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Jagdeo, Granger lock horns on elections after house-to-house registration


Flashback: Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo (left) and President David Granger.

Even as Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo expects that practically general elections should now be held in three months, President David Granger Tuesday afternoon vowed that general elections would be held only after a new voters’ list is created from house-to-house registration.

“We cannot proceed on the current list of voters. It is outdated and corrupted. It may hold as many as 200,000 incorrect entries. What’s more, those who have reached the age of 18 years since the last election are not on it.

“The Constitution entitles all citizens over the age of 18 the right to vote. It is a democratic imperative that house-to-house registration be completed swiftly so we can have an election at the earliest opportunity.

The Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Justice Patterson, has previously informed me that the Commission will be ready to hold elections in November 2019,” the President said in an address to the nation.

The President made it very clear that elections would be held “after the completion of house-to-house registration” and that “I now await a recommendation for a specific date from GECOM and I will then issue a proclamation. We will be heading to the polls and there’s going to be a crucial choice for our citizens.”

Insisting that the Granger-led administration was living on “borrowed time” and “squatting on government”, the Opposition Leader accused the President of again flouting Guyana’s constitution. He said the PPP would again mount a stiff international lobby to pressure Granger to stick with early elections.

“We are going to urge the international community…Granger’s lives in a bubble. He hangs on with his $%^&#% cabal on the government at all costs,” Jagdeo said. “The elections are now governed by the constitutional provision that has kicked in… three months it says and that is three months since November,” Jagdeo added. He hoped that the President would come back to “the reality of life”.

Jagdeo stressed that he and his People’s Progressive Party (PPP) would not accept that “this government stands above the CCJ nor the Constitution of Guyana”. “We are reasonable but we are not giving into anything that will run counter to the Constitution and the law,” he said.

The PPP General Secretary stressed that there was “no room for triumphalist behaviour today” while at the same time saying that his party would from Wednesday “enter into full campaign mode”.

The government also lost the appeal at the CCJ as it related to President Granger’s unilateral appointment of the Guyana Elections Commission Chairman, James Patterson. The regional court found that Granger’s appointment without consultation and giving reasons for rejecting 18 nominees by the opposition was flawed, unconstitutional and not in keeping with openness and transparency.

Ahead of next Monday’s sitting of the CCJ to deal with the consequential orders arising from the no-confidence motion and the GECOM Chairman cases, the lawyers from both sides are expected to meet and agree to proposed orders otherwise the court will have to issue orders as they see fit.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

CCJ does not have to rule on when elections must be held.

Sections 106; subsections(6) & (7), Guyana constitution are quite clear ....

-- vote of non confidence passed;

-- elections MUST be held within three months.

Specific sections, Guyana Constitution

(6) The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.

(7) Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”


GECOM should have already been election ready so that at any time when an election is called they are prepared. They do this by constantly updating their database from the GRO where births and deaths are registered, as well as, from the immigration department. They were clearly derelict in their duties. Patterson, the GECOM Chair was clearly “not fit and proper” as Granger stated. Granger now says that the voters list is outdated and corrupt and the question is who in GECOM corrupted the list. Who added 200,000 names to the list and who gave Granger that number OR is Granger giving us advance notice us that they will win the election by that number. Finally, he is insisting on this November timeline. Would they use this time to stuff ballot boxes with illegally marked ballots? Granger insists in elections being free, fair and “ credible”. What does he mean by credible? Who is he fooling?


This  election date will drag on by APNU and the international community will get involve. 

Granger is insisting on a new voters list and PPP is saying the list can be updated, something the Carter Center acknowledges can be done. I believe Carter Center will tell the ABC country and the European Union there is no need for new list and mount the pressure. 

The government had since December 21st to do something, evidence of their delay tactics.  

 Granger is insisting of house to house registrations, claiming, the list has over 200,000 ineligible voters - never mind they use the same list in 2015. 

I believe the local government election results  shake APNU/ AFC and puts doubt in their ability. 

PPP on the other hand  is getting into election campaign from tomorrow. 

