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Chanca Piedra


Has anyone here ever heard of or used this herbal item?


The Mr healthy cainsta who never gets ill finally got hit.

For the first time ever,I was hit with the pain associated with Kidney Stones. I was first hit a few weeks ago and it is the absolute worse pain ever.

It felt like I was punched repeatedly in the gut and left side(low kidney area) and also received a kick to the groin, all this for about 5 hours, no way to sit stand, it's horrible.

After another episode I decided to go to the doctor who gave me some tests and sent me home, never confirming that it was kidney stones, he thought I might need a good ole fashion clean out which couldn't be the case. ( It's only a certain party that has people full of that stuff) anyway back to my story.


Same night, baddam tarass, another attack, it screwed with my sleeping and I came home from work a couple times, couldn't cope.

It was then I realized it had to be Kidney stone pains, I went to the health store and picked up Chanca Piedra capsules. This is said to help dissolve stones ( gall and kidney) not good if pregnant or have low blood sugar.


Within a couple of days I passed the sucker. The cainsta is now pain free.


The doctor did F... all.


I much prefer fixing things the natural way than to go to the hospital and have doctors shove things up Charley to blast away, next thing you know, po' cainsta's Charley picture "pops" up on facebook worldwide.

Iman doan mek dem kina jokes dem.


















Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by alena06:
Sorry to hear Cain....consider yourself lucky that you never had to go through 18 hours of labor pains...

To what I was told by a few persons, two were female,kidney stone pain is about the same as going through labour, so I can honestly say that I went through labour for approx 7 days.

I should stop talk about it, it hurts just by thinking of it, hehe


Two women on the train was having a discussion about what pain is worst than the other between toothache and labour pain they were going back and forth whit labour pain is mo bad than tooth ache  then this old guy sitting behind them got tired of the back and forth and told them to shut up because you all doan know what is pain until you get kicked in the nuts. As for me i know what is tooth ache and if them other two mo wuss i doan want no part of it.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Sorry to hear Cain....consider yourself lucky that you never had to go through 18 hours of labor pains...

To what I was told by a few persons, two were female,kidney stone pain is about the same as going through labour, so I can honestly say that I went through labour for approx 7 days.

I should stop talk about it, it hurts just by thinking of it, hehe

Ouch!  Glad you recovered ok.


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