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Former Member

The 26th edition of Ram & McRae’s annual budget review has been published and it welcomes the early presentation of the 2016 budget while also offering some criticism

In what appeared to be its greatest worry, the tax consulting body, expressed disappointment on the issue of Contract Employees.

The number of contract employees has been increasing steadily under the new government.

The report pointed out that in the budget, under the Ministry of the Presidency, there was an increase in contract employees from 298 to 505 is reported. “Given the revelation of ghost employees under the former administration, we expected a significant reduction,” the review noted.

“This makes a mockery of the idea of the Public Service Commission and approved appointments, the hallmarks of good human resource management in the public service. We sincerely believe that President Granger has the authority to end this abuse. We look to him to act on the matter,” it added.

Under “Who Gets What in 2016” section of the report,  Ram and McRae said it believes there is an omission in the Budget regarding the Fiscal Transfers Act and “this is key to the functioning of the Local Government system as it provides the finances to the newly elected bodies in the upcoming Local Government Elections.”

The 2016 budget focused heavily on reducing revenue leakages. To this end the review points out that much will depend on the Revenue Authority (GRA) returning to normalcy in a year when it is likely to be distracted by a Forensic Audit and for the first time in its existence will be without a substantive Commissioner General and deputy Commissioner General.

Ram & McRae noted that while the budget is the largest ever, it also reflects a massive deficit and but believes its projections were both ambitious and realizable.

“It is regrettable that the largest Budget ever, of which a huge chunk is for capital expenditure, will probably operate in the absence of the constitutionally mandated Public Procurement Commission for which only a nominal $1,000 is provided in the Budget,” the review points out.

It said also that while the Budget is large it is not particularly generous, pointing to substantial sums of remissions which have passed under the radar but which amount to approximately fifty billion dollars per year. “Can one imagine the uproar from the Private Sector Commission if half that sum were to be gifted to employed persons? The question is the capacity of the Government to execute the capital programme to ensure value for money,” the review noted.

Transfer payments is  another issue which the Government will have to confront sooner rather than later, Ram & McRae observed.

Speaking specifically to the Guyana Sugar Corporation, which has been allocated $9 billion in the budget, the review said GuySuCo continues to be a headache for the country.

The report of the Commission of Inquiry was welcomed by the firm but the Government has made it clear that the Commission’s recommendations are “not gospel”.


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"The report pointed out that in the budget, under the Ministry of the Presidency, there was an increase in contract employees from 298 to 505 is reported."

In eight months???????  Whatt???????

(Again - Jagdeo looking laka Star Bhai now!!)

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"The report pointed out that in the budget, under the Ministry of the Presidency, there was an increase in contract employees from 298 to 505 is reported."

In eight months???????  Whatt???????

(Again - Jagdeo looking laka Star Bhai now!!)

Creeping dictatorship.

I would like to know how many of them are Indos and Afros.

Is this list published anywhere?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"The report pointed out that in the budget, under the Ministry of the Presidency, there was an increase in contract employees from 298 to 505 is reported."

In eight months???????  Whatt???????

(Again - Jagdeo looking laka Star Bhai now!!)

That is massive daytime corruption. AFC/PNC style.

Thief anyone ?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"The report pointed out that in the budget, under the Ministry of the Presidency, there was an increase in contract employees from 298 to 505 is reported."

In eight months???????  Whatt???????

(Again - Jagdeo looking laka Star Bhai now!!)

These contractors are likely semi-literate unemployed GDF and other PNC dead-enders kith and kin trying to make hay while the sun still shine.  The PNC still running on the tank of gas left by the PPP!!!


Is it possible these contractors are taking the places of those who would have been full time employees which costs the company more, in this case, the government?

Then again if something fishy goin on it's gotta be squished.

cain posted:

Is it possible these contractors are taking the places of those who would have been full time employees which costs the company more, in this case, the government?

Then again if something fishy goin on it's gotta be squished.