Dave posted:

This  election date will drag on by APNU and the international community will get involve. 

Granger is insisting on a new voters list and PPP is saying the list can be updated, something the Carter Center acknowledges can be done.

I believe Carter Center will tell the ABC country and the European Union there is no need for new list and mount the pressure. 

The government had since December 21st to do something, evidence of their delay tactics.  

 Granger is insisting of house to house registrations, claiming, the list has over 200,000 ineligible voters - never mind they use the same list in 2015. 

I believe the local government election results  shake APNU/ AFC and puts doubt in their ability. 

PPP on the other hand  is getting into election campaign from tomorrow. 

They will not agree with corrupted voters list, that's my take.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

This  election date will drag on by APNU and the international community will get involve. 

Granger is insisting on a new voters list and PPP is saying the list can be updated, something the Carter Center acknowledges can be done.

I believe Carter Center will tell the ABC country and the European Union there is no need for new list and mount the pressure. 

The government had since December 21st to do something, evidence of their delay tactics.  

 Granger is insisting of house to house registrations, claiming, the list has over 200,000 ineligible voters - never mind they use the same list in 2015. 

I believe the local government election results  shake APNU/ AFC and puts doubt in their ability. 

PPP on the other hand  is getting into election campaign from tomorrow. 

They will not agree with corrupted voters list, that's my take.

If the vote of no confidence was legally passed, and at that time the list was valid, by what logic can the government now argue that the H2H registration must go on?

It is the government's unconstitutional action which has led to the list not being valid. Besides, there are built in ways to clean up the claims and objections...

If Granger is arguing for H2H, they are operating outside the law..

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

They will not agree with corrupted voters list, that's my take.

If the vote of no confidence was legally passed, and at that time the list was valid, by what logic can the government now argue that the H2H registration must go on?

It is the government's unconstitutional action which has led to the list not being valid.

Besides, there are built in ways to clean up the claims and objections...

If Granger is arguing for H2H, they are operating outside the law..

Did the government had a right to seek the courts for validity of NCV ?

With the political distrust in Guyana, will you wish for free and fair elections ?

The law is GECOM run elections, the President can't dictate to them.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

They will not agree with corrupted voters list, that's my take.

If the vote of no confidence was legally passed, and at that time the list was valid, by what logic can the government now argue that the H2H registration must go on?

It is the government's unconstitutional action which has led to the list not being valid.

Besides, there are built in ways to clean up the claims and objections...

If Granger is arguing for H2H, they are operating outside the law..

1. Did the government had a right to seek the courts for validity of NCV ?

2. With the political distrust in Guyana, will you wish for free and fair elections ?

The law is GECOM run elections, the President can't dictate to them.

1. The government had a right to seek recourse in the courts....just as how the Speaker had the right to declare the NCV passed. But now the recourse has reached the highest court. The government loss. The list was valid when the action was taken. My guess is that the opposition will argue that the list was valid then, and there are ways to clean up the current list, rather than postponing the election further. The court may very well extend the time to allow for an acceptable or reasonable time for the list to be cleaned up. 

2. The distrust has flowed from both sides. The coalition has lost much of the credibility it maintained from the appeals court in Guyana. Politically, the legal challenges brought on by the government will be seen as its attempt to extend its staying light of the CCJ now declaring that the NCV was constitutional. My point is the list can be cleaned up, H2H may not necessary. AND, by the way, your argument is fallacious: H2H will not guarantee free and fair elections nor will it promote harmony...

3. GECOM run elections, yes...but the President sets the date for national elections. In his presentation today, Granger admitted that he did not felt the NCN was legal...GECOM has lost all credibility, especially now with the CCJ negating the way the Chairman was selected. 


Dis bai django sell he soul for a shilling. Everyone except dis chap and he bass lillm agree that 33 is the majority of 65. Everybady knew that the pnc strategy was to delay delay to stretch out their tenure in office fuh give them time fuh thief mo and fill dem pockets. Notice that Naga throw up the white flag yesterday while cockeye set the stage for being granger lapdog in the upcoming elections. 

