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Former Member

Changing the face of government

Sep 09, 2016 Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-face-of-government/

The plan of the new administration to change the face of ministries must not be taken literally. It must not be seen or interpreted as a recipe to purge the public service and public sector of persons perceived to be supportive or supporters of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC).

Prior to last year, there had not been a change in government for twenty-three years. Prior to that, there was no change for twenty-eight years. This fact does not justify the high level of suspicion and vengefulness which has been demonstrated since the new government came to power.

You cannot simply decide on a policy of changing the face of government without changing the nature of government. You cannot set about a policy to ensure a complete overhaul in personnel in most government ministries and not reinvent government to become a servant rather than an overlord of the people.

The new administration has now settled. The more settled it is, the more brutal it has become. It does not seem to understand that not only is it tarnishing its own image, but it is also in the process, defeating the very notion of social cohesion which it is championing.

How can there be social cohesion when changing the face of government involves changing personnel, some of whom have been removed arbitrarily from their jobs? How can you convince the people of New York, who under one year ago were protesting against the government based on their perceptions of what was behind the decision to send home persons who worked in the New York Consulate?

The long absence of power has allowed too much ill-feelings and suspicion to be bred about the staff within the public service and public sector. Most of these persons are not political at all, and are merely doing their jobs, but because they were appointed under the previous administration, they have been deemed to be political.

Guyana has a high unemployment rate. A great many supporters of the government are looking for jobs. Now that the government has changed, they feel that they should be replacing those who are working within the public service and public sector. Many of them have little or no experience, but they want to get top jobs and work above their own abilities.

There are many overseas persons who want to come back to enjoy the fat salaries, because many of them are retired or unable to find jobs where they reside overseas. The government is therefore under a great deal of pressure, politically, to cleanse the government of persons appointed under the PPPC administration, and to employ their own supporters.

There are a lot of people lining up for jobs. But there are too many pretenders out there, too many pretenders also within the government; persons who pretend to know what they are about, who are filled with bluster but short on brains.

Guyana has always had a shortage of skilled personnel. There are many persons who are being employed by the new government who are being paid to do nothing, because someone else is doing the work and they are posing and taking all the credit for someone else’s work. They are not doing the work, because they cannot do the work. Some of them cannot write a proper letter. Many of them are poseurs.

Changing the face of government should not be about changing personnel alone. It should be about changing the way government operates. It is about putting government to serve people and to solve problems.

Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved by replacing one set of staff with another. It cannot be done by changing the face of government. The nature of government has to change.

The acting Police Commissioner is trying his best to bring about change in the police force. He is not going to succeed unless he changes the way the police operate. It is no use asking the police to stop harassing motorists. They will continue to do so because they have the power of lawful use of coercion, and because certain practices have become germane to how the force operates.

Changing the face of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) has to mean changing the nature of the organization. This should begin by reducing fines, since high fines, rather than becoming a deterrent to criminal activities, serve as an incentive for bribery.

The second thing to do is to privatize certain operations of the police such as the issuance of passports and fitness for motor vehicles. If the GPF privatizes these operations, as a start, they will be on their way to reinventing their organizations. This is where the change must begin.

The nature of government has to change. It cannot be a source of enrichment for political acolytes of the government or “jobs for the boys”.

The best government is no government. But since there has to be a government, then the next best form of government has to be small government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The new administration has now settled. The more settled it is, the more brutal it has become. It does not seem to understand that not only is it tarnishing its own image, but it is also in the process, defeating the very notion of social cohesion which it is championing.

Changing the face of government, Sep 09, 2016 Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-face-of-government/

And perhaps, it will continue in a radical and erratic manner.


The new administration has now settled. The more settled it is, the more brutal it has become. It does not seem to understand that not only is it tarnishing its own image, but it is also in the process, defeating the very notion of social cohesion which it is championing.


How can there be social cohesion when changing the face of government involves changing personnel, some of whom have been removed arbitrarily from their jobs? How can you convince the people of New York, who under one year ago were protesting against the government based on their perceptions of what was behind the decision to send home persons who worked in the New York Consulate?


Changing the face of government should not be about changing personnel alone. It should be about changing the way government operates. It is about putting government to serve people and to solve problems.

Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved by replacing one set of staff with another. It cannot be done by changing the face of government. The nature of government has to change.


