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Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Friday, 07 December 2012 10:05
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caribbeanairlinesCaribbean Airlines, with its Guyana flag carrier status, can now offer direct flights to Toronto that are fully loaded in Georgetown, prompting  optimism that passengers on that route will benefit from lower fares.

Director General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), Zulfikar Mustapha told Demerara Waves Online News ( that prior to this week’s granting of the flag carrier status, Caribbean Airlines was required to load at least 40 to 50 percent of its Toronto-bound passengers from Trinidad and the remainder from Guyana.

“What happens in this case when they are given flag carrier status, they can take a full load out of Georgetown.,” he  said. Mohammed further explained that based on an agreement with Caribbean Airlines, Canada would only allow 60 percent of passengers from a third state.

“The benefit is that Caribbean airlines can take a full load out of Georgetown rather than bring about 50 percent passengers from Trinidad,” he said.

The GCAA boss said Caribbean Airlines would now be allowed to overnight aircraft at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).

Tourism Minister Irfaan Ali further explained that the last Caribbean Airlines flight out of Guyana has to return to Trinidad normally with few passengers so that it can come back to Guyana later before its onward to journey to Toronto.  Now that the Toronto-bound flights will originate from Guyana, Ali expects airfares to drop.

“Once those flights originate out of Guyana, it brings down the cost of airfares because now you don’t have to fly the plane on a very low load factor but you can actually go directly from Guyana and so it reduces Caribbean Airlines’ cost of operation,” Ali told Demerara Waves Online News (

Ali said with flights originating out of Guyana, there would be additional cargo space for farmers and suppliers who are targeting the Toronto market.

The Tourism Minister added that the flag carrier status would soon see the airline expanding its auxiliary services such as ground handling, security.

Guyana's Aviation Minister, Robeson Benn earlier this week announced the flag carrier status while addressing a simple ceremony to inagurate the Caribbean Airlines' flights to Toronto.

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Originally Posted by Vish M:
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Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Friday, 07 December 2012 10:05
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caribbeanairlinesCaribbean Airlines, with its Guyana flag carrier status, can now offer direct flights to Toronto that are fully loaded in Georgetown, prompting  optimism that passengers on that route will benefit from lower fares.

Director General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), Zulfikar Mustapha told Demerara Waves Online News ( that prior to this week’s granting of the flag carrier status, Caribbean Airlines was required to load at least 40 to 50 percent of its Toronto-bound passengers from Trinidad and the remainder from Guyana.

“What happens in this case when they are given flag carrier status, they can take a full load out of Georgetown.,” he  said. Mohammed further explained that based on an agreement with Caribbean Airlines, Canada would only allow 60 percent of passengers from a third state.

“The benefit is that Caribbean airlines can take a full load out of Georgetown rather than bring about 50 percent passengers from Trinidad,” he said.

The GCAA boss said Caribbean Airlines would now be allowed to overnight aircraft at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).

Tourism Minister Irfaan Ali further explained that the last Caribbean Airlines flight out of Guyana has to return to Trinidad normally with few passengers so that it can come back to Guyana later before its onward to journey to Toronto.  Now that the Toronto-bound flights will originate from Guyana, Ali expects airfares to drop.

“Once those flights originate out of Guyana, it brings down the cost of airfares because now you don’t have to fly the plane on a very low load factor but you can actually go directly from Guyana and so it reduces Caribbean Airlines’ cost of operation,” Ali told Demerara Waves Online News (

Ali said with flights originating out of Guyana, there would be additional cargo space for farmers and suppliers who are targeting the Toronto market.

The Tourism Minister added that the flag carrier status would soon see the airline expanding its auxiliary services such as ground handling, security.

Guyana's Aviation Minister, Robeson Benn earlier this week announced the flag carrier status while addressing a simple ceremony to inagurate the Caribbean Airlines' flights to Toronto.

They will still treat all Guyanese like second class citizens. Stopped flying with them about 4 years ago. Might be cheaper than Delta, but I am willing to pay the extra.

Who was behind this announcement.
Where is the justification?
Universal Airlines invested $M and was allowed to fail.
Can CA truly serve the Guyanese in the Diaspora?
Was the Club Lounge at Timehri used to influence the announcement?
Originally Posted by TK:

I am curious also. Why is Caribbean Airlines not doing direct flights from Toronto/JFK/Miami to Guyana?

Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Who was behind this announcement.
Where is the justification?
Universal Airlines invested $M and was allowed to fail.
Can CA truly serve the Guyanese in the Diaspora?
Was the Club Lounge at Timehri used to influence the announcement?
Originally Posted by TK:

I am curious also. Why is Caribbean Airlines not doing direct flights from Toronto/JFK/Miami to Guyana?

You know the PPP only makes decisions based on oligarchic extractions. So I would not be too surprised. If Caribbean Airlines is now the flag carrier and they are not doing direct flights then this is retrogressive step. This will hit tourism big time as the lack of direct flights have always done. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

They will still treat all Guyanese like second class citizens. Stopped flying with them about 4 years ago. Might be cheaper than Delta, but I am willing to pay the extra.

