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I did mention that just like many on this bboard I didn't vote in the recent Guyana elections but if I did vote I would have voted APNU since I was torn between the AFC and APNU but pretty much knew what I was getting with the APNU.

Well I think Freddie has some valid points in this article.


Was there a supernova of ethnic voting?
December 20, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon

I have not heard or seen in writing, even one commentator who disagreed with the opinion that the November 28 election was a massive manifestation of ethnic voting. It is easy to say that when you look at the phenomenon from the observable eye. When you factor in several other variables, the story becomes complicated.
First the AFC. It is obviously not situated within a particular ethnic cocoon. It didn’t evolve that way. A rejection of the AFC naturally led people to claim that it was decapitated by the race-vote. To what extent is this true? The AFC could have secured more votes if the AFC wasn’t the AFC between 2006 and 2011. After it won six seats (and got five) and became the third force in Guyanese politics, I wrote a column advising the AFC on its future.

Nothing in that column was manifested in the AFC’s post-2006 behaviour. The AFC office looked like a make-shift arrangement under the chambers of Raphael Trotman. In other words, it didn’t have an office. It was in the election period that it acquired a suitable place off Sheriff Street. Interestingly, the PPP applied for two house lots in Bath and got it. Immediately the PNC and AFC should have done that. They didn’t.

Between 2006 and 2011, the PNC faltered badly. The AFC failed to take the slack. Between 2006 and 2011, Georgetown knew nothing about the AFC. How then do you expect people to vote for you? Just two AFC names were visible in the fight to get Sharma back on the air – Michael Carrington and Gerhart Ramsaroop.
On the platform were, this writer, Mark Benschop, Lincoln Lewis, Christopher Ram, Robert Corbin, Rupert Roopnaraine. These names were in the nightly vigils too. Sharma got back his licence. The AFC couldn’t take credit for it. Other could. Others did. Why then did the AFC expect a deluge of votes from Georgetown?
It did get some and maybe the President’s libel case made sure of that with a high voltage performance by Nigel Hughes. The point is African Guyanese didn’t see the AFC as the aggressive party willing to confront a recalcitrant government.

When the PNC subsumed itself under APNU and Mr. Corbin took a backseat, African Guyanese felt that between the AFC and APNU, the latter was more equipped to carry the fight to the PPP.
More importantly, African Guyanese felt that APNU would have been more reliable in eradicating African marginalization if it got into government.

In a previous column I observed that votive motive may be more complex than we think. It is possible that had the AFC taken the fives years it had from 2006 to concretize itself in the body politic it could have had a better showing? Some say that Linden balloted for Trotman in 2006 and wasn’t interested in doing the same for Ramjattan in 2011. But Lindeners didn’t see much of the AFC after 2006.
Why should that not be a factor in assessing the AFC’s devastation in the mining city?
Did Africans vote for APNU because of race? How can one ascertain that when there was no logic in them voting for the PPP and they didn’t see the AFC as strong enough? Didn’t they vote for the party they thought had the best chance of fighting the PPP? Why should this factor be ignored when analyzing race voting in Guyana? Did the East Indians vote race?

Surely, the variables you use to determine the African-Guyanese attitude on Election Day cannot be the same for Indians?
No one in Guyana should have chosen the incumbent save for those who benefited from its corruption and incestuousness. In any normal society, the PPP would have been devastated. Indians like Africans in the spirit of that famous Gandhian saying, had a duty not to cooperate with evil. But they did. They gave the PPP a plurality of the votes to capture the presidency. Was that an ethnic reflex? In my opinion it was. But that is not the whole picture.

Region Six showed that there will eventually be a turning point in the long psychic journey of the East Indians of Guyana. The act of staying away did not scare them in Region Six in that they feared that if they did not go out to vote, the “Blaakman” would get in and dominate Indians.
The AFC may feel that it lost out in a pattern of ethnic rush to the polling station. But Region Six offers a phenomenal chance to change that and Guyana in the process.[/;b]

Replies sorted oldest to newest

AFC had an option to join with APNU in secret talks months before the election. The talks fell through. If they had gone that route, the PPP would have been history. Freddie is a WPA man but crossed over to AFC. He is to be blamed also.
I think the APNU leaves a bitter taste in indos mouths and if the AFC had closely aligned itself with the APNU what manifested with the PPP only getting 48% of the voted would have resulted in the PPP getting over 51% of the vote and a majority.

