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CNN Poll: More see Trump win likely as Biden leads crowded Democratic field


WASHINGTON (CNN)Americans are becoming more likely to think President Donald Trump will win a second term in office, while Joe Biden stands atop a crowded field of Democrats perhaps looking to replace him, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.

The public is split over whether they think the President will win a second term -- 46% say he will and 47% say he won't. But that's a steep improvement for him since March, when 54% of adults said they thought he'd lose his bid for a second term. The share seeing a second Trump win in the offing has risen across party lines. The increase is a bit sharper among men (up 8 points), independents (from 39% in March to 47% now) and those who are enthusiastic about voting in this year's midterms (from 37% in March to 46% now).
The President's partisans are just as likely to want him renominated now as they were in March: Seventy-four percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say he should be the party's nominee in 2020, and 21% would rather see someone else at the top of the ticket.
In the race for the Democratic nomination to face Trump, former Vice President Biden leads a massive potential field. The poll asked Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents to choose their preferred presidential nominee among 16 possible candidates. Biden tops the list with 33% support, followed by independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the 2016 runner-up, at 13%. Sen. Kamala Harris of California follows at 9%, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts at 8%. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey and 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry garnered 5% support.
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who recently became a registered Democrat and spoke in New Hampshire on Saturday night, stands at 4% in the poll. Rep. Beto O'Rourke of Texas, currently running against Sen. Ted Cruz, also lands at 4%. Less than 1% said they back Rep. John Delaney of Maryland, the only declared candidate in the field, and just 1% choose attorney Michael Avenatti, who has been visiting early primary and caucus states.
The 2020 tap dance is on!
Sanders continues to prompt some of the same divisions he did in 2016, garnering lower support among self-identified Democrats and older voters. Among those who consider themselves Democrats, 34% back Biden, 11% Harris, 9% Sanders and 8% Warren. Among independents who say they lean to the Democratic Party, however, Sanders stands in second place, with 21% (Biden has 31%, Warren 8% and Harris 7%).
Harris appears to be the biggest beneficiary of Sanders' challenges among Democratic partisans. Among those self-identified Democrats who consider themselves liberal, Harris' support spikes to 19%, still behind Biden at 27% but well ahead of Sanders, who earns just 7% support among that group.
When you add Democratic-leaning independents back to the mix, liberals are more evenly split, with 28% behind Biden, 15% Harris, 13% Sanders and 11% Warren. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaners who consider themselves more moderate or conservative, Biden stands well above the rest: 38% Biden, 14% Sanders and all the rest in single digits.
There is also still an age gap in the party over Sanders and Biden, with younger voters more apt to back Sanders than older voters (21% among those under age 45 versus 8% among older Democrats) and Biden's numbers far higher among those over 45 (39% in the older group back Biden versus 26% among younger Democrats). No other candidates receive significantly different support across age groups.
There is little gap in Biden's support between men (35%) and women (32%), suggesting the review of his role in Clarence Thomas' 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearings during Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation process has not caused notable harm to the former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The CNN poll was conducted by SSRS October 4 through 7 among a random national sample of 1,009 adults reached on landlines or cellphones by a live interviewer. Results for the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points; it is larger for subgroups.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

yuji22 posted:

I no longer support him but based on what I see, the Democrats do not have a strong Candidate for 2020. They have a serious problem and might hand over a second term to Trump if Biden is the best that they can come up with.

You need to relax yuhself lilbit!  Trump will Make Canada Great Again.  Trump sending nuff Indian IT workers to Canada to work for half Canadian salary and throw locals out of work or depress their salaries.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

That is what most experts are saying and the CNN poll shows Biden as  Democrat voters top choice.

Cory Booker thinks he could be the next Obama.  His only problem, dem girls in the Mee Tooo movement waiting to bank him in.

I predict that the movement will become weaker by 2020 as personalities clash and as more cat fights escalate. There will be spin offs and a more fragmented movement by then.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

That is what most experts are saying and the CNN poll shows Biden as  Democrat voters top choice.

Cory Booker thinks he could be the next Obama.  His only problem, dem girls in the Mee Tooo movement waiting to bank him in.

I predict that the movement will become weaker by 2020 as personalities clash and as more cat fights escalate. There will be spin offs and a more fragmented movement by then.