Is this your poor attempt at daubing a coat of paint over dry shit and pretend it's spackle? 

baseman posted:
cain posted:

Is it possible these contractors are taking the places of those who would have been full time employees which costs the company more, in this case, the government?

Then again if something fishy goin on it's gotta be squished.

Is this your poor attempt at daubing a coat of paint over dry shit and pretend it's spackle? 



"The report pointed out that in the budget, under the Ministry of the Presidency, there was an increase in contract employees from 298 to 505 is reported"

Payback time for the PNC boys eh,expose them they are no better than the opposition party,one lil puku puku country gat such a large government,what they doing all day biting their fingernails.

Last edited by Django

Hiring of contract workers balloons under new gov’t

By Staff Writer On February 3, 2016 @ 2:28 am In Local News

Despite criticising former PPP/C administrations for subverting the public service through the heavy use of contract workers, the APNU+AFC Coalition government has not only continued the practice but has more than doubled the number of contract workers in some government agencies.

In its Budget Focus 2016, chartered accounting firm Ram and McRae drew attention to the retention of public servants as contracted employees, while noting that the numbers and cost had increased.

The Ministry of the Presidency, it noted, reported an increase in contract employees from 298 in 2015 to 505 in 2016, as well as an increase in the cost of wages and salaries for contract employees from $142M to $798M. The firm said given the revelation of ghost employees under the former administration, a significant reduction in the number of contract employees was expected.

Though several agencies, such as Parliament Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have reduced the number of contract employees, most have increased the numbers.

Significant increases in this line item are noted in the allocation for the Office of the Prime Minister, where the cost of wages and salaries for contracted employees rose from $21M to $82M.

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure also saw an increase from $9M to $51M within its Policy Development and Administration Pro-gramme and from $182M to $533M under its Public Works Programme. The increases under these programmes represent an increase in the number of contract workers from 20 to 38 and 250 to 255, respectively.

According to Ram and McRae, this practice is “not healthy for our democracy and places a strain on Article 38 G of the Constitution which requires the public service to be free from political influence.” “This is not a problem peculiar to the present Administration. The abuse started under the Jagdeo Presidency and continued under the Ramotar Administration. This makes a mockery of the idea of the Public Service Commission and approved appointments, the hallmarks of good human resource management in the public service,” it stressed.

“We sincerely believe that President (David) Granger has the authority to end this abuse. We look to him to act on the matter,” the firm added.

When in opposition, the constituents of the present government had repeatedly condemned the heavy use of contracted workers and went so far as to vow to “strip and dismantle” the contract system for state employees.

Present Attorney-General Basil Williams was reported by Stabroek News as making this declaration in 2013. This action was expected to stop the destruction of security of tenure and undermining of the unions.

Then shadow Minister of Finance Carl Greenidge was reported as saying at the time that at the Office of the President (now Ministry of the Presidency) along with other public service institutions, it had become the norm for persons to be hired on a contractual basis rather than the conventional way of making them full-fledged staff. According to Greenidge, this non-conventional way of hiring employees took away security of tenure and enabled employers to easily terminate anyone who failed to fall in line with the government’s status quo, especially since contracted workers were not represented by unions. Furthermore, he said, this set up had been facilitated by the government’s interference in the functioning of the Public Service Commission, the Appellate Tribunal and the Police Service Commission.

Greenidge opined that the combined effects of these actions had led to the demoralisation of the public service and argued that by extension it caused the many inefficiencies experienced in Guyana.

Greenidge is now Minister of Foreign Affairs. During the recently concluded hearings for the Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service, commissioners had repeatedly been informed by witnesses of the “damage” being done to the public service by the proliferation of contracted workers.

President of the Guyana Public Service Union Patrick Yarde had testified that “contracted employees operate at a disadvantage. Our position is that contract employment should be eliminated. They should go through a process that puts them on the permanent fixed establishment. The public service is a career service in which employees should have security of tenure. The public service needs to be regularised and the contracted services which confuse and disrupt this system should be removed.”


