on Friday!  He will show up there wid his lil piece paper and babble quietly to himself without making eye contact with his audience and no one will have a clue what he is talking about.

Again Bibi serious investors don't make instant decisions.  The purpose of the investor conference is to interest businesses, both Diaspora and others in investing in Guyana.   This will give them a chance to meet the gov't officials, and Guyana based businesses who can be of assistance as they determine whether investing in Guyana makes sense.

This is the BEGINNING of a process.  It will then be up to Go Invest and others to continue the conversation, which hopefully would lead to some projects being implemented.

You are such a bad mind that you want this to fail, yet when the PPP wasted tens of thousands buying ads and writing propaganda nonsense in one of the business journals you would have jumped for joy.

Well meeting people face to face gives Go Invest more control of the process than hoping that people read the ad.  And usually they don't which is why most countries stopped those advertorials since the 90s.  The advertorials only work if tied to an event which can attract people.

The beginning of the process with the Canadian investors started last October 2015.  Dem still beginning???  Not one person committed to anything.  Only difference was, that time it was Ramjattan making the pitch.  His problem was he was looking at the wall while talking to the audience so no one had a clue what he was talking about.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

So you take your money and invest it with them.  Do it.  Let me see how much balls you have!

Money talk, BS walks.  Django will hold onto his bank book so tight, not even the best GT tiefman can get to it!!

As a matter of fact  there is an electronic device,that i can design here and assemble there then sold cheaply in the local market,I am planning a trip will look in to it.

And what does some low tech, cheap assembly work add to the quality of the people?  Guyana needs organic export oriented industry not bush-rum style ventures!

ba$eman posted:

And what does some low tech, cheap assembly work add to the quality of the people?  Guyana needs organic export oriented industry not bush-rum style ventures!

As usual you are as blind ( intellectually and physically) as a bat There are many low tech fix available for Guyana that can vastly improve the lives of the people there.  For cooking they can use bio bricketts and solar stoves. For water purification they can use rocks and inner tubes, they can plant bamboo sufficiently to produce wood ( using simple techniques) to build better homes than the paper and zinc shacks they live in. They can use plastic bottles a lighting for daytime illumnination of their homes...yes there are hundreds of simple things they can to to enhance their lives. None of these tech penetrate the marked because drug money undercut entrepreneurship.  We live on the cost  with shallow water flooding everywhere and we have no air boats etc. I can list a hundred things that can penetrate the market because they are needed and these require no technical education to do. In the realm of minimal tech there are hundreds of others available. Accountants do not know a damn thing except to count  money.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

And what does some low tech, cheap assembly work add to the quality of the people?  Guyana needs organic export oriented industry not bush-rum style ventures!

As usual you are as blind ( intellectually and physically) as a bat There are many low tech fix available for Guyana that can vastly improve the lives of the people there.  For cooking they can use bio bricketts and solar stoves. For water purification they can use rocks and inner tubes, they can plant bamboo sufficiently to produce wood ( using simple techniques) to build better homes than the paper and zinc shacks they live in. They can use plastic bottles a lighting for daytime illumination of their homes...yes there are hundreds of simple things they can to to enhance their lives.

None of these low tech products penetrate the marked because drug money undercut entrepreneurship.  We live on the cost  with shallow water flooding everywhere and we have no air boats etc. I can list a hundred things that can penetrate the market because they are needed and these require no technical education to do.

In the realm of minimal tech there are hundreds of others available. Satisfying local  needs for much of what they presently buy plus adding to the list of beneficial products may also be scalable for export but the object is to satisfy the basic need to make life better  Accountants do not know a damn thing except to count  money.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest?

Are you serious?  Who gives a gov't money to invest.  Lending entities provide loans.  Investors provide equity into PRIVATE ventures.

Government's role is to facilitate the process and to provide incentives to encourage the development of such ventures.

ba$eman posted:

Competing with the established tourist destination is a tall order.  The Marriotts, Sandals, etc who set up resorts in the islands don't see the value proposition in Guyana given what tourists look for! 

So given that, why was the Marriott built in Guyana.  It is clear that private investors were NEVER interested in such a venture, because Guyana will NEVER be a resort destination.

G/T has enough hotel rooms, as evidenced by the low occupancy rates.  Business man, overseas Guyanese, Caribbean folks attending cricket matches, or visiting friends, are the people who stay in G/T.