I agree with you.
Delta is much more reliable.

Originally Posted by Vish M:
It is in English
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

This is inhibiting any new investor to develop these routes.  

What is?

 That the PPP only makes decisions based on oligarchic extractions.




I am sure TK has his justification for  his statement.



I am concern about the importance of this decision to offer Flag Carrier to a Non Guyanese Carrier.


Is it Legal?


Can the same airline be the Flag Carrier for more that one?

Vish M

The AFC/PNC must be shedding tears now that Caribbean Airline has flagship status. Their airline, ezjet is now doomed. They need another drug carrier, I don't think they can infiltrate Caribbean Airline, however we must keep a sharp eye on them. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC/PNC must be shedding tears now that Caribbean Airline has flagship status. Their airline, ezjet is now doomed. They need another drug carrier, I don't think they can infiltrate Caribbean Airline, however we must keep a sharp eye on them. 

And you need a goadee carrier.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC/PNC must be shedding tears now that Caribbean Airline has flagship status. Their airline, ezjet is now doomed. They need another drug carrier, I don't think they can infiltrate Caribbean Airline, however we must keep a sharp eye on them. 

And you need a goadee carrier.

Like I have been saying, the truth hurts and that is why I get the usual rabid reaction from you. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC/PNC must be shedding tears now that Caribbean Airline has flagship status. Their airline, ezjet is now doomed. They need another drug carrier, I don't think they can infiltrate Caribbean Airline, however we must keep a sharp eye on them. 

And you need a goadee carrier.

Like I have been saying, the truth hurts.

If you say so, I believe you. That goadee must be very heavy to give you that hump in your back and that shitty grin for a smile.  


EZ JET was a bloody failure and a bloody FRAUD. CA deserves all the help from the Govt. This is done in the interest of the Guyanese Travellers. They should jail all those thieves from EZ Jet!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

EZ JET was a bloody failure and a bloody FRAUD. CA deserves all the help from the Govt. This is done in the interest of the Guyanese Travellers. They should jail all those thieves from EZ Jet!!!


Originally Posted by Vish M:

If Guyana is "offered" a seat, it MUST go to a Businessman and not a politically motivated person

Why on God's earth would CA "offer" a board seat to "Guyana". . . ??

The cost for Flag Carrier Status.....just for starting a meaningful discussion
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

If Guyana is "offered" a seat, it MUST go to a Businessman and not a politically motivated person

Why on God's earth would CA "offer" a board seat to "Guyana". . . ??

Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
The cost for Flag Carrier Status.....just for starting a meaningful discussion
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

If Guyana is "offered" a seat, it MUST go to a Businessman and not a politically motivated person

Why on God's earth would CA "offer" a board seat to "Guyana". . . ??

"the cost for Flag Carrier status" . . . what is that?


CA is a TT domiciled airline subsidized by the TT taxpayer and, as far as i know, the GOG is not a shareholder [unlike the Jamaica Gov't].


You are reading way more into "Flag Carrier" status than exists in the CA/Guyana relationship.


the only status guyana own in this airline is begging status,these fools can build hotel and the country do not need a hotel but they cannot get one airline to fly for guyanese,how do they plan to full this hotel when there is no cheap flight into guyana,this is like putting the cart in front of the horse

Originally Posted by warrior:

the only status guyana own in this airline is begging status,these fools can build hotel and the country do not need a hotel but they cannot get one airline to fly for guyanese,how do they plan to full this hotel when there is no cheap flight into guyana,this is like putting the cart in front of the horse

Are you really that STUPID??? How long before the Hotel becomes operational???? Bannas ah weh yuh come from Bihar or Hubu????

Originally Posted by Vish M:

There is no talk about the JFK GEO  or MIA GEO links?


Is this a Limited Flag Carrier status?


What have it done to earn this status?

Vish M, stop crying.  EZ left its passengers stranded and most had to return on BW.


There is no basis for another fly by night airline owned by some criminal.  After maybe as many as 8 of them have failed, defrauding thousand of people in the process, you need to sing another tune.

Originally Posted by TK:

I am curious also. Why is Caribbean Airlines not doing direct flights from Toronto/JFK/Miami to Guyana?

There is not enough business out of MIA.  They already have three nonstops/week from JFK to GEO and now YYZ.  Whats your point?

Originally Posted by Vish M:

If Guyana is "offered" a seat, it MUST go to a Businessman and not a politically motivated person

Guyana offered nothing to BW, other then route rights which it already had.  The mere convenience of not having to originate its nopnstops to JFK/YYZ from GEO in POS is not enough to justify a seat on the board, UNLESS the Govt of GY is going to invest some money.  And why should they do that?  T&T is not asking for that.  The nonstops benefit GEO.


Vishnu I know that you are acting like a spoilt brat because your latest scam has collapsed.  You need to stop fooling people.  You did it with GA 2000.  Again with Universal and now with EZjet.  Coming on GNI and telling us that we ought to support these frauds as "loyal" Guyanese.


