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Canada promotes recruitment of transgender troops as Donald Trump imposes military ban

Canadian Armed Forces tweet 'Join us!' after U.S. president announces plan for expulsion

By Kathleen Harris, CBC News Posted: Jul 26, 2017 5:05 PM ET, Last Updated: Jul 26, 2017 5:05 PM ET,

The Canadian Armed Forces are welcoming transgender recruits to the military on the same day U.S. President Donald Trump announced a ban on transgender members from service 'in any capacity.' (Chris Wattie/Reuters)


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Canada promotes recruitment of transgender troops as Donald Trump imposes military ban

Canadian Armed Forces tweet 'Join us!' after U.S. president announces plan for expulsion

By Kathleen Harris, CBC News Posted: Jul 26, 2017 5:05 PM ET, Last Updated: Jul 26, 2017 5:05 PM ET,

As U.S. President Donald Trump pushes a new policy to banish transgender Americans from the military, Canada is taking steps to promote diversity in the ranks and recruit more gay, lesbian and trans troops.

Jordan Owens, spokesperson for Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan, said the government is fully committed to building a defence team that "reflects Canadian ideals of diversity, respect and inclusion."

"Our diversity strategy and action plan will promote an institution-wide culture that embraces diversity and inclusion, and we will continue to focus on the recruitment and retention of under-represented groups within the Canadian Forces' ranks," she said in a statement to CBC News.

That's in sharp contrast to the U.S. president's new policy, announced through a series of Twitter posts today, which says transgender individuals will not be permitted to serve "in any capacity."

This afternoon, the Canadian Armed Forces tweeted about its welcoming approach to recruitment. 

"We welcome Cdns of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Join us!" it reads, with a photograph of Royal Canadian Navy Band members playing instruments festooned in Pride colours.

The Forces' existing policy statement dated Feb. 8, 2011, refers to "transsexual" members and offers guidance for commanding officers and leadership at all levels to prevent discrimination and harassment and to ensure all members are treated with dignity and respect regardless of gender identity.

Department of National Defence spokesperson Dan Le Bouthillier said that policy is currently under review, with an update including revised terminology and further guidelines for supporting transgender members scheduled to be finalized this fall.

Diversity a source of strength

"Diversity is viewed as a source of strength and flexibility, plays a pivotal role in making the Canadian Armed Forces a modern, forward-looking organization, and is imperative to the CAF's operational effectiveness," he said. "To achieve that objective, the CAF is committed to increasing diversity and promoting inclusiveness amongst its personnel." 

Trump cited "tremendous medical costs" and "disruption" that transgender members would cause for the military.


U.S. President Donald Trump announced a ban on transgender military members in a series of Twitter posts. (Chris Kleponis/Getty Images)

In Canada, 19 Forces' members completed sex reassignment surgery between 2008 and 2015 for a total cost of $319,000. 

The military also covers costs for hormone therapy, medications, psychological support and financial support for related travel for trans members.

The Defence Department does not track the number of transgender military members, and in the U.S. data is also hard to pin down. 

Last year, then U.S. defence secretary Ash Carter cited a study by the RAND Corporation think-tank that said there were about 2,500 active-duty service members and 1,500 service members who were transgender.

'Despicable directive'

NDP defence critic Randall Garrison said Trump's ban is based on ignorance and hate and predicted it will weaken military cohesion.

He called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to condemn the "despicable directive" to show that Canada respects human rights and stands up against discrimination.

"It is wrong and must be called out," he said in a statement.

"Service to one's country is of the highest honour. Transgender people who are currently in the military and those who wish to serve are, in many ways, the bravest of the brave."

With files from Katie Simpson

Prince posted:

Amm, Canada would take anyone while America would choose who would be in the military?   I heard they recruited Cain, who is apparently on disability?  

If you really know Cain, he will heise and kick you ass to Prodoville 2, den to kingdom come.

You mess with Cane and you messing wid de wrong person. If you tink he is what he writes hea, think again.

He is cool on GNI, but never get him mad, or you ass is toast.

Trump is an ass to discriminate against diversity and some American are dumb and stupid to elect him, including some on GNI who worship him as their lame brain idol.    

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prince posted:

Amm, Canada would take anyone while America would choose who would be in the military?   I heard they recruited Cain, who is apparently on disability?  

Canada has an army?????????

If they do, I don't believe they were active in any war. American Army always fights on their behalf on the international stage, but they refused to pay Trump for American blood.  

Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps one is unaware of the Battle in 1812 when Canada defeated a hopeless US_of_A.

At that time the population for Canada was 500,000 and US_of_A 7.5 million.

At a later date, there was a conflict in the southern part of Alberta, when again Canada whipped the US_of_A.

The War of 1812 was fought between the British and the USA, Knucklehead. Canada did not become a country until July 1st 1867.

Didn't you just celebrate 150 years of Canada being a country?


Military history of Canada

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The military history of Canada comprises hundreds of years of armed actions in the territory encompassing modern Canada, and interventions by the Canadian military in conflicts and peacekeeping worldwide. For thousands of years, the area that would become Canada was the site of sporadic intertribal conflicts among Aboriginal peoples. Beginning in the 17th and 18th centuries, Canada was the site of four colonial wars and two additional wars in Nova Scotia and Acadia between New France and New England; the conflicts spanned almost seventy years, as each allied with various First Nation groups.

In 1763, after the final colonial war—the Seven Years' War—the British emerged victorious and the French civilians, whom the British hoped to assimilate, were declared "British Subjects". After the passing of the Quebec Act in 1774, giving the Canadians their first charter of rights under the new regime, the northern colonies chose not to join the American Revolution and remained loyal to the British crown. The Americans launched invasions in 1775 and 1812. On both occasions, the Americans were rebuffed by Canadian forces; however, this threat would remain well into the 19th century and partially facilitated Canadian Confederation in 1867.

After Confederation, and amid much controversy, a full-fledged Canadian military was created. Canada, however, remained a British dominion, and Canadian forces joined their British counterparts in the Second Boer War and the First World War. While independence followed the Statute of Westminster, Canada's links to Britain remained strong, and the British once again had the support of Canadians during the Second World War. Since then, Canada has been committed to multilateralism and has gone to war within large multinational coalitions such as in the Korean War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, and the Afghan war. Canada has also played an important role in United Nations peacekeeping operations worldwide and has cumulatively committed more troops than any other country.

Last edited by cain

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