If the PPP wanted eco/adventure tourism they would have been working with the private sector to create an enhanced tourist product.  This will entail a range of tours, improved transportation, development of a range of activities and sites, and of 3* eco lodges in areas that might be interesting to tourists.

Instead the PPP squandered money on an airport with 8 jetways, and yet another hotel in G/T.  What Marriott will do is pull guests away from the other hotels.  It will NOT increase tourism into Guyana, because Marriott does NOT know how to promote eco/adventure destinations.  They will run this as a business hotel.

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

So you take your money and invest it with them.  Do it.  Let me see how much balls you have!

Money talk, BS walks.  Django will hold onto his bank book so tight, not even the best GT tiefman can get to it!!

As a matter of fact  there is an electronic device,that i can design here and assemble there then sold cheaply in the local market,I am planning a trip will look in to it.

And what does some low tech, cheap assembly work add to the quality of the people?  Guyana needs organic export oriented industry not bush-rum style ventures!

You like to call others katahar. Your shoe size is bigger than IQ. No?

Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

So you take your money and invest it with them.  Do it.  Let me see how much balls you have!

Money talk, BS walks.  Django will hold onto his bank book so tight, not even the best GT tiefman can get to it!!

As a matter of fact  there is an electronic device,that i can design here and assemble there then sold cheaply in the local market,I am planning a trip will look in to it.

And what does some low tech, cheap assembly work add to the quality of the people?  Guyana needs organic export oriented industry not bush-rum style ventures!

You like to call others katahar. Your shoe size is bigger than IQ. No?

This is the best contribution from the Coalition's Advisor.

ba$eman posted:

And what does some low tech, cheap assembly work add to the quality of the people?  Guyana needs organic export oriented industry not bush-rum style ventures!

Aside from processing local commodities, the only export manufacturing  that Guyana will get will be low end assembly.  Our workers are low quality, poorly educated, and unskilled. They happen to be some of the cheapest in the Americas.

St Kitts exports US$ 50 million of assembled electronic equipment for suppliers to Boeing.  About 2,000 people are employed in that sector.

Guyanese are even cheaper.  Think that Guyana should turn up its nose at that when hundreds have already flocked to that island, some maybe even working in some of those factories?

Singapore didn't start up with high end manufacturing.  50 years ago it was where Bangladesh is today.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

So you take your money and invest it with them.  Do it.  Let me see how much balls you have!

Money talk, BS walks.  Django will hold onto his bank book so tight, not even the best GT tiefman can get to it!!

As a matter of fact  there is an electronic device,that i can design here and assemble there then sold cheaply in the local market,I am planning a trip will look in to it.

And what does some low tech, cheap assembly work add to the quality of the people?  Guyana needs organic export oriented industry not bush-rum style ventures!

You like to call others katahar. Your shoe size is bigger than IQ. No?

This is the best contribution from the Coalition's Advisor.

Do you still buy drinks on credit and knack table top like yuh drunk?  I am advising to stop this nasty habit.

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is a recipe for disaster.  This bai Gaskin can't walk and chew gum at the same time. 

and who are you to comment on his competence again? He cannot be as bad as Alexei and yet you are there defending that useless punk who got his gob because his daddy was president.

Ow, you getting hot these days with the words Didi.


Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

Why is it that someone's opinion or question(other than the people you agree with (PNC) is always "nonsense or another stupid prattle"?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

Why is it that someone's opinion or question(other than the people you agree with (PNC) is always "nonsense or another stupid prattle"?

"Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest?"

This is what i was reffering to.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Competing with the established tourist destination is a tall order.  The Marriotts, Sandals, etc who set up resorts in the islands don't see the value proposition in Guyana given what tourists look for! 

So given that, why was the Marriott built in Guyana.  It is clear that private investors were NEVER interested in such a venture, because Guyana will NEVER be a resort destination.

You don't get it.  Why are Govts all over the world involved in commercial ventures and exit when the become self sustaining?  Marriott was an investment to pull in a global franchise and get something going.  It also offered a first world quality setting for the visiting expat business community which the Govt saw coming as the economy developed.  Your Brooklyn friends had a great place to stay for the bacanal.  I'm sure they were impressed at what the "coolie" bai brought.

You backward thinkers just don't get it, you prefer cuss Guyana as a hell hole and the likes of YOU refuse to even visit but enjoy the trappings here that you wish not to see there!!  You people are despicable ingrates, suckers!!