Dem girls nowadays know how to take pics and record conversations with their cell phones.  Or if you are like Crissy Ford, you throw some mud and hope it sticks.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

I no longer support him but based on what I see, the Democrats do not have a strong Candidate for 2020. They have a serious problem and might hand over a second term to Trump if Biden is the best that they can come up with.

You need to relax yuhself lilbit!  Trump will Make Canada Great Again.  Trump sending nuff Indian IT workers to Canada to work for half Canadian salary and throw locals out of work or depress their salaries.

You rass prappa wicked.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

That is what most experts are saying and the CNN poll shows Biden as  Democrat voters top choice.

Cory Booker thinks he could be the next Obama.  His only problem, dem girls in the Mee Tooo movement waiting to bank him in.

I predict that the movement will become weaker by 2020 as personalities clash and as more cat fights escalate. There will be spin offs and a more fragmented movement by then.

Dem girls nowadays know how to take pics and record conversations with their cell phones.  Or if you are like Crissy Ford, you throw some mud and hope it sticks.

I am overly cautious now.

I never meet with a female business client or business colleague alone.  You never know when someone will try to sling some mud and hope that it sticks. Men nowadays have to be extremely careful on what they say, do, or whom they meet. Sadly, a few monsters made it this way for us respectable men.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Honest JOE Biden will be a good pick for the Democratic Party. Trump needs someone like Mr. Malarky to go High when Donald goes Low. Not another Black or Coloured person and not a Woman ,America is still not prepared.

Bai KP,

The election is over if Biden runs. Trump supporters will have a field day. Biden is the type of politician whom the American voters are fed up with.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I am overly cautious now.

I never meet with a female business client or business colleague alone.  You never know when someone will try to sling some mud and hope that it sticks. Men nowadays have to be extremely careful on what they say, do, or whom they meet. Sadly, a few monsters made it this way for us respectable men.

It's very simple, you don't mess around with woman in the workplace.  And second, in business relations, keep it straight and in public.  No hanky panky business!

Ray posted:

Biden will not be Dem candidate in 2020.

Dems will win the electoral in 2020.

They will hold all the ones they won in 2016, and bring back PA, MI and WI into the fold.

That's all that's needed to win. PA will be the toughest to bring back, but voter turnout will be key

Healthcare will be the major issue

It will be one of the most divisive and ruthless campaign in American Political History. I am excited about 2020. 

Political pundits and pollsters got it dead wrong the last time, will they make the same mistake again ?

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

Biden will not be Dem candidate in 2020.

Dems will win the electoral in 2020.

They will hold all the ones they won in 2016, and bring back PA, MI and WI into the fold.

That's all that's needed to win. PA will be the toughest to bring back, but voter turnout will be key

Healthcare will be the major issue

Healthcare will be the major issue.  Obamacare is a ripoff.  A friend of mine wants to retire and found out he has to pay $50,000 a year for health insurance when he loses employer coverage.  There is a formula the govt use to determine how much much each person should pay based on income.  Meanwhile the Mexicans cross the border, check into hospitals, get expensive surgeries, and cross the border and go back home.  No bills to pay.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Biden will not be Dem candidate in 2020.

Dems will win the electoral in 2020.

They will hold all the ones they won in 2016, and bring back PA, MI and WI into the fold.

That's all that's needed to win. PA will be the toughest to bring back, but voter turnout will be key

Healthcare will be the major issue

Healthcare will be the major issue.  Obamacare is a ripoff.  A friend of mine wants to retire and found out he has to pay $50,000 a year for health insurance when he loses employer coverage.  There is a formula the govt use to determine how much much each person should pay based on income.  Meanwhile the Mexicans cross the border, check into hospitals, get expensive surgeries, and cross the border and go back home.  No bills to pay.  

Really, if he is that well off, why is he going through Obamacare or any Govt program for that matter?  There are dozens of private insurance out there and it don't cost anywhere near that!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Biden will not be Dem candidate in 2020.

Dems will win the electoral in 2020.

They will hold all the ones they won in 2016, and bring back PA, MI and WI into the fold.

That's all that's needed to win. PA will be the toughest to bring back, but voter turnout will be key

Healthcare will be the major issue

Healthcare will be the major issue.  Obamacare is a ripoff.  A friend of mine wants to retire and found out he has to pay $50,000 a year for health insurance when he loses employer coverage.  There is a formula the govt use to determine how much much each person should pay based on income.  Meanwhile the Mexicans cross the border, check into hospitals, get expensive surgeries, and cross the border and go back home.  No bills to pay.  

