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Originally Posted by IGH:

Heard JB passed away... not sure if you are in his part of the world.

Thanks IGH for letting me know.


I called his sister in NY, who said funeral arrangements has not been made as yet.


I feel very emotional about James, because there are so many fond memories about him and his family  at Catherina.

Recently, I was having vivid reoccurring dreams about him, his wife and sister who died decades  ago and I called his home in GT, to be told that he was in hospital with a stroke.


James has always been a faithful friend, among things that should have caused animosity. It really shows the excellent quality of his parents and friendliness of their large family.

I will miss visiting him in Georgetown, we often go to mass and have dinner out.


In these times when we seem to be attending more funerals than weddings, stay well my friend and thanks again for letting me know.


Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:

Today was the funeral service of me long time friend James [Danny] on Hadfield Street, near the Cathedral and I am having a crappy day.

No more phone calls to Guyana regarding 'what's happening in Georgetown James ?'

Guyana getting smaller these days.     

Sorry to hear of the passing of your Friend.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Today was the funeral service of me long time friend James [Danny] on Hadfield Street, near the Cathedral and I am having a crappy day.

No more phone calls to Guyana regarding 'what's happening in Georgetown James ?'

Guyana getting smaller these days.     

Sorry to hear of the passing of your Friend.

Thanks Nehru, he was good guy.

Originally Posted by Django:

Tola..sorry to hear of your friend passing,my

condolences.Bhai me still bassidy when me hear

somebody pass away i don't know how to respond.


Thanks Django. For most, it is difficulty regarding how to respond to death and dying, as we experience frequently with our suicide prevention programs.

But I believe, all it takes is a few words or just being there.


In the case with this family, I had a 'close' relationship that should have caused animosity decades ago, but their friendship was overwhelming and we remained friends, even though we all live in different countries.

The unfortunate experience of my sister's murder help me lot to relate to the pain of death, that can benefit others with similar experiences.  

More later, gotta go out.    

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:

hi Tola, sorry to hear of your friend's passing...hang in there!  time will heal the pain.

Thanks Marcy, its good to see you back, to make  dis place more lively.

Time, dat seems to be scarce these days.    


i know what u mean about time, but u have to find it  even if it requires some important decisions in life.  all i hear these days is "am busy with work".. why wok so hard then? to pay bill?  screw the bills, when me dead, bills gonna pay off   ...yuh know what i mean?  


so hear nah...u  mean to tell me, i was GNI clown?  

Originally Posted by Chameli:

Tola, when one has known the loss of many loved ones...friend, sibling, parents etc...does it get easier to overcome?  just wondering

No Chameli, it don't seem to be so.

We seem to have different feelings and emotions for different people and their death seems to affect us differently.

Like your brother and my sister, that  top the list for feelings and emotions that seems to last a lifetime and we could break down at any moment, even decades later.


Regarding you and Amral, from what we see with spouses who commit suicide and left the other spouse to look after the family. You have to make a STRONG effort to take control of your lives. Allow your children to help you with your emotions to a point of healing. Our close relationship with our children seem to have strength in doing this.  

See your spouse in your children and get strength from them.


If you allow emotions to take over it could reach  a breaking point and I came very close.

Its funny that a tree with three forks, like the pole, that I would sit on top as a kid, to 'drive' four cows to mash rice, was my turning point.

A doctor friend found closure  for his daughter's death at a  symphony, that the family arranged.


Our acceptance and closure can take different forms. Mine occurred spontaneously twenty years later, when I stood over my sisters grave in Guyana and said loudly  'Gena, I love you very much, but I have to stop taking you back with me to Canada.  Your death has done much damage to my family and its time I carry on with my life.'  It was said with deep meaning and a great sign of relief occurred.    


Relief does come when we reach a point that life has more meaning, than the experience of losing a spouse.

It is something that has to come from within us, but people around us, like our children, can help us reach this point.

Don't give up hope, there is life for us after death of a loved one and it will come in time.

It did for me and I am sure it will come for you and Amral also.

