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Reza R. Rahaman posted:

Hundreds of Guyanese will be out of work again with

the closure of Wales Estate.

This will not only affect the employees of the said

estate, but their families and the general economy

as a whole.


Think before you act.

Did you sound that warning before the PPP sold Guymine? There is little else that is feasible in that town beyond Bauxite. There are a whole raft of alternate agricultural production that can be done at Wales.

caribny posted:
Reza R. Rahaman posted:

Hundreds of Guyanese will be out of work again with

the closure of Wales Estate.

This will not only affect the employees of the said

estate, but their families and the general economy

as a whole.


Think before you act.

Did you sound that warning before the PPP sold Guymine? There is little else that is feasible in that town beyond Bauxite. There are a whole raft of alternate agricultural production that can be done at Wales.

How come the Chinese making it work.

kp posted:
caribny posted:
Reza R. Rahaman posted:

Hundreds of Guyanese will be out of work again with

the closure of Wales Estate.

This will not only affect the employees of the said

estate, but their families and the general economy

as a whole.


Think before you act.

Did you sound that warning before the PPP sold Guymine? There is little else that is feasible in that town beyond Bauxite. There are a whole raft of alternate agricultural production that can be done at Wales.

How come the Chinese making it work.

The Chinese are hard working and do have brains!!

Nehru posted:

THe PNC Govt is CLUELESS. They will turn Guyana to a SHIT HOLE in less than 5 years.  When you have a House Slave like Moses who only knows POWER and WEALTH, then the Country is DESTINED to DESTRUCTION!!!!

Why give them 5 years, I give the 3 years. Moses is another Author Chung, another Figure Head. Rumjaat will be the first to go and very soon.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yet you all were screaming to get the Chinese out of Guyana. Bai Shan Lin were bad under Jagdeo government.  Now they are good under the PNC government.

Who asking for Chinese workers, it's yall PPP people, go back and check, no need to go far, this thread will suffice.

Last edited by cain
caribny posted:
kp posted:

How come the Chinese making it work.

The Chinese fired over 80% of the workers in Linden.  Maybe Guysuco should be sold to them so they can do the same for sugar workers. Then instead of 1700, you will be wailing about 12000.

If you percentage is correct,well, there were a lot of LAZY BLACK KKK. You see the PNC had to make a decision , is to close Wales and starve THOUSANDS, or the save Wales  and the handful of PNC to retain their 50% raise. The don't have experience to run a government, they are a bunch of Lazy Crooks. They have money for 50th mash in May, the affected people in the Sugar and Rice Industries should protest and MASH UP them party.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yet you all were screaming to get the Chinese out of Guyana. Bai Shan Lin were bad under Jagdeo government.  Now they are good under the PNC government.

Who is saying that the Chinese are good.  Only the Indo KKK set, and only when it is blacks who suffer. The same morons will squeal if Guysuco is sold to the Chinese, as they know that Guyanese will lose jobs, and Chinese will replace them in the cane fields and the factories.

kp posted:

If you percentage is correct,well, there were a lot of LAZY BLACK KKK. You see the PNC had to make a decision , is to close Wales and starve THOUSANDS

So when blacks lose their jobs they are lazy, but when Indians lose theirs its because blacks are cruel.

Why are you so intent in proving that you are an Indo KKK?

And what did the PPP do that was so good? Destroy Guysuco, and neglect Wales to the point where its closure has become the only prudent act. Guysuco under the PPP was generating huge losses, and had run away costs. Despite massive bail outs, it had became heavily indebted, and was NOT paying into NIS, jeopardizing the position of its employees.  Willing to bet that it wasn't funding pension and other benefit schemes either.

Guysuco is in WORSE shape now than it was in 1992 when Hoyte had begun to turn it around. Jagdeo stacked the company with the arrogant, incompetent, and the corrupt, and now this is what we have. A company which couldn't meet payroll in May 2015.

LONG AGO we were predicting that serious steps would be taken, and the ONLY reason why the PPP didn't so was because of elections.  Rest assured that Wales was OVER, regardless as to which party was in power!

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yet you all were screaming to get the Chinese out of Guyana. Bai Shan Lin were bad under Jagdeo government.  Now they are good under the PNC government.

Who asking for Chinese workers, it's yall PPP people, go back and check, no need to go far, this thread will suffice.

Anyone remember the Chinese import their own workers to complete the Marriot.

Django posted:
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yet you all were screaming to get the Chinese out of Guyana. Bai Shan Lin were bad under Jagdeo government.  Now they are good under the PNC government.

Who asking for Chinese workers, it's yall PPP people, go back and check, no need to go far, this thread will suffice.