It's disappointing that this Coalition government did not seek to put retribution and finding jobs for its own in the rear view mirror. It was elected in a change election following years of stultifying economic development (or lack thereof), drug violence and corruption with the theft of State's (the People's) assets. Now that the people (barely - and some may argue not at all) gave it the reins of power to change all that it has shown itself incapable.

I looked forward for veteran politicians like Moses Nagamootoo and Carl Greenidge and reformist Ramjhattan to create an atmosphere that would quickly bring thievery to justice, reverse the debilitating gift-ing of State assets and move on with the business of changing the culture of governance - like the ideas suggested by Peeping Tom. We've called here in the past for efficiency in simple matters like passport and other certificate issuance and privatization would be a good step (just don't gift it away crony-like). We've also called here for dis-incentivizing the avenues for corruption and Peeing Tom suggests something useful - the fines that make Police use as an opportunity to extract a lil box-hand. We've seen the example as recently as yesterday where Wells Fargo created incentives for signing up more credit card holders and employees used that opportunity to create credit cards in peoples' names and spent the money. Remove that and you'd have no such theft going on.

The Opposition needs to show reforms that would distance itself from the reasons they were thrown out. Jagdeo can do something statesmanlike to get the party up to snuff. The APNU needs to distance itself from the practices of the old PNC - yes CARIBNY, there goes my old mantra that you so dislike.

We need to throw the bums out. The millenials need to take over and make the PPP and PNC relics of the past. If APNU does not want to disavow the old PNC then we'll continue to see them as PNC; and if the PPP does not want to distance itself from Jagdeo's iron grip then they will forever be associated with drugs and theft. In both cases Guyan still remains a primary producing country. Apna Bazaar in Liberty Ave, Richmond Hill sells a Trinidadian-made mauby that is better than the one my good friend Cookie sells. We can't even get a GT bannah to sell that in NEw York. Grace sells coconut water that tastes just like from the nut, and I know we can do it. Throw the bums out I say!!!

Kari posted:



It's disappointing that this Coalition government did not seek to put retribution and finding jobs for its own in the rear view mirror.

In fact the PPP put in place myriads of people whose only qualifications were being Indian, being PPP, and being corrupt.  So why the squeals if APNU now rewards its folks, who now demand access to the trough, as did PPP Indians for 23 years?

This is just another of the rounds of ethnic revenge.  Indians had it between 1961 and 1964 and harassed the African/mixed middle class.  That group got their revenge between 1964 and 1992, with Indians once again avenging themselves from 1992 to 2015. 

Now the African/mixed middle class is back, at least until 2020, and they are making themselves entrenched as they predict that a victorious PPP in 2020 will once again exclude them, and they plan to be more prepared than they were in 1992.  So they don't plan to share the trough with Indians, who they feel were well fed for 23 years.  That is except for the Indo oligarchs who will fill their trays with food.

You can fool yourself that it was only the incompetent Africans who were excluded. Please look at the high caliber diplomatic representation (at least among the African/mixed) and ask how come the PPP didn't recognize these people's talents.  David Hales being an example.


Do you not think that there exists among the African professional classes a narrative of PPP oppression based on race equal to that of the Indian narrative of PNC, and now APNU ethnic exclusion?

So why the shock that panicked Africans, frozen out for 23 years, have moved to protect their position?

So until we address this ethnic issue we are locked in endless cycles of revenge and counter revenge.

Now that Indians are on the "out" why don't they lead the discussion about developing ways of ending the cycles of ethnic triumphalism?  After all the PPP now will have to woo some of the PNC and the G/T AFC base (blacks and mixed people) if it plans to win. 

Mixed IDENTIFIED people and blacks now out number Indians and Granger is already in the process of buying the Amerindian vote.  Inroads were made in Lethem (now APNU/AFC controlled, even though overwhelmingly Amerindian, not even with a buffianda in sight).

 I suggest that you and other Indians get off your moral high horse of thinking that your ethnic angst has more validity than that of others, and understand that the long term solution of Guyana's problems is when we have honest discussions about RACE.  The onus is now on Indians to lead it!

Kari posted:

The new administration has now settled. The more settled it is, the . Grace sells coconut water that tastes just like from the nut, and I know we can do it. Throw the bums out I say!!!