Guyana is race based politics and hopefully this election is the start of a change in voting patterns in the country. If the opposition can demonstrate that they can keep whoever the ruling party is in check, I think people will feel much easier about migrating between party beliefs and voting based on principles and results.

In america we vote based on the right and the left and the center. Religion plays a part along with liberalism and conservatism. Guyana has none of that. It's amazing how guyanese vote for the lawless. The Guyana political parties seem to lack a compass which drives voters to support them based on any other ideology except race.
Guyanese Africans are the most racists bunch but I understand, they have had the greatest wrong done to them by Indians. We Indians take everythng for ourselves, we go and fish the rivers, farm the land, rear chickens and live stock and don't give the Afros a chance to do the same. Same thing under the PNC Feed, Clothes and House initiative. We Indians went off, farmed thenforced the Afros to sell lands given to them by Burnham and then left them out is the cold. We never shared our products with them.

The Indians behaviour over the past 150 years have created alot of dismay among the Afros causing occasional outburst like Wismar and Lusignan. The PPP have given much to Afros and deprived Indians yet Afros still don't feel happy. Then came the AFC, harped the Afro agenda and empowered the Afros by taking their side, still they hate the Indo faction.

I think it does not matter, we need to set up social welfare outlets in Afro villages and give their young men monthly allowance as they cannot seem to yet find their bearing on what the Indians are doing. I told the PPP we need to set up these outlets so Afro youth don't have to leave their villages and go into Indian villages to collect reparation and social welfare. The Indians don't always understand so they react in "defense" and caused the Afro to have to shoot, stab and throw fire bombs in defense. The Afros are defending their rights to collect the debt owed to them. We need to protect the Afros from violent and war-mongering Indians.
Originally posted by TI:
AFC had an option to join with APNU in secret talks months before the election. The talks fell through. If they had gone that route, the PPP would have been history. Freddie is a WPA man but crossed over to AFC. He is to be blamed also.

Show yuh stupidity.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Sledge ... with your mentality the country will never move forward.

You sound like a sore loser based on the result of the recent election.

Good luck bro.

Sir, the nation will move forward when we right a hitorical wrong. We do all sort of stuff but we need to start paying the Afros for what we stole from them. I mostly supported the PPP until I started to understand the the historical wrongs.
Freddie was accused in the past of not checking his facts. Anyways, I don't have alot of respect for his style of writing as it seems he has an axe to grind with certain individuals. Most times his columns are one sided.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Sledge ... with your mentality the country will never move forward.

You sound like a sore loser based on the result of the recent election.

Good luck bro.

Could u be a racists?
Speaking of race and racism... do not forget how, when and by whom it all started. The colonialists used "divide and rule" tactics. Burnham fell for it and the PNC continued the same racist politics for 28 years. Ethnopolitics is practised openly by the PNC (which became PNC/R and now APNU). Old wine in new bottle. Gosh! Who are we fooling...The leaders of the PNC use race and racism to prey on ordinary people. Unfortunately, too many of us heed them. It is time we Guyanese start thinking for ourselves and not listen to lofty promises of so-called "leaders" who are interested in one and only one thing... power.
Originally posted by Jupiter:
Speaking of race and racism... do not forget how, when and by whom it all started. The colonialists used "divide and rule" tactics. Burnham fell for it and the PNC continued the same racist politics for 28 years. Ethnopolitics is practised openly by the PNC (which became PNC/R and now APNU). Old wine in new bottle. Gosh! Who are we fooling...The leaders of the PNC use race and racism to prey on ordinary people. Unfortunately, too many of us heed them. It is time we Guyanese start thinking for ourselves and not listen to lofty promises of so-called "leaders" who are interested in one and only one thing... power.

Correct, so much injustice against Afros, first the Brits, then the PNC, now the PPP. We indians need to fix the problem ourselves. We need to star thinking for ourselves and stop listening to the colonial oppressors.
The Afros in GY developed an entitlement mentality nurtured by their "leaders". During the 28 years of racist pnc domination this entitlement mentality was strenghthened and we see the results in thier behavior and that of their leaders.

A silly ppp Govt bent over backwards to give more to Afro communities to shut them up, but they still voted pnc en masse. Good that the Indos of region 6 turned on the PPP because after years of neglect the PPP should not have expected their support.
Freddy Kruger is a certified JACKASS!!! If the PPP is Evil, then what is the PNC and AFC??? This MORON is lucky he has an outlet to write and publish his utter GARBAGE. Why are FOOLS like this teaching at a University???
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
We do all sort of stuff but we need to start paying the Afros .

