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I do not know much about Religion so I am usually not on such Topics.  However, I believe all are entitled to their opinions.

I further believe that one should be allowed to Post Links that are verified ( sourced) which indicates that the content is not from the person posting but from the Author. In addition, members must be allowed to debate the content of the Link.

If these basic things are denied then this is not a discussion forum as advertised.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

I do not know much about Religion so I am usually not on such Topics.  However, I believe all are entitled to their opinions.

I further believe that one should be allowed to Post Links that are verified ( sourced) which indicates that the content is not from the person posting but from the Author. In addition, members must be allowed to debate the content of the Link.

If these basic things are denied then this is not a discussion forum as advertised.

How do you arrive at that conclusion ??

Daily on this BB there are attacks on the true believers of Islam.

Guyanese came from a multi-cultured society and are tolerant, at election time,well that is a different story.


I agree.

There are two aspects;

1. What is Islam?

2. The actions of Muslims?

Sometimes, posters conflate the two giving injustices to each's discussion.

What Muslim posters particularly object to is when the actions of some Muslims are used (willingly or unwillingly) to demonize or ridicule Islam.

Last edited by Former Member

Django,Do you write just to increase you posting numbers. Daseman has an legitimate case when his postings were deleted, he had links to the sources. This site is showing all evidence of being bias.They is a crew here that will pounce on anyone who talks of Islam, but are prepared to murder all other religion.As for race hate The Poster Boy is CARIBJ he has legally allowed to call "Indo KKK" and the daily attacks on Guyanese Indians, BUT when one does the same on Blacks they get SUSPEND. This site is ONE SIDED.

Nehru posted:

I do not know much about Religion so I am usually not on such Topics.  However, I believe all are entitled to their opinions.

I further believe that one should be allowed to Post Links that are verified ( sourced) which indicates that the content is not from the person posting but from the Author. In addition, members must be allowed to debate the content of the Link.

If these basic things are denied then this is not a discussion forum as advertised.

The poster has a responsibility to post real news from a verifiable news source ( not Trump tweets for example).

I am not for censorship of news. I am for enforcement of rules of propriety ie the constant diatribe against one group of our country people that has left this site tainted and as a false example of how Guyanese Indian folks think in general.

I am also against made up information about others. That is the quintessence of fake news. It is what Trump relied on to get into office and the portends are terrible for social justice in the society. We are on tract to see heightened racist tension via naked racism and open attacks on those contending with it.


There are lots of links with made up stories....what is there to debate when the story itself is false?

SOme of these are designed to attack people of a certain faith, painting them with a broad brush

I don't think GNI exists as a conduit to spread hate...even though some of the posters do go overboard and need to be reminded

It's like me saying Nehru likes to frequent gay bars, and until someone could prove otherwise, then it's true

kp posted:

Django,Do you write just to increase you posting numbers. Daseman has an legitimate case when his postings were deleted, he had links to the sources. This site is showing all evidence of being bias.They is a crew here that will pounce on anyone who talks of Islam, but are prepared to murder all other religion.As for race hate The Poster Boy is CARIBJ he has legally allowed to call "Indo KKK" and the daily attacks on Guyanese Indians, BUT when one does the same on Blacks they get SUSPEND. This site is ONE SIDED.

I think you are over-reacting here. There is much more abuse of Islam here than any other religion. Granted, there is a vast majority of wutlissness in the news by Muslim identified individuals than other religions identified individuals so it should not be unexpected. Take for instance that 'Not a Sermon, Only a Thought' thread on Religion. It has been going on without any real demeaning input for nearly two months. Any Islam preaching thread like that would be up to 100 pages of ridicules in less than one week. For one's own good, they would need to acknowledge that as I have done in tempering my thinking on Muslim behavior.

kp posted:

Django,Do you write just to increase you posting numbers. Daseman has an legitimate case when his postings were deleted, he had links to the sources. This site is showing all evidence of being bias.They is a crew here that will pounce on anyone who talks of Islam, but are prepared to murder all other religion.As for race hate The Poster Boy is CARIBJ he has legally allowed to call "Indo KKK" and the daily attacks on Guyanese Indians, BUT when one does the same on Blacks they get SUSPEND. This site is ONE SIDED.


I don't like to get into the religious bashing,i stay away from that.

Periodically there are some Hindu bashing posted here,daily one can see the amount of threads with the title Islam.Those threads should be posted in the Religious Forum,there it will die a slow death.

CARIBJ,is the only black poster that remains here,all gone I am sure you know the reason why.

I also thinks it's healthy when one can see the other side view.

Django posted:
kp posted:

Django,Do you write just to increase you posting numbers. Daseman has an legitimate case when his postings were deleted, he had links to the sources. This site is showing all evidence of being bias.They is a crew here that will pounce on anyone who talks of Islam, but are prepared to murder all other religion.As for race hate The Poster Boy is CARIBJ he has legally allowed to call "Indo KKK" and the daily attacks on Guyanese Indians, BUT when one does the same on Blacks they get SUSPEND. This site is ONE SIDED.


I don't like to get into the religious bashing,i stay away from that.

Periodically there are some Hindu bashing posted here,daily one can see the amount of threads with the title Islam.Those threads should be posted in the Religious Forum,there it will die a slow death.

CARIBJ,is the only black poster that remains here,all gone I am sure you know the reason why.

I also thinks it's healthy when one can see the other side view.

So because he is the token Black poster, he is allowed to break all rules and get away with it.

RiffRaff posted:

There are lots of links with made up stories....what is there to debate when the story itself is false?