Here is the tragedy.  Grace buys their coconut water from Thailand and Brazil because Jamaica's coconuts are perpetually diseased, so good only to make the island look pretty in tourist brochures. 

Guyana, because of its size has been the best in the Caribbean of protecting its coconut industry from disease. After all Corentyne is 200 miles away from Charity.

I have seen no evidence that millennials are any less impacted by ethnic paranioa than are their parents, grand parents and great grand parents. 2015 proved that the cross over vote in Guyana is minute.  The only voters who don't vote race are Amerindians, as they feel despised by every one else, so don't see a need to be loyal.


CARIBNY, I should have preempted you on the PPP did it too. Yeah, and let's crucify them for it. But that's exactly my point. This coalition should be big enough to break that abee-pan-tap cycle. 

Kari posted:

CARIBNY, I should have preempted you on the PPP did it too. Yeah, and let's crucify them for it. But that's exactly my point. This coalition should be big enough to break that abee-pan-tap cycle. 

And I repeat my point. Why should people, like David Hales who was fired by the PPP because he was black, not want to avenge the humiliation that the PPP put them through? Especially when they were  fired by a nincompoop called Rohee, a man totally unfit to head any entity, least of all one like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

So its OK for Indians to feel hurt, justify the racism of the PPP, deny that Africans suffered under the PPP, and then squeal about racism?  Why should the onus be only be on Africans?

The PPP/Indians will have to give assurances to blacks/mixed that a return of the PPP will not mean a return of being made to feel as if they were in a "slow holocaust".

I suggest that now Indians are on the "outside" and diminishing in size, so no longer able to use their numbers to ethnically dominate that they lead this discussion.   They can start by acknowledging the raw feelings that many black/mixed professionals feel having just emerged from 23 years of PPP humiliation.

If Indians don't do this then they are totally unqualified to complain about racism, given that a mere 15 months ago the PPP was no better than is APNU today.  The diplomatic corps shows way more diversity now than it did under Jagdeo.

As of now you comments seem to be self interested, given that when I wrote of PPP racism you were very much part of the group who called me racist.

Kari posted:

Or else Guyana never changes. People voted for the Coalition not to do the same ole, same ole.

Can you assure me that if the PPP wins again that it isn't back to "ahbe pan tap, black man time done"?  Because if you cannot you are ridiculous to expect blacks to stand down after being excluded for 23 years.

Just look how easy racist bigotry akin to the KKK pours forth from the mouths of people connected to the PPP.  Jagdeo is very aggressive in exploiting these sentiments by adding comments of his own, and he did that BEFORE the election. 

Seeing throngs of blacks overjoyed that the "slow Holocaust was finally over" should have informed you of the pressure that they felt when Guyana was being run as if it was a state in India.

Just understand this.  If there wasn't record turnout in PNC strongholds the PPP would still be in power today.  Nagamootoo did NOT bring in Indian votes, and I think that people seem to be finally beginning to admit this.

Last edited by Former Member

No mo PPP/C. Forever Coalition. Okay if that's the goal then two things have to happen:

  1. No retribution - do a Mandela-like reconciliation. No firings and giving jobs to the boys.
  2. Distance the APNU from everything that's bad in the PNC's history. Remember we made the PPP to be the worst thing on the planet and we banished them to hubu backdam. They don't exist.

Now CARIBNY, do you still entertain a PNC abee pan tap approach to governance in Guyana? Putting square pegs in round holes? Concerned only about screwing the other side and putting ours ahead regardless? Now you see why the like of Ba$eman and company think the way they do. Blackman cyan run shyte. Is that what you wanna hear?


I agree with the first article I also agree with Kari. carib, I agree with what you are saying to a point. Yes, this government is acting the same as the previous govt, but, is this what they promised? No, they promised CHANGE. This is what won it for them..CHANGE. Perhaps this the the CHANGE they promised, a change of faces.

What I do recall being asked of them is to bring out those who were claimed to be making money through illegal means to justice, is this being done, NO? What is the reason? Is it because they have nothing really to go on or is it because they fear for their lives, is it because they also have something to hide? Again,same ole, same ole. Time to stop the cycle.


