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The Canadian oil exploration company in Guyana, CGX, in its social outreach program, has begun the building of a Hall of Residence at the Institute of Applied Science and Technology at the Turkeyen campus of the University of Guyana.


The building, named the E. Dookie Hall of Residence, after the founder of CGX Energy Inc., a Guyanese (pictured below in a sod-turning ceremony this past Wednesday, and will house students from the Trent University of Guyana as part of the collaborative opportunities in the training of graduate studies and the sharing of resources and joint research.


The Minister of Labor, Dr. Nanda Gopaul, has praised CGX for its commitment to give back to the people of Guyana and being a good corporate citizen.


The Guyana Chronicle reports that the CGX Board of Directors chose to name the Hall after Dr. Dookie in recognition of his commitment to Guyana, his vision in establishing the company, and the constancy of his efforts to ensure that the extraction sector in Guyana accruesto the benefit of its people and cultures.

On being honoured by the naming of the Hall of Residence, Dr. Dookie stated that he hoped that it would be of great benefit to the young people of Guyana, who, CGX firmly believes, with the necessary education and training, would be able to provide the necessary skills at all levels to the prospective oil and gas industry and to all other sectors of development in Guyana.




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  • cgx_IAST
  • cgx

Replies sorted oldest to newest

CGX has invested millions of US dollars in Guyana since they started oil exploration there. They've employed many Guyanese. This latest involvement is worth hundreds of thousands US$.


Kudos to Dr. Dookie who's always championed education and training of Guyanese at home and in the diaspora. There are areas of continuing contributions by CGX to training of Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Wally:

CGX is a small to medium size company.  That means they don't have money to waste or throw around.  The government must ensure that they get their royalty checks from CGX.  Building or no building.

Wally, I wonder where this unwarranted faux analysis gets its motivation from? I also where this is leading to, if malicious and wasteful speculation, while casting aspersions on a perfectly above-board relationship. Iwould think you had better things to do with your time. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Well it much better than those Canadian companies that take resources and wealth from third world companies then run back to Canada.

Where do you think all the money will end up if the government did not cut favorable deals for us? Check Nigeria and many other states where oil was discovered. They tell us we will get revenues from our oil but let us hope the same accounting scheme as OMAI or with the Berbice river bridge is not in place. 


Many on this BB is just waiting to "beat the Donkey" instead of making a better use of the animal.


CGX is a bone fide foreign registered company.


Thanks to Dr  Dookie, we bought shares at an early stage because we believe CGX will be a reality soon.


Many of us are "smiling" and will continue to Smile Wider" in days to come.


Keep it up Dr Dookie. 

Vish M

 Who said they are not a real company? Anyone with that large swathes of potentially oil rich leases can rise money. None of these people are putting their loot in the project. The project and its potential is pulling the loot. U invested on that potential.


My point is the government should not have given this company which has no potential than others would similarly formulated, our the entire inner coastal region.That is crony capitalism.


Originally Posted by Nehru:

A COmmunist, blood sucker like you lecturing the Govt about Capitalism???!!!!

Ignorant man; you constant hyperventilating is caused solely by your mental constraints. I suggest you reserve your screaming for those crony capitalist whose legacy is clearly grounded in communism so it is of no great surprise their brand of capitalism reeks of cronyism.


The Above is not a lecture. It is a statement of fact.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

And your blindness and constant induendos and LIES have made you an irrelevanyt parasite. Guyana is doing fine and will be a better place with people like you far away from it.!!!

 Innuendos are hints. I state precisely what a thing is, crony capitalism is crony capitalism.


I am quite relevant. I wonder what could be you relevance if but to be a parrot.But even parrots are smarter since they are curious and think. You simply regurgitate the PPP story line.


Guyana would be doing better if the PPP had a moral center. It does not. It is infested by a parasitic class whose inefficiencies and corrupt practice are to be brought in check.


Then the nation would actually do well.


Most of the Nation said they are doing much better than ten years ago. They also said thae heard from many Snakeoil Salesmen but are confident of their Govt. Can more be done?? You bet and that is the path Guyana is on. You will see the progress in about 3 years. President Ramotar will make people like you irrelevany by being DEmocratic, open and transparent. I wonder what will be your complaint but I am confident you will be able to find something to complain about.


What does better than ten years ago mean if cronyism is on the rise? The natural outcome of that is inevitable and one sees it everywhere that a parasitic class raises its head.


Ramotar only speeds up this quick encounter with his irrelevance if he continues on the path of greed and corruption that is the praxis of the present PPP.


They are not concerned with democracy or they would seek after the reforms that would fortify the growth of democracy. Ramotar is a relic of the Soviet era and is intellectual blind to what that means so it is inconceivable that he can see alternatives to rule by the PPP cabal as democratic. In that reality  you are at least kindred.

