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Canadian dies two weeks after Guyana shooting


GEORGETOWN — A French Canadian man who officials believe had ties to organized crime, died Friday from injuries sustained two weeks ago during a shooting, police said.


Guyana police spokesman Ivelaw Whittaker said Jean-Claude Le Blanc, 62, "succumbed to his injuries" after being shot October 15 in the restaurant of the Guyana Motor Racing Sports Club.


The Montreal resident fell into a coma just hours after giving police a statement about the shooting.


Investigators said Le Blanc was gunned down at the restaurant around the same time as the fatal shooting of suspected Guyanese drug kingpin Ricardo Rodrigues, 42, in what appears to have been a drug deal gone bad.


Guyana's Deputy Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud told AFP he was told by Canadian authorities that Le Blanc is known to have ties to organized crime.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

So if Le Blanc gave police a statement then how come no body has yet been arrested? PPP involvement?

Keep digging.  Maybe he was about to expose the PNC.


I tried to make some sense of this man's le Blanc demise but something doesn't add up. I'm not a doctor, but how could a man who got shot in his ass and was supposedly conscious and on the way to making a full recovery die all of a sudden?
Guyana is a very mysterious place.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I tried to make some sense of this man's le Blanc demise but something doesn't add up. I'm not a doctor, but how could a man who got shot in his ass and was supposedly conscious and on the way to making a full recovery die all of a sudden?
Guyana is a very mysterious place.

the bullet was near the spine. An autopsy would reveal the reason. Being a Canadian citizen, I hope Canada steps in to ascertain the real cause of death.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I tried to make some sense of this man's le Blanc demise but something doesn't add up. I'm not a doctor, but how could a man who got shot in his ass and was supposedly conscious and on the way to making a full recovery die all of a sudden?
Guyana is a very mysterious place.

the bullet was near the spine. An autopsy would reveal the reason. Being a Canadian citizen, I hope Canada steps in to ascertain the real cause of death.

It's a strange thing how you does know all these intricate details. I suppose you'll be performing the autopsy next, eh Bgurd,

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I tried to make some sense of this man's le Blanc demise but something doesn't add up. I'm not a doctor, but how could a man who got shot in his ass and was supposedly conscious and on the way to making a full recovery die all of a sudden?
Guyana is a very mysterious place.

the bullet was near the spine. An autopsy would reveal the reason. Being a Canadian citizen, I hope Canada steps in to ascertain the real cause of death.

It's a strange thing how you does know all these intricate details. I suppose you'll be performing the autopsy next, eh Bgurd,

Guyanese ALWAYS Full of Shit. A bloody Criminal got killed, and now Al Yuh want spend millions of dollars to find out why a Bloody Muderous Criminal died. Guyanese are a "Special" breed!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I tried to make some sense of this man's le Blanc demise but something doesn't add up. I'm not a doctor, but how could a man who got shot in his ass and was supposedly conscious and on the way to making a full recovery die all of a sudden?
Guyana is a very mysterious place.

the bullet was near the spine. An autopsy would reveal the reason. Being a Canadian citizen, I hope Canada steps in to ascertain the real cause of death.

It's a strange thing how you does know all these intricate details. I suppose you'll be performing the autopsy next, eh Bgurd,

Guyanese ALWAYS Full of Shit. A bloody Criminal got killed, and now Al Yuh want spend millions of dollars to find out why a Bloody Muderous Criminal died. Guyanese are a "Special" breed!!!!!

I don't believe the fact that a known criminal (according to the Canadian Authorities) died is the issue here, moreso it is the circumstances surrounding his death that is intruiging.
But ah see like yuh lil stupidee tonite.
Ah going by Dave later, yuh gon deh home?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

It's a strange thing how you does know all these intricate details. I suppose you'll be performing the autopsy next, eh Bgurd,

That is because I pay meticulous attention to detail and am well read.

Read the Kaituer from the mouthpiece of the AFc/PNC

A medical source at the hospital had told this publication that the bullet was lodged near to his spine. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

It's a strange thing how you does know all these intricate details. I suppose you'll be performing the autopsy next, eh Bgurd,

That is because I pay meticulous attention to detail and am well read.

Read the Kaituer from the mouthpiece of the AFc/PNC

A medical source at the hospital had told this publication that the bullet was lodged near to his spine. 

Suh you finally believe the AFC/PPPNC and Kaiteur news.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

It's a strange thing how you does know all these intricate details. I suppose you'll be performing the autopsy next, eh Bgurd,

That is because I pay meticulous attention to detail and am well read.

Read the Kaituer from the mouthpiece of the AFc/PNC

A medical source at the hospital had told this publication that the bullet was lodged near to his spine. 

Suh you finally believe the AFC/PPPNC and Kaiteur news.

Not quiet as they tend to be biased against govt. In this case though Rodriguez was an afc supporter and the death of the Canadian behooved them to come up with excuse about bullet near the spine. I would not be surprised if an aFc/PNC nurse poison the man to keep him silent about the aFC/PNC involvement in crime. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

It's a strange thing how you does know all these intricate details. I suppose you'll be performing the autopsy next, eh Bgurd,

That is because I pay meticulous attention to detail and am well read.

Read the Kaituer from the mouthpiece of the AFc/PNC

A medical source at the hospital had told this publication that the bullet was lodged near to his spine. 

