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Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC was instrumental in facilitating the mayhem which led to the tragedy and now is exploiting the "effect" as the "cause".

Bhai, Those SHAMELESS BASTARDS have been EXPOSED for what they ARE: SNAKEOIL SELLING ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!! Hold on to your wallets Guyanese with those THIEVES around!!!!!

by them.



Now, when you talk of carte-blanche racism,

No all I needed to do was read that article on AfroGuyanese that was written in that rag of a paper funded by all the taxpayers to know what racism is.  It reflects how the PPP and racists like you view Africans.  Indeed with your diatribe about raping.


Do you know that most Indian female rape victims are raped by other Indians, often people who they know!!!!!! So how come your sanction that when you instead place your ire on isolated incidents of politically motivates rapes.


ANd you turn a blind eye to the use by the PPP on frequent occasions to attack and murder Africans.  You then wonder why the Africans chanted that they were tired of "Indian" rule.  Well Indians blamed all "black man" for the PNC so who are you to claim that they are any better?  They both act out of frustration towards regimes which they feel are out to harm them  There has been systematic economic and political exclusion of Africans since 1992.  Even you in your saner moments are forced to admit this.


I am sorry but Indians cannot claim any moral superiority when it comes to their role in fostering our ethnic tensions. 


I have said frequent times and will say again.  Elements among both the African and Indian populations have been guilty, exploiting the ethnic insecurities of their fellow ethnics. And both have been victimized by this.


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