SOme of these are designed to attack people of a certain faith, painting them with a broad brush

I don't think GNI exists as a conduit to spread hate...even though some of the posters do go overboard and need to be reminded

It's like me saying Nehru likes to frequent gay bars, and until someone could prove otherwise, then it's true

You are not to become the news censor of the site.  Everything I posted was verbatim from the source, with links to the source.  You have every right to delete personal opinion, but not sourced stories whether you like it or not.  Who are you to decide which sources are legit and which are not?  You have all the anti-Indo shyte posted here originating from the poster themselves, you have all the Anti-Trump, anti-White shyte being written here originating from the posters themselves, and you let it go.

My postings were legit, a moderate Muslim woman who voted Trump was a CNN contributor and that was her legit story and her views.  Who gives you the right to say she is a fake when she is telling her story and giving her views on the practices of her religion?

I guess you are applying the standards of Chief's and Pointblank's version of Islam to this site, the type she complained so bitterly about!

RiffRaff posted:

There are lots of links with made up stories....what is there to debate when the story itself is false?

SOme of these are designed to attack people of a certain faith, painting them with a broad brush

I don't think GNI exists as a conduit to spread hate...even though some of the posters do go overboard and need to be reminded

It's like me saying Nehru likes to frequent gay bars, and until someone could prove otherwise, then it's true had to slip that one liner in there eh?  

Nehru posted:

I do not know much about Religion so I am usually not on such Topics.  However, I believe all are entitled to their opinions.

I further believe that one should be allowed to Post Links that are verified ( sourced) which indicates that the content is not from the person posting but from the Author. In addition, members must be allowed to debate the content of the Link.

If these basic things are denied then this is not a discussion forum as advertised.

If this place was being run like a proper Discussion Forum, you would be banned a long time ago for your incessant personal attacks on other posters who contribute something useful.

It seems like the Admin turns a blind eye to you and your foul behavior. 

Gilbakka posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Does going to a gay bar means that one is gay?

Not if one goes there for a drink of MOUNT GAY rum imported from Barbados. You're sitting at the bar with your drink. Gays are swirling around but you're enjoying your soothing solitude.


Gilly, alcohol has a way of altering peoples' thoughts, tendencies and behaviors.

Django posted:

CARIBJ,is the only black poster that remains here,all gone I am sure you know the reason why.

Don't be fooled. it is said that cribby is an Indian pretending to be Black. Blacks fled this site years ago when they discovered  that it was futile to defend the PNC's atrocities against Indians.  CRibby found a niche for himself when he started selling Kean Gibson's theories of big bad Indian, good poor defenseless Blacks.  But we all know the truth, one has only to look at the news and see who are the aggressors.  

Last edited by Former Member

God bless America and I say this for more than one reason.

America has taught me to be tolerant to Gays, growing up in the CARRIBEAN It's A DIFFERENT Ball game.

In America free speech is guaranteed and I just love that.

It's good to listen to the other side.

However there is also a limit when it comes to bias and news that are just not correct. 

Calling every Muslim a terrorist is just not right. Nehru stating that Guyanese mosques in NY are being built by Arab money is just not true and more so wickedness on his part. 

Nehru stated bold lies against Pakistan and Muslims and when challenged by Keefer to produce any facts he just dissapeared.

These are the type of things I think the administration should take note of.

Chief posted:

Calling every Muslim a terrorist is just not right. Nehru stating that Guyanese mosques in NY are being built by Arab money is just not true and more so wickedness on his part.


I asked this Muslim Guy,whom i call brother... [grow up in front of him] they were building a mosque somewhere on Hillside Ave,if any help from foreigners he told me none.

Some times people thinks the community can't do it alone.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

Chief, you are nothing BUT a JIHADIST IDIOT and I mean that!!!!!!!!!!!!


When confronted you resort to calling me names.

YOU are the one who created this topic about censorship.

KINDLY stop and ask yourself a simple question. When you make up stories about Guyanese Muslims and their Mosques, if this a right thing to do.

Secondly this a public forum and is visited by thousands, what is your motive fomaking up these inaccuracies against Muslims?

seignet posted:

Met a visiting guyanese muslim who agrees with IS. The man claims, they doing everything the Quran teaches. Blowup all images and get rid/convert of Christians and other heathens. 

Many Guyanese Muslims are not as benign as one would have you believe.  Many celebrated the destruction of the statues in the Hindu Kush, Afghanistan.  Some would even fit in the mold of Radicals by their way of thinking!

ba$eman posted:
seignet posted:

Met a visiting guyanese muslim who agrees with IS. The man claims, they doing everything the Quran teaches. Blowup all images and get rid/convert of Christians and other heathens. 

Many Guyanese Muslims are not as benign as one would have you believe.  Many celebrated the destruction of the statues in the Hindu Kush, Afghanistan.  Some would even fit in the mold of Radicals by their way of thinking!

The action by many Muslims are not  perfect and never will be perfect and that goes for every religion and race.

The issue here is with folks like  you who is openly saying that all  Muslims cannot be trusted.

You and your cohorts has gone on all type of tandems and when we stand up to you guys we are called all sort of names from being terrorist to everything else in the book.


Islam is too big for Muslim to handle. They make a mockery of their own faith and put Islam on trial on the world's court. They are mischievous people that get rejected around the world for their outlandish behavior. Until they can come together as people of faith and condemn their evil peers meaningfully, Islam will still be a topic of discussion tomorrow and beyond. 


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