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Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by raymond:
yuh off your meds again

Perhaps, speaking to/about yourself?

You're excused for lack of comprehension

dont think he will get that. Possibly he will say you are talking to or about yourself. Communication for him only comes from his end!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition knew to their gut that the cuts were unconstitutional, they should have been charged a fee for wasting the courts time...smh

Are u a mind reader? The idea that the assembly is the purse does not mean the assembly has no notion of what is worth buying. Only you and the judge in this case thinks that is a reasonable proposition.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen what the PNC and AFC opposition parties will now do in parliament, specific to the debate on the budget.

You are a knuckle can there be a debate on the budget if the rule says ( per our esteemed judge) only two options exist, "yea" or "nae"?

Eminent, Esteemed and Distinguished Danyael, there can always be debates and eventually there will be either a yea or nay vote on the budget.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Now democracy will be in full motion, just like the American system where democrats and republicans have to agree on budget items and make deals before presenting for a vote. That dummy from howard is a hypocrite who claims to be American and he doesn't even know how the US system works. ahaha

You are inventing arguments as usual for you to win. Unfortunately not but a few posts ago I reminded someone how the US stem works.  I not know why you mention this but certainly it is not to support the case in Guyana where debate is deemed not to matter

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Speaker should use the final decision of the chief justice as a guide, the constitution is clear.

the speaker has rules of the assembly to follow. They speak to debate and deliberation and the judge determined them to be irrelevant. The Speaker follows his established rules of order.


In his 21-page ruling today, Justice Chang said “â€Ķthis court holds that, while the Assembly may approve or not approve the Minister’s estimates of expenditure, it has no power to amend those estimates by way of reduction (or of increase). It is the executive Minister’s estimates and it is he who must amend them to obtain the Assembly’s approval so that the Cabinet may recommend or consent to the presentation of an Appropriation Bill to the Assembly for passing for the purpose of charging those estimates to the Consolidated Fund”.

He ruled that the Standing Orders of Parliament which lawyers for the opposition had cited in their arguments were merely internal regulatory rules.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In his 21-page ruling today, Justice Chang said “â€Ķthis court holds that, while the Assembly may approve or not approve the Minister’s estimates of expenditure, it has no power to amend those estimates by way of reduction (or of increase). It is the executive Minister’s estimates and it is he who must amend them to obtain the Assembly’s approval so that the Cabinet may recommend or consent to the presentation of an Appropriation Bill to the Assembly for passing for the purpose of charging those estimates to the Consolidated Fund”.

He ruled that the Standing Orders of Parliament which lawyers for the opposition had cited in their arguments were merely internal regulatory rules.

Let us see if softie Granger and the AFC will cut the entire budget.  Until they cut the entire budget as recommended by the CJ, they will continue to lose political popularity.


TIME to flex their political muscle, but Granger want social contract.  Jacko.


Councie, Rev, Yuji22,

De PNC Hydro_Engineer,Big_Seed and Nehru .....


since you are claiming now to be the

experts on the Guyana Laws & the Constitution....


The Guyana Laws clearly state.....

"Buggery is a Crime in Guyana and punishable by Death"


Would you guys support

the Learned Chief Justice

if he decide to apply the Death Sentence

for PPP Central Committee Member Kwame &

Jagabat personal friend Manni

who Break the Laws of Guyana.....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition goons are at full throttle desperately trying to derail the thread away from the failed bid of the AFC/APNU to inflict budget cuts.

Conscience, the CJ ruling is accurate.  The opposition must vote down the entire budget or SHUT the Fxxx up and accept the PPP program.




The PPP/C is ready for elections any day, despite the sinister motives of the joint opposition the PPP/C is still working feverishly towards keeping the economy afloat, if the joint opposition is of the illusion that the ruling party isn't capable of running the country, let them pass a vote of no confidence....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C is ready for elections any day, despite the sinister motives of the joint opposition the PPP/C is still working feverishly towards keeping the economy afloat, if the joint opposition is of the illusion that the ruling party isn't capable of running the country, let them pass a vote of no confidence....

Luncheon already say, when the no confidence motiion come, he teking it straight to IAN CHANG and will rule the nation by decree and the jokers in the opposition with have to sit out the fight until the next elections which the PPP will win again with 43%.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should now, fully put their shoulders to the wheel and work with the state, towards the further development of the state, the age of partisan politics are over!

Ow lard, snake oil for Granger.  Go to Lamaha Garden he ready to buy the snake oil.


Then when you done, make sure you condomized the BATON for him and apply KY jelly.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The interest of the Guyanese Populace comes first, AFC/APNU needs to stop playing partisan politics.

If the interest of Guyanese come first why did the PPP not construct the hydro for the base price of $700 million, why try to spend $1,000 million so they can tief $300 million?


The PPP only care about JUG_DE_HOE pocket.


I like this ruling. The joint opposition can now vote down the whole budget and send the PPP/C back to the drawing board. It's constitution versus constipation.