Bloated !!!


American health care is so messed up that a whole industry has been created to help navigate it


Published: June 2, 2017 6:59 a.m. ET

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‘It’s a time sink’: Many consumers don’t have the tools to dispute confusing medical bills and more employers acknowledge it’s all too complex

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After his daughter was born, Ted Phillips wasn’t expecting to get slapped with a $3,500 bill from the hospital’s anesthesiologist.

Phillips, who works in health care in Boston, Mass., soon found out that while the hospital was in-network, the anesthesiologist was not. The hospital’s billing office told Phillips he’d have to pay it.

Undeterred, he kept making calls — to the hospital, the anesthesiologist and the insurer — and was eventually able to resolve the issue.

Still, the back-and-forth did cost Phillips, albeit in a different way: he spent about five to seven hours making the phone calls, mostly while at work. Most of the offices involved “are open 9 to 5, which is difficult,” he said.

“I work in this industry, I’ve dealt with this back-and-forth, I’ve dealt with insurance for this long now,” he said. “How many people just pay that bill because they don’t press it?”

The problem, one many consumers face, has gotten a lot easier for Phillips since then. Now, through his health benefits at work, he has access to a medical bill advocate, that helps individuals navigate their medical bills and the complex terminology of health insurance plans.

Here's the real reason why U.S. health care is so expensive
Here's the real reason why U.S. health care is so expensive

Medical bill advocates and other such third-party businesses have sprung up in the gaps and blind spots of America’s complicated, fragmented health care system. These services make sense of health bills for consumers and even fix errors in them.

In the process, these businesses can reduce wasteful health-care spending and possibly even improve health outcomes. Their numbers have exploded. And they’ve become even more important as high-deductible health plans — which put employees on the line for thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses — have increased in popularity.


But these services face a persistent challenge: many employees don’t know that they have access to them.

Though confusing medical bills are pervasive, utilization rates for professional help remains low. The ultimate success of these businesses will hinge on how well they use technology to change awareness and access, according to many in the sector.


Read: The expensive risk lurking in nearly every medical experience you have

The business of medical bill advocacy

For decades, advocates have warned consumers that their medical bills could be rife with errors.

That would appear to be a consumer issue, but it’s also a problem for employers, since they provide health insurance to a majority of Americans and pay the lion’s share of the cost.

“Smart employers who want to save their money and their employees money know the best way to slash health-care costs is to improve benefits,” said David Chase, a health-care entrepreneur who now runs a nonprofit institute. Medical advocacy services are “one piece of that,” he said.

Advocates like Pat Palmer, who has been working on medical billing issues for 24 years, encourage individuals to request an itemized bill and search for clear mistakes, such as being charged for more time in the hospital than you actually spent there, or for a drug that you never got.

‘We’re at the tip of the spear [for medical bill advocacy]. It’s growing and it’s growing rapidly.’Brian Marcotte, National Business Group on Health

But for other, more-complex errors, most consumers find the experience of making calls to the health insurer and medical provider overwhelming. Often, the task requires specialized understanding about the health-care system and how it works, the nuances of an individual’s health plan and even a level of medical knowledge.

See more: 5 ways to protect yourself from outrageous hospital bills

Then there are the logistics. It can be hard to even find a time during the workday, or a place at work, to make these calls.

“You’re in the hallway, on the phone with the biller, the insurance company. Before you know it, an hour has gone by,” said Dr. Raffi Terzian, senior vice president of clinical operations and senior medical director at Health Advocate, a leading company that works with employees to navigate health care and insurance problems. “It’s a time sink. It’s a time robber.”

Moreover, insurance brokers and human resources departments don’t have the ability — or the bandwidth — to answer all of peoples’ questions, especially as high-deductible health plans increase the number of questions asked, said Jason Dzurka, director of marketplace solutions at Maxwell Health, a benefits platform for small- and medium-sized businesses that is also Phillips’ employer.

Hospitals are trying to make medical billing better and more affordable, said Tom Nickels, executive vice president of government relations and public policy at the American Hospital Association. He said they’re working on tools for better price transparency and that they “pledge to work with patients” on billing issues.

But in the meantime, others have picked up the slack — and are paying for it. In the individual health insurance market, services from health technology company HealthJoy come at an additional cost to the consumer.