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

1. The government had a right to seek recourse in the courts....just as how the Speaker had the right to declare the NCV passed. But now the recourse has reached the highest court. The government loss. The list was valid when the action was taken. My guess is that the opposition will argue that the list was valid then, and there are ways to clean up the current list, rather than postponing the election further. The court may very well extend the time to allow for an acceptable or reasonable time for the list to be cleaned up. 

2. The distrust has flowed from both sides. The coalition has lost much of the credibility it maintained from the appeals court in Guyana. Politically, the legal challenges brought on by the government will be seen as its attempt to extend its staying light of the CCJ now declaring that the NCV was constitutional. My point is the list can be cleaned up, H2H may not necessary.

AND, by the way, your argument is fallacious: H2H will not guarantee free and fair elections nor will it promote harmony...

3. GECOM run elections, yes...but the President sets the date for national elections. In his presentation today, Granger admitted that he did not felt the NCN was legal...GECOM has lost all credibility, especially now with the CCJ negating the way the Chairman was selected. 

Is Guyana we dealing with, there is no harmony on the horizon currently, listen to the politicians statements.

There is another hiccup , GECOM Chairman is not legit according to the ruling of the Court, so he have to resign. The process of selecting another Chairman will have to start all over a gain. Granger and Jagdeo will have to sit and iron that out.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

 Everyone except dis chap and he bass lillm agree that 33 is the majority of 65.

Find a post where i have disagreed that 33 is a majority.

Bannas you in on de scam fuh drag out de pnc squatting office. Is you and yuh conscience got to battle, not druggie. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

 Everyone except dis chap and he bass lillm agree that 33 is the majority of 65.

Find a post where i have disagreed that 33 is a majority.

Bannas you in on de scam fuh drag out de pnc squatting office. Is you and yuh conscience got to battle, not druggie. 

You made a statement, show the proof, don't cop out.

The difference between you and my self, i stand by my word, if there is an error i will accept, not beating around the bush. You are simply a sleaze prancing on GNI.


I hear the screams. If the PPP loses they will wail that the list has 200k dead people who voted.

I would think that the PPP would want a clean list to reduce the likelihood of rigging, bit maybe the PPP thinks that the APNU will not try to do this so are happy with a list that is out of date.

Django posted:
The process of selecting another Chairman will have to start all over a gain. Granger and Jagdeo will have to sit and iron that out.

Funny Jagdeo screams "I gun keep de PNC man because I want elekshuns NOW".    APNU should adhere to the CCJ ruling and begin that process again if the existing Chairman is invalid.   How can elections be held until this is resolved?

caribny posted:
Django posted:
The process of selecting another Chairman will have to start all over a gain. Granger and Jagdeo will have to sit and iron that out.

Funny Jagdeo screams "I gun keep de PNC man because I want elekshuns NOW".    APNU should adhere to the CCJ ruling and begin that process again if the existing Chairman is invalid.   How can elections be held until this is resolved?

Me tell me Coolies bros, Blackman sly like a FOXXXXX!!!!

caribny posted:

I hear the screams. If the PPP loses they will wail that the list has 200k dead people who voted.

I would think that the PPP would want a clean list to reduce the likelihood of rigging, bit maybe the PPP thinks that the APNU will not try to do this so are happy with a list that is out of date.

The list was good for the LG,  the list just expired end of April. Because the PNC got trashed at the LGE, they suddenly find fault with the list. You know and we all know this is a tactic to buy time so that they can establish the Rigging machine in the system. BUYING TIME.

 Just for discussion,if the PNC had won the LGE with the current list, then the list would be fine for the GE. .  They just can't accept defeat at the No confidence vote by their own.BUYING TIME.

 I bet you the next argument will be that the GECOM chair is illegal, so they need to go through the TIME consuming process to select a new chair. BUYING TIME.

caribny posted:
Django posted:
The process of selecting another Chairman will have to start all over a gain. Granger and Jagdeo will have to sit and iron that out.