You need to stop backing these ventures because it destroys what ever little credibility that you have.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Who was behind this announcement.
Where is the justification?
Universal Airlines invested $M and was allowed to fail.
Can CA truly serve the Guyanese in the Diaspora?
Was the Club Lounge at Timehri used to influence the announcement?
Originally Posted by TK:

I am curious also. Why is Caribbean Airlines not doing direct flights from Toronto/JFK/Miami to Guyana?

You know the PPP only makes decisions based on oligarchic extractions. So I would not be too surprised. If Caribbean Airlines is now the flag carrier and they are not doing direct flights then this is retrogressive step. This will hit tourism big time as the lack of direct flights have always done. 

TK you are exposing the fcat that you do not know anything about travel to GEO.


Or you must be in bed with Vishnu, whose plans of launching another fraudulent fiasco, masquerading as an airline, has now been blocked.


Let me help you here.  BW does YYZ nonstops on Tu/Fr.  They do JFK nonstops on Th/Sa/Su.  If you want nonstops from MIA Surinam Airways does it on Tu/Sa.


Unless the Govt of GY wishes to subsidize a route they cannot demand any one to fly it.  Be grateful that with these nonstops the fares have to drop as there is no way that some Trini is going to fly from JFK/YYZ via GEO, so its the Guyana market ONLY that will have to fill these planes.


So whats your belly ache?  Did you lose money in that EZjet fiasco?  Is Druggie right about AFC involvement?

Originally Posted by warrior:

if one of those ppp crime family get on the board,this airline will close down,they will rob it blind

Even though Kamla has now gone on a black hating rampage, only hiring Indians for every position, like any Indo Trini so doesnt trust her Guyanese co-ethnics.


PPP will NOT get a seat on the board because they have no $$$ that will interest Kamla.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Who was behind this announcement.
Where is the justification?
Universal Airlines invested $M and was allowed to fail.
Can CA truly serve the Guyanese in the Diaspora?
Was the Club Lounge at Timehri used to influence the announcement?
Originally Posted by TK:

I am curious also. Why is Caribbean Airlines not doing direct flights from Toronto/JFK/Miami to Guyana?

You know the PPP only makes decisions based on oligarchic extractions. So I would not be too surprised. If Caribbean Airlines is now the flag carrier and they are not doing direct flights then this is retrogressive step. This will hit tourism big time as the lack of direct flights have always done. 

TK you are exposing the fcat that you do not know anything about travel to GEO.


Or you must be in bed with Vishnu, whose plans of launching another fraudulent fiasco, masquerading as an airline, has now been blocked.


Let me help you here.  BW does YYZ nonstops on Tu/Fr.  They do JFK nonstops on Th/Sa/Su.  If you want nonstops from MIA Surinam Airways does it on Tu/Sa.


Unless the Govt of GY wishes to subsidize a route they cannot demand any one to fly it.  Be grateful that with these nonstops the fares have to drop as there is no way that some Trini is going to fly from JFK/YYZ via GEO, so its the Guyana market ONLY that will have to fill these planes.


So whats your belly ache?  Did you lose money in that EZjet fiasco?  Is Druggie right about AFC involvement?


This is good. I have always believed that you can only have about one optimally operated carrier for CARICOM. Other international airlines (jetBlue, AA, Delta, British Airways, etc) can also serve CARICOM destinations to add the needed competition. Caribbean Airlines is that obvious candidate. I have been flying between MIA and GEO on one stop flight via TT for five years. When I did JFK to GEO with CA it was always via TT. So I am pleased to hear they are doing direct from JFK/GEO and YYZ/GEO. The original point I made, before you went off on your idiotic tirade, is if the PPP offered flag carrier status to CA and there are no direct flights then tourism will be adversely affect and this is yet another retrogressive move. Now that you informed me that CA does direct flights, I think this is a very good decision by the government. I am aware that Suriname Airways does direct flights from MIA to GEO. This is my airplace from now (assuming the PPP lets me into Guyana in the future). If you read my columns in SN you will see I called for opening up the Guyana market to reputable airlines. I don't see how fly-by-nights can earn the scale economies to serve this route reliably. Finally, in the interest of CARICOM integration, this is a very good move by the Ramotar Admin. Now to address your stupid question: I only invest in balanced stocks, bonds and real estate portfolios. I am clocking 9.3% return so far this year. A one airline service does not count for a balanced portfolio in my books.  


i do not know much about trini politics,but i do know that they are not stupid to put a ppp thief on this board.the whole caribbean know that the guyana government is fillty a bunch of low life thief

Originally Posted by warrior:

i do not know much about trini politics,but i do know that they are not stupid to put a ppp thief on this board.the whole caribbean know that the guyana government is fillty a bunch of low life thief

Hey warria: Check see if yu still gat yu buckta. Yu only gat 3 words in yu vokabulary.. PPP - crime - family.

HEHEHEHAHAHA LEAOriginally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i do not know much about trini politics,but i do know that they are not stupid to put a ppp thief on this board.the whole caribbean know that the guyana government is fillty a bunch of low life thief

Hey warria: Check see if yu still gat yu buckta. Yu only gat 3 words in yu vokabulary.. PPP - crime - family.



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