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That was a gong show at the end. As I said before, Justice Dawn Gregory has no control over her courtroom. Those final two minutes really shed some light on how she was convinced to make some of her prior decisions. How can you go back on your decision in a live courtroom? Also how could you not answer specifically what is being stayed? That was bizarre to say the least. Anyways not sure it matters in the end. Even if the stay was not granted, the Coalition aligned commissioners probably would not have showed up at the next meeting. It was a resounding defeat for the PNC. They are now left to ask the CCJ to rule against itself. 

@Locutus posted:

Anyways not sure it matters in the end.

Even if the stay was not granted, the Coalition aligned commissioners probably would not have showed up at the next meeting.

GECOM procedures are explicitly clear ---

Succinctly ...

1. GECOM meetings must have a quorum of at least two members each from the government and opposition sides plus the Chairman.

2. If a quorum is not met, the meeting must be cancelled.

3. If the next meeting there is still not the required members from the government and opposition sides, the meeting again must be cancelled.

4. After the calling of that last session, another meeting can be held with any three members of the commission plus the Chairman and all matters discussed and adopted are final and binding.

Last edited by Former Member
@Locutus posted:

That was a gong show at the end. As I said before, Justice Dawn Gregory has no control over her courtroom. Those final two minutes really shed some light on how she was convinced to make some of her prior decisions. How can you go back on your decision in a live courtroom? Also how could you not answer specifically what is being stayed? That was bizarre to say the least. Anyways not sure it matters in the end. Even if the stay was not granted, the Coalition aligned commissioners probably would not have showed up at the next meeting. It was a resounding defeat for the PNC. They are now left to ask the CCJ to rule against itself. 

The reason she went back on the earlier decision on the stay is because Mr. Edwards' link to the Court was disrupted while he was speaking and he was unable to point to a precedent from the Cof A relating to stays.  The seeming indecisiveness was caused by a technical glitch in a virtual hearing.  You will note that Justice Persaud joined her in granting a 24 hour stay after hearing from Edwards.  

@Former Member posted:

GECOM procedures are explicitly clear ---

Succinctly ...

1. GECOM meetings must have a quorum of at least two members each from the government and opposition sides plus the Chairman.

2. If a quorum is not met, the meeting must be cancelled.

3. If the next meeting there is still not the required members from the government and opposition sides, the meeting again must be cancelled.

4. After the calling of that last session, another meeting can be held with any three members of the commission plus the Chairman and all matters discussed and adopted are final and binding.

Understood. They would have been able to buy themselves one day by missing the next meeting. With the stay they now have two days. If the CCJ does not issue its own stay, the earliest a meeting will most likely be held will be Sunday. Without the stay it would have been Saturday. Hopefully I have interpreted Article 227 of the Constitution correctly which says "in the case of the declaration of the results of the election of the President, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the following day".  

@Locutus posted:

 Hopefully I have interpreted Article 227 of the Constitution correctly which says "in the case of the declaration of the results of the election of the President, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the following day".  

Locutus ---

Correct, the full part of the subsection of the constitution is ---


Section 227, subsection 5 (ii)

(ii) in the case of the declaration of the results of the election of the President, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the following day, at the same time and place and notice of such adjournment shall be given to the absent members; and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, the members then present, being not less than four including the Chairman, shall be deemed to constitute a quorum and any decision made at that or any such meeting shall be valid in law and binding.”.


@Totaram posted:

The reason she went back on the earlier decision on the stay is because Mr. Edwards' link to the Court was disrupted while he was speaking and he was unable to point to a precedent from the Cof A relating to stays.  The seeming indecisiveness was caused by a technical glitch in a virtual hearing.  You will note that Justice Persaud joined her in granting a 24 hour stay after hearing from Edwards.  

Noted. I don’t recall Mr. Edwards at any time speaking and then being disrupted. Maybe he was on mute. Or maybe he was on a sidebar conference call with the other lawyers. Either way, the decision was made, Justice Gregory had the gavel and should have said it was final. Instead she appeared to turn to Justice Persaud to get his concurrence on a 24 hour stay. It was a very ad hoc approach. In my novice opinion what this court should have done was come prepared with an answer on the question of a stay taking into consideration precedents, the importance of the matter and the likelihood of success of an appeal to the CCJ. However, they handled the request of a stay as if it was a surprise.


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