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spoke with Charran yesterday

A mutual friend of Charrandass Persaud indicated to me that Charran always conveys to him the need to chat with me. It has been a long time we conversed and one reason for that could be security. I don’t trust my phone.
This friend was fixing my computer yesterday so he called Charran. First things first; he said he is returning after the election. In our long conversation, I expressed a sentiment that I have literally conveyed to hundreds of persons in Guyana – reply and state your case in public because history will record the nastiness people compose against you as truths.
National figures at all time must confront the fictions written about them. Of course, many such depravities are not known because few people read certain publications. But once your detractors hit the mainstream media, and these detractors are well known personalities occupying power, wealth and status, then defend yourself.
Everywhere I go, as recent as last Sunday to Parika Market with my wife, people asked questions based on things they read. They must have turn over these things in their minds and they want answers. I get questions all the time about Charrandass. This entire country for the past year has been talking about Charrandass.
Since December 2018 when he created one of the biggest constitutional and political crises in the history of this country, there is hardly anything in the mainstream media by Charran. I said to him in our telephonic exchange yesterday that he must write and adumbrate his vexations that triggered his impulse to vote against his own government.
Year after year Charran told me about his absolute disgust with the Alliance For Change. The boiling point was reached in 2017 when at a birthday party at a mutual friend on David Street, Kitty he said if there was a no-confidence motion (NCM), he would vote against the government so there can be fresh elections. With a tiny smile on his face he told me days before the no-confidence vote (NCV) in December last year that, “Freddie watch what will happen.” I know from those simple words what would have happened.
Yesterday he said he doesn’t feel like explaining himself to the Guyanese people. He intoned that he did what he felt was necessary and he thinks that is sufficient. I disagreed. I kept saying to him that he must write; people want to hear about how he felt and why he did it. In other words, justify yourself for the historical record.
I told him if he doesn’t write, then history cannot record the infamies of the AFC. I suggested three areas. Here there are. In early 2018, Charran told me he raised with Ramjattan the question of a junior minister of agriculture because that ministry was not performing to the maximum. He said each time the subject was broached, the AFC leadership poured scorn on it. But in 2019, President Granger reshuffled the Cabinet and appointed a junior minister in agriculture.
Instead of me explaining right now the depravity of the AFC, Charran should have described for Guyana his mounting frustration with the AFC which led to the climax – the NCV. The second area was how the AFC treated him as the parliamentary representative in Berbice.
Ramjattan declared in Berbice a few weeks ago that the idea and policy of closing down the Berbice sugar estates came from the AFC. But Charran as the parliamentarian for Berbice affairs read about the closure in the media. It was not Charran himself but his friend, fellow attorney, Ryan Crawford who publicly described what Charran was going through.
Crawford said while playing dominoes on Charran’s bridge, sugar workers would hurl the vilest cuss words at Charran. These are the things Charran should be writing about because they justify the holding of an NCM and the removal of the AFC from continuation in government.
Finally, the mistreatment of Dr. Ramaya. This columnist saw an email exchange between the AFC leaders on an advisory note President Granger sent the AFC urging acceptable employment for Ramaya. After the 2015 victory, Ramaya was offered the title of Berbice liaison for the Prime Minister. It carried a state car and a salary of $90, 000. I campaigned with Ramaya. He brought in votes for the AFC. In another column, I will release an email exchange with Minister David Patterson in which he tried to deceive me about the AFC’s offer of the Ministry of the Environment to the personal friend of three AFC top leaders. The woman never lifted a finger to campaign in either the 2006, 2011 or 2015 elections for the AFC. I insisted to Charran – start exposing the evil inside the AFC.

(The views expressed in this article are t

Replies sorted oldest to newest

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Dem people aren't about wukkin. It is all about entitlement with them.

Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Where you from?  Iguanas 🦎 are not trench creatures!  They tend to hang out on tree tops in the cool and under the canopy in the heat!

Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Where you from?  Iguanas 🦎 are not trench creatures!  They tend to hang out on tree tops in the cool and under the canopy in the heat!

Doh is true bai...we Labbas does feed pon de battam from dem jamoon, plum and sumutoo woh fall down...hey hey hey...dem guanas is high class feeder...hey hey hey...

Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Where you from?  Iguanas 🦎 are not trench creatures!  They tend to hang out on tree tops in the cool and under the canopy in the heat!

Bai you need fuh watch national Geographic. Some ah dem guanas(in de Galapagos) ah go deep down in de ocean and feed.

Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Charran was awarded best dancer on the floor at BJ’s event last night.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Charran was awarded best dancer on the floor at BJ’s event last night.  

Does Bharrat know ayuh pon ANUG dugla band wagon now?  Does he know ayuh seh PPP standard hit a new low?

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Where you from?  Iguanas 🦎 are not trench creatures!  They tend to hang out on tree tops in the cool and under the canopy in the heat!

Bai you need fuh watch national Geographic. Some ah dem guanas(in de Galapagos) ah go deep down in de ocean and feed.

Datt place different!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Charran was awarded best dancer on the floor at BJ’s event last night.  

Does Bharrat know ayuh pon ANUG dugla band wagon now?  Does he know ayuh seh PPP standard hit a new low?

Don’t tek you eyes and pass Charrandass.  He is a staunch PPP man now.

Bibi Haniffa
Sean posted:

Like how Ralph was a staunch PPP man ? I hear dat Charrandas going back to Guyana after Ramjattan is voted out. 

Like how she is a staunch PPP!  Oh, except for Hon Dr Irfaan!  Then ANUG or PNC ok!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Charran was awarded best dancer on the floor at BJ’s event last night.  

Hey hey hey...oh rass gyal...yu is a true Miss Ivy...yu know all dem peopkle private story...yu is move in high circle? Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Charran was awarded best dancer on the floor at BJ’s event last night.  

Hey hey hey...oh rass gyal...yu is a true Miss Ivy...yu know all dem peopkle private story...yu is move in high circle? Hey hey hey...

How is watching someone with amazing dance moves in a room with over 600 people knowing people private story?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Labba posted:
Iguana posted:

So Charran was "mad" and reached a "boiling point" because:

a. He didn't get a junior minister post
b. sugar workers cussed him while he was playing dominoes
c. his friend Dr. Ramayayayayaya didn't get a job.

Yep, that would drive me to a boiling point too. LMAO. These people are such fking jokers, including this clown Kissoon.

Hey hey hey...yu ever go in de trench and wuk like Charran? 

Charran was awarded best dancer on the floor at BJ’s event last night.  

Hey hey hey...oh rass gyal...yu is a true Miss Ivy...yu know all dem peopkle private story...yu is move in high circle? Hey hey hey...

How is watching someone with amazing dance moves in a room with over 600 people knowing people private story?

Miss Ivy posase de video haay lewe see it nuh...hey hey hey.

Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Like how Ralph was a staunch PPP man ? I hear dat Charrandas going back to Guyana after Ramjattan is voted out. 

Like how she is a staunch PPP!  Oh, except for Hon Dr Irfaan!  Then ANUG or PNC ok!

Instead of trying to sink dem  people boat with a 300 pound whale, I think you and Sean should tek Mattie.  He surely has a boat by his lake that you two can enjoy.  You both have an unexplainable attraction to a 73 year old politician who is a happily married man for over 40 years.  Go seek your pleasure elsewhere.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

AYUH GONE AGAIN, try going to church, is Sunday!!

Too late.  You should have made that comment ten minutes ago when me and my family were being attacked.

What family, you mean ANUG?  I thought it was a political party.  Suh because the head is yuh family he off limits?

Me 300 pounder have a lot to offer!  Don’t let that bother you!

Anyway back to politics, Rank should sail off into the sunset. He has been a waste of time in the PPP and now.  What does he offer when his entire career in the PPP is just a footnote?   He went from a Communist ideologue to a ballsless cog, kicked to the curd by your hero BJ!  Now his calling card is his Dugla heritage!  Cheap stunt!

He is a politician just like Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, who YOU like cussing down. Criticizing Rank is not personal, it’s political.  If you don’t like the heat, then stay out the kitchen!


Gm Bibi. Ralph is a politician and is fair game. He is leading the ANUS party with apparently zero support. Member Dave posted a picture of him farting on his team member. Na vex, nothing personal. Time for Ralph to ride off into the sunset and enjoy his retirement. Juss like Moses, he rass hungry fuh power and turned against the PPP.

I saw you bad mouthing Moses and now you vex dat we talking bout Ralph ? 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

AYUH GONE AGAIN, try going to church, is Sunday!!

Too late.  You should have made that comment ten minutes ago when me and my family were being attacked.

What family, you mean ANUG?  I thought it was a political party.  Suh because the head is yuh family he off limits?

Me 300 pounder have a lot to offer!  Don’t let that bother you!