Anyone remember the Chinese import their own workers to complete the Marriot.

And the Indo KKK praised them, screaming that Guyanese are too lazy.

caribny posted:
Reza R. Rahaman posted:

Hundreds of Guyanese will be out of work again with

the closure of Wales Estate.

This will not only affect the employees of the said

estate, but their families and the general economy

as a whole.


Think before you act.

Did you sound that warning before the PPP sold Guymine? There is little else that is feasible in that town beyond Bauxite. There are a whole raft of alternate agricultural production that can be done at Wales.

Put the bauxite crap to rest now. The Lindeners have moved on except you.

skeldon_man posted:

Put the bauxite crap to rest now. The Lindeners have moved on except you.

Lindeners have NOT moved on, except to flee that town.  Linden remains a town of massive unemployment, with its best and brightest being forced to flee, as the local economy has crumbled.

I see you are afraid that sugar workers might share the same fate as did the bauxite workers, so you don't want to face the fact that Guysuco today is in the same difficulties, as was Guymine, and for exactly the same reason.

The PPP determined that they could no longer support a failing company.  APNU/AFC have not reached that point yet, and are closing down failing aspects of Guysuco's operation to ensure that they don't have to close the WHOLE thing down.

FACT.  While Guymine found a buyer Guysuco will not.  Chinese no longer have money to splurge and the world is awash with sugar, so they don't need to pour money down a Guysuco sink hole.  DDL and or Angostura may buy Guysuco, but only to ensure a supply of molasses.  So they will massively miniaturize that bankrupt company.

Now had Jagdeo listened to the AFC maybe Guysuco might be salvageable.  But at this point its future is quite bleak.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

NO.  IT IS NOT!!!!!  The Speaker of the National Assembly has just denied the Motion to debate the Closure of Wales Estate.  Just like the salary increase, this is going to be shoved under the carpet.  Dictatorship at work here people.!!!

What is there to debate?  Guysuco is broke and bleeding cash.  They are struggling to pay their suppliers and their workers and cannot contribute to NIS or the benefit plans of the workers.

Unless the PPP brings cash, there is NOTHING to discuss.  they controlled Guysuco for 23 years, and this is the state that it is left.

The fact that the workers were dumb enough to blindly support the PPP, because the PPP told them that "blackman gun rape yu daughter" is the sad part of this. Betrayed by those who they blindly trusted.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why not debate it? 

Debate what?

1.  Jagdeo is NOT interested in debate, and is taking NO responsibility for the state that HE left Guysuco in when he irrationally expanded Skeldon, when every one, including the EU told him not to do.

2.  Jagdeo is NOT bringing any viable solutions to fix Guysuco's problem.

3.  All Jagdeo is doing is and standing and screaming "blackman a starve coolie".

Debates can only occur when people want them and the PPP does NOT want debate.  This is exactly why the PPP is killing itself by not dumping Jagdeo.  Every time he screams he reminds those who voted APNU/AFC exactly why they did so. 

And do not ramble about some mystery Indo Berbice vote as we all know that they did NOT vote for Moses in 2015.

The last election was as fiercely ethnic as was the election in 1964.


As to parliament being Granger's rubber stamp.

Well welcome to the world that Jagdeo ran.  In those days the opposition was powerless, and only was able to voice its beliefs through street marches.  The PPP REFUSED to allow opposition issues to be brought to the floor, except when fear of street protests forced them to.

THAT is why Hoyte uttered "slo fiah, mo fiah".

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is not 1974 or 1985.  And this is not Brooklyn.  Where is the change that Granger promised the people?  If the PPP had done this you all would have GT in flames by now.

What change are you babbling about?  Keeping on incompetent and corrupt people, just because they are Indians, when many competent blacks were EXCLUDED by the PPP?


The PPP cruelly abandoned Linden to the fate of the Chinese, and encouraged their supporters to scream "blackman lazy" when Lindeners spoke of the hardships when THOUSANDS lost their jobs in an area where bauxite was the only source of income. 

In fact not only did problems occur as bauxite workers were displaced, but the ENTIRE local economy was hurt when the purchasing power of the town imploded, leading to even further lay offs.

So spare me your wails. APNU has been a good deal KINDER to sugar workers, up to now, than the PPP was to bauxite workers.  And don't scream about that electricity nonsense as BOSAI is the biggest beneficiary of that subsidy, even as they got rid of Guyanese workers!

Last edited by Former Member

This has nothing to with PPP and PNC and "blackman lazy".  Many of our Afro brothers and sisters are standing up right now besides their Indo brothers and sisters looking for answers and jobs.  The least that Barton Scotland could do is put the motion up for a debate.  The workers deserve due process.  Many of them have spent their entire lives on this estate.  At least give them an explanation and offer help for alternative employment.  Some of them will be relocated to Uitvlugt but the majority will be unemployed.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This has nothing to with PPP and PNC and "blackman lazy". 