I can well see a poor rice farmer and a struggling fisherman agreeing with you that affluent AfroGuyanese lawyers in gtwn need to be compensated by them. Yes the same ones whose kids wiegh 20% less than they should due to poor nutrition. dunno
Originally posted by Jupiter:
Burnham fell for it and the PNC continued the same racist politics for 28 years. .

You know what is interesting is in your puny little world you place 100% of the blame and the blacks and zero on the Indians.

Why is that?
These guys do see their inherent racism and do even recognize it. They only see the Indos view of the world where they are on top and keeping them on top. Once we are in control who gives a rats ass about black people. Then they lean on that familiar crutch well Burnham this and Burnham dat to defend the PPP and to justify their thinking. Look, the PNC has been out of office for 20 yrs. Focus on the PPP record and don't be blinded by race.
Originally posted by FC:
These guys do see their inherent racism and do even recognize it. They only see the Indos view of the world where they are on top and keeping them on top. Once we are in control who gives a rats ass about black people. Then they lean on that familiar crutch well Burnham this and Burnham dat to defend the PPP and to justify their thinking. Look, the PNC has been out of office for 20 yrs. Focus on the PPP record and don't be blinded by race.

I am glad some one else sees this.
Originally posted by NARA:
The Afros in GY developed an entitlement mentality nurtured by their "leaders". During the 28 years of racist pnc domination this entitlement mentality was strenghthened and we see the results in thier behavior and that of their leaders.

A silly ppp Govt bent over backwards to give more to Afro communities to shut them up, but they still voted pnc en masse. Good that the Indos of region 6 turned on the PPP because after years of neglect the PPP should not have expected their support.

What nonesense, Afros are entitled, it not an entitlement mentality, it's their right as the only true and rightful people of Guyana. We Indians came in and took what was theirs and now we blame them for wanting it back. They have every right to demand reparation from Indians. As I said, we Indians are to blame, we got the Brits to favour us, then we got the PNC to work on the side of Indians, now we have the PPP dissing the FF's. As I said, Afros are entitled to a special status in Guyana granting them special rights under the tax code and social asistance payments out of the national treasury.

I tell you the problem with us Indians, we just don't know when to quit. Consider this, PPP took over in 1992, a bankrupt and destitute nation caused by Indians manipulating the PNC to do as they wished and many Indos took off for North Ameica sucking the wealth of the nation, especially wealth of Afros. Now 19 years later, we rebuilt the nation on the backs of the Afros building up a USD 750 Mio reserve and seem to not know what to do with it.

What is needed now is for the PPP and Indians to step to the sidelines and let the PNC run things. This money needs to be distributed to the Afros as part of reparation, it's their's, please understand that. I'm sure the Afros will work with the military to ensure Indians are safe as we were pre-1992, and we could go about working, producing and feeding the national treasury and pay Afros "rent" for living in Guyana. This, I believe is the best formula for Guyana, everyone will eat, drink and be merry, just like the good old days, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.
Originally posted by FC:
These guys do see their inherent racism and do even recognize it. They only see the Indos view of the world where they are on top and keeping them on top. Once we are in control who gives a rats ass about black people. Then they lean on that familiar crutch well Burnham this and Burnham dat to defend the PPP and to justify their thinking. Look, the PNC has been out of office for 20 yrs. Focus on the PPP record and don't be blinded by race.

Nonesense, please read my posts, I am one Indian who thinks Indians need to give back much more to Afros.
So why the hell you dont go ahead and give them EVERYTHING you have?????
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:
These guys do see their inherent racism and do even recognize it. They only see the Indos view of the world where they are on top and keeping them on top. Once we are in control who gives a rats ass about black people. Then they lean on that familiar crutch well Burnham this and Burnham dat to defend the PPP and to justify their thinking. Look, the PNC has been out of office for 20 yrs. Focus on the PPP record and don't be blinded by race.

Nonesense, please read my posts, I am one Indian who thinks Indians need to give back much more to Afros.
Originally posted by Nehru:
So why the hell you dont go ahead and give them EVERYTHING you have?????
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:
These guys do see their inherent racism and do even recognize it. They only see the Indos view of the world where they are on top and keeping them on top. Once we are in control who gives a rats ass about black people. Then they lean on that familiar crutch well Burnham this and Burnham dat to defend the PPP and to justify their thinking. Look, the PNC has been out of office for 20 yrs. Focus on the PPP record and don't be blinded by race.

Nonesense, please read my posts, I am one Indian who thinks Indians need to give back much more to Afros.