Anyway back to politics, Rank should sail off into the sunset. He has been a waste of time in the PPP and now.  What does he offer when his entire career in the PPP is just a footnote?   He went from a Communist ideologue to a ballsless cog, kicked to the curd by your hero BJ!  Now his calling card is his Dugla heritage!  Cheap stunt!

He is a politician just like Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, who YOU like cussing down. Criticizing Rank is not personal, it’s political.  If you don’t like the heat, then stay out the kitchen!

I am not a member of ANUG and I don’t care which politician you cuss. Your political flare runs with the wind. One day you are PNC. Next day you pretend to be PPP. The next day you are in the AFC kitchen drinking soup when you are not running down somebody wife or young daughter.

You are a sick, pathetic piece of shit who has no purpose in life but to come on GNI and cuss like a raving lunatic all day.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

AYUH GONE AGAIN, try going to church, is Sunday!!

Too late.  You should have made that comment ten minutes ago when me and my family were being attacked.

What family, you mean ANUG?  I thought it was a political party.  Suh because the head is yuh family he off limits?

Me 300 pounder have a lot to offer!  Don’t let that bother you!

Anyway back to politics, Rank should sail off into the sunset. He has been a waste of time in the PPP and now.  What does he offer when his entire career in the PPP is just a footnote?   He went from a Communist ideologue to a ballsless cog, kicked to the curd by your hero BJ!  Now his calling card is his Dugla heritage!  Cheap stunt!

He is a politician just like Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, who YOU like cussing down. Criticizing Rank is not personal, it’s political.  If you don’t like the heat, then stay out the kitchen!

I am not a member of ANUG and I don’t care which politician you cuss. Your political flare runs with the wind. One day you are PNC. Next day you pretend to be PPP. The next day you are in the AFC kitchen drinking soup when you are not running down somebody wife or young daughter.

You are a sick, pathetic piece of shit who has no purpose in life but to come on GNI and cuss like a raving lunatic all day.

You sound like me fren's ex-wife, who unloads on me about me fren.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

AYUH GONE AGAIN, try going to church, is Sunday!!

Too late.  You should have made that comment ten minutes ago when me and my family were being attacked.

What family, you mean ANUG?  I thought it was a political party.  Suh because the head is yuh family he off limits?

Me 300 pounder have a lot to offer!  Don’t let that bother you!

Anyway back to politics, Rank should sail off into the sunset. He has been a waste of time in the PPP and now.  What does he offer when his entire career in the PPP is just a footnote?   He went from a Communist ideologue to a ballsless cog, kicked to the curd by your hero BJ!  Now his calling card is his Dugla heritage!  Cheap stunt!

He is a politician just like Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, who YOU like cussing down. Criticizing Rank is not personal, it’s political.  If you don’t like the heat, then stay out the kitchen!

I am not a member of ANUG and I don’t care which politician you cuss. Your political flare runs with the wind. One day you are PNC. Next day you pretend to be PPP. The next day you are in the AFC kitchen drinking soup when you are not running down somebody wife or young daughter.

You are a sick, pathetic piece of shit who has no purpose in life but to come on GNI and cuss like a raving lunatic all day.

Cuzzy Ralph is a waste of time.  Dugla nah matter, no support for the old balls less communist!!  Tell he Suh!!

Dr Irfaan😁 is more relevant!  And if he does make it to prezzy, Ramkarran days done in the PPP!  And you know this, That’s why you hate him!

I’m PNC?  well your 200 years PPP got kicked to the curb!   Now you cussing them. My sister-in-law, whose father was a die-hard PPP, was bestowed a National award by the PNC!  Izz we PNC connection at wuk! Guh eat you heart out!

Prashad posted:

Prashad will support a good Rank for the Rank if PPP wins. He did many things to help sugar workers in the court system when he was a young man. We must never forget that.

Great, to each his own!  I am not from any cane cutting clan so don’t matter to me!

Everyone did their part in Guyana!  What goes for one goes for all!!

Tola posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

What family, you mean ANUG?  I thought it was a political party.  Suh because the head is yuh family he off limits?

Me 300 pounder have a lot to offer!  Don’t let that bother you!

Anyway back to politics, Rank should sail off into the sunset. He has been a waste of time in the PPP and now.  What does he offer when his entire career in the PPP is just a footnote?   He went from a Communist ideologue to a ballsless cog, kicked to the curd by your hero BJ!  Now his calling card is his Dugla heritage!  Cheap stunt!