So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

TK posted:

So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

My confidence is eroded a little,then again is Guyana that place seems like it will never change.

Django posted:
TK posted:

So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

My confidence is eroded a little,then again is Guyana that place seems like it will never change.

Admit it, not "a little".  You, TK, KishanB/Brian Teekah,/Georgie, Kari, Mitwah, and the rest of the katahar mongrels were conned.  Alyuh were so caught up in alyuh lil myopic politics of revenge and some hoping fuh lil wuk that alyuh suck and swalla with pride and joy, and dance and prance and twerk on May 11.  Now alyuh deh 3000 miles away lamenting while the Guyana Indians deal with the fall out.

Django posted:
TK posted:

So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

My confidence is eroded a little,then again is Guyana that place seems like it will never change.

Ah stupid yuh stupid. Yuh bloody ears hard and many more on GNI.  I rest my case!!!

baseman posted:
Django posted:
TK posted:

So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

My confidence is eroded a little,then again is Guyana that place seems like it will never change.

Admit it, not "a little".  You, TK, KishanB/Brian Teekah,/Georgie, Kari, Mitwah, and the rest of the katahar mongrels were conned.  Alyuh were so caught up in alyuh lil myopic politics of revenge and some hoping fuh lil wuk that alyuh suck and swalla with pride and joy, and dance and prance and twerk on May 11.  Now alyuh deh 3000 miles away lamenting while the Guyana Indians deal with the fall out.

Isn't it amazing how an entire nation of people end up suffering because of the shortsightedness and narcissm of a few?  These people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.  They took the whole Guyanese nation to the slaughterhouse on May 11th and then walked away and washed their hands free of blood.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
baseman posted:
Django posted:
TK posted:

So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

My confidence is eroded a little,then again is Guyana that place seems like it will never change.

Admit it, not "a little".  You, TK, KishanB/Brian Teekah,/Georgie, Kari, Mitwah, and the rest of the katahar mongrels were conned.  Alyuh were so caught up in alyuh lil myopic politics of revenge and some hoping fuh lil wuk that alyuh suck and swalla with pride and joy, and dance and prance and twerk on May 11.  Now alyuh deh 3000 miles away lamenting while the Guyana Indians deal with the fall out.

Isn't it amazing how an entire nation of people end up suffering because of the shortsightedness and narcissm of a few?  These people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.  They took the whole Guyanese nation to the slaughterhouse on May 11th and then walked away and washed their hands free of blood.

Well, as they say, a sucker is born every day!!  They may think their hands are washed free, but the blood stains will follow them whereever they go for the rest of their lives.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
baseman posted:
Django posted:
TK posted:

So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

My confidence is eroded a little,then again is Guyana that place seems like it will never change.

Admit it, not "a little".  You, TK, KishanB/Brian Teekah,/Georgie, Kari, Mitwah, and the rest of the katahar mongrels were conned.  Alyuh were so caught up in alyuh lil myopic politics of revenge and some hoping fuh lil wuk that alyuh suck and swalla with pride and joy, and dance and prance and twerk on May 11.  Now alyuh deh 3000 miles away lamenting while the Guyana Indians deal with the fall out.

Isn't it amazing how an entire nation of people end up suffering because of the shortsightedness and narcissm of a few?  These people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.  They took the whole Guyanese nation to the slaughterhouse on May 11th and then walked away and washed their hands free of blood.

I called them out before, named them and they were not ashamed. I guess they were builr that way!!

baseman posted:
Django posted:
TK posted:

So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

My confidence is eroded a little,then again is Guyana that place seems like it will never change.

Admit it, not "a little".  You, TK, KishanB/Brian Teekah,/Georgie, Kari, Mitwah, and the rest of the katahar mongrels were conned.  Alyuh were so caught up in alyuh lil myopic politics of revenge and some hoping fuh lil wuk that alyuh suck and swalla with pride and joy, and dance and prance and twerk on May 11.  Now alyuh deh 3000 miles away lamenting while the Guyana Indians deal with the fall out.

