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cain posted:
caribny posted:
cain posted:

I agree with the first article I also agree with Kari.

cain you are not black, so really cannot appreciate the depth of stress that 23 years of PPP rule had on blacks. 

I don't recall any of this being touted during election. What I heard was VOTE FOR CHANGE.

Carib does not have any interest in "change" his agenda has always been to restore the PNC in their full glory. His rational Burnham dictatorship - stealing election and all was a good thing because it was a way to get even for things done to blacks by Indians during rule in '64 period.

In people like Carib mind another round of PNC running off the educated and place 'shirt jack' uneducated morons with just a PNC card as qualification running everything to the ground, continue mass migration of qualify citizen is all justify because the coolies need to know "is abie time now...."





yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Kudos to Kari and Cain for speaking the truth.

Shame on Carib (PNC Spin Man) for clinging on to the racist, clueless and

Notice no mention of Jagdeo 

Notice Dummy Carib,


Listen Dummy, Indos suffer immensely when the PNC ruled..

It is a well documented fact that Africans suffered under the PPP. Jagdeo had an opportunity to prove otherwise and failed to do so.

So this is where we are.  If the PPP/Indians are in power ethnic retribution is not only fine, but when blacks protest they are victimized.

When Indians find the shoe on the other foot suddenly they want protection from ethnic retribution. But don't feel it necessary to offer this protection to blacks in spheres where they have power.

It doesn't work that way.  Now that Indians see the shoe on the other foot they need to admit that ethnic retribution is something that both parties have been guilty of, and they need to lead a discussion to remove this from being a defining characteristic of Guyana.

Instead you and Kari suddenly demand an end of ethnic retribution after YOU advocated the harassment of blacks during the PPP, and Kari joined you in calling me  a racist when I protested about this.

And understand this.  It is as much in the interests of Indians as it is for other groups to have a discussion of this, which is TWO way. As you can see the shoe is on the other foot, at least for the next 4 years.

Instead we now have a one way demand, with Indians continuing to be unwilling to admit that they too have been EQUALLY guilty of ethnic retribution!

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
I don't recall any of this being touted during election. What I heard was VOTE FOR CHANGE.

Yes change from the PPP.   Listen humans are who they are.  People were victimized.  You are being naΓ―ve and foolish to think that they will not engage in retribution unless the other side also changes.

What have we seen. Jagdeo screaming "we gun tek back Guyana for Indians".  The man is blatant. So why do you think that blacks will trust Indians, 95% of whom support this opinion. If Indians did NOT have this view that Jagdeo wouldn't peddle it. He peddles this because it sells among Indians.

Want change. Tell the PPP to change. Or the other side will protect their interests.

Drugb posted:

This is a step in the right direction, however Guyana will have to live with these crooks for the next 4 years. If we keep recycling the same set of crooks, why should the expectations be any different?

True. The current government is made up of people who were part of the crooked PNC and PPP parties who conned voters into believing that they were different. Now Ramjattan is bragging that they are not angels.

ksazma posted:
Drugb posted:

This is a step in the right direction, however Guyana will have to live with these crooks for the next 4 years. If we keep recycling the same set of crooks, why should the expectations be any different?

True. The current government is made up of people who were part of the crooked PNC and PPP parties who conned voters into believing that they were different. Now Ramjattan is bragging that they are not angels.

And the PPP consisted of people who played around with paramilitias and narco traffickers. They had turned Guyana into a Colombia.  Only the seizing of RK saved Guyana from that fate.

The notion that a PPP supporter is bold enough to adopt an air of moral superiority is a joke.

caribny posted:
cain posted:
I don't recall any of this being touted during election. What I heard was VOTE FOR CHANGE.

Yes change from the PPP.   Listen humans are who they are.  People were victimized.  You are being naΓ―ve and foolish to think that they will not engage in retribution unless the other side also changes.

What have we seen. Jagdeo screaming "we gun tek back Guyana for Indians".  The man is blatant. So why do you think that blacks will trust Indians, 95% of whom support this opinion. If Indians did NOT have this view that Jagdeo wouldn't peddle it. He peddles this because it sells among Indians.

Want change. Tell the PPP to change. Or the other side will protect their interests.

Listen humans are who they are.  People were victimized.  You are being naΓ―ve and foolish to think that they will not engage in retribution unless the other side also changes.

The excerpt above says it all. I guess Nelson Mandela was not human ans was other-worldly.

sachin_05 posted:
cain posted:
caribny posted:
cain posted:

I agree with the first article I also agree with Kari.

cain you are not black, so really cannot appreciate the depth of stress that 23 years of PPP rule had on blacks. 