I want to give them more, but if I go to Buxton or Agricola, they will think I'm some stingy "coolie" and chop my friggin' head off. They won't realize I come to pay-up for what my we indians have done to them. Do you know the conditions Indians live under here? We have created a hell hole for ourselves with Afros. If you think back, we were very very safe and happy under the PNC, they kept bandits at bay and we were eager to produce and feed the nation. It was eat, drink all merry, not sure, but don't you remember those happy day?
So vote for the PNC, Guyana IS a FREE and Democratic State.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Nehru:
So why the hell you dont go ahead and give them EVERYTHING you have?????
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:
These guys do see their inherent racism and do even recognize it. They only see the Indos view of the world where they are on top and keeping them on top. Once we are in control who gives a rats ass about black people. Then they lean on that familiar crutch well Burnham this and Burnham dat to defend the PPP and to justify their thinking. Look, the PNC has been out of office for 20 yrs. Focus on the PPP record and don't be blinded by race.

Nonesense, please read my posts, I am one Indian who thinks Indians need to give back much more to Afros.

I want to give them more, but if I go to Buxton or Agricola, they will think I'm some stingy "coolie" and chop my friggin' head off. They won't realize I come to pay-up for what my we indians have done to them. Do you know the conditions Indians live under here? We have created a hell hole for ourselves with Afros. If you think back, we were very very safe and happy under the PNC, they kept bandits at bay and we were eager to produce and feed the nation. It was eat, drink all merry, not sure, but don't you remember those happy day?
Originally posted by Nehru:
So why the hell you dont go ahead and give them EVERYTHING you have?????
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:
These guys do see their inherent racism and do even recognize it. They only see the Indos view of the world where they are on top and keeping them on top. Once we are in control who gives a rats ass about black people. Then they lean on that familiar crutch well Burnham this and Burnham dat to defend the PPP and to justify their thinking. Look, the PNC has been out of office for 20 yrs. Focus on the PPP record and don't be blinded by race.

Nonesense, please read my posts, I am one Indian who thinks Indians need to give back much more to Afros.

Nehru, don't you recognize satire? Underlying Sledge's apparent seriousness is humor that makes the same point as NARA. It's employing hyperbole to make the point that an entitlement mentality will breed partisan conflict - in Guyana's case racial conflict or at least feelings of it.
Kari, I understand what he is trying to do but is Christmas time and I have to take my shots before I go the way of the Lord. But I will be back early next year. xmas4 xmas4
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Nehru:
So why the hell you dont go ahead and give them EVERYTHING you have?????
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by FC:
These guys do see their inherent racism and do even recognize it. They only see the Indos view of the world where they are on top and keeping them on top. Once we are in control who gives a rats ass about black people. Then they lean on that familiar crutch well Burnham this and Burnham dat to defend the PPP and to justify their thinking. Look, the PNC has been out of office for 20 yrs. Focus on the PPP record and don't be blinded by race.

Nonesense, please read my posts, I am one Indian who thinks Indians need to give back much more to Afros.

Nehru, don't you recognize satire? Underlying Sledge's apparent seriousness is humor that makes the same point as NARA. It's employing hyperbole to make the point that an entitlement mentality will breed partisan conflict - in Guyana's case racial conflict or at least feelings of it.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Kari, I understand what he is trying to do but is Christmas time and I have to take my shots before I go the way of the Lord.

Reminds me of the question posed when Amaduh Diallo (sp) was shot 41 times by NYPD cops - who can take more shots than Diallo and still stand up? - An Irishman. Big Grin
Good Wan Padna. partybanana partybanana. HAPPY HOLIDAYUS BRO . ENJOY.
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Kari, I understand what he is trying to do but is Christmas time and I have to take my shots before I go the way of the Lord.

Reminds me of the question posed when Amaduh Diallo (sp) was shot 41 times by NYPD cops - who can take more shots than Diallo and still stand up? - An Irishman. Big Grin
Originally posted by Dhall:
Freddie was accused in the past of not checking his facts. Anyways, I don't have alot of respect for his style of writing as it seems he has an axe to grind with certain individuals. Most times his columns are one sided.
True, but I suspect that he also picks fights with high-profile individuals in order to call attention to himself.
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Sledge ... with your mentality the country will never move forward.

You sound like a sore loser based on the result of the recent election.

Good luck bro.