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

Why is it that someone's opinion or question(other than the people you agree with (PNC) is always "nonsense or another stupid prattle"?

"Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest?"

This is what i was reffering to.

DG told the business community last time, yea we know the economy tanked, but you come and invest and we "hope" it turns in two or so years.  I think I will play the Powerball today, two dollars and a "hope"!!  Hey, you never know!

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not criticizing the event, I am worried about the credibility of the investment process.  Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest? Or seek business advice from them?  What industry in Guyana today has a positive ROI?

The PNC government already told the people of Guyana that Rice is not Government Business.  A year ago, Cathy was shouting how she will sell the Marriott and boost tourism with her big plan.  Now her job is on the line.

What nonsense is this,another stupid prattle.

Why is it that someone's opinion or question(other than the people you agree with (PNC) is always "nonsense or another stupid prattle"?

"Seriously, would you give Dominic or any other person in that coalition government your money to invest?"

This is what i was reffering to.

DG told the business community last time, yea we know the economy tanked, but you come and invest and we "hope" it turns in two or so years.  I think I will play the Powerball today, two dollars and a "hope"!!  Hey, you never know!

Well Dem Helect Geniuses.

Demerara_Guy posted:
ba$eman posted:

DG told the business community last time, yea we know the economy tanked, but you come and invest and we "hope" it turns in two or so years.  I think I will play the Powerball today, two dollars and a "hope"!!  Hey, you never know!

DG == David Granger


DG == Demerara_Guy   

Well, excuse me DG = Dominic Gaskin!!

ba$eman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ba$eman posted:

DG told the business community last time, yea we know the economy tanked, but you come and invest and we "hope" it turns in two or so years.  I think I will play the Powerball today, two dollars and a "hope"!!  Hey, you never know!

DG == David Granger


DG == Demerara_Guy   

Well, excuse me DG = Dominic Gaskin!!


ba$eman posted:

You don't get it.  Why are Govts all over the world involved in commercial ventures and exit when the become self sustaining?  Marriott was an investment to pull in a global franchise and get something going.  It also offered a first world quality setting for the visiting expat business community which the Govt saw coming as the economy developed.  Your Brooklyn friends had a great place to stay for the bacanal.  I'm sure they were impressed at what the "coolie" bai brought.

You backward thinkers just don't get it, you prefer cuss Guyana as a hell hole and the likes of YOU refuse to even visit but enjoy the trappings here that you wish not to see there!!  You people are despicable ingrates, suckers!!

Guyana has too many hotel rooms as is.  Most overseas Guyanese either stay with relatives, or are quite happy staying at hotels like Cara. The presence of Marriott only allows peasants like you, who were born using latrines, to scream "me rich, me rich", just because you now have two coins to rub together.  

Bona fide tourists aren't going to come to Guyana just because a Marriott is there.  G/T (now that it is cleaner) is only good for 2/3 days for most tourists.  It doesn't offer an urban adventure that a city like Havana does.

Guyana is NOT a resort destination country.  People go there for personal purposes, or to conduct business.  It is estimated that fewer than 10,000 go for pure vacation purposes unrelated to seeing friends and relatives.

What Guyana lacks is proper accommodations in the far interior where tourists want to go.  So why not investment in a decent eco-lodge in a few interior locations, if hotels are a focus?  Let gov't take the developmental risk until we get a critical mass of eco/adventure tourists and locals who want to see the interior.

You know what tourists would really love.  A nice comfortable bus ride from G/T to Lethem, with stops at Iworkrama, and other places of interest. I read Tripadvisor and see that all the time. 

You know what else would work?  Tours to neighboring Suriname and French Guiana, because many find the notion of these countries which are so unlike anything else in South America to be quite exotic.  Where are the packages with Surinam Airways, which flies to all 3 countries?

French Guiana and Suriname have been way more successful than we have been in developing their tourism.  Our product is of more interest to Europeans (including British), Canadians, and Australians.  So we ought to focus on the UK and Canada markets.  In fact a Canadian who I met was quite intrigued by Guyana, but wasn't going to go because it lacked basic eco adventure infrastructure.

Can we offer that?  No.  All we can offer are uncomfortable trucks packed with assorted pork knockers, and others.  Only the back pack type will go for that.

If the gov't was going to spend money, it should be in allowing greater structure in the eco/adventure tourism sector.  In 2000 a high end travel magazine announced that Guyana was going to be one of the 21st century break out destinations.  We still haven't gotten any where, and a Marriott is NOT going to lead to this, because Marriott is NOT in the eco/adventure business!

