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Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

The two races have never had useful communion. There has always been a low lever internecine warfare between the two tribal Guyanese groups. Only a narrow gap in the broad spectrum of our people are ever out of harms way. The majority has always suffered and at present the continue to suffer on account of this squabbling like greedy ducks.

You will note that Blacks have always been the aggressors as they see Indians as easy targets to rob, rape and murder.  The passive Indian is world renowned, even the criminals in the US see them as easy targets. You on the other hand want to paint a picture of an aggressive Indian trouble making population in Guyana. 

I will note nothing of the kind.   And an indian identified government  has worked havoc on the state in terms of corruption so comparatively speaking I do not see daylight between which group did more of what.

Yet the Granger administration is yet to jail 1 PPP for corruption.  I believe that DG has a thread open to track the # of PPP jailed for corruption. You should contribute to that thread as it is collecting cob webs. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

If you scroll through the pictures on FB you will note that it was mentioned that during the 28 years of rule under the PNC, there was no attempt to validate that the PPP supporters had anything to do with the blowing up of the Sun Chapman boat. Not even a sham of a COI.

During PPP rule, not only did they NOT punish the House of Israel/Hammie Green thugs, who used to attack them, but they even invited them in, providing them with a lucrative living, with some even becoming PPP MPs.

So using your logic there was never any politically inspired violence during the Burnham era.

In fact folks like you blamed the PPP for killing Sat Sawh.  No senior leader from the PNC was ever arrested for political violence that you brown bai KKK claimed had Indian "men" shivering in their homes, fearful of a sound beating at the hands of a PPP female.

So, using your logic no PNC violence occurred in that era.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Why didn't this "inherent" violent trait of the Indians manifest itself during the 28 years of PNC suppression and 23 years of PPP rule?

Because PPP "men" frikken black woman baad, baad, baad.   So they use other methods to harass blacks.  Look at how two old black women, who cussed out a bunch of cane cutters had grown brown bai KKK on this board whining and sniveling about genocide!

Druggie why are you so cowardly terrified of those PNC women?  Poor Cobra fled into his house and refused to emerge for a whole week after the PPP lost.

Spent the time babbling and rambling about "dem PNC big black woman wid super cyat who can do whatever dey want, and nobody cyant stop dem."

You know why you all became so cowardly? Because you bought into a mythology of the Indian as the victim in the 60s. In fact Indians and Africans both did a job on each other, and there are those who suspect that more Africans were killed after Castro trained PYO thugs in violence

caribny posted:

During PPP rule, not only did they NOT punish the House of Israel/Hammie Green thugs, who used to attack them, but they even invited them in, providing them with a lucrative living, with some even becoming PPP MPs.

So using your logic there was never any politically inspired violence during the Burnham era.

In fact folks like you blamed the PPP for killing Sat Sawh.  No senior leader from the PNC was ever arrested for political violence that you brown bai KKK claimed had Indian "men" shivering in their homes, fearful of a sound beating at the hands of a PPP female.

So, using your logic no PNC violence occurred in that era.

Why your PNC didn't try to find the killers of the Sun Chapman's victims during its 28 years? That's because it was they themselves who were the perpetrators. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

During PPP rule, not only did they NOT punish the House of Israel/Hammie Green thugs, who used to attack them, but they even invited them in, providing them with a lucrative living, with some even becoming PPP MPs.

So using your logic there was never any politically inspired violence during the Burnham era.

In fact folks like you blamed the PPP for killing Sat Sawh.  No senior leader from the PNC was ever arrested for political violence that you brown bai KKK claimed had Indian "men" shivering in their homes, fearful of a sound beating at the hands of a PPP female.

So, using your logic no PNC violence occurred in that era.

Why your PNC didn't try to find the killers of the Sun Chapman's victims during its 28 years? That's because it was they themselves who were the perpetrators. 

Why did Jagdeo not arrest Corbin, even as he blamed him for all the ills of Guyana?  Jagdeo screamed that he had proof of senior PNC involvement in post election violence, and the murder of Sat Sawh.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Yet the Granger administration is yet to jail 1 PPP for corruption.

And why will they when want to ensure that those APNU old men can demand bribes from all of the same PPP frauds who engaged in corruption?

I see now you have been beaten into acceptance that the PNC are crooks. 

Did I ever deny this?  In fact I was very vocal about the weaknesses of the PNC/APNU.  Even BEFORE the election. 

Such a brown bai KKK that you are, all that will satisfy you is if I peddled the same racist lies about blacks that you do,

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

During PPP rule, not only did they NOT punish the House of Israel/Hammie Green thugs, who used to attack them, but they even invited them in, providing them with a lucrative living, with some even becoming PPP MPs.

So using your logic there was never any politically inspired violence during the Burnham era.

In fact folks like you blamed the PPP for killing Sat Sawh.  No senior leader from the PNC was ever arrested for political violence that you brown bai KKK claimed had Indian "men" shivering in their homes, fearful of a sound beating at the hands of a PPP female.

So, using your logic no PNC violence occurred in that era.

Why your PNC didn't try to find the killers of the Sun Chapman's victims during its 28 years? That's because it was they themselves who were the perpetrators. 

Why did Jagdeo not arrest Corbin, even as he blamed him for all the ills of Guyana?  Jagdeo screamed that he had proof of senior PNC involvement in post election violence, and the murder of Sat Sawh.

Because he didn't want to further enrage the angry Blacks who would rob and riot against Indians. Intimidation by the Black riotous masses has always been a bane to the PPP.  Look how they bent over backwards to accommodate the Blacks while in power only to stabbed in the back. Now the Blacks have fellow incompetent leaders in power, they will soon be eating shine rice,eddoes and yam. 

caribny posted:

Did I ever deny this?  In fact I was very vocal about the weaknesses of the PNC/APNU.  Even BEFORE the election. 

Such a brown bai KKK that you are, all that will satisfy you is if I peddled the same racist lies about blacks that you do,

Did I ever deny the crookedness of the PPP?  I always advocated that they steal but they moved the nation forward. In this scenario with the PNC, we see thieving but no development. 

Drugb posted:
. they moved the nation forward. .. 

Exactly what did they do to move the nation forward.  What moved it forward were high commodity prices and remittances.

The PPP cannot even tell us what the unemployment rate was, as it greatly embarrassed them.

During the PPP era THOUSANDS of Guyanese poured out to live in Barbados, Trinidad, Antigua, St Maarten and elsewhere.  Guyanese are the largest immigrant group into the 1st three countries mentioned, and rank high into the last.

Why would Guyanese flee to these places, and others like Anguilla and Tortola if the PPP gave them the good life?

Drugb posted:
.Now the Blacks have fellow incompetent leaders in power, they will soon be eating shine rice,eddoes and yam. 

But for blacks in places like Barbados Guyanese would be living exactly as you describe.  

Lucky thing black Bajans hired Indo females to wipe their babies' bottoms, clean their toilets, while their husbands cut grass.  Your PPP supporters then lived 20 to a house made for 1 family, angering the neighbors.

Last edited by Former Member

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