Cain stop pretending you don't know what is going on. - they are busy making sweeter deals with controversial contractors and businessmen and loading their bank accounts with kickbacks. It's the simple truth.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Cain stop pretending you don't know what is going on. - they are busy making sweeter deals withcontroversial contractors and businessmen and loading their bank accounts with kickbacks. It's the simple truth.

Uncle Billy 90+ % are Indians,from your statement you have confirmed Indians are more corrupted than Africans in the homeland.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Cain stop pretending you don't know what is going on. - they are busy making sweeter deals with controversial contractors and businessmen and loading their bank accounts with kickbacks. It's the simple truth.

Like you have a problem with English comprehension too. Where do you not see Cain speaking to the lack of CHANGE promised to, and voted on by Guyanese?

cain posted:

I agree with the first article I also agree with Kari. carib, I agree with what you are saying to a point. Yes, this government is acting the same as the previous govt, but, is this what they promised? No, they promised CHANGE. This is what won it for them..CHANGE. Perhaps this the the CHANGE they promised, a change of faces.

What I do recall being asked of them is to bring out those who were claimed to be making money through illegal means to justice, is this being done, NO? What is the reason? Is it because they have nothing really to go on or is it because they fear for their lives, is it because they also have something to hide? Again,same ole, same ole. Time to stop the cycle.

Like you finally got your nose out of Granger's battyhole?

This is a step in the right direction, however Guyana will have to live with these crooks for the next 4 years. If we keep recycling the same set of crooks, why should the expectations be any different?

Kari posted:

Blackman cyan run shyte. Is that what you wanna hear?

Kari how come you didn't ask for the end of retribution during the PPP era. Why was it OK for you when blacks were shut out?  Some had their careers severely impaired.  Some forced to go into early retirement with lower pensions as a result.

So why do you found shock that a horde of these people are putting pressure on Granger to rectify the situation by doing to PPP supporters what the PPP did to them for 23 years? 

And please don't wail about "square peg" when it is easy to see that the current diplomatic corps is the most high caliber in 23 years. 

Yes a black diplomat with a high reputation returned back to Guyana so that some PPP "criminal" could replace that person in that posting!  Of course that person promptly resigned!  This was what black professionals endured during the PPP era.

Yes 23 years of people telling them that you will not get a job or a promotion because "is not Burnham time now". Where were YOU when this was happening, and don't say that you didn't know because I brought this up on a DAILY basis!

Pardon me if I laugh at your new found demand for the end of ethnic retribution. 

Last year Stormborn/D2 gave you TWO opportunities to discuss Indian racism within the context of Guyana. I do recall that you joined the pack calling him a racist.

You think that black people must care about what Indian racists think, this group accounting for 90% of the Indian population?  I do NOT think so. A racist will think what he wants to think, and will seek justification. As we see now the Indo KKK scream that RK was actually a PNC operative!

Now during the Burnham era voices like Rodney, and David Hinds raised their voices against African ethnic triumphalism. David Hinds has said that his biggest regret was to work to remove an African dictatorship to put in place an Indian cabal which was racist towards Africans.

Where were the Indian Rodneys protesting against PPP treatment of Africans?  Don't say the AFC Indos because their disdain and arrogance towards blacks was evident last year, and I warned you about the consequences of their behavior. 

So now Granger has surrounded himself with people who he can trust to defang Nagamootoo who boasted that he could remove Granger whenever he pleased. I told you since last year that this would happen, and with the full cooperation of Trotman at that!

cain posted:

I agree with the first article I also agree with Kari.

cain you are not black, so really cannot appreciate the depth of stress that 23 years of PPP rule had on blacks.  You cannot understand the extreme joy that they had when the PPP was beaten.  As far as they were concerned the issue was RACE, and it remains RACE because the PPP remains unrepentant!

Kari really isn't interested in ending cycles of ethnic retribution.  All one needs to do is to look at his posts when the PPP was in power. What we see is a man who didn't care one iota about how the PPP treated blacks. He is anti PPP because of the Jaganite vs. Jagdeoite battle that is going on WITHIN the PPP. In fact Itaname called Kari out on this!


Itaname being one of the many black posters who leftk disgusted that GNI is a virtual anti black hate site. GNI is not unique.  This was Guyana during the PPP so pardon me if I laugh at those who suddenly want an end to this cycle when they didn't demand this when the PPP was in power!

