Have you noticed that at airports, it's not only teenagers yakking on cell phones? Nowadays it seems that as soon as a person has to wait on a flight, they whip out a cell phone? The old 75 year old lady sitting next to me has not shut up on her cell phone for 45 minutes now. I now know all about her entire life. Are we living in an age of chronic loneliness, or do people actually take sick pleasure in annoying fellow men? I really believe that you can learn a lot about someone by merely observing their behavior at airports. Of course there are the predictable ones also, the ones who always open the overhead bins over your head in mid flight, or push their seat back over your dinner tray, or carry on a loud conversation for your benefit. And heaven help you if you are stuck in a seat between 2 fat people!
Did you notice recently more and more people are acting crazy in planes, and getting thrown off? And their names don't even begin with Mohamed!