Could u be a racists?
To some I may be ... but they won't get any argument out of me. I am entitled to my beliefs and if they sound racist to some, then so be it.
Originally posted by Jupiter:
Speaking of race and racism... do not forget how, when and by whom it all started. The colonialists used "divide and rule" tactics. Burnham fell for it and the PNC continued the same racist politics for 28 years. Ethnopolitics is practised openly by the PNC (which became PNC/R and now APNU). Old wine in new bottle. Gosh! Who are we fooling...The leaders of the PNC use race and racism to prey on ordinary people. Unfortunately, too many of us heed them. It is time we Guyanese start thinking for ourselves and not listen to lofty promises of so-called "leaders" who are interested in one and only one thing... power.
In that entire post you never mentioned one word about the PPP and used the words racist only towards the PNC/APNU. Are you blind?
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

What nonesense, Afros are entitled, .

Hammer obviously you are joking, but there are people on BOTH sides who might take you seriously.

1. Not all Indians are rich. many, especially in rural areas have the same problems that blacks do.

2. While for various historic reasons social pathologies have been more visible among Africans and mixed Guyanese, and even more so for Amerindians, East Indians are increasingly facing these issues as the family structure changes. Long Hair was as violent against Indians as any thugs out of Buxton. Remember also that among the Freedom Fighters was at least one Indian.

3. NARA, even though he hates blacks, isnt totally wrong. One legacy of Burnham was an entitlement mentality.....dont know if it is a feature of today's Afro youth, given that the gravy train ended around 1980. This is why IMHO Burnham was the WORST thing that happened to AfroGuyanese, who are still trying to dig themselves out of that hole they allowed him to place them in.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I am one Indian who thinks Indians need to give back much more to Afros.

OK so lets have people like Nigel Hughes, Courtnay Benn and others demand reparations from that poor Indian woman who was living in a hovel whose plight was much displayed on GNI pre election.

Your analysis is so simple that I know you have to be jopking...the problem being that you are giving ammuniation to idiots who will do just that. And not being rich as you are they are ill equipped to protect themselves....indeed criminals are usually not the poorest people in most societies. Just the most vicious and they attact people who can eb attacked, regardless of race as many a small black business person will tell you.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I want to give them more, but if I go to Buxton or Agricola, they will think I'm some stingy "coolie" and chop my friggin' head off. ?

No they will not. They will rush past a black business man to buy from you. Do you not know that blacks who are descended from slaves will sooner support a non black than their own? Another legacy of slavery.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

What nonesense, Afros are entitled, .

Hammer obviously you are joking, but there are people on BOTH sides who might take you seriously.

1. Not all Indians are rich. many, especially in rural areas have the same problems that blacks do.

2. While for various historic reasons social pathologies have been more visible among Africans and mixed Guyanese, and even more so for Amerindians, East Indians are increasingly facing these issues as the family structure changes. Long Hair was as violent against Indians as any thugs out of Buxton. Remember also that among the Freedom Fighters was at least one Indian.

3. NARA, even though he hates blacks, isnt totally wrong. One legacy of Burnham was an entitlement mentality.....dont know if it is a feature of today's Afro youth, given that the gravy train ended around 1980. This is why IMHO Burnham was the WORST thing that happened to AfroGuyanese, who are still trying to dig themselves out of that hole they allowed him to place them in.

Sir, I don't disagree, I see many destitute Indians everyday, but that's their problem, not mine, not Afros, not the PPP. Indians have all the advantages in this society, the Brits, the PNC and now the PPP ensure that. A poor Indian is just plain lazy, a poor Afro is plain deprived.

Indians need to be whipped into shape to get their act together and pull their weight in righting the historical wrong. They don't realize, this is why the Buxton FF went after them with vengence, the are letting people down. If they farm, fish, grow chicken and livestock, the FF's would have just taken what they wanted and not get caried away killing everyone. This is what I try telling my Indians friends, work, work and set aside some for their neighbours. You and them will be surprised how much reconciliation, harmony and contentment this would breed.

We Indians, by our nature are a flawed race. We work, work and work and expect that we should just keep and control what comes out. The greatest, Dr CBJ recognized this flaw and embraced Socialism as a way to manage our Indian attitude. He knew we will work and work and try to get rich, so if you Afros had given him a break, he would have made us work and work and he would have taken some and shared around. Maybe if you guys treat BJ and Ramotar right, they might just do that. You Afros need to stop voting race and the PPP and AFC will take care of things. APNU is a lost cause man.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Freddy Kruger is a certified JACKASS!!! If the PPP is Evil, then what is the PNC and AFC??? This MORON is lucky he has an outlet to write and publish his utter GARBAGE. Why are FOOLS like this teaching at a University???
when freddie is trying to make his country,a decent place to live in you in America drinking your white rum and water,and trying like you care for the guyanese people
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Freddy Kruger is a certified JACKASS!!! If the PPP is Evil, then what is the PNC and AFC??? This MORON is lucky he has an outlet to write and publish his utter GARBAGE. Why are FOOLS like this teaching at a University???
when freddie is trying to make his country,a decent place to live in you in America drinking your white rum and water,and trying like you care for the guyanese people