Therefore Marriott in G/T is NOT going to attract new visitors the way that the Marriott in St Kitts did.  We will NOT attract conventions the way that island can, as we don't even have a decent golf course much less and tourist infrastructure. 

Read what I wrote and you might learn something, instead of this roti shop RH notion of tourism, which you normally peddle.


Dude, you starting to sound like Cathy Hughes now.  She bin want to sell the Marriott.  The hotel is not used primarily for tourism.  The entire 9th floor is rented out as suites to ambassadors and Gold Mining people who live there.  Almost every weekend there are events like weddings, parties, business events, etc.  And many Guyanese do stay there.

You need to get out of that Brooklyn apartment and head over to the place you haven't seen in decades to learn the truth.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

You don't get it.  Why are Govts all over the world involved in commercial ventures and exit when the become self sustaining?  Marriott was an investment to pull in a global franchise and get something going.  It also offered a first world quality setting for the visiting expat business community which the Govt saw coming as the economy developed.  Your Brooklyn friends had a great place to stay for the bacanal.  I'm sure they were impressed at what the "coolie" bai brought.

You backward thinkers just don't get it, you prefer cuss Guyana as a hell hole and the likes of YOU refuse to even visit but enjoy the trappings here that you wish not to see there!!  You people are despicable ingrates, suckers!!

Guyana has too many hotel rooms as is.  Most overseas Guyanese either stay with relatives, or are quite happy staying at hotels like Cara. The presence of Marriott only allows peasants like you, who were born using latrines, to scream "me rich, me rich", just because you now have two coins to rub together.  

Bona fide tourists aren't going to come to Guyana just because a Marriott is there.  G/T (now that it is cleaner) is only good for 2/3 days for most tourists.  It doesn't offer an urban adventure that a city like Havana does.

Guyana is NOT a resort destination country.  People go there for personal purposes, or to conduct business.  It is estimated that fewer than 10,000 go for pure vacation purposes unrelated to seeing friends and relatives.

What Guyana lacks is proper accommodations in the far interior where tourists want to go.  So why not investment in a decent eco-lodge in a few interior locations, if hotels are a focus?  Let gov't take the developmental risk until we get a critical mass of eco/adventure tourists and locals who want to see the interior.

You know what tourists would really love.  A nice comfortable bus ride from G/T to Lethem, with stops at Iworkrama, and other places of interest. I read Tripadvisor and see that all the time. 

You know what else would work?  Tours to neighboring Suriname and French Guiana, because many find the notion of these countries which are so unlike anything else in South America to be quite exotic.  Where are the packages with Surinam Airways, which flies to all 3 countries?

French Guiana and Suriname have been way more successful than we have been in developing their tourism.  Our product is of more interest to Europeans (including British), Canadians, and Australians.  So we ought to focus on the UK and Canada markets.  In fact a Canadian who I met was quite intrigued by Guyana, but wasn't going to go because it lacked basic eco adventure infrastructure.

Can we offer that?  No.  All we can offer are uncomfortable trucks packed with assorted pork knockers, and others.  Only the back pack type will go for that.

If the gov't was going to spend money, it should be in allowing greater structure in the eco/adventure tourism sector.  In 2000 a high end travel magazine announced that Guyana was going to be one of the 21st century break out destinations.  We still haven't gotten any where, and a Marriott is NOT going to lead to this, because Marriott is NOT in the eco/adventure business!

Therefore Marriott in G/T is NOT going to attract new visitors the way that the Marriott in St Kitts did.  We will NOT attract conventions the way that island can, as we don't even have a decent golf course much less and tourist infrastructure. 

Read what I wrote and you might learn something, instead of this roti shop RH notion of tourism, which you normally peddle.

Firstly, I don't hang out at roti shops you lil racist prick!  I don't even know how/where to find the most famous "roti-shap" Sybils!!

With all the so-called hotel room in Guyana, none where of first-world quality.  The entire 7th floor of the Marriott has been leased out permanently to expats.  Many locals utilize it for events and weddings as there is nothing in its class anywhere in Guyana.  This hotel has introduced the type of class and standards Guyana has never seen.  It will create a new baseline in Guyana and in time, you will see even high-end local hotels try to emulate and lift overall standards.

