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January 3 2018

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Professor Duke Pollard

….Justice Pollard urges ousting of MPs with dual citizenship

RETIRED judge of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), Duke Pollard, is calling for a “clean up” of the National Assembly of Members of Parliament sitting there with dual citizenship.
Professor Pollard, who is an expert jurist in international law, made the comment during an interview with the Guyana Chronicle on Wednesday as he weighed in on the debate following the results of the No-Confidence Motion against the government.
Today, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland is expected to pronounce on the validity of the vote of no-confidence in response to a request from the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Government for review. The Speaker, on December 21, 2018, had declared that the motion was carried after 33 members of parliament voted in favour of the motion and 32 against, but the government has since argued that 34 constitute a majority and not 33.


Weighing in on the issue, Professor Pollard said in resolving the issues facing the Parliament, one’s legitimacy to sit in the National Assembly must also be addressed, but not in isolation. It is alleged that 26 sitting members of the National Assembly have dual citizenship, which represents a breach of the Constitution.

Article 155 of the Constitution states: “(1) No person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who – (a) is, by virtue of his or her own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.”
The Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Basil Williams, in outlining government’s case that the motion is null, void and of no effect, has argued that the defector, Charrandas Persaud, was in violation of Article 155 when he voted on the motion. Williams said evidence shows that Persaud held a passport and possessed the rights and obligations as a citizen of Canada which is a foreign power from nomination day of the last General and Regional Elections in 2015, including and up to the time of voting upon the motion of no-confidence.

Like the Attorney General, Professor Pollard also referenced Article 155. According to him, there should be a thorough sweep of the National Assembly to rid the Parliament of all MPs with dual citizenship. “Clean up the place man, clean up the place man. All who have dual citizenship are not entitled to sit in the National Assembly, and the Constitution is very clear on this,” Professor Pollard said.

At a press conference on Monday, the Attorney General declined to address the issue of other MPs having dual citizenship, emphasizing that issue at hand lies with Persaud. “It (Article 155) should impact, but in particular, only Charrandas’ issue is before the court,” the AG posited.

But Professor Pollard said the issue should not be dealt with in isolation. “Once you have dual citizenship, you have no rights being in the National Assembly, and if what is alleged is true, that the Opposition has 14 members and the government 12 with dual citizenship, get them out of there. Clean up the place and let us begin from scratch,” the retired CCJ judge said.

He said the High Court should be approached for a declaration to address who is eligible to sit in the National Assembly. “If you have a dual citizenship, you are not entitled, get them out!”

Professor Pollard emphasised that the Constitution must be respected by all. “This is not any kind of partisan approach; it is an approach by anyone who is committed to transparency and good governance. Get them out! Get them out! government and Opposition, all of them, clean up the place!” he urged.

The National Assembly has a total of 65 seats and with 26 MPs reportedly having dual citizenship; it would appear that only 39 members are constitutionally seated.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

i notice that my thread HIGHLIGHTING PPP miscalculation in using a corrupt Canadian Citizen as its instrument to bring the Guyana Government down was summarily deleted

the "resign now" crowd running scared . . . sunlight is their enemy

'instructions' coming fast and furious

Last edited by Former Member

Not only is that vote illegal, so is every vote prior. Why the heck are these issues not taken care of first and foremost. No one in Guyana follows rules everything is done willy nilly.

Mr.T posted:

Thi would make the vote illegal or invalid at a stroke if it is a breach of the constitution rules.

Article 155 is pellucid:

“(1) No person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who – (a) is, by virtue of his or her own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

'custom' mek dem bais forget this

ronan posted:
Mr.T posted:

Thi would make the vote illegal or invalid at a stroke if it is a breach of the constitution rules.