Stormborn/D2 is part Indian and is fully aware of the levels of racism that occurs among Indians in how they see blacks.  He gave Kari and other Indians an opportunity to discuss Indian racism. Kari joined with the Indo KKK in calling him a racist.

Kari refuses to engage in any discussion about Indian racism towards blacks, and until he does so that he is NOT qualified to demand that blacks must cede ground to Indians in government.  The ONLY position of power that blacks in Guyana have is government. And we have had 23 years to see that when Indians combine their economic dominance with political dominance blacks are reduced to being servants.

During the PPP era black professionals in the private sector were told that they would not be hired or promoted because "is not Burnham time". For all I know this might well be happening now with blavks being told to go to Granger to get a job.

 Kari does NOT want to talk about what happens to blacks when Indians have power positions!


CARIBNY is a good student of Trumpism - prevaricating, obfuscating and deflecting on the issues posed - by bringing up Itaname calling me out and how I am pro-PPP when it came to Jaganite vs Jagdeoite and I did not call out PPP's shenanigans. Do me a favor and post those evidence rather than make headline advertisement postings that no one has time to go back and refute. Bring the evidence of those accusations against me.

I'll tell you this. I'm an Indian but from what I see here I understand the Black condition better than you - both in Guyana and the USA. Yes, I just said that. Now go refute it. [Parenthetically, I also see how little you know of the Obama Presidency as it relates to the upliftment of Black opportunities and the concrete things he did to help without the white establishment calling him out). I also know more PNC people than you and have more PNC friends than you. Yes, there is my PNC -knowledge creds too. I must acknowledge not knowing much about the PPP and its leadership until around the time of Cheddi's death.

So CARIBNY let's be practical here and tell me what pro-PPP and anti-Black shyte you see me peddling here. And please address the question of moving Guyana forward through meritocracy and reconciliation and forget abee-time-now. If you think the Black condition was never advanced under the PPP (debatable) then look for ways to provide opportunities - just don't gives jobs to the boys for the sake of abee-pan-tap now.


No Pavi, my position on moving Guyana forward (reconciliation and meritocracy in changing the stultifying culture of doing business and respecting people) is different from CARIBNY's. Cain points out the Coalition's CHANGE mantra and the raison d'etre for them winning in the last elections only to have them do the same ole, same ole as the corrupt Jagdeo/Ramortar PPP.

Kari posted:

No Pavi, my position on moving Guyana forward (reconciliation and meritocracy in changing the stultifying culture of doing business and respecting people) is different from CARIBNY's. Cain points out the Coalition's CHANGE mantra and the raison d'etre for them winning in the last elections only to have them do the same ole, same ole as the corrupt Jagdeo/Ramortar PPP.

Like I said I will just sit back and relax.

Kari posted:


I'll tell you this. I'm an Indian but from what I see here I understand the Black condition better than you - both in Guyana and the USA. Yes, I just said that. Now go refute it. ..


Scroll back to Itaname's posts if you doubt.  Itaname had loads to say about you and your hypocrisy about race.  That before he left GNI disgusted and shocked at the anti black racism which is tolerated on this site.

Yes Kari boasts that he knows more about blacks than a black man. I LIVE in the USA as a black man?  Do you?  What do YOU know about being a black man in the USA.  Do you have white men looking down as they pass you, terrified of you?  NO!  Well that frames race in the USA. White male fear of black men!

Kari does it dawn on you that those black "PNC" friends tell you what they want you to know, or what they feel telling you?

Do they really tell you about how they feel about Indian racism?  Did you hear the bit where some of them want to get as much as they can now so that if the Indians come back they wouldn't be poor and starving as they were in 1992.  Because if you didn't hear that then you didn't hear anything.

If you don't know this about Guyanese then learn something.  Guyanese are NOT confrontational people like Jamaicans.  They tell people what they think that people will want to hear.  So fool yourself that they revealed their full opinions to you during an era when Indians had Guyana on lock down!

Kari posted:

. [Parenthetically, I also see how little you know of the Obama Presidency as it relates to the upliftment of Black opportunities and the concrete things he did to help without the white establishment calling him out).

So compare the socio economic conditions of blacks in 2016 with that of 2000 if Obama was so transformative for blacks in the USA.

Aside from lectures about black irresponsibility, given because he has HIS own complexes about his Kenyan family and how they treated him, cannot really say what he has done.

