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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Arite enjoy yourself.


Why don't you come to Guyana and get a free operation on your goadee and a brain transplant all at the same time?

I sense defeat in your tone, your arguments are weak and you resort to personal attacks when you lack substance in your rebuttal. I feel sorry for you, you used to be much more formidable, now you are but a mere waste of semen. hahahahah

Ever thought that your entry into the womb was your first accident, you second being at birth.


Keep on braying.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

I have made this comment time and time again about Mitwah and his weak comments. A weak and defeated person always lashes out against other posters with personal and vile attacks. Mitwah is now the poster boy for nasty and foul comments.


That is a reflection of what the AFC have reduced themselves to.

I won't waste my time with a patacake 0% brahmin. I'll save you for another rainy day. Meanwhile go and fornicate yourself. 


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