Article 155 is pellucid:

“(1) No person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who – (a) is, by virtue of his or her own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

'custom' mek dem bais forget this

The Guyana Constitution, on the other hand, while not expressly allowing Commonwealth citizens to become members of the National Assembly, implicitly does.
Citizens of the Commonwealth resident in Guyana enjoy special rights under Guyana’s Constitution. Article 159 allows Commonwealth citizens resident in Guyana for one year prior to elections to be registered as electors. Article 59 allows Commonwealth citizens to vote in elections.
The question to be answered is whether, under Guyana’s Constitution, a Commonwealth country is considered a foreign country,
Using the logic of Dabdoub v Vaz et al, the following can be proffered:
The Constitution of Guyana does not expressly permit a non-Guyanese becoming a member of the National Assembly once that person swears allegiance to a foreign power. However what is not expressed can be implied.
Case law already establishes that obtaining citizenship in a foreign country is an act which involves the swearing of allegiance to that foreign state. Citizenship, in turn, allows one to hold a foreign passport and applying for either a foreign passport or a renewal of a foreign passport are means by which allegiance to a foreign country is confirmed.
A citizen of a foreign country is denoted as an alien. If a member of the National Assembly is not allowed to swear allegiance to a foreign country or power, it means that an alien will not be permitted to become a member of the National Assembly.
Article 155 of the Constitution of Guyana would seem to expressly provide that those aliens are prohibited from becoming elected members of Parliament. However, Article 232 of the Constitution of Guyana provides that a Commonwealth citizen, a British protected person or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland is not considered as an alien. Therefore, it is possible for a commonwealth citizen to become a member of Guyana’s National Assembly because such a citizen is not considered to be alien by the Constitution.
Canada is a Commonwealth country. Therefore by virtue of Article 232 of the Constitution, a citizen of Canada is not considered an alien in Guyana. As such, Canadian citizenship does not preclude someone from becoming a member of the National Assembly.
Information suggests that CharrandassPersaud is the holder of Canadian citizenship. It is therefore respectfully submitted that he is not disqualified from becoming a member of the National Assembly.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Mr.T posted:

Thi would make the vote illegal or invalid at a stroke if it is a breach of the constitution rules.

Article 155 is pellucid:

“(1) No person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who – (a) is, by virtue of his or her own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

'custom' mek dem bais forget this

The Guyana Constitution, on the other hand, while not expressly allowing Commonwealth citizens to become members of the National Assembly, implicitly does.



Guyana needs to clarify and issue prescriptive rules.  However, this does not invalidate this vote.  

I agree, in principle, voting members should swear allegiance to Guyana first and foremost!

Baseman posted:

Guyana needs to clarify and issue prescriptive rules.  However, this does not invalidate this vote.  

I agree, in principle, voting members should swear allegiance to Guyana first and foremost!

I agree with you.

According to Forbes article.. The U.S. and Canada don’t keep track of which congressmen or senators have dual citizenship.  Neither does Ukraine (although it really should, considering Ukrainian laws against dual citizenship).  But while there might be at most one or two dozen elected representatives in Canada or the U.S. with dual citizenship,

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Guyana needs to clarify and issue prescriptive rules.  However, this does not invalidate this vote


Then the entire govt and parliament is invalid.  I say the two parties come together, form a joint govt and find a solution and run out to 2020 and hold elections with a clean house.  

This has exposed a whole constitutional mess!  Things could go either way!

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

Guyana needs to clarify and issue prescriptive rules.  However, this does not invalidate this vote.  

I agree, in principle, voting members should swear allegiance to Guyana first and foremost!

I agree with you.

According to Forbes article.. The U.S. and Canada don’t keep track of which congressmen or senators have dual citizenship.  Neither does Ukraine (although it really should, considering Ukrainian laws against dual citizenship).  But while there might be at most one or two dozen elected representatives in Canada or the U.S. with dual citizenship,

i guess the recommendation hay is that we pick and choose which Constitutional 'technicalities' we hug up depending on whose ass is being gored

intellectual wastrels


Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Guyana needs to clarify and issue prescriptive rules.  However, this does not invalidate this vote


Then the entire govt and parliament is invalid.  I say the two parties come together, form a joint govt and find a solution and run out to 2020 and hold elections with a clean house.  

This has exposed a whole constitutional mess!  Things could go either way!

I agree.

Let the country be guided by the Constitution.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

Dave where is your source for the piece of article you posted ??

Why you harassing people?

He wants us to believe is his writing.

Nah bhai, I don’t do why like you.

English Language is not my forte 


GNI constitution:

“(1) No person shall be qualified for participation as a member of the Guyana News And Information Forum (GNI Forum) who – (a) is, by virtue of his or her own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave where is your source for the piece of article you posted ??

You Fk blind. 

