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Cheddi and Janet Jagan must be turning in their graves – says daughter at memorial




“My parents were probably the most incorruptible people you would ever find; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards, but unfortunately do not exist or I don’t see it in many of the leaders of the party and government.” The comments came from the daughter of the late Guyanese leaders Dr Cheddi Jagan and Mrs Janet Jagan. She said that the current leaders of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and government lack “the very, very, very high moral standards” which her parents embodied when they were alive.


Ms Jagan-Brancier speaking to the audience

Mrs Nadira Jagan-Brancier scolded the party for putting out platforms using her parents’ name— particularly her father’s— and not living up really and truly to what her parents had stood for. “It is not enough to go out there and make lovely speeches about who my parents were, what they did and the legacy that we’re carrying on”.

She said that her parents fought for sugar workers, the poor and down-trodden in Guyana and in the world. “That’s who they stood for, and again, I think the party has moved away— not the party but certain elements in the party— from these very, very important values that held the party together and what makes the PPP what it is and so for me, when I look at some of the things happening, my parents must be turning in their graves— but they must be churning up in the waters of the rivers (in which their ashes were sprinkled)”.

She said that if the PPP is saying that it is following Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan as a living guide, “the only way you can follow them is to return to basics, return to who this party is which is the working- class party, obviously you have to support other people, but the base of this party is a working- class party, get back to being a non- corruptible party, so people can’t point a finger and say ‘there is so much corruption, why should we worry?”

The daughter of the late leaders then pleaded with the PPP/C leaders and members to get back to the high and moral values. “If the leaders don’t show the moral values then people won’t do it, and you’re children won’t grow up with moral values. And if your families don’t show moral values, then society as a whole will lose that”.

“Their lives were involved in politics so their time for me and my brother was very limited…They weren’t there the amount of hours that most people would have their parents around, but the times that they were, it was what they called quality time, not quantity…so the times they spent with us— memories that I will have for the rest of my life”. She noted that her parents were very normal, simple, and humble people and a “very, very loving couple”. She recalled sitting down for breakfast in the mornings around the family table and listening to the news from Guyana or the BBC “and you weren’t allowed to talk”.

She noted that they lived very simple lives and told the gathering that the house in which her parents once lived, is now open to the public. “The house is there and I really encourage people to use the opportunity to go in Bel Air and see the house where they lived…They lived a very simple life; they didn’t have big ostentatious homes that you see nowadays that government officials and party officials have, which is a very sad thing, personally”. Ms Jagan-Brancier also encouraged persons to visit the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre in Kingston. “This was when my father was Premier from 1961 to 1964”. 


“Most people think of my mom as only writing for the Mirror and other political things; my mom wrote a lot of children stories— I hope that people who have children would know this. She was also a poet and wrote some beautiful poems.”
Mrs Jagan’s prison diary, she said, are all important documents that Mrs Jagan-Brancier urged persons to read. The Cheddi Jagan website is also another feature that she urged the public to access information “and on this website, you will find information”.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is warning bell to the PPP. Bring back the Jagan legacy of honesty and accountabily and get off your high horses and serve the people with honesty. Get back to the basics and support the working classes.


Politicians in Georgetown are far removed from the reality of issues affecting Berbicians. Wake up PPP and keep the Jagan legacy alive. As for the fat pigs, Nadira called you out.


I want the Jagan wing of the PPP to take back the PPP and their country from the hands of a few fat pigs.


Kudos to Gerhard for posting this.



These past few months I realized an important thing after listening to Joey speak on Benschop radio.  The PPP as a party needs the Jagans to be an integral part of its leadership to be a very effective party. It is their party, it is in their blood, so they will not mess it up.  Even if it is a ceremonial  leadership role like chairman of the PPP.  They should be involved in the day to day running of the party in some way, shape or form and must always be included in the leadership.

Last edited by Former Member

I must confess that for many months I've had a crisis of conscience regarding the PPP, the only political party in Guyana I ever voted for and supported steadfastly up to the recent elections. My support was given voluntarily and selflessly in the face of a multiciplicity of allegations of corrupt practices by Party and Government leaders and acolytes. Where there's smoke there's fire, I reasoned. And so I ceased supporting the ruling party openly after the elections results were declared.
While I'm no longer actively in Guyana's politics I cannot turn my back completely against happenings in my country of birth. It's with this attitude I decided to read the newspaper report about what Nadira Jagan said above. I've known Nadira personally for about 40 years and I can attest to her unconditional and unlimited love for her revered parents. That she could come out openly and state that there's no nexus between Cheddi and Janet Jagan's impeccable lifestyle on the one hand and some Party and Government leaders' immodest and extravagant lifestyle is a clear indication of the burning pain Nadira is enduring these days.

Shame on me for not having the courage to talk straight like Nadira.




Papa Cheddi was always an upright and straight up man. He never like a thief.

He wife was de same kettle of fish. He pickney dem know this.


That is why he daughter cuss de party de other day.