Please don't say Obamacare because while we speak folks are seriously worried about his sustainable that will be.  Much of the increase in enrollment was because of expanded Medicaid. Let us see when we get the next recession, and the states are forced to scale back how sustainable those exchanges will be.


You stray (Trumpian disorder) from the debate - address the abee-pan-tap mantra that results in square pegs in round holes, jobs for the boys and retribution instead of reconciliation. Address the PNC in the Coalition as disavowing the old PNC of Burnham.

Kari posted:

 And please address the question of moving Guyana forward through meritocracy and reconciliation and forget abee-time-now. If you think the Black condition was never advanced under the PPP (debatable) then look for ways to provide opportunities - just don't gives jobs to the boys for the sake of abee-pan-tap now.

Why don't you outline comments made by you when others wrote about PPP racism towards blacks.

Now your assertion that the PPP did loads for blacks, and debate me when I claim that they didn't.

So why doesn't APNU/AFC treat Indians the way that the PPP treated blacks.  That should leave you happy, given that you contest the fact that blacks were treated poorly by the PPP.

It also underscores my point that reconciliation isn't really of interest to you because you not only did NOT demand this of the PPP in how it treated blacks, but now you claim that blacks benefitted under the PPP, when its is the clear position of 95% of blacks that blacks DID NOT.

Until you begin to address the issue of PPP racism towards blacks do NOT demand that APNU address how it treats Indians.  It is clear that there are MORE Indians in decision making under this government than there were blacks under the PPP. 

We can debate the fact that there is under representation, but NOT when you are singing praises about the PPP and its treatment of blacks!


Oh and why don't YOU look to provide opportunities for Indians if you think that the antidote to ethnic exclusion are private acts by the few!

Kari posted:

You stray (Trumpian disorder) from the debate - address the abee-pan-tap mantra that results in square pegs in round holes, jobs for the boys and retribution instead of reconciliation.

You went an a journey accusing me of being a black man who doesn't know what it is to be black in the USA, so I needed to correct you on that.

Now we will deal with the "abee pan tap" mentality when YOU address the fact that it still remains a feature of how the PPP operates. How can you demand from one side what you don't of the other.

Granger is being forced to redress the issue of ethnic exclusion that was perpetrated by the PPP during its 23 years of power.

So what should Granger tell them.  "Oh you were unfairly excluded for 23 years, and now I will exclude you because I don't want to get rid of incompetent PPP Indians!".  

You still refuse to admit that blacks suffered 23 years of Indian ethnic triumphalism, and until you do that we have NOTHING to discuss.

The only way to treat an illness is to diagnose its cause. BOTH Indians and Africans have suffered from ethnic triumphalism. No sign that Indians have abandoned this. They now scream that they cannot continue this.

So what does this do to blacks who fear the return of Indian rule? ADDRESS THAT and don't tell me about your 2 black friends, or imply that I have no connection to Afro Guyanese.

And the behavior of the AFC Indians after the elections under scored in the minds of many blacks that an Indian is an Indian who cares only of other Indians. The arrogance that was displayed when less than 5% of the vote was from Indian votes brought in by AFC Indians was very revealing!


And let us look at the APNU AFC diplomatic corps. Ambassador to USA. Indian. High Commissioner to Canada. Indian. Ambassador to China. Indian.  3 very high powered positions!  Could have been a 4th but Ally from the AFC (Indo faction) turns out to be ethically impaired.  Hmmm!

Now compare that to the Jagdeo diplomatic corps!  Yes go and "debate" that the PPP wasn't abusive to blacks. I guess your black PNC "friends" told you how wonderful life was then.


We've already banished the PPP to the dustbin of garbage. Do the same for me as you allege I did something that Itaname alleged some time in the past, etc., etc.

Answer the damn point about whether you want Guyana to go forward through meritocracy and reconciliation. Forget me and forget the the PPP, just say whether you agree that Guyana needs to advance by meritocracy and reconciliation and abee-pan-tap is debilitating. Jeeeze you go around in circles. Maybe Ba$eman and others are correct to call you a blatant racist, as you want Indians to pay.