When it comes to employer-sponsored plans, the employer or even the insurance broker may pay, since “they see it as a valuable service for the cost,” said Dzurka. “And when you compare it to the cost of health care, it’s substantially lower — a very small percentage.”

Confusing medical bills pose a problem both to worker productivity and to employee benefits more generally, said Brian Marcotte, chief executive officer of the nonprofit National Business Group on Health, which represents large employers on health policy issues in Washington, D.C.

In other words: If workers don’t understand their benefits, they probably aren’t benefiting from them.

“Employers are recognizing that the system is too complex for employees to be sophisticated enough to navigate this,” he said.

See: Most Americans are one medical emergency away from financial disaster

Beyond medical bills

Tricia Taylor’s 13-year-old daughter uses an insulin pump to manage her Type 1 diabetes. That can mean testing her sugar levels as many as 10 to 12 times a day using a FreeStyle test strip, the only kind her insulin pump works with.

But Taylor’s insurance company wanted her daughter to use a different type, and wouldn’t cover the FreeStyle strips. The expense was adding up, costing Taylor about $180 a month, she said.

After working with the health-care technology company Accolade, which is offered as a benefit at the propane company she works for, Taylor was able to get the strips covered. The trick turned out to be a letter from her daughter’s doctor, explaining that the FreeStyle strips were the only ones that worked.

“It was a big, big blessing,” Taylor said. With some time, she might have been able to figure it out on her own. But “it was time that, as a working parent, I did not have.”

Now, Accolade is helping Taylor with something new: finding an in-network facility for her daughter.

See: Forget iPhones — many Americans can’t pay a $100 medical bill

Help with chronic diseases is just one of the many services these businesses now offer.

Health Advocate, which works with nearly 12,000 employers and health insurers to serve more than 40 million members, can answer “nearly any question related to health care that you can think of,” Terzian said, from coordinating care to helping with medical decisions, finding doctors and second opinions, providing wellness services and more.

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These are available not just to the employee but also typically to their spouse, dependents and parents or parents-in-law, he said.

Folding in so many services makes these businesses more attractive to employers. And increasingly, the scope of companies with access to health advocacy services is growing beyond large employers to companies of all sizes.

It’s also a way to engage more people, who call in about one issue — often, about their medical benefits or understanding a medical bill — and can then find out about the other services offered.

“A client will call us for often a simple question related to their bill or benefits plan — is this doctor in network, what’s my deductible,” said Samantha Steinwinder, Accolade’s vice president of marketing. “In most cases the health plan will answer the question and send them on their way. We use the call to find out what’s going on in the individual’s life... it helps us uncover what’s happening with the health-care system with that individual.”

Read: How to haggle down your medical bills

How it all hinges on technology

Unlike a lot of other services and technology platforms people use, customers can go months or years without interacting with a health advocacy service.

This creates an “out of sight, out of mind” effect that is one of the industry’s biggest problems, Marcotte said: “If I don’t need it, I don’t think about it. And when I do need it, I forget that it’s available.”

The mission of these businesses will hinge on data and technology, and how well they’re used to communicate with and engage consumers.

For example, “if I’m contemplating surgery, there may be indications in my claim data that triggers a flag,” and sends a push notification to the patient about decision support services, Marcotte said. Other data triggers could prompt similarly personalized information and resources, he said.

We’re “at the tip of the spear of a lot of this. It’s growing and it’s growing rapidly,” he said.

Health Advocate says that of those who have access to their service, 40% have used it at least once, with the figure rising to 90% under “best practices.”

Technology may also provide a lift. Maxwell Health says it sees higher utilization of Health Advocate through its platform than Health Advocate does alone, which it attributes to its technology.

Since these services work best when they’re both convenient and immediate, many health advocacy businesses have structured themselves for the smartphone era.

Accolade, for example, offers its services by phone, mobile app or online. Founded in 2007, the company works with Comcast CMCSA, +2.82% Lowe’s Companies Inc. LOW, +1.08% Temple University Health System and health insurer AmeriHealth New Jersey, among others, covering about 800,000 individuals total.

Accolade says it has learned that a phone call is the best way to start a relationship with customers.

But its secure messaging platform, which is in pilot now and being rolled out, will let customers talk to representatives when “you’re in the doctor’s office or at work, when it’s not convenient for you to pick up the phone,” said Steinwinder.