He is a politician just like Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, who YOU like cussing down. Criticizing Rank is not personal, it’s political.  If you don’t like the heat, then stay out the kitchen!

I am not a member of ANUG and I don’t care which politician you cuss. Your political flare runs with the wind. One day you are PNC. Next day you pretend to be PPP. The next day you are in the AFC kitchen drinking soup when you are not running down somebody wife or young daughter.

You are a sick, pathetic piece of shit who has no purpose in life but to come on GNI and cuss like a raving lunatic all day.

You sound like me fren's ex-wife, who unloads on me about me fren.

😁😁. Hell knows no fury like a woman dumped!!😁😁!!

Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad will support a good Rank for the Rank if PPP wins. He did many things to help sugar workers in the court system when he was a young man. We must never forget that.

Great, to each his own!  I am not from any cane cutting clan so don’t matter to me!

Everyone did their part in Guyana!  What goes for one goes for all!!

There is nothing wrong with a cane cutter family. I am from a cane cutter family. All my brothers and my father were cane cutters. My mother worked as a weeder in the cane fields. I worked in the sugar industry. We made an honest living and did well. Mother and father are gone, but they lived in the US for a while. My cane cutter brothers and I are doing well. It is very insulting to refer to people as cane cutters. At least they are not robbing, kicking down doors, raping, killing and choke and rob people for daily living.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad will support a good Rank for the Rank if PPP wins. He did many things to help sugar workers in the court system when he was a young man. We must never forget that.

Great, to each his own!  I am not from any cane cutting clan so don’t matter to me!

Everyone did their part in Guyana!  What goes for one goes for all!!

There is nothing wrong with a cane cutter family. I am from a cane cutter family. All my brothers and my father were cane cutters. My mother worked as a weeder in the cane fields. I worked in the sugar industry. We made an honest living and did well. Mother and father are gone, but they lived in the US for a while. My cane cutter brothers and I are doing well. It is very insulting to refer to people as cane cutters. At least they are not robbing, kicking down doors, raping, killing and choke and rob people for daily living.

Bai, I love and respect my canecutter brethren!  They are hard working people and earn an honest living!  I just hate when some people come here like they are some royalty putting down others like their shit don’t stink!

Believe me, I have no issues and respect the sugar workers!  They were once the backbone of Guyana’s economy!  I find it unforgivable what the coalition did displacing so many without an alternate plan!

Nehru posted:

Base, if the Sugar Industry was dominated by Afros, you think the stinking Racist Gadaha would have done what he did????????

True.  But what I still don’t understand is Ramjattan boasting the AFC led the charge!  If so, they worse than the PNC!

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, if the Sugar Industry was dominated by Afros, you think the stinking Racist Gadaha would have done what he did????????

True.  But what I still don’t understand is Ramjattan boasting the AFC led the charge!  If so, they worse than the PNC!

Rumjhat is a Parasite to humanity so I am not at all surprise at his action!!!!!!  FERS like dat is less valuable than goat shit!

Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, if the Sugar Industry was dominated by Afros, you think the stinking Racist Gadaha would have done what he did????????

True.  But what I still don’t understand is Ramjattan boasting the AFC led the charge!  If so, they worse than the PNC!

Rumjhat is a Parasite to humanity so I am not at all surprise at his action!!!!!!  FERS like dat is less valuable than goat shit!

Rumjaat is on a path to sell out his own family, just so that he gets the Prime Minister job, just even for a few days.

 Granger knows Rumjaat brings nothing to the table, the PNC is playing with his balls. Moses and Rumjaat are Certified Dutty Coolies.

Prashad posted:

Prashad will support a good Rank for the Rank if PPP wins. He did many things to help sugar workers in the court system when he was a young man. We must never forget that.

Don’t know if you are referring to the same person.  But if it’s Ralph Ramkarran, His father was the head of GAWU for many years after he was a Minister in the PPP government in 1957.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad will support a good Rank for the Rank if PPP wins. He did many things to help sugar workers in the court system when he was a young man. We must never forget that.

Don’t know if you are referring to the same person.  But if it’s Ralph Ramkarran, His father was the head of GAWU for many years after he was a Minister in the PPP government in 1957.

Also, Boysie Ramkarran was Minister of Works and Hydraulics during the period 1961-64. He served as GAWU President after Harry Lall deserted in the mid-1970s until 1990.

Last edited by Former Member

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