I really don't understand these diaspora people. They take the wealth of the Afros to the US now they cock their asses there and criticize us here trying with the reparation.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Sir, I don't disagree, I see many destitute Indians everyday, but that's their problem, not mine, not Afros, not the PPP.

A poor Indian is just plain lazy, a poor Afro is plain deprived.

Indians need to be whipped into shape to get their act together and pull their weight in righting the historical wrong.

They don't realize, this is why the Buxton FF went after them with vengence, the are letting people down. If they farm, fish, grow chicken and livestock, the FF's would have just taken what they wanted and not get caried away killing everyone.
This is what I try telling my Indians friends, work, work and set aside some for their neighbours. You and them will be surprised how much reconciliation, harmony and contentment this would breed.

We Indians, by our nature are a flawed race. We work, work and work and expect that we should just keep and control what comes out. The greatest, Dr CBJ recognized this flaw and embraced Socialism as a way to manage our Indian attitude. He knew we will work and work and try to get rich, so if you Afros had given him a break, he would have made us work and work and he would have taken some and shared around. Maybe if you guys treat BJ and Ramotar right, they might just do that.

Shivraj Mahadeo's "Laff til yuh belly buss" would have a hard time with Christmas yuks like this. Sledge....gotta hand it to you man....this is serious humor that's a gem on GNI.
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Sir, I don't disagree, I see many destitute Indians everyday, but that's their problem, not mine, not Afros, not the PPP.

A poor Indian is just plain lazy, a poor Afro is plain deprived.

Indians need to be whipped into shape to get their act together and pull their weight in righting the historical wrong.

They don't realize, this is why the Buxton FF went after them with vengence, the are letting people down. If they farm, fish, grow chicken and livestock, the FF's would have just taken what they wanted and not get caried away killing everyone.
This is what I try telling my Indians friends, work, work and set aside some for their neighbours. You and them will be surprised how much reconciliation, harmony and contentment this would breed.

We Indians, by our nature are a flawed race. We work, work and work and expect that we should just keep and control what comes out. The greatest, Dr CBJ recognized this flaw and embraced Socialism as a way to manage our Indian attitude. He knew we will work and work and try to get rich, so if you Afros had given him a break, he would have made us work and work and he would have taken some and shared around. Maybe if you guys treat BJ and Ramotar right, they might just do that.

Shivraj Mahadeo's "Laff til yuh belly buss" would have a hard time with Christmas yuks like this. Sledge....gotta hand it to you man....this is serious humor that's a gem on GNI.

Not sure where you see the humour. We are obliged to ensure the historical wrongs are made right. I take this stuff serious as I live here. I don't take kindly to hearing oppressed and angry Afros wanting to feed us "coolies" to the dogs, etc. I think if we feed them enough they will not "feed us to the dogs", please understand that. We Indians must learn to operate within the confines of Guyana. We cannot just carry on working and working and getting rich while others cannot figure out how to throw a cast net or juk and plant a biagan plant. No wonder they have had "enough of us coolies".

I don't blame them cuz even I have had enough of myself. Unfortunately, if I cannot work and work here, then I will also join you guys in the diaspora, but I love Guyana. My wife and my girlfriend make this a beautiful life, so I will work and work.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I don't take kindly to hearing oppressed and angry Afros wanting to feed us "coolies" to the dogs, etc. .

And yet your diatribe gives these people the ammunition to do so. This segment will bully the Indians as they think they are all benefitting from the system and are rich, even though most are scarcely better off than they are.

So the poor rural Indian, who cant afford all the security you use to protect yourself, becomes a scapegoat....but then that seems to be your plan. Feed the poor Indian to that angry segment so they dont come after you, when BOTH the poor Indo and the poor Afro should come after the business elites (mainly Indo) who are responsible for their problems.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Not sure where you see the humour.

Sledge, your sincerity lacks the conviction of what is clearly satire about Blacks living with an entitlement belief, and Indians entertaining thoughts about having wrongs Blacks; and even the historical inaccuracy of the British having helped Indians.

Try again.

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