Suh you finally believe the AFC/PPPNC and Kaiteur news.

Not quiet as they tend to be biased against govt. In this case though Rodriguez was an afc supporter and the death of the Canadian behooved them to come up with excuse about bullet near the spine. I would not be surprised if an aFc/PNC nurse poison the man to keep him silent about the aFC/PNC involvement in crime. 

Do you enjoy disgracing your parents?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

the bullet was near the spine. An autopsy would reveal the reason. Being a Canadian citizen, I hope Canada steps in to ascertain the real cause of death.

It's a strange thing how you does know all these intricate details. I suppose you'll be performing the autopsy next, eh Bgurd,

Guyanese ALWAYS Full of Shit. A bloody Criminal got killed, and now Al Yuh want spend millions of dollars to find out why a Bloody Muderous Criminal died. Guyanese are a "Special" breed!!!!!

According to info I read, he seemed to have been a know organized crime figure.  As a Foreign national, how/why was he allowed to freely enter and exit the country.  He should have been place on a denial on entry list and not allowed to enter in the first place. Seems he is well connected, if you ask me.


According to what I have gathered from the tabloids, this man Le Blanc's criminal past was discovered by the guyanese authorities after the fact. So there was no way the Guyanese immigration had any reason to deny him entry into the country. Foreign Nationals arrive in guyana all the time.
The Canadian Authorities should have stopped him from boarding the plane if he was deemed a person of interest.


 "I would not be surprised if an aFc/PNC nurse poison the man to keep him silent about the aFC/PNC involvement in crime" -BGurdSee.

This is a real possibility. But why an AFC nurse. why couldn't be a PPP one .?
Guyana is a mysterious place.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

According to what I have gathered from the tabloids, this man Le Blanc's criminal past was discovered by the guyanese authorities after the fact. So there was no way the Guyanese immigration had any reason to deny him entry into the country. Foreign Nationals arrive in guyana all the time.
The Canadian Authorities should have stopped him from boarding the plane if he was deemed a person of interest.

I take your point.  It seems it's the Canadians who claim is was known to be involved with organized crime.  Anyway, seems he lived by the sword and died by the sword.  The GoG should seek assistance from the Canadians to uncover his associates and place them on a watch list should they attempt to enter Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . The GoG should seek assistance from the Canadians to uncover his associates and place them on a watch list should they attempt to enter Guyana.

Har de har har har har har har har har


. . . tragedy THEN farce


Herr baseman as PPP clown-in-chief

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Do you enjoy disgracing your parents?

Stop straying from the subject and respond to the potential AFC involvement in this man's death. 

Arite enjoy yourself.


Why don't you come to Guyana and get a free operation on your goadee and a brain transplant all at the same time?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

 "I would not be surprised if an aFc/PNC nurse poison the man to keep him silent about the aFC/PNC involvement in crime" -BGurdSee.

This is a real possibility. But why an AFC nurse. why couldn't be a PPP one .?
Guyana is a mysterious place.

I leave that assertion for the mitwahs and reduxes to make. Why should I be supporting their positions? After all I merely seek to maintain balance to the propaganda.  When these fools begin to show impartiality then maybe I will follow suit. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Arite enjoy yourself.


Why don't you come to Guyana and get a free operation on your goadee and a brain transplant all at the same time?

I sense defeat in your tone, your arguments are weak and you resort to personal attacks when you lack substance in your rebuttal. I feel sorry for you, you used to be much more formidable, now you are but a mere waste of semen. hahahahah


I have made this comment time and time again about Mitwah and his weak comments. A weak and defeated person always lashes out against other posters with personal and vile attacks. Mitwah is now the poster boy for nasty and foul comments.


That is a reflection of what the AFC have reduced themselves to.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Take a close look at the videos and newspaper reports of the proportion of criminals and those committing crime in Guyana. Take a close look.

yes, I have . . .


the vast majority of big-time crime being committed in Guyana is by the PPP crime syndicate and their associates . . . and NONE are being charged

Originally Posted by redux:

look at the two of you . . . a pair of sorry-assed PPP antimen . . . complaining about personal attacks - something alyu invented


YES, I mean U yugii and U drugB

Tell me about the personal attacks against you or anyone else. Post the link. I don't talk about your wives, your mother, your goadie and all the other nastiness that Mitwah does.  I tolerate him as I feel sorry for how he was conned by the AFC to turn against his own people and condone beating and robbing of Indians.


why do you think when any minister get sick they donot go to the pubic hospital,a man go into the hospital for a bullet in his ass and end up dead,women go into that hell hole to deliver babys and end up dead

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

look at the two of you . . . a pair of sorry-assed PPP antimen . . . complaining about personal attacks - something alyu invented


YES, I mean U yugii and U drugB

Tell me about the personal attacks against you or anyone else. Post the link. I don't talk about your wives, your mother, your goadie and all the other nastiness that Mitwah does.  I tolerate him as I feel sorry for how he was conned by the AFC to turn against his own people and condone beating and robbing of Indians.

i get the feeling that the flood of retrograde racist comments you post here which would not be out of place in Germany or Italy (circa 1936) are OK, but snarky asides about [your?] "goadie" are "personal attacks" and beyond the pale . . .


bai, haul yuh head out of yuh ass and get real, yeh


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