Yes it does.  Jagdeo has posed the problem as the PNC abusing PPP supporters.

You know full well that "PNC" and "PPP" are code words.

And I repeat. What is there to debate?  Guysuco is bankrupt and insolvent, and basically out of cash?  Were it a privately owned company it would have been shut down LONG AGO!

Now what solutions is Jagdeo bringing to address the fact that Guysuco produces cane at 40c, and sells sugar at 14c?  Unless he brings answers, there is NOTHING to debate, because Wales CANNOT be kept open!


In your little narrow world, everything is defined as PNC/PPP, Black/White, Muslim/Non muslim.  The world doesn't work that way all the time.  There are times when we put differences aside for the good of the Guyanese people.  Yes, sugar is failing. But why deny the workers their day in court.  Why deny the motion to debate?  Barton Scotland's exact words today are this issue is not,"a definite urgent matter of public importance."  How do you tell 2000 workers this is not important? 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

In your little narrow world, everything is defined as PNC/PPP

I make note of the fact that you have failed to address the real financial issues of Guysuco, and the fact that its increasing indebtedness can seriously drown Guyana.

Guyana CANNOT sustain Guysuco in its present form.  This company swallows billions of dollars in bail outs, and is a bottom less pit.

You know full well that if we were talking about Linden, you wouldn't give a damn, so don't even try it!

Pointblank posted:

Bibi why don't you address this issue?  Whether you know this or not, you are being USED by Jagdeo, as he uses every opportunity to spread racial panic.

He closed those estates because they were unsustainable, and now Wales is on the chopping block.  He DESTROYED Guysuco by his nonsensical waste of Skeldon.  Rather than miniaturizing sugar, when it became obvious that Guyana couldn't compete, he EXPANDED it.


caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

In your little narrow world, everything is defined as PNC/PPP

I make note of the fact that you have failed to address the real financial issues of Guysuco, and the fact that its increasing indebtedness can seriously drown Guyana.

Guyana CANNOT sustain Guysuco in its present form.  This company swallows billions of dollars in bail outs, and is a bottom less pit.

You know full well that if we were talking about Linden, you wouldn't give a damn, so don't even try it!

Some how you fail to realize that Blackman also works in the sugar industry, but if according to you ,close Guysuco, well then the government will collapse. In some silly way you want the Coalition to Fail, but no one on GNI is giving you support, In any business when it not producing to capacity ,there are several ways to streamline the company. Cane is still used to produce sugar in many countries . I lived and worked on the sugar estate, it will take me hours to teach you how to produce sugar. To start, it takes a lot more cane today to produce sugar, they don't fertilize and irrigate the fields like before, cutting cost.In Mon Repos there was a research center for the sugar industry, where they constantly developing new strain of cane to adjust the ever changing weather condition, also new chemicals to treat the crops. The government job in any country is to create and save Jobs, other than the people being a burden to the government.

kp posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

In your little narrow world, everything is defined as PNC/PPP

I make note of the fact that you have failed to address the real financial issues of Guysuco, and the fact that its increasing indebtedness can seriously drown Guyana.

Guyana CANNOT sustain Guysuco in its present form.  This company swallows billions of dollars in bail outs, and is a bottom less pit.

You know full well that if we were talking about Linden, you wouldn't give a damn, so don't even try it!

Some how you fail to realize that Blackman also works in the sugar industry, but if according to you ,close Guysuco, well then the government will collapse. In some silly way you want the Coalition to Fail, but no one on GNI is giving you support, In any business when it not producing to capacity ,there are several ways to streamline the company. Cane is still used to produce sugar in many countries . I lived and worked on the sugar estate, it will take me hours to teach you how to produce sugar. To start, it takes a lot more cane today to produce sugar, they don't fertilize and irrigate the fields like before, cutting cost.In Mon Repos there was a research center for the sugar industry, where they constantly developing new strain of cane to adjust the ever changing weather condition, also new chemicals to treat the crops. The government job in any country is to create and save Jobs, other than the people being a burden to the government.

Neglect and poor management for the past 40+ yrs caused all those issues,lots of money have to be pumped to bring it back to profitability,is it worth it?? downsize is a better option,GUYSUCO is a dead weight for the Government,it is not even marketable.

Reflecting upon some of the industry, Burnham and Jagan screw up big time by nationalizing sugar and bauxite,they should have done a partnership deal with the owners,too late now no turning back.

Last edited by Django

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