Your main bone of contention is not that Guyana has a Marriott class hotel, your problem it was put there by the PPP and the brain child of your most hated "coolie", B. Jagdeo.  As you can see in your own writing here, you view us as "roti-shap" class coolies who belong in the cane fields and cannot use a knife and fork!  Go screw your self!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dude, you starting to sound like Cathy Hughes now.  She bin want to sell the Marriott.  The hotel is not used primarily for tourism.  The entire 9th floor is rented out as suites to ambassadors and Gold Mining people who live there.  Almost every weekend there are events like weddings, parties, business events, etc.  And many Guyanese do stay there.

You need to get out of that Brooklyn apartment and head over to the place you haven't seen in decades to learn the truth.

You are the one to get out of your RH roti shop.

You think that those in the gold business are only in Guyana because a Marriott is there? 

You think that the Ambassadors will refuse to be stationed in Guyana unless a Marriott was there?

And you think that people wouldn't get married, or have other events because a Marriott is there?

PRIVATE people sank capital to open up their hotels and Marriott is snatching money from them.   I can assure you that no one who stays at Marriott is there only because this hotel has a facility there.

Now go back and clap your roti.  Its rush hour now so people want to buy dinner.

You should actually be upset that government is in a business, which they shouldn't be in, and depriving privately owned hotels from getting business.

In fact, with your roti shop mentality, you don't even cite what developmental purpose that Marriott services. Any incremental business that only Marriott will bring?  Certainly NOT!

ba$eman posted:

Firstly, I don't hang out at roti shops you lil racist prick!  I don't even know how/where to find the most famous "roti-shap" Sybils!!

With all the so-called hotel room in Guyana, none where of first-world quality.  The entire 7th floor of the Marriott has been leased out permanently to expats.  Many locals utilize it for events and weddings as there is nothing in its class anywhere in Guyana.  This hotel has introduced the type of class and standards Guyana has never seen.  It will create a new baseline in Guyana and in time, you will see even high-end local hotels try to emulate and lift overall standards.

Your main bone of contention is not that Guyana has a Marriott class hotel, your problem it was put there by the PPP and the brain child of your most hated "coolie", B. Jagdeo.  As you can see in your own writing here, you view us as "roti-shap" class coolies who belong in the cane fields and cannot use a knife and fork!  Go screw your self!!

You might not go to roti shops but you sure have the mentality.

Governments get into ventures, usually left to the private sector, when there are developmental reasons to do so.

You have yet to point out the reasons?  They rented out to the diplomatic corps as a way of deriving revenues, given that Guyana doesn't attract sufficient numbers of people on a consistent willing to pay Marriott rates.

In fact a sure sign that Marriott isn't thriving is that their rates are much lower than they originally were, and are on par with Pegasus, and only slightly higher than Cara.  All facilities which supposedly are at a lower standard.

So what really does Marriott bring to the table?  Gold executives are there to do gold deals.  They will stay in a hut if that is all there is.

Diplomats weren't sleeping on the streets before Marriott opened, so which private landlord is now no longer getting rents?

Guyanese will get married whether or not Marriott is there.

Yes I know peasants like you need to show off on the natives by staying in some lavish place, so you can scream "me rich, me rich", but what does this do to develop tourism?  NOTHING.

Here is what happens to REAL tourists.  They research Guyana, find no eco adventure infrastructure, so they select Costa Rica, or Belize instead.  Now what does Marriott do to attract them to Guyana?


We are still quite  far off...But would like us to stop comparing ourselves to the other Caribbean Islands as tourism in general plays such a different role in comparison to Guyana 

It's a job that doesn't need to be a Government appointee...No political mileage to gained.. so no points to be scored from either side....Hire someone with the experience from the private sector with the right resume(CV)....Black,Brown,White,Chinese..who cares..Who then reports into and accountable for by the minister 

Suriname -

French Guyana -

Costa Rica -

GT needs to offer a lot more though...Culturally wise ...Food..Shopping..Museums ..Open Spaces...Parks etc...The current restoration has a lot merit it will take a lot to restore the status of Garden City but a good start, and really assist the smaller hoteliers\lodges working together .

The transition from GT into the interior and Savannas needs to be a lot smoother, spruce up and develop Bartica as Gateway town

Massively overpaid for the Marriot that's for sure but not a white elephant...big shades of grey though .... The customers that would come to Guyana for eco\adventure flora\fauna\ nature wouldn't necessarily be there client base anyway.

This is an area that could really give such great return in a short time if done right ..And not just in a financial way 


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