Imagine the coalition govt makes racist freaks like ayoo appear right. They must be even more stupid than ayoo.


Come on guys, change require more than EIGHT months. The US have "contractors" in Iraq, they are really soldiers. Guyana is slowly driving towards a MILITARY Rule/Dictatorship, soon the country will have more CHIEFS than "INDIANS", they are digging in to stay for another 20 years.

TK posted:
baseman posted:
Django posted:
TK posted:

So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

My confidence is eroded a little,then again is Guyana that place seems like it will never change.

Admit it, not "a little".  You, TK, KishanB/Brian Teekah,/Georgie, Kari, Mitwah, and the rest of the katahar mongrels were conned.  Alyuh were so caught up in alyuh lil myopic politics of revenge and some hoping fuh lil wuk that alyuh suck and swalla with pride and joy, and dance and prance and twerk on May 11.  Now alyuh deh 3000 miles away lamenting while the Guyana Indians deal with the fall out.

Imagine the coalition govt makes racist freaks like ayoo appear right. They must be even more stupid than ayoo.

Now, is wah you admitting to here?  And dem mekking abie own highfalutin proffy seemingly not so bright after all!!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
TK posted:

So in 8 months APNU-AFC has exceeded the Jagdeo/Patronage system that took years to accumulate. It should be noted the PPP did much les than this and by 1994 the local TV stations and Mr Hoye were talking about ethnic cleansing.

My confidence is eroded a little,then again is Guyana that place seems like it will never change.

Ah stupid yuh stupid. Yuh bloody ears hard and many more on GNI.  I rest my case!!!

Arright boss by now you know,no one buy me out easily,them nah got shame i call spade ah spade.

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Mitwah, and the rest of the katahar mongrels were conned. 

Amral, I hope you are reading.

Stop being a cry-baby and lil sissy.

OK ,Baseman go easy, we are trying to maintain a clean site, no hitting under the belt.

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Mitwah, and the rest of the katahar mongrels were conned. 

Amral, I hope you are reading.

Stop being a cry-baby and lil sissy.

Base i don't bother with you bhai,you could avoid the label"crossbreed"which is derogatory.

kp posted:
baseman posted:

Stop being a cry-baby and lil sissy.

OK ,Baseman go easy, we are trying to maintain a clean site, no hitting under the belt.

Listen Mr KP.  I don't wear that avatar for nothing!!

And BTW Mr KP, I've been on this board for 14 years, same handle, same style.  You can check all my posts from 2002.

And furthermore Mr KP, I never got banned except when the PNC sent their Buxton terror squad to slaughter the sleeping men, women and babies in Lusignan.  Then Amral gave me time out for a week!  Baseman never break board rules!

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
kp posted:
baseman posted:

Stop being a cry-baby and lil sissy.

OK ,Baseman go easy, we are trying to maintain a clean site, no hitting under the belt.

Listen Mr KP.  I don't wear that avatar for nothing!!

He done.... gone fuh channa.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Katahar is the best vegetable of the seven curry

You was feasting on that during Kabaha days.

YUh crazy, dat was gold during the DAAG time.  Breadfruit Curry 3 times per day.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Katahar is the best vegetable of the seven curry

You was feasting on that during Kabaha days.

YUh crazy, dat was gold during the DAAG time.  Breadfruit Curry 3 times per day.

Breadfruit curry with shrimps and seieke roti ah the best.

baseman posted:
kp posted:
baseman posted:

Stop being a cry-baby and lil sissy.

OK ,Baseman go easy, we are trying to maintain a clean site, no hitting under the belt.

Listen Mr KP.  I don't wear that avatar for nothing!!

His record is  Win = o  Loss= 1, so your avatar says zero, time to change your avatar.


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