HealthJoy, which aims to be the “Siri for health care,” is mainly a mobile application, with emails and push notifications structured to move customers into the app (although there is the option to call in). The company works with about 15,000 members from the individual market, and recently started contracting with employers, of which it now has 100.

“It’s really hard to be top of mind as a point solution. So we really focus on trying to say ‘we’re help for anything,’” said Chief Executive Officer Justin Holland. “We’re trying to be air-traffic control.”

The company has focused more on cost-cutting moves like telemedicine and prescription drug savings than medical billing, at least for now, said Holland. That, paired with a recent move to work with employers, is reflected in the low utilization rates for its medical bill service, or about 8% of its employer membership, he said.

HealthJoy uses various techniques to increase use of its app, including consolidating benefits information there. The app also pushes health risk assessments throughout the year — things like “Have you had a preventative visit?” and “Do you smoke” — to get individuals back in it and remind them of the services offered.

“You’re not going to use an app like ours like Candy Crush,” Holland said. But “80% of people just pay [a medical bill] and they remember after, ‘Oh, I have this service I could use.’”

The Health Care Select SPDR exchange-traded fund XLV, +1.54%  has gained about 7% in 2017 so far, while the S&P 500 SPX, +1.42%  has gained 5%.


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Biden will not be Dem candidate in 2020.

Dems will win the electoral in 2020.

They will hold all the ones they won in 2016, and bring back PA, MI and WI into the fold.

That's all that's needed to win. PA will be the toughest to bring back, but voter turnout will be key

Healthcare will be the major issue

Healthcare will be the major issue.  Obamacare is a ripoff.  A friend of mine wants to retire and found out he has to pay $50,000 a year for health insurance when he loses employer coverage.  There is a formula the govt use to determine how much much each person should pay based on income.  Meanwhile the Mexicans cross the border, check into hospitals, get expensive surgeries, and cross the border and go back home.  No bills to pay.  

Bloated !!!

Nope.  He is worth millions and his wife has a pre-existing condition.  She had bypass heart surgery so she is considered high risk.   You must go through Marketplace, the govt program, to buy health insurance.  If you go directly to the insurer, you pay top dollar.   People who don't work get it for FREE as some have already found out.  If you are collecting Food Stamps, you automatically get it for FREE.  As some have already found out!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Healthcare will be the major issue.  Obamacare is a ripoff.  A friend of mine wants to retire and found out he has to pay $50,000 a year for health insurance when he loses employer coverage.  There is a formula the govt use to determine how much much each person should pay based on income.  Meanwhile the Mexicans cross the border, check into hospitals, get expensive surgeries, and cross the border and go back home.  No bills to pay.  

Bloated !!!

Nope.  He is worth millions and his wife has a pre-existing condition.  She had bypass heart surgery so she is considered high risk.  You must go through Marketplace, the govt program, to buy health insurance.  If you go directly to the insurer, you pay top dollar!

So then, if he chooses the marketplace instead of the open market, then why is Obamacare a "ripoff?"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Biden will not be Dem candidate in 2020.

Dems will win the electoral in 2020.

They will hold all the ones they won in 2016, and bring back PA, MI and WI into the fold.

That's all that's needed to win. PA will be the toughest to bring back, but voter turnout will be key

Healthcare will be the major issue

Healthcare will be the major issue.  Obamacare is a ripoff.  A friend of mine wants to retire and found out he has to pay $50,000 a year for health insurance when he loses employer coverage.  There is a formula the govt use to determine how much much each person should pay based on income.  Meanwhile the Mexicans cross the border, check into hospitals, get expensive surgeries, and cross the border and go back home.  No bills to pay.  

Bloated !!!

Nope.  He is worth millions and his wife has a pre-existing condition.  She had bypass heart surgery so she is considered high risk.   You must go through Marketplace, the govt program, to buy health insurance.  If you go directly to the insurer, you pay top dollar.   People who don't work get it for FREE as some have already found out.  If you are collecting Food Stamps, you automatically get it for FREE.  As some have already found out!!!!

Well he can afford it.

I am aware there are State Assistance and Federal Assistance for low income earners.I have no problem with assistance when folks are down for short period,detest the one's who continuously bleed the system.

kp posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

All you Americans deal with your screwed up health care system deh. We looking good here in Canada.

Alyuh got to wait in line for some medical care.

Noel, tell me which medical care Canadians have to wait in line. I know for a fact Americans come to Canada to buy cheap drugs.