Funny Jagdeo screams "I gun keep de PNC man because I want elekshuns NOW".    APNU should adhere to the CCJ ruling and begin that process again if the existing Chairman is invalid.   How can elections be held until this is resolved?

Waiting to hear the PPP says, Patterson can keep his position and elections be held within the 3 months.

I just read the judgement, Patterson is illegal.

kp posted:
caribny posted:

I hear the screams. If the PPP loses they will wail that the list has 200k dead people who voted.

I would think that the PPP would want a clean list to reduce the likelihood of rigging, bit maybe the PPP thinks that the APNU will not try to do this so are happy with a list that is out of date.

The list was good for the LG,  the list just expired end of April. Because the PNC got trashed at the LGE, they suddenly find fault with the list. You know and we all know this is a tactic to buy time so that they can establish the Rigging machine in the system. BUYING TIME.

 Just for discussion,if the PNC had won the LGE with the current list, then the list would be fine for the GE. .  They just can't accept defeat at the No confidence vote by their own.BUYING TIME.

 I bet you the next argument will be that the GECOM chair is illegal, so they need to go through the TIME consuming process to select a new chair. BUYING TIME.

Did you read the judgement of CCJ.



For substantially the reasons advanced by the learned President, I agree that the process followed in the appointment of Justice Patterson was fatally flawed and did not comport with the constitutional requirements



I am therefore in full agreement with the judgment of Saunders PCCJ that the
process that was followed in the appointment of Justice Patterson as Chairman of the Elections Commissions of Guyana was flawed and in breach of Article 161(2) of the Constitution.

Last edited by Django
caribny posted:

I hear the screams. If the PPP loses they will wail that the list has 200k dead people who voted.

I would think that the PPP would want a clean list to reduce the likelihood of rigging, bit maybe the PPP thinks that the APNU will not try to do this so are happy with a list that is out of date.

A clean list may work...but from a legal perspective, the CCJ may suggest a compromise position between the two sides.

BTW, I dont believe a H2H campaign will necessarily produce a "clean" list, nor will it guarantee free and fair election.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:

I hear the screams. If the PPP loses they will wail that the list has 200k dead people who voted.

I would think that the PPP would want a clean list to reduce the likelihood of rigging, bit maybe the PPP thinks that the APNU will not try to do this so are happy with a list that is out of date.

A clean list may work...but from a legal perspective, the CCJ may suggest a compromise position between the two sides.

BTW, I dont believe a H2H campaign will necessarily produce a "clean" list, nor will it guarantee free and fair election.

What's Free and Fair?

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:

I hear the screams. If the PPP loses they will wail that the list has 200k dead people who voted.

I would think that the PPP would want a clean list to reduce the likelihood of rigging, bit maybe the PPP thinks that the APNU will not try to do this so are happy with a list that is out of date.

A clean list may work...but from a legal perspective, the CCJ may suggest a compromise position between the two sides.

BTW, I dont believe a H2H campaign will necessarily produce a "clean" list, nor will it guarantee free and fair election.

The record of the PNC is that nothing except the pressure of the US has ever prevented them from conducting fit and proper elections. This clean list scream is only another pathetic straw clutching attempt to continue illegally squatting in office.

The main judge suggested that the CCJ may have to become more forceful if the PNC keeps up their silly shenanigans. 

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:

I hear the screams. If the PPP loses they will wail that the list has 200k dead people who voted.

I would think that the PPP would want a clean list to reduce the likelihood of rigging, bit maybe the PPP thinks that the APNU will not try to do this so are happy with a list that is out of date.

A clean list may work...but from a legal perspective, the CCJ may suggest a compromise position between the two sides.

BTW, I dont believe a H2H campaign will necessarily produce a "clean" list, nor will it guarantee free and fair election.

What's Free and Fair?

An election process free from all the past wickedness of the PNC including violent intimidation from their supporters.

Django posted:

You made a statement, show the proof, don't cop out.

The difference between you and my self, i stand by my word, if there is an error i will accept, not beating around the bush. You are simply a sleaze prancing on GNI.

