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caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Firstly, I don't hang out at roti shops you lil racist prick!  I don't even know how/where to find the most famous "roti-shap" Sybils!!

With all the so-called hotel room in Guyana, none where of first-world quality.  The entire 7th floor of the Marriott has been leased out permanently to expats.  Many locals utilize it for events and weddings as there is nothing in its class anywhere in Guyana.  This hotel has introduced the type of class and standards Guyana has never seen.  It will create a new baseline in Guyana and in time, you will see even high-end local hotels try to emulate and lift overall standards.

Your main bone of contention is not that Guyana has a Marriott class hotel, your problem it was put there by the PPP and the brain child of your most hated "coolie", B. Jagdeo.  As you can see in your own writing here, you view us as "roti-shap" class coolies who belong in the cane fields and cannot use a knife and fork!  Go screw your self!!

You might not go to roti shops but you sure have the mentality.

Governments get into ventures, usually left to the private sector, when there are developmental reasons to do so.

You have yet to point out the reasons?  They rented out to the diplomatic corps as a way of deriving revenues, given that Guyana doesn't attract sufficient numbers of people on a consistent willing to pay Marriott rates.

In fact a sure sign that Marriott isn't thriving is that their rates are much lower than they originally were, and are on par with Pegasus, and only slightly higher than Cara.  All facilities which supposedly are at a lower standard.

So what really does Marriott bring to the table?  Gold executives are there to do gold deals.  They will stay in a hut if that is all there is.

Diplomats weren't sleeping on the streets before Marriott opened, so which private landlord is now no longer getting rents?

Guyanese will get married whether or not Marriott is there.

Yes I know peasants like you need to show off on the natives by staying in some lavish place, so you can scream "me rich, me rich", but what does this do to develop tourism?  NOTHING.

Here is what happens to REAL tourists.  They research Guyana, find no eco adventure infrastructure, so they select Costa Rica, or Belize instead.  Now what does Marriott do to attract them to Guyana?

You missed it altogether.  So no use!  You are on that side and will stay there, I'm on my side and will remain there!  We see things differently and it matters not what each say, it is how it is.  And you excuse it away as "roti-shop" mentality.  Well, you have swish around in your pig sty mentality, that neither here nor there for me!!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

Here is what happens to REAL tourists.  They research Guyana, find no eco adventure infrastructure, so they select Costa Rica, or Belize instead.  Now what does Marriott do to attract them to Guyana?

You missed it altogether.  So no use!  You are on that side and will stay there, I'm on my side and will remain there!  We see things differently and it matters not what each say, it is how it is.  And you excuse it away as "roti-shop" mentality.  Well, you have swish around in your pig sty mentality, that neither here nor there for me!!

OK.   So you cannot prove why opening Marriott was of such critical importance.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

He spoke under his breath and I didn't understand what he was saying so he lost corn and husk!!  BTW, me and him sit on a certain committee together so I will ask him to tell you himself!

So if what you said is true about you an dat banna does hang and you bad talkin the man. I hope he come an see you here talkin bad bout he then is rass to play

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:

As a matter of fact  there is an electronic device,that i can design here and assemble there then sold cheaply in the local market,I am planning a trip will look in to it.

And what does some low tech, cheap assembly work add to the quality of the people?  Guyana needs organic export oriented industry not bush-rum style ventures!

You wanna talk bout an orgasmic oriented you know the man ain't invent a better version of the dildo?

Last edited by cain

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