Health care wait times hit 20 weeks in 2016: report

Waiting in Line for Health Care

These reports are lying,right !!!

Don't run will be awaiting your answer.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Healthcare will be the major issue.  Obamacare is a ripoff.  A friend of mine wants to retire and found out he has to pay $50,000 a year for health insurance when he loses employer coverage.  There is a formula the govt use to determine how much much each person should pay based on income.  Meanwhile the Mexicans cross the border, check into hospitals, get expensive surgeries, and cross the border and go back home.  No bills to pay.  

Bloated !!!

Nope.  He is worth millions and his wife has a pre-existing condition.  She had bypass heart surgery so she is considered high risk.   You must go through Marketplace, the govt program, to buy health insurance.  If you go directly to the insurer, you pay top dollar.   People who don't work get it for FREE as some have already found out.  If you are collecting Food Stamps, you automatically get it for FREE.  As some have already found out!!!!

Well he can afford it.

I am aware there are State Assistance and Federal Assistance for low income earners.I have no problem with assistance when folks are down for short period,detest the one's who continuously bleed the system.

There are different way to address.  If he is wealthy, then put his wife on a HD plan and take out an HSA account to fund the deductible and lower the premium.  But yes, if his wife has a preexisting condition, then the premiums will reflect that.  And with high income, Obamacare will be modeled on that.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

Alyuh got to wait in line for some medical care.

Noel, tell me which medical care Canadians have to wait in line. I know for a fact Americans come to Canada to buy cheap drugs.

Health care wait times hit 20 weeks in 2016: report

Waiting in Line for Health Care

These reports are lying,right !!!

I don't know, when my brother-in-law got ill, he was into the system and under full care within 24 hours.  I think people opposed to single payer Govt sponsored healthcare exaggerate issues but, from what I know in Canada, it's a great system of heath care!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Biden will not be Dem candidate in 2020.

Dems will win the electoral in 2020.

They will hold all the ones they won in 2016, and bring back PA, MI and WI into the fold.

That's all that's needed to win. PA will be the toughest to bring back, but voter turnout will be key

Healthcare will be the major issue

Healthcare will be the major issue.  Obamacare is a ripoff.  A friend of mine wants to retire and found out he has to pay $50,000 a year for health insurance when he loses employer coverage.  There is a formula the govt use to determine how much much each person should pay based on income.  Meanwhile the Mexicans cross the border, check into hospitals, get expensive surgeries, and cross the border and go back home.  No bills to pay.  

I have good coverage under Obamacare since it's inception and it does not cost 50K a year...not even close

Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

Biden will not be Dem candidate in 2020.

Dems will win the electoral in 2020.

They will hold all the ones they won in 2016, and bring back PA, MI and WI into the fold.

That's all that's needed to win. PA will be the toughest to bring back, but voter turnout will be key

Healthcare will be the major issue

Healthcare will be the major issue.  Obamacare is a ripoff.  A friend of mine wants to retire and found out he has to pay $50,000 a year for health insurance when he loses employer coverage.  There is a formula the govt use to determine how much much each person should pay based on income.  Meanwhile the Mexicans cross the border, check into hospitals, get expensive surgeries, and cross the border and go back home.  No bills to pay.  

I have good coverage under Obamacare since it's inception and it does not cost 50K a year...not even close

Well, if you have high income and pre-existing condition, then it could run up.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

All you Americans deal with your screwed up health care system deh. We looking good here in Canada.

Alyuh got to wait in line for some medical care.

Noel, tell me which medical care Canadians have to wait in line. I know for a fact Americans come to Canada to buy cheap drugs.

Health care wait times hit 20 weeks in 2016: report

Waiting in Line for Health Care

These reports are lying,right !!!

Don't run will be awaiting your answer.


Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

All you Americans deal with your screwed up health care system deh. We looking good here in Canada.

Alyuh got to wait in line for some medical care.

Absolutely incorrect.

In almost all countries in the world, there may indeed be a waiting list due to the number of bed available for certain high-end needs.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

All you Americans deal with your screwed up health care system deh. We looking good here in Canada.

Alyuh got to wait in line for some medical care.

Noel, tell me which medical care Canadians have to wait in line. I know for a fact Americans come to Canada to buy cheap drugs.

Health care wait times hit 20 weeks in 2016: report

Waiting in Line for Health Care

These reports are lying,right !!!

Don't run will be awaiting your answer.


I guess that's easy to say,anyway no further comment.


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