Yes you consistently fetch pnc slopcan, despite your conscience telling you otherwise.  You are stubborn and don't accept your errors in supporting an illegal regime. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

You made a statement, show the proof, don't cop out.

The difference between you and my self, i stand by my word, if there is an error i will accept, not beating around the bush. You are simply a sleaze prancing on GNI.

Yes you consistently fetch pnc slopcan, despite your conscience telling you otherwise.  You are stubborn and don't accept your errors in supporting an illegal regime. 

What an idiotic statement !!!  who are you to dictate an individual support ?  do i dictate to you whom you should support ?  sleaze take your time to answer the question.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
What an idiotic statement !!!  who are you to dictate an individual support, do i dictate to you whom you should support ?  sleaze take your time to answer the question.

Perhaps you are correct, even worse, I have come to believe you don't have a conscience. Yall rass holding on to power by any means necessary. Yuh turn yuh back to corruption and incompetency in the pnc/afc ranks. Dem pnc bais full dem pockets and you let it slide with wink wink nod nod. Surely a fellow crook supporting crooks. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

You made a statement, show the proof, don't cop out.

The difference between you and my self, i stand by my word, if there is an error i will accept, not beating around the bush. You are simply a sleaze prancing on GNI.

Yes you consistently fetch pnc slopcan, despite your conscience telling you otherwise.  You are stubborn and don't accept your errors in supporting an illegal regime. 

You swallow too much shit when you swam in the Demerara sewerage. You are full of shit. It only shit and shit and more shit you can post. You reek.  Now I have to take a bath that I have engaged you. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
What an idiotic statement !!!  who are you to dictate an individual support, do i dictate to you whom you should support ?  sleaze take your time to answer the question.

Perhaps you are correct, even worse, I have come to believe you don't have a conscience. Yall rass holding on to power by any means necessary. Yuh turn yuh back to corruption and incompetency in the pnc/afc ranks. Dem pnc bais full dem pockets and you let it slide with wink wink nod nod. Surely a fellow crook supporting crooks. 

Try again !!!  you have not answered my post.

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

You made a statement, show the proof, don't cop out.

The difference between you and my self, i stand by my word, if there is an error i will accept, not beating around the bush. You are simply a sleaze prancing on GNI.

Yes you consistently fetch pnc slopcan, despite your conscience telling you otherwise.  You are stubborn and don't accept your errors in supporting an illegal regime. 

You swallow too much shit when you swam in the Demerara sewerage. You are full of shit. It only shit and shit and more shit you can post. You reek.  Now I have to take a bath that I have engaged you. 

Interaction with that fella is contamination, read his idiotic posts.

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

You made a statement, show the proof, don't cop out.

The difference between you and my self, i stand by my word, if there is an error i will accept, not beating around the bush. You are simply a sleaze prancing on GNI.

Yes you consistently fetch pnc slopcan, despite your conscience telling you otherwise.  You are stubborn and don't accept your errors in supporting an illegal regime. 

You swallow too much shit when you swam in the Demerara sewerage. You are full of shit. It only shit and shit and more shit you can post. You reek.  Now I have to take a bath that I have engaged you. 

Interaction with that fella is contamination, read his idiotic posts.

What else can one expect from an idiot? Perhaps he was the baby that was dropped on his head in the slop can.

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

You made a statement, show the proof, don't cop out.

The difference between you and my self, i stand by my word, if there is an error i will accept, not beating around the bush. You are simply a sleaze prancing on GNI.

Yes you consistently fetch pnc slopcan, despite your conscience telling you otherwise.  You are stubborn and don't accept your errors in supporting an illegal regime. 

You swallow too much shit when you swam in the Demerara sewerage. You are full of shit. It only shit and shit and more shit you can post. You reek.  Now I have to take a bath that I have engaged you. 

Stick to the topic and stop peddling urban legend about sewerage as a deflection mechanism. You and the other slop can fetchers supported this pnc/afc illegal occupation of office since NCM. Now you duck yuh head a still trying fuh support this illegal regime with cries of "corrupt" voters list. 


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