She talk ‘bout de corruption wha she see and de mansion wha some of dem live in. She actually tell dem that dem thief fuh build dem mansion.




She seh that she daddy and mooma can’t get no rest.

Dem turning in dem grave, and is de daughter seh suh.

De Waterfalls paper was saying this all de time and it get cuss from top to bottom.


Now somebody who know dem good, good, and who is a part of dem—

Papa Cheddi daughter—tun round and cuss dem bout dey thiefing ways.





The young lady is entitled to her opinion. I agree with her that her Parents were the MOST honest, dynamic Leaders of the Caribbean. I also agree that the previous Admin did not govern in an open and transparent manner. This caused the Snakeoil Sellers to spew Lies, Propaganda and induendous. However, there is a NEW and IMPROVED Sheriff in town and I would like the yound lady to come back in 4 years and give another lecture.


These are the FACTS and POSITIVE issues we were sharing on this site for a long time now,but we have some who go by hear say and speculations and just air themselves naked.The CLIQUE is hitting the fan,hold on to straw guys/gals,you that are few are sitting on a sponge pantoon in the mouth of the Demerara River.This is just 20 % of the investigation,Ms.Nadira Jagan-Brancier God Bless,she have more to expose.Awaiting Joey response/wake up call.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The young lady is entitled to her opinion. I agree with her that her Parents were the MOST honest, dynamic Leaders of the Caribbean. I also agree that the previous Admin did not govern in an open and transparent manner. This caused the Snakeoil Sellers to spew Lies, Propaganda and induendous. However, there is a NEW and IMPROVED Sheriff in town and I would like the yound lady to come back in 4 years and give another lecture.

 You are haplessly confused or bereft of a moral core. You agree with the lady, yet insist the Jagdeo administration   did no wrong! ( as only dubious characters are their critics). 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am confused??? The English language is the most complex language in the World.

To the contrary, English has the most built in redundancy when compared to other languages that is can tolerate almost 70% error rate and still convey information. It is quite pitiful that you find it arduous to be meaningful even with that much of a buffer.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am confused??? The English language is the most complex language in the World.

To the contrary, English has the most built in redundancy when compared to other languages that is can tolerate almost 70% error rate and still convey information. It is quite pitiful that you find it arduous to be meaningful even with that much of a buffer.



Wow!  This new guy Stromborn is excellent with language. Welcome!


Nadira's pronouncement comes at a time when many patritotic Guyanese and others  are looking closely at what is transpiring in Guyana at this time.... namely several revelations of corruption within the Jagdeo administration of which Ramoutar was an integral part.


Ramoutar's selection as the PPP presidential candidate was in itself a very corrupt act.....


Originally Posted by Nehru:

WE need to judge President Ramotar's tenure on HIS performance NOT on another President record. In my opinion, President Ramotar is doing an excellent job.

The PPP is a close knit family. They all benefited from the Jagdeo autocratic hence corrupt practices.


Ramotar sat on two boards; one failed in its management oversight capacity and the industry lies in ruins. The other used Hollywood accounting strategies to inform us that after 20 years of continuous business during which the dumped millions of gallons of toxic materials into our pristine waterways that they never made a profit.


How he will do is already predictable; he retained all of the hires of the past administration. Obviously, he find no fault in how the managed the nations business.

Originally Posted by Wally:

These past few months I realized an important thing after listening to Joey speak on Benschop radio. The PPP as a party needs the Jagans to be an integral part of its leadership to be a very effective party. It is their party, it is in their blood, so they will not mess it up.  Even if it is a ceremonial  leadership role like chairman of the PPP.  They should be involved in the day to day running of the party in some way, shape or form and must always be included in the leadership

The  last  thing guyana  need  is  Dynasty  in  our politics.  The  Nehru dynasty  dominated  The  Congress  Party  and  governance in  India for over  half  a  century and  in  the  process stifled  growth  and retard development of  nation. It  is  only within  the  last  two   decades  that  Indian were successful  in  breaking  that dynasty  and starting  to  realize their  true  potential. In  a sense, the the  PPP  has  become  a  dynasty through  the Jagans  legacies. Unfortunately those  legacies  have  been  used  abused  and  prostituted by  too  many for too long. The  PPP of  today is  a different kettle  of fish of the PPP under  Dr. Cheddi  Jagan. Thankfully, with  each passing  day, more  and  more  people  are  waking up to  this  reality and  are  registering  their  disapproval.  The  result of the last  elections  should  have  been  a wake  up  call  for  the current  cabal, but if they  continue to  ignore  the  warning,  they  do  so at their own  peril. Only the shameless or severely  comatosed   will  be cheering.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Its good to see Gilbakka and Wally are now supporting the Jagan side.  Hopefully, Demerara Guy and Nehru will join them soon.

 There is  still  hope  for  DG but  poke  cuttas & Henessey has  corrupted the  mind  of  the  pandit.


Cheddi was a corrupt individual, under his presidency corruption was rife. This is the time period when the PPP boys nurtured their corrupt ways as their papa turned a blind eye. Blame it on senility if you will but never the less the pappa was part and parcel to corruption. 