A RACIST RAWANDA HERITAGE IDIOT WHO DESIRE IS TO BE THE AFRO IAN SMITH!!  BUT I TOLD YOU THIS YEARS AGO, YOU ARE INDEED ON THE SLOW SIDE. These Parasites talked you all into coalition and equal treatment and the end of Corruption etc, I saw through these Bastards for who they are and will always be. I dont mean to tooth my horn but you can go back and check.

Meh neighba DOGS like the PNC who like suck eggs can never stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kari posted:

We've already banished the PPP to the dustbin of garbage.

I have already made my position clear. Guyana has 2 equal groups, blacks/mixed and Indians, now equal, with Amerindians being the swing vote.

Indians were in power.  They abused blacks.

Now that Indians are out of power suddenly they want "meritocracy". Suddenly they realize that Africans will call the shots now.  They know that Africans want retribution for the past 23 years.

Until you can reassure Afro Guyanese that Indians can be fair to them then don't expect them to get into your pretense that suddenly you want meritocracy now that for the first time in 23 years all decisions are NOT being made by Indians.

IT is SIMPLE. Why this concept is hard for you to understand baffles me.Why Kari? What is it that blocks you from understanding that Africans will NOT cease demanding retribution until Indians assure them that they have no reason to fear Indians in power!

So tell your Indian buddies like baseman, cobra, yuji, skeldonman, bibi, alena, and others that their antics just convince blacks that Indians CANNOT be trusted!

caribny posted:

Now that Indians are out of power suddenly they want "meritocracy". Suddenly they realize that Africans will call the shots now.  They know that Africans want retribution for the past 23 years.

Indians don't suddenly want meritocracy. Thanks BTW for finally engaging on the topic. What you regard as "Indians" is the  PPP party and the core of supporters who vote for it. The majority of Indians who vote PPP vote so out of not wanting to vote for the PNC - the reasons for which I shall exclude from the meritocracy discussion.

So it's not Indians who ask for meritocracy. It is you and I who should, by abandoning anachronistic notions of abee-pan-tap, ask "what's the best way to move forward"? If the question is "how shall we get back at the PPP who kept Blacks down because of their "abee-pan-tap" mantra, then that's a different debate. So pick the discussion you want to have so we can get on with reasoned arguments, and not this fish-market thing about "Itaname" says Kari and all Indians didn't complain when Jagdeo was doing this and that to Blacks, and now why should we not do it to them Indians.

Kari posted:
caribny posted:

Now that Indians are out of power suddenly they want "meritocracy". Suddenly they realize that Africans will call the shots now.  They know that Africans want retribution for the past 23 years.

Indians don't suddenly want meritocracy..

Did Indians protest when the PPP peddled Indocracy and not meritocracy? When high caliber blacks were driven out of the diplomatic corps.? One removed from a post were they were highly regarded to make room for a PPP thug?   Only Freddie K and Jagdeo SUED him.

Did Indians rush to defend Freddie K against Jagdeo, who tried to destroy him, make death threats to him, and even had fecal matter thrown at him?  NO!!!!!! 

Where were these Indians voices that wanted meritocracy?  SILENCE, until now when suddenly they realize that ethnic retribution no longer means blacks being excluded.

So they deny that the PPP was racist. Supported the PPP when it abused blacks, and abused those blacks who lived in Guyana and who were bold enough to protest against PPP racism.

You know why I know that Indians endorse PPP racism?  Because Jagdeo campaigned to get their support by using blatant anti black bigotry.  "If PNC win blackman gun rape you daughter".  If Indians rejected this language they would have told Jagdeo to stop it.  They did NOT!

Now point out when Granger went into Linden and used such racist bigotry! Or Bartica or PNC strongholds in south G/T!

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:
caribny posted:
If the question is "how shall we get back at the PPP who kept Blacks down because of their "abee-pan-tap" mantra, then that's a different debate. .

Until you  address what the PPP did to blacks and offer proof that a solid majority of Indians not only deplore this behavior, but communicate to Jagdeo that this blatant racist tirade that he has been on over the past 2 years is unacceptable, you CANNOT ask blacks to believe in meritocracy.

It takes TWO HANDS to clap.  Until Indians show a willingness to deplore open bigotry against blacks, as some blacks have when bigotry was directed against Indians don't expect much.   