Thanks for being my friend.          

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Marcy.:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:

hi Tola, sorry to hear of your friend's passing...hang in there!  time will heal the pain.

Thanks Marcy, its good to see you back, to make  dis place more lively.

Time, dat seems to be scarce these days.    


i know what u mean about time, but u have to find it  even if it requires some important decisions in life.  all i hear these days is "am busy with work".. why wok so hard then? to pay bill?  screw the bills, when me dead, bills gonna pay off   ...yuh know what i mean?  


so hear nah...u  mean to tell me, i was GNI clown?  

Your are far from being a GNI clown Marcy.

You provide the humour this site needs.

Many of us are too busy knocking each other down with biased political opinions and you are a relief.

Many times at night, I come on this site and read only Social, because I want to enjoy a glass of sherry and don't want to feel crappy with different political options.


So keep being yourself, some might not like it, but it is their problem.

I am like you in many ways, what you see is what you get.


I like watching your kids dancing. Last Christmas I gave our adult kids each 45 DVDs of home movies, when they were small.

Their children have a great time watching it and it had some disadvantages like, 'Mom/Dad, how come you don't let me do that, as you did'.

Its grandparents payback time.

More than anything else, our young children need our time.         

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Chameli:

Tola, when one has known the loss of many loved ones...friend, sibling, parents etc...does it get easier to overcome?  just wondering

No Chameli, it don't seem to be so.

We seem to have different feelings and emotions for different people and their death seems to affect us differently.

Like your brother and my sister, that  top the list for feelings and emotions that seems to last a lifetime and we could break down at any moment, even decades later.


Regarding you and Amral, from what we see with spouses who commit suicide and left the other spouse to look after the family. You have to make a STRONG effort to take control of your lives. Allow your children to help you with your emotions to a point of healing. Our close relationship with our children seem to have strength in doing this.  

See your spouse in your children and get strength from them.


If you allow emotions to take over it could reach  a breaking point and I came very close.

Its funny that a tree with three forks, like the pole, that I would sit on top as a kid, to 'drive' four cows to mash rice, was my turning point.

A doctor friend found closure  for his daughter's death at a  symphony, that the family arranged.


Our acceptance and closure can take different forms. Mine occurred spontaneously twenty years later, when I stood over my sisters grave in Guyana and said loudly  'Gena, I love you very much, but I have to stop taking you back with me to Canada.  Your death has done much damage to my family and its time I carry on with my life.'  It was said with deep meaning and a great sign of relief occurred.    


Relief does come when we reach a point that life has more meaning, than the experience of losing a spouse.

It is something that has to come from within us, but people around us, like our children, can help us reach this point.

Don't give up hope, there is life for us after death of a loved one and it will come in time.

It did for me and I am sure it will come for you and Amral also.

Thanks for being my friend.          

AMEN!oh, wait u not christian?


on a serious note...because each of us are unique, we tend to deal with situations differently too. As bad as it may sound, i was a bit relief when my dad passed.  My brother asked me "how come u didn't cry when dad passed?  little did they know, i did, in my own little corner for yrs. only my pillow and god knows.


KSAZMA...if u got a single twin bro to set me up with, i gonna add him as benificiary    



Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:


when me dead, bills gonna pay off   ...yuh know what i mean?  



As long as yuh keep paying de life insurance premium.

Hanging out wid me friend Chuck at the park one day he said, 'I stop going to funerals'.

Why Chuck ? 'Because they will not be coming to mine.'

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:


when me dead, bills gonna pay off   ...yuh know what i mean?  



As long as yuh keep paying de life insurance premium.

Hanging out wid me friend Chuck at the park one day he said, 'I stop going to funerals'.

Why Chuck ? 'Because they will not be coming to mine.'

Good one.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:


KSAZMA...if u got a single twin bro to set me up with, i gonna add him as benificiary    



This may not be a good idea because it will force me to alter my ambitions. I don't subscribe to the 'there is honor in keeping it all in the family'

u right!  i did say am going for white "man" from now on.     i done with brown "boys" 


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