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Chief posted:
ba$eman posted:
seignet posted:

Met a visiting guyanese muslim who agrees with IS. The man claims, they doing everything the Quran teaches. Blowup all images and get rid/convert of Christians and other heathens. 

Many Guyanese Muslims are not as benign as one would have you believe.  Many celebrated the destruction of the statues in the Hindu Kush, Afghanistan.  Some would even fit in the mold of Radicals by their way of thinking!

The action by many Muslims are not  perfect and never will be perfect and that goes for every religion and race.

The issue here is with folks like  you who is openly saying that all  Muslims cannot be trusted.

You and your cohorts has gone on all type of tandems and when we stand up to you guys we are called all sort of names from being terrorist to everything else in the book.

Nah, I never said all.  I know some liberal Muslims in the mindset of Kaszma!  I even met some Muslims in India who attended Puja and did arti.  So unless I know for sure, I don't trust!

Drugb posted:
Chief posted:

Nehru stating that Guyanese mosques in NY are being built by Arab money is just not true and more so wickedness on his part. 


In fact I see nothing wrong if the Arabs contribute to building mosques.  After all it is part of the umma.  Why are you offended?

I am not offended.

What I am offended with what Nehru stated. After an attack that was carried out by a Muslim,  Nehru went on a rampage claiming that all Mosques must be investigated. He then falsely claimed that the Masjid at 127th st and Liberty Ave  and all other Guyanese Masjid  should be looked into because they are receiving Arab and foreign money.

I challeged him to provide any evidence to back what he is sayong. Druggie I am a Trustee for one of these Masjid that is being constructed in Queens Village and I can tell you we raised in excess of three million dollars from within our own community. I personally was involved with another Guyanese Masjid from South Ozone Park when they were construcking and I went to different States at other Guyanese Muslim communities ro raise funds.

I take this personally because I have house to house door to door to raise funds.

SO when others are at bars on weekends some of us are out there building Mosques and these very bar flies turn around to say that we are using funds from arab countries and should be investigated.

Tell me if this is not pure wickedness . 

Nehru posted:

Chief, I am calling you what YOU ARE. You think you are fooling anyone with your FAKE SYMPATHY, FAKE CONCERN and BULLSHIT.  Your heart is with the Wahabis in Saudi Arabia. You are fooling no bloody one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have said this before and put it in your pipe and smoke it.

MY Heart is first and foremost MUSLIM.

When you Nehru fabricate lies against Islam or a Muslim I will stand up to you.

I do not know who poster Keefer is ,  if muslim or non Muslim but he stood up to you to produce proof of the nonsense you stated that Pakistanis are killing non muslims and all the other shit you stated about Muslims.

Nehru posted:

Who want find out if Uncle Nehru is Gay, come on over at your own risk.  If you feel a burn on yuh Kakahole is not pepper.

It was your friend who censored free speech that made reference to this conflicting belief. The thought that you were referenced, is what made many to believe that you may be a choir boy.   

Chief posted:
Drugb posted:

In fact I see nothing wrong if the Arabs contribute to building mosques.  After all it is part of the umma.  Why are you offended?

I am not offended.

What I am offended with what Nehru stated. After an attack that was carried out by a Muslim,  Nehru went on a rampage claiming that all Mosques must be investigated. He then falsely claimed that the Masjid at 127th st and Liberty Ave  and all other Guyanese Masjid  should be looked into because they are receiving Arab and foreign money.

I challeged him to provide any evidence to back what he is sayong. Druggie I am a Trustee for one of these Masjid that is being constructed in Queens Village and I can tell you we raised in excess of three million dollars from within our own community. I personally was involved with another Guyanese Masjid from South Ozone Park when they were construcking and I went to different States at other Guyanese Muslim communities ro raise funds.

I take this personally because I have house to house door to door to raise funds.

SO when others are at bars on weekends some of us are out there building Mosques and these very bar flies turn around to say that we are using funds from arab countries and should be investigated.

Tell me if this is not pure wickedness . 

You like to cuss and denigrate Hindus and other non-Muslim Indians and PPP supporters.  So you getting a taste of your own medicine.

Prince posted:

Islam is too big for Muslim to handle. They make a mockery of their own faith and put Islam on trial on the world's court. They are mischievous people that get rejected around the world for their outlandish behavior. Until they can come together as people of faith and condemn their evil peers meaningfully, Islam will still be a topic of discussion tomorrow and beyond. 

My friend from its inception Islam has been the subject of discussion and attack.

DESPITE that the religion has continue to grow with today some 1.4 billion followers  around the world.


Prince posted:
Nehru posted:



I challenge the Board to go check the FACTS, you STINKING LIAR!!!!!!!!!

WWIII break out between Nehru and Chief. Friday fights use to be sold out on GNI.     

Them bannas from Queens so I assume Nehru knows what he saying!

ksazma posted:


Gilly, alcohol has a way of altering peoples' thoughts, tendencies and behaviors.

Only if one is a drunkie. Gilly is a moderate drinker. A social drinker sometimes and a solitary drinker sometimes, but always moderate.

BTW, religion also has a way of altering people's thoughts, tendencies and behaviors. Any religion. Just my observation.

Chief posted:

I am not offended.

What I am offended with what Nehru stated. After an attack that was carried out by a Muslim,  Nehru went on a rampage claiming that all Mosques must be investigated. He then falsely claimed that the Masjid at 127th st and Liberty Ave  and all other Guyanese Masjid  should be looked into because they are receiving Arab and foreign money.

I challeged him to provide any evidence to back what he is sayong. Druggie I am a Trustee for one of these Masjid that is being constructed in Queens Village and I can tell you we raised in excess of three million dollars from within our own community. I personally was involved with another Guyanese Masjid from South Ozone Park when they were construcking and I went to different States at other Guyanese Muslim communities ro raise funds.

I take this personally because I have house to house door to door to raise funds.

SO when others are at bars on weekends some of us are out there building Mosques and these very bar flies turn around to say that we are using funds from arab countries and should be investigated.

Tell me if this is not pure wickedness . 

I can understand your outrage, Nehru should not make up stories if there is no evidence.  In fact if you check the casualties of terrorist activities, it is Muslims who are the majority of victims.  So I am not sure why folks are saying that all Muslims are terrorists.  We should not be going down this path in this day and age even thought America says different with the Trump win. 

Nehru posted:


 Your sorry ass will end up in jail for bearing false witness.

A few months ago when you stated that Guyanese Mosques in NY are preaching about terrorism both Riff and I advised to go to the NYPD and make a report.

These are serious and dangerous times we ate living in and it is a responsibility   y everyone to report what they know. I think you mentioned that both of your neighbors and your basement Tennant are muslims.

Leonora posted:

Nehru, be careful.  The guys will gang up on you on your way home.  

These Crabdaaga dont scare Uncle Nehru.


I already challenged the Board to look at the FACTS. Am I asking too much or expecting too much from this membership. All that is required is Middle School reading skills.


I stand by what I said and if anyone is not at Middle School level, ker Al YUh skont cause Uncle Nehru is not Al YUh friggin Techa!!!!

Nehru posted:
Leonora posted:

Nehru, be careful.  The guys will gang up on you on your way home.  

These Crabdaaga dont scare Uncle Nehru.


I already challenged the Board to look at the FACTS. Am I asking too much or expecting too much from this membership. All that is required is Middle School reading skills.


I stand by what I said and if anyone is not at Middle School level, ker Al YUh skont cause Uncle Nehru is not Al YUh friggin Techa!!!!

Somebody said they want to beat you up, Nehru?  


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