New year. No bad words. A friend called me on New Year's but I couldn't recognize her newly acquired white woman accent, so I cursed her out thinking it was a telemarketer. When she said who she was, I was so embarrasseddddddd.

Sheik101 posted:

Today when parliament sits at 2 pm. We will hear what Mr. Barton. Scotland has to say. Motion carried or not. This is my understanding.

1 pm US Eastern Time.

Last edited by Django
Mitwah posted:

GNI constitution:

“(1) No person shall be qualified for participation as a member of the Guyana News And Information Forum (GNI Forum) who – (a) is, by virtue of his or her own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.”

absolutely BRILLIANT!!

lol lol

Django posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Today when parliament sits at 2 pm. We will hear what Mr. Barton. Scotland has to say. Motion carried or not. This is my understanding.

1 pm US Eastern Time.



WTF? Why are you guys harping on this dual citizenship issue? If all these dual citizenship folks are removed from the government, Guyana will have a bunch of half brains running the government. If dual citizenship persons are not eligible then no foreign nationals should be allowed to hold any civil service jobs in Guyana. Clean everything up.
All this crapo shit because alyu lose the NCV.

skeldon_man posted:

Why are you guys harping on this dual citizenship issue?

because many are sitting and voting in VIOLATION of the Constitution

eh eh, look hay . . . these PPP bannas suddenly want to throw the Constitution in the garbage can

alyuh really din think dis ting through, nuh?

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave where is your source for the piece of article you posted ??

You Fk blind. 

Don't  try to be foxy, link of source was posted after my query.

Last edited by Django
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why are you guys harping on this dual citizenship issue?

because many are sitting and voting in VIOLATION of the Constitution

eh eh, look hay . . . these PPP bannas suddenly want to throw the Constitution in the garbage can

alyuh really din think dis ting through, nuh?

You mouth been in you kakahole since 2015?

Leonora posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave where is your source for the piece of article you posted ??

You Fk blind. 

New year. No bad words. A friend called me on New Year's but I couldn't recognize her newly acquired white woman accent, so I cursed her out thinking it was a telemarketer. When she said who she was, I was so embarrasseddddddd.

Good for you ... free schooling for her😊

skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why are you guys harping on this dual citizenship issue?

because many are sitting and voting in VIOLATION of the Constitution

eh eh, look hay . . . these PPP bannas suddenly want to throw the Constitution in the garbage can

alyuh really din think dis ting through, nuh?

You mouth been in you kakahole since 2015?

is that the best you can do? . . . snarl and cuss

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave where is your source for the piece of article you posted ??

You Fk blind. 

Don't  try to be foxy, link of source was posted after my query.

I was about to tell him that.  Is he not the Blind Man? 

Last edited by Mitwah
Leonora posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave where is your source for the piece of article you posted ??

You Fk blind. 

New year. No bad words. A friend called me on New Year's but I couldn't recognize her newly acquired white woman accent, so I cursed her out thinking it was a telemarketer. When she said who she was, I was so embarrasseddddddd.

Good you cuss her out, I speak to Guyanese with my native language.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave where is your source for the piece of article you posted ??

You Fk blind. 

Don't  try to be foxy, link of source was posted after my query.

Is that so? Then I have to withdraw my LIKE from Dave's Fk blind comment. And I beseech you to accept my apology.

Now, @Former Member, yuh playing fking smart. Me hope yuh nah fool me twice.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave where is your source for the piece of article you posted ??

You Fk blind. 

Don't  try to be foxy, link of source was posted after my query.

Yo LIE. Your query  came app 8 mins after. I updated the posing with the source within 1 min or 2 after I realized I didn’t post the source. 

Why don’t you screen shot the time from your inbox to prove yourself and post it  I would humbly apologize if your are correct.


Django posted:
Leonora posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave where is your source for the piece of article you posted ??

You Fk blind. 

New year. No bad words. A friend called me on New Year's but I couldn't recognize her newly acquired white woman accent, so I cursed her out thinking it was a telemarketer. When she said who she was, I was so embarrasseddddddd.

Good you cuss her out, I speak to Guyanese with my native language.

Bai, when I am in Guyana, I do speak my broken down. But sometimes I do mess up and throw some English duck language. Out here, I rarely interact with friends outside of my circle, so we do speak regular English and for effective communication, when needed, we throw in a few obscene slangs.


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