I don't recall any of this being touted during election. What I heard was VOTE FOR CHANGE.

Carib does not have any interest in "change" his agenda has always been to restore the PNC in their full glory. His rational Burnham dictatorship - stealing election and all was a good thing because it was a way to get even for things done to blacks by Indians during rule in '64 period.

In people like Carib mind another round of PNC running off the educated and place 'shirt jack' uneducated morons with just a PNC card as qualification running everything to the ground, continue mass migration of qualify citizen is all justify because the coolies need to know "is abie time now...."





Carib's idea of change is "put all black people in all the top positions". If you have a PNC card, you do not need any other qualification. If you are black, have a PNC  card, have been convicted of murder, drug dealing(Lear Goring and Noel Blackman) or any other crime, you deserve a job in the current administration. Carib wants to Africanise Guyana.

Kari posted:

Listen humans are who they are.  People were victimized.  You are being naΓ―ve and foolish to think that they will not engage in retribution unless the other side also changes.


In fact Nelson Mandela became president and his family became quite wealthy.  The ANC took over the reigns of power and the whites were driven to the opposition. 

I don't think that too many whites are in the ANC, so unwittingly you make my point.  All of the people who surrounded Mandela and were punished under apartheid were well taken care of.  How many whites remained in government after apartheid ended?

Affirmative Action was put in place to force whites to concede economic space to blacks. Maybe you want APNU to copy this ANC move?

skeldon_man posted:

Carib's idea of change is "put all black people in all the top positions". If you have a PNC card, you do not need any other qualification. If you are black, have a PNC  card, have been convicted of murder, drug dealing(Lear Goring and Noel Blackman) or any other crime, you deserve a job in the current administration. Carib wants to Africanise Guyana.

Look who Kari's friends are!

BTW what positions do Goring and Blackman CURRENTLY have? Fool that you are you just revealed that APNU/AFC when found to be in the wrong correct things.

How look at the PPP and its criminal enterprise.

I know that the PPP ensured that Roger Khan, Buddy and other narco traffickers made millions, and were protected.  That is until RK was tricked to flee to Suriname, where he couldn't have been protected by the PPP.

yuji22 posted:

I support this change. You are the one left with a pack of race cards in your hand. Wake up dummy !!!

So how come you didn't demand this when the PPP was in power.  Then your boast was that a black man would never be president again.

But I see, now that "ahbe pan tap, black man time done" really looks seriously idiotic you suddenly PRETEND to want inclusion.

Tell you what.  In 2020 the voting age Indo population will be between 40-43% and not all will vote PPP. Amerindians vote for the gov't in power.  Opposition parties cannot help them.

So how will the PPP win?  We still remember the "black man gun rape you daughter" screams last year, so I don't think that the PPP under Jagdeo is making any inroads into the black/mixed vote.

I suggest that you take care concern for racial inclusion to your buy Jagdeo, who only is interested in "mobilizing his East Indian base, so that "we" can tek back Guyana!"

cain posted:
seignet posted:

Cain is a putagee, as far as dem is concerned Indoes gat no business to be in Guyana. U rite he is nat too well informed.

It is again obvious you are the uninformed ole goat. First time I have ever heard something that disgusting about what YOU THINK putagees believe.

The Portuguese population in Guyana is virtually non existent.  The fact that seignet raises that nonsense just shows that he is a trouble maker.

Ethnicity in Guyana is dominated by the African vs. Indian insecurity dilemma.  Both have been hurt and have responded with ethnic retribution.  A broad based discussion on this is necessary.  NOT wailing when APNU engages in the same behavior that the PPP also engaged in.

There has to be reciprocity.  One cannot remain quiet or deny what the PPP did, because one's ethnic group wasn't impacted.  Nor can one demand that an ethnic group cease ethnic retribution when it has no comfort that should the government change, that there will not be retribution against them as there was in 1992.

What is evident is the high caliber of the current diplomatic corps, considerably superior to anything that the PPP had on offer.  I would like those who suddenly woke up and now demand an end to ethnic retribution, when they explicitly or implicitly defended such retribution under the PPP, to tell me how come the PPP couldn't find talented African professionals to APPOINT.

I will not deny that there is ethnic retribution now being undertaken, even as the PPP has failed to provide specific evidence of it.  The ethnic nature of our politics dictates that this will occur as parties seek to reward supporters.  I will however categorically say that Indians are being LESS impacted now than Africans were under the PPP.  Look at the ethnic composition of the heads of mission. THREE of the top 4 slots are being occupied by Indians, ONE of which is a hold over from the PPP era!


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