I know for a fact that Rickford Burke was begging Indians to be part of the 50th anniversary effort in NYC.  I know for a fact that the Tristate Alliance has attempted to do the same. Ditto for the Guyana Cultural Association.  I also know of other non Guyanese Caribbean organizations which have attempted to do the same. SILENCE, with the few Indians who involve themselves being derided by the majority who despise any attempt to work with blacks.

So cease your nonsense.  I know too much about how you all operate!  Go find some naïve person who doesn't know Indo Guyanese. In fact even African Americans in Queens complain about you all!


Kudos to Kari and Cain for speaking the truth.

Shame on Carib (PNC Spin Man) for clinging on to the racist, clueless and corrupt PNC.

I am not saying that the PPP had school boys for politicians, their pockets were lined but they did not start to thief from day one, it happened right under the nose of Jagdeo.

The PNC is looting and stealing and having 29 percent turning into a PNC of the past.

Until the Guyanese public realize that they have had enough of the OLD SCHOOL PPP and PNC, they will need to look elsewhere for better leadership which will go beyond race and petty politics to transform Guyana.

Kudos to the bold and brave for speaking out and shame on those who keep defending the same old PPP and PNC.

There is still an opportunity for Ramjattan to think carefully about his future and start a totally new movement to transform Guyana.

The same apply to a few young PPP and PNC politicians to buck the trend and put Guyana first.

The future of the PPP depends on their choice for a leader and agenda for the next three years in December at their convention. I doubt that much will change.

Change does not exist in the PNC vocabulary, wait, only at election time and then the army boys and thieves cash in.

I am really enjoying this conversation. 

yuji22 posted:

Kudos to Kari and Cain for speaking the truth.

Shame on Carib (PNC Spin Man) for clinging on to the racist, clueless and

The Indo KKK supports Kari.  Cain is nice and doesn't understand the problem so I let him off the hook.  Kari knows fully well the depth of anti black racism which exists within the Indian community, but thinks that he can fool black people that it doesn't exist.

Yuji is an example of anti black racism.  And he endorses Kari! Notice no mention of Jagdeo whose racist screams against blacks were so shrill that he got many blacks, who hadn't voted for years, out to vote.  The notion of more PPP rule was FRIGHTENING!

Last edited by Former Member

Cain is a putagee, as far as dem is concerned Indoes gat no business to be in Guyana. U rite he is nat too well informed.

Under Burnham, we knew Blacks hated Indians. Under the PPP, they obliged the Indians and now Granger and his racism.

Let's do the math. The  PNC have 28 year plus 1 year which is 29 years. The PPP had 23 years. And yuh sah gat a life time assignment hating Indian people.

seignet posted:

Cain is a putagee, as far as dem is concerned Indoes gat no business to be in Guyana. U rite he is nat too well informed.


Cain does NOT think this. Cain is just some what naïve on the matter, because he didn't have to endure 23 years of PPP rule, so doesn't fully understand the raw feelings which exist.

Kari is fully aware of the fact that naked racism exists towards blacks from Indians, but doesn't want to admit to this.

Itaname called him a smart man when he tried to deny the existence of anti black racism among Indians.

According to Kari now that Indians no longer can scream "ahbe pan tap" now we must deal with the problem ethnic retribution.  You see Kari sincerely believes that only Indians have a narrative of ethnic exclusion, so only they need to be protected against ethnic retribution.  Blacks have no business fearing Indian power.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Kudos to Kari and Cain for speaking the truth.

Shame on Carib (PNC Spin Man) for clinging on to the racist, clueless and

Notice no mention of Jagdeo 

Notice Dummy Carib,

Read my post again and please do so carefully. I knew all along that you were an old school die hard PNC man and is shows with unbearable stench. You are wolf in sheep clothing.

Listen Dummy, Indos suffer immensely when the PNC ruled. It is well documented fact. I am a living testimony of what the PNC did. I am willing to let go of the past.

Afros suffered under the PPP but nowhere to the extent to what the PNC did to Indos. 

How long will the Black PNC leadership and Indo PPP leadership divide Guyana as the nation plunge in economic depression ? Guyana is even more divided today than it ever was in it's history.

What the moderates are calling for is change. Change in direction, a multi ethnic government representative of the true make up of the SIX, yes SIX races of Guyana. 

I support this change. You are the one left with a pack of race cards in your hand. Wake up dummy !!!

Last edited by Former Member

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