This a joke. The PPP boys who jump ship is trying  to milk cow.

On the other hand the this is what The Jagans sowed.


Let Moses and the others deny that under Jagan there was no democracy within the PPP. wHAT jAGAN AND HIS IWFE SAID WAS LAW AND IF ANYONE DARE TO DISAGREE WITH THEM THEY WERE SIDELINED FOREVER.


Moses and Gerhard and the rest who ran from  the PPP need to stop this Cheddie nonsense because they looking like fools. cHEDDIE ALLOWED a lot of things to go wrong under his watch, the man was behaving like he was immortal and never did anything togood leadership in place and Moses Nagamootoo damm well know that.

Originally Posted by Chief:

This a joke. The PPP boys who jump ship is trying  to milk cow.

On the other hand the this is what The Jagans sowed.


Let Moses and the others deny that under Jagan there was no democracy within the PPP. wHAT jAGAN AND HIS IWFE SAID WAS LAW AND IF ANYONE DARE TO DISAGREE WITH THEM THEY WERE SIDELINED FOREVER.


Moses and Gerhard and the rest who ran from  the PPP need to stop this Cheddie nonsense because they looking like fools. cHEDDIE ALLOWED a lot of things to go wrong under his watch, the man was behaving like he was immortal and never did anything togood leadership in place and Moses Nagamootoo damm well know that.

You mean laka how yu stap yuh cheddie nonesense lang time cazz 'e kik yu do side? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am confused??? The English language is the most complex language in the World.

To the contrary, English has the most built in redundancy when compared to other languages that is can tolerate almost 70% error rate and still convey information. It is quite pitiful that you find it arduous to be meaningful even with that much of a buffer.



Oi Nehru, I heard someone said that you got much of a BIG buffer.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It IS a slap on their faces and hopefully they will change their ways not appreciated by the majority.

I  knew  it  would  be  only  a  matter  of  time  before  you  and  others would   wake up  to the reality that  the  PPP of  today  is  a totally  different  kettle  of  fish than  what  it  was  in  the  Jagan's era.


Of  late, the  legacy of Dr.  Jagan   has been prostituted, sodomized and criminalized by  those who  were  entrusted with  the stewardship and  guardianship of  that  legacy. Unfortunately,  but  understandably, with hyenas still  circling the  wagon and   wolves  baying at  the  windows, the  blind  trust and  unquestionable loyalty of ordinary folks  has  been  bartered & betrayed by these  scalawags.  I  can  understand  and  appreciate  that it may  not  be  an  easy  task to  cast  aside an  historica security  blanket, which   was  a traditional  source of  comfort and  security. however, it is  imperative that  we recognize the  unbearable stench  now emanating from  that  security  blanket and do either  one  of  two things:


1. Reclaim,  sanitize and  mend  the  holes or

2. Permanently  cast  it off  and  start  afresh with   new  fabrics .


Is Ms. Brancier looking at a political career, what happened to her Jeweller-Gemologist career?


we are  sick of the 50 years her parents spent dominating the political life of Guyanese.


or is she trying to create a havoc for ppp so her brother can get a bit of leg room to spead his sH%^, whatever it is , please KEEP this loonie-bin woman out of POLITICS.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Is Ms. Brancier looking at a political career, what happened to her Jeweller-Gemologist career?


we are  sick of the 50 years her parents spent dominating the political life of Guyanese.


or is she trying to create a havoc for ppp so her brother can get a bit of leg room to spead his sH%^, whatever it is , please KEEP this loonie-bin woman out of POLITICS.

Don't try to bash the woman's career because you don't like what she said.  She has a right to speak her mind as a human being.  Also she is an award winning Gemologist.  That is a life long skill that is an asset to anyone who earned it.


Furthermore Nadira will have no trouble defeating any of the present Guyana political leaders in a free and fair general election in Guyana. So watch it when you shout about political career.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Is Ms. Brancier looking at a political career, what happened to her Jeweller-Gemologist career?


we are  sick of the 50 years her parents spent dominating the political life of Guyanese.


or is she trying to create a havoc for ppp so her brother can get a bit of leg room to spead his sH%^, whatever it is , please KEEP this loonie-bin woman out of POLITICS.

Don't try to bash the woman's career because you don't like what she said.  She has a right to speak her mind as a human being.  Also she is an award winning Gemologist.  That is a life long skill that is an asset to anyone who earned it.


Furthermore Nadira will have no trouble defeating any of the present Guyana political leaders in a free and fair general election in Guyana. So watch it when you shout about political career.




loser send your complaints to Hezzebollah or Israel.


futhermore I don't know what or who mad enough to give this loonie bin JEWELLER AN  award ,for the ugly jewellery she makes.


who in their right mind would vote for this chammer daughter






















loser send your complaints to Hezzebollah or Israel.


futhermore I don't know what or who mad enough to give this loonie bin JEWELLER AN  award ,for the ugly jewellery she makes.


who in their right mind would vote for this chammer daughter




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