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Parents opposed to Central High School's removalPDF| Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol/DEMERARA WAVES   
Wednesday, 09 May 2012 23:35

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Parents and guardians queue up to attend a meeting at which the future of Central High School was discussed.

Parents of students attendingCentralHigh Schoolare vehemently opposed to the planned relocation of the institution toLodgeSecondary School, citing security concerns and the quality of education at that institution.

If authorities have their way, Central High would have to share the same D’urban Backlands location of Lodge Secondary in another two years.

President of the CHS local alumni chapter, Horace Cummings said chapters inNew YorkandTorontoare willing to fund the acquisition of land and the construction of a state of the art school.

“The name of Central High must never die. That is the unadulterated position of the alumni" he said of the 80-year old school.

Reporting on the outcome of a meeting between a school delegation and Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand to a packed auditorium of hundreds of concerned parents, Cummings said another option was a merger withBrickdamSecondary School.

He related that Manickchand assured that the relocation had nothing to do with the sale of theSmythStreetBuildingor a court-ordered eviction being sought by the overseas-based owner, Stella Lowe-Luck.

Rather, he said the minister highlighted the need for relocatingCentralHigh Schoolso that students could enjoy a better quality of education through the provision of better facilities. “The minister said she is interested in giving students better facilities but she wasn't aware of the whole idea of an imminent relocation until she saw the letter,” he said.

But parents expressed concern about the poor level of security, including violence, and the social conditions at Lodge Secondary School- guns and gays and lesbians. “The minister said it would be a non issue for the removal of Lodge students.  We were told that there would be two schools in the same veneue and at some stage might also share the same teachers,” he said to a loud uproar of disapproval.

Cummings warned that alumni chapters here and overseas could eventually pull the plug on support that they have been providing their alma mater.

As Cummings was speaking, several parents shouted “No way” and one man said “nah bother with that, too much guns.”

One parent recommended that authorities use the newly constructed idle building at the former High Street, Werk-en-Rust site of the now disbanded Guyana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC). Another idea was for the construction of  a new school on land available atSt. Joseph’s High School’s Woolford Avenue  Compound or land opposite the Guyana Defence Force Camp Ayanganna Headquarters.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

No one in GNI seems to care about Central High School.


Not even CHS old student Demerara_Guy.



Schools generally merge or remain for extended periods.


There have been issues which would indicate that it might be preferrable to make some adjustments for Central High School.


One needs to view the issues in a circumspect manner and than take the necessary actions.


Like many others, I am aware of general issues but not fully conversant with the intricate issues of Central High School.


There seems to be a similarity with the "burnt-down" QC.


Is it that those that are the decision makers did not have the privileged of attending such an institution?


We, NY Chapter QC Alumni, made a former president an "Honorary Old Boy" and then funds were magically available for its reconstruction.


I am first, a CHS Alumni then a QC Alumni. I will ask the President about this during his visit to NY next week.

Vish M
There is no such thing as an honorary old boy. In any event who would want to be an honorary old boy of CHS? The school outlived it's purpose and is falling to pieces. Luck want his building back to build a store.
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

And one in thomas lands as well. Whatever happened to that branch?

Don't know of one in Thomas Lands. 

Yep, the headmaster there was a guy named Robbie. he used to beat me all the time.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

And one in thomas lands as well. Whatever happened to that branch?

Don't know of one in Thomas Lands. 

In my days there were three branches ..


1. Smyth Street.

2. Thomas Lands.

3. Branch close to the then Radio Demerara.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

For a small Country, Guyana really has a lot of Schools. Well they need them now that most Girl children are allowed to attend .

Ah wah kakwai comment diss.  Come see how dem school a full full wid pickey.  Datt mean abie nah gah enuff.  But if yuh goa roun, diss school in bad shape, wan disgrace fuh wan school.  Mi hope dem find wan good solution cazz dem chilrun muss geh school fuh gao to.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

For a small Country, Guyana really has a lot of Schools. Well they need them now that most Girl children are allowed to attend .

Ah wah kakwai comment diss.  Come see how dem school a full full wid pickey.  Datt mean abie nah gah enuff.  But if yuh goa roun, diss school in bad shape, wan disgrace fuh wan school.  Mi hope dem find wan good solution cazz dem chilrun muss geh school fuh gao to.

backdam kurazz mouth.  if you gonna contribute to the threads, atleast make some sense in your writings...

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

For a small Country, Guyana really has a lot of Schools. Well they need them now that most Girl children are allowed to attend .

Ah wah kakwai comment diss.  Come see how dem school a full full wid pickey.  Datt mean abie nah gah enuff.  But if yuh goa roun, diss school in bad shape, wan disgrace fuh wan school.  Mi hope dem find wan good solution cazz dem chilrun muss geh school fuh gao to.

backdam kurazz mouth.  if you gonna contribute to the threads, atleast make some sense in your writings...

Ah dah wah mi do, geh lil respek nah.  Mi deh donk hay, mi dozz drive pass dah school cupple time a week.  Mi knoo wah mi seh.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

No one in GNI seems to care about Central High School. Not even CHS old student Demerara_Guy. THE END IS NEAR.

he is slow on the uptake. In a couple of months his synapses would have completed the dendritic connections necessary to process the information.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

No one in GNI seems to care about Central High School. Not even CHS old student Demerara_Guy. THE END IS NEAR.

he is slow on the uptake. In a couple of months his synapses would have completed the dendritic connections necessary to process the information.

As usual, babbling nonsense in your sleep.


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