Originally Posted by Wally:

I just checked out the CGX website.  I notice as directors they have Professor Narine together with the Beharry cousins Anand and Suresh.  These are honest boys with good solid investment track records.  So I think the government made a good choice by selecting CGX.



I have different take on this. The Beharrys are obviously great Guyanese investors. Suresh was made Jagdeo's point man on renewable energy and he was supposed to be part of IAST leading this effort. As a member of the CGX board, I see this as a conflict of interest. Furthermore, I know Dookie is uncomfortable with renewable energy because we spoke several times about this at the Pegasus. The last I bumped into him, I told him clearly in the presence of Norman McLean  that my vision is not one of a pump and sell strategy as they have in Equatorial Guinea. I mentioned to Dookie that there is no need to see renewable energy and oil in conflict with each other. I hope he agrees. It is not difficult to understand why NINE foreign investors interested in Guyana's ethanol were turned down by the PPP. They are so predictable.


yOU ARE THE biggest clown. yOU ARE ACCUSTOM TO cAMEL AND SAND ECONOMY. Easy lesson good for DUNCE. Oil exploration is vital for Guyana's Economy. Amilia Falls is a conservation effort. By having Hydro Power, Guyana will use less Oil, stay with me Bhai, I know it could be complex for you but I want you not to get lost, confused or stupidity. By conserving on fossil Fuel and by keeping most of our Forests we are helping THE WORLD to stem the rate of Global warming and other negative factors that can and will affect our Planet. By exploring for oil, should we be successful, Guyanese will be able to purchase energy saving allpiance, Cars ect which will aslo help the Global Warming problem . Guyans can and may be THE LEADER in the effort to stem Global Warming. So dont get confused, stay focus, listen and learn.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

yOU ARE THE biggest clown. yOU ARE ACCUSTOM TO cAMEL AND SAND ECONOMY. Easy lesson good for DUNCE. Oil exploration is vital for Guyana's Economy. Amilia Falls is a conservation effort. By having Hydro Power, Guyana will use less Oil, stay with me Bhai, I know it could be complex for you but I want you not to get lost, confused or stupidity. By conserving on fossil Fuel and by keeping most of our Forests we are helping THE WORLD to stem the rate of Global warming and other negative factors that can and will affect our Planet. By exploring for oil, should we be successful, Guyanese will be able to purchase energy saving allpiance, Cars ect which will aslo help the Global Warming problem . Guyans can and may be THE LEADER in the effort to stem Global Warming. So dont get confused, stay focus, listen and learn.

Where is it said oil exploration is not vital? Exploitation in the form of crony capitalism is however an anathema and antithetical to development. Further, insisting a fossil fuel driven economy is low carbon make sense only if viewed from your viewpoint.


Liberating  sequestered carbon is the seed of global warming. It means little if you save all of the world  forests  while pursuing a fossil fuel driven economy. We would still have global warming.   I am sad to say you remain an idiot as to what is the equation here.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sometime I wonder if you know your right hand from your left.

You would not have the ability to see that since you hardly ever think. let me remind you; a fossil fuel strategy ( assuming we have 15 billion barrels to liberate) is not a low carbon strategy even if in the process we also planted every square foot of Guyanese soil with a tree!


That is what you do not seem to understand with this nonsense what we will"  be successful, Guyanese will be able to purchase energy saving allpiance, Cars ect which will aslo help the Global Warming problem". That is a moronic statement and shows you are completely ignorant of what contributes to global warming.


It is not simply saving trees! It is stopping the release of sequestered carbon that the planet locked away a long time ago in the mesozoic era!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Who said they are not a real company? Anyone with that large swathes of potentially oil rich leases can rise money. None of these people are putting their loot in the project. The project and its potential is pulling the loot. U invested on that potential.


My point is the government should not have given this company which has no potential than others would similarly formulated, our the entire inner coastal region.That is crony capitalism.



Hey Stubborn.....nothing in your response above advances a discussion if in fact his is a rogue deal. You're quite right to say that investments usually are based on capital allocation from those who have it and are looking for a return. You're quite right about the barrel of oil pricing and the risk/reward factors. So far so good.


Here's what you're leaving out in a discussion over the licensing arrangements with CGX. Licensing has been awarded to oil majors and newcomers in the continental shelf of Guyana. You have no idea of the funding of CGX investments. you have no idea of the royalty/cost/reward over oil exploration in /Guyana. CGX had invested to determine the potential of oil offshore. What happens if their efforts go unrewarded with oil finds?