Chang based his judgement on his own opinion and ignored the rules pertaining to the Standing Orders and other  precedents. The Joint Opposition should appeal it all the way.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In his 21-page ruling today, Justice Chang said “â€Ķthis court holds that, while the Assembly may approve or not approve the Minister’s estimates of expenditure, it has no power to amend those estimates by way of reduction (or of increase). It is the executive Minister’s estimates and it is he who must amend them to obtain the Assembly’s approval so that the Cabinet may recommend or consent to the presentation of an Appropriation Bill to the Assembly for passing for the purpose of charging those estimates to the Consolidated Fund”.

He ruled that the Standing Orders of Parliament which lawyers for the opposition had cited in their arguments were merely internal regulatory rules.

what are you regulating is the rules speak of the capacity to amend bills while the judge speak only of approving bills? The man is opening himself to ridicule with this convoluted ruling that bills can only be rejected or approved. Did he rule that the assembly should just sit on their hands and not speak? Why speak if the only words necessary is yea or nae?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The interest of the Guyanese Populace comes first, AFC/APNU needs to stop playing partisan politics.

Indeed the interest of the Guyanese people is primary. Could you tell us why NICIL does not report to the assembly or why the primacy of the people does not compel the president to tell us how an fellow from india got 4% of our land? Why were we bushwhacked by Muri? Are we going to know of the investors for t he Marriott or are we going to hand it over to bobby, edward and Geeta et al? You  folks are a bunch of crooks we are intent of disinfecting.


Finance Minister welcomes High Court ruling on Budget cuts

Yesterday’s High Court ruling in regard to the unconstitutionality of the cuts imposed by the Parliamentary Opposition on the National Budget is most welcome by government, and in particular by the Ministry of Finance.“While Government intends to examine and study the ruling in detail, it does appear to bring closure to the vexing matter of the budget cuts,” according to a statement from Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh last evening.

“The Opposition’s initial responses to the ruling, and in particular their apparent refusal to accept the conclusiveness and authoritativeness of the ruling, display their continued contempt for the courts of Guyana and their lack of concern for that which is in the public interest. It is time for the Opposition to accept the ruling of the Court and permit progress and development to continue in our country.
“Now that this ruling is out, the Opposition would be well advised to take heed and be guided accordingly. The Opposition would also be well advised to engage in meaningful consultation on Budget 2014 instead of refusing to meet with Government and continuing to threaten further unconstitutional cuts.
“Despite Government’s numerous invitations to the APNU, they have bluntly announced their refusal to participate.
“Today’s ruling is a win, not only for Government, but for all law abiding Guyanese who have agonized for two years over the Parliamentary spectacle of unconstitutional cuts being imposed on the national budget,” Dr Singh concluded.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Finance Minister welcomes High Court ruling on Budget cuts

Yesterday’s High Court ruling in regard to the unconstitutionality of the cuts imposed by the Parliamentary Opposition on the National Budget is most welcome by government, and in particular by the Ministry of Finance.“While Government intends to examine and study the ruling in detail, it does appear to bring closure to the vexing matter of the budget cuts,” according to a statement from Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh last evening.

“The Opposition’s initial responses to the ruling, and in particular their apparent refusal to accept the conclusiveness and authoritativeness of the ruling, display their continued contempt for the courts of Guyana and their lack of concern for that which is in the public interest. It is time for the Opposition to accept the ruling of the Court and permit progress and development to continue in our country.
“Now that this ruling is out, the Opposition would be well advised to take heed and be guided accordingly. The Opposition would also be well advised to engage in meaningful consultation on Budget 2014 instead of refusing to meet with Government and continuing to threaten further unconstitutional cuts.
“Despite Government’s numerous invitations to the APNU, they have bluntly announced their refusal to participate.
“Today’s ruling is a win, not only for Government, but for all law abiding Guyanese who have agonized for two years over the Parliamentary spectacle of unconstitutional cuts being imposed on the national budget,” Dr Singh concluded.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Just wake to see that Conscience up up all night last night plan and conniving like a tief in the night.


Will the opposition have the ball to not support the entire budget?


Let us see who will take the fight to the PPP.  Does Granger have the ball to vote the entire budgte down or will Vulga Lawrence sell him out again to who pay the most?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Constitution of the State is Supreme, the parliamentary standing order is merely a guide to the business of the house, and NOT law.

Yes, the Constitution is supreme.


Burnham Constitution!

Continued pertinent issues ...


Indeed, there is a need to modify the current constitution.


Also, for the needed changes  to be made, it requites the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs in parliament.


For practical purposes, the PPP/C has about fifty percent of the members.


When will the PNC cum AFC take positive steps to provide their proposals and support to make the changes?


Of note, Forbes Burnham amended the constitution when he "won the elections and gained" a majority of two-thirds of the MPs in parliament.


The PNC's APNU which consistently shouts adherence to the rule of law when castigating the PPP/C government has pledged to continue demonstrating the exact opposite by ignoring the final ruling of Chief Justice Ian Chang handed down today. The Chief Justice in handing down his judgement ruled that APNU 's budget cuts implemented in collusion with the AFC since 2012 were unconstitutional.
APNU vows that regardless of the CJ's ruling its position with respect to budget cuts remains the same. The question on everyone's mind though is what will happen if the PPP/C and every other Guyanese decides to pick and chose which laws or court rulings to adhere to. Many are saying that the PNC's APNU is setting the stage for chaos and a law and order breakdown.

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