You would do well to harness your concerns of crony capitalism to investments that smell of it, instead of starting with a bias that amounts to throwing out the baby with the bath water.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I just checked out the CGX website.  I notice as directors they have Professor Narine together with the Beharry cousins Anand and Suresh.  These are honest boys with good solid investment track records.  So I think the government made a good choice by selecting CGX.



I have different take on this. The Beharrys are obviously great Guyanese investors. Suresh was made Jagdeo's point man on renewable energy and he was supposed to be part of IAST leading this effort. As a member of the CGX board, I see this as a conflict of interest. Furthermore, I know Dookie is uncomfortable with renewable energy because we spoke several times about this at the Pegasus. The last I bumped into him, I told him clearly in the presence of Norman McLean  that my vision is not one of a pump and sell strategy as they have in Equatorial Guinea. I mentioned to Dookie that there is no need to see renewable energy and oil in conflict with each other. I hope he agrees. It is not difficult to understand why NINE foreign investors interested in Guyana's ethanol were turned down by the PPP. They are so predictable.

TK...I have to wonder why bio-fuel efforts like ethanol from corn and soya in the US were seen by investors as a failure. They cite the net carbon emissions from such conversions. I guess that investors looking at sugar cane ethanol with similarly scientific grounding, as well as its economics. Ii fail to see the linkage you mention that results in a conflict of interest.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Who said they are not a real company? Anyone with that large swathes of potentially oil rich leases can rise money. None of these people are putting their loot in the project. The project and its potential is pulling the loot. U invested on that potential.


My point is the government should not have given this company which has no potential than others would similarly formulated, our the entire inner coastal region.That is crony capitalism.



Hey Stubborn.....nothing in your response above advances a discussion if in fact his is a rogue deal. You're quite right to say that investments usually are based on capital allocation from those who have it and are looking for a return. You're quite right about the barrel of oil pricing and the risk/reward factors. So far so good.


Here's what you're leaving out in a discussion over the licensing arrangements with CGX. Licensing has been awarded to oil majors and newcomers in the continental shelf of Guyana. You have no idea of the funding of CGX investments. you have no idea of the royalty/cost/reward over oil exploration in /Guyana. CGX had invested to determine the potential of oil offshore. What happens if their efforts go unrewarded with oil finds?


You would do well to harness your concerns of crony capitalism to investments that smell of it, instead of starting with a bias that amounts to throwing out the baby with the bath water.

What is major about CGX except the princiapls knew the PPP? If you are so well informed of what the nation gets from this in royalty and you believe I do not know (never mentioned it) then pray tell! My bias is crony capitalism, plain and simple.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is not a Canadian company. It is a Guyanese with PPP connection company formed in Canada with a few white people in front.

stormbrain, what is the problem, why can't you see that this is a development for Guyana? YOU ARE A HATER WITH A SMALL MIND.

Is that all your simple mind can come up with? No wonder the PPP plunder the place and you empty headed louts still see wonderful works!


CGX Provides Update on Eagle-1 Well Offshore Guyana

April 10, 2012


TORONTO, April 10, 2012 /CNW/ - CGX Energy Inc. (TSX-V - OYL) ("CGX" or the "Company") announces that delays due to minor mechanical issues on the Ocean Saratoga semi-submersible rig and weather conditions have pushed back the time frame for the completion of drilling of the Eagle-1 well beyond the originally planned 60 days.  It is now anticipated that drilling operations will be completed near the end of April.  As announced on February 13th, results of the Eagle-1 well will be issued upon completion of drilling.


CGX Energy is a Canadian-based oil and gas exploration company focused on the exploration of oil in the Guyana-Suriname Basin, an area that is ranked second in the world for oil and gas prospectivity by the United States Geological Service.  CGX is managed by a team of experienced oil and gas and finance professionals from Guyana, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.


Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "may", "will", "would", "potential", "proposed" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. These statements are only predictions. Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the information is provided, and is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the inherent risks involved in the exploration and development of oil and natural gas properties and the possibility of unanticipated costs and expenses. For a description of the risks and uncertainties facing CGX and its business and affairs, readers should refer to CGX's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2010 and subsequent Management's Discussion and Analysis. CGX undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change, unless required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

For further information:  

Kerry Sully, Chairman   (604) 733-9647 or
Stephen Hermeston, President and   CEO   (281) 492-7313 ext 103 or
Charlotte May, Communications   Manager   (416) 364-3353 or




ahem . . . i guess it's time to take control of the flow of information.


Plan B in full effect!

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The oil is there is just a matter of finding it.  The sucker is hiding he does not want to end up as gasoline. 

No doubt the oil is there . . .


Problem with Guyana's oil patch is its version of PPPCrime's Fip Motilall - local wannabe oligarchs leveraging access [technically "RIGHTS"] for untold, unearned billions . . . risking NOTHING!


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