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Rohee feels vindicated : - ‘I will continue to represent the people who elected me to do so’ – says Minister RoheePDFPrintE-mail
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Friday, 11 January 2013 23:19

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee has expressed satisfaction at having his optimism vindicated, and pledged to continue representing those who elected him to so do, following yesterday’s ruling by Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang that the gag order, demanded by the Opposition APNU and AFC, implemented against him in the National Assembly was not legal.Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall in November 2012, had moved to the High Court seeking to have Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman’s ruling prohibiting Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee from speaking in the Parliament and referring him to the Committee of Privileges declared, “unlawful, unconstitutional, ultra vires, in excess of and without jurisdiction, contrary to the rules of natural justice, arbitrary, capricious, null and void and of no effect.” The Chief Justice yesterday ruled in his favour. In an interview with the Government Information Agency, Minister Rohee said, “First of all I would like to congratulate the Attorney General for his success in the Court on the matter and to say I have always been optimistic about the outcome. I am pleased that my optimism has been vindicated. This is not an occasion for taking a trivial position, simply to say that I am pleased with the Court’s decision, but that I will continue with my Parliamentary work as best as I could. I would like to thank my colleagues and persons who wished me well during the period when this matter was in the Courts.” With respect to the fact that the Parliamentary Opposition may still pose an adverse reaction and attempt like before to drown out the minister when he rises to speak, Minister Rohee simply stated, “I have a job to do in representing the people who elected me, and I will continue to do so.” The legal document filed in Court had stated that the Speaker, who was the second named respondent of the Motion had no power whatsoever under the Standing Orders, the Laws of Guyana, or the Constitution to impose a prohibition on a member of the National Assembly from speaking or performing the functions which devolve upon that member, either as a member or as a minister thereof. In light of this, the Speaker’s ruling is without any legal or factual base and therefore the Privileges Committee has no jurisdiction to deal with or determine any issue remitted to it. The joint Opposition (APNU and AFC) had initially filed a ‘no confidence motion’ against Minister Rohee, which they used their one-seat majority to pass. They subsequently brought to the House another Motion to prevent the minister from speaking. Their intention, which was disclosed at a public meeting on August 24, 2012 at Stabroek Market Square, was to suspend the minister for a period of six months, if their ‘no confidence’ motion was not adhered to. Minister Rohee had stated previously that in so far as the APNU and AFC are concerned, the new dispensation is an opportunity to bring the Parliament of Guyana into disrepute and for them to resort to culture of the past, which is bullying their way in the National Assembly simply because they have a majority of one. “In a situation like Parliament, if you have an advantage it doesn’t mean that you should use that advantage to the detriment of national development, because the Parliament is there to advance national development…these people are leaders and leaders ought to demonstrate mature leadership, but they are behaving in a manner that will bring them into disrepute,” the minister had said.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

Bhai, First, TK needs to go back to school and learn the concepts of DEMOCRATIC, INDEPENDENT, RIGHT, GOOD and such things. The more he opens his mouth, the more he displays his utter Ignorance.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

He should be committed to a mental institute. 




He is from the old school---he in in the Cheddi Jagan mode---upright and incorruptible.


Ramotar's decision to make public the documents is admirable---but dont be naive jalil---Robert Persaud, Irfaan Ali, Clement Rohee, etc, etc---they will continue to feast on the milk and honey.




Anyway, great move by the Donald---make the documents available to the public---Jagdeo and his cronies had no respect for the public---they felt they were above the law and the people.





The Poom Poom Panty exposed.....and now them bruking up.....Their chief spokesman seh Rohee is a thief who must be Jailed with de others.



You must first find the definition of thief and then put him in jail if you have the balls. You should take your suggestions to APNU/AFC and let them have more inquiry, investigation and motions to shut up PPP ministers in parliament. Yall get too frigging fat from the PPP milk.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand'

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

The Chief Judge's ruling was sound in law.


Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

beg pardon for the attempt to steer y'all towards knowledge . . . i see both of you clowns prefer the heady climes of the invincibly stupid

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

The Chief Judge's ruling was sound in law.


So was the ruling by judge in the Rodney king case against the LA police beating or the ruling in the OJ simson case, but things has a way of working themselves out...karma can be a bitch.... 

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

The Chief Judge's ruling was sound in law.


So was the ruling by judge in the Rodney king case against the LA police beating or the ruling in the OJ simson case, but things has a way of working themselves out...karma can be a bitch.... 

Sir, please don't compare American justice with Guyana justice. This is not a criminal case as with OJ and Rodney King. Just say you didn't agree with the CJ ruling and kill the idea. If we can't trust our justice system then who shoule we trust?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

Bhai, First, TK needs to go back to school and learn the concepts of DEMOCRATIC, INDEPENDENT, RIGHT, GOOD and such things. The more he opens his mouth, the more he displays his utter Ignorance.

I don't need to go back to school when 5 independent senior scholar reviewers of my profession said I can have a job until I die. I don't need to go back either because I was blessed with an endowed chair at a top 10 best value college and a top 100 out of 1200 colleges in the US. Kick back tax don't fund my trips to Guyana. You have to grind it out at your Laguardia wuk and hope for a PPP big-wig to buy you henny and poke. 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

I have no doubt authoritarianism is on the rise in Guyana. The Chief Justice just knows he cannot mess with one of the architects of the criminalixzd State. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

I have no doubt authoritarianism is on the rise in Guyana. The Chief Justice just knows he cannot mess with one of the architects of the criminalixzd State. 

TK, give it up and respect the Judge's decision and our justice system in Guyana. You must remember during the PNC time you didn't have to go to court for justice, you get justice when Burnham said so. Don't let those dark days fall on Guyana's children. You're bigger than that and don't let politics overcome your better judgement.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

I have no doubt authoritarianism is on the rise in Guyana. The Chief Justice just knows he cannot mess with one of the architects of the criminalixzd State. 

TK, give it up and respect the Judge's decision and our justice system in Guyana. You must remember during the PNC time you didn't have to go to court for justice, you get justice when Burnham said so. Don't let those dark days fall on Guyana's children. You're bigger than that and don't let politics overcome your better judgement.


I am doing research on that but I know there were important cases that were brought against Burnham and he lost. People did stand up to him and he would one of the old governors of the BOG. No one can touch the instinctive unschooled communist and co-architect of the criminalized state. I am convinced of it.  

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Its time to hold a "peaceful protest" at Chang's house

On what basis? The justice of public opinion is welcome but it can't reverse  the judge's ruling.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Its time to hold a "peaceful protest" at Chang's house

On what basis? The justice of public opinion is welcome but it can't reverse  the judge's ruling.


This ruling is essentially "advisory" at best as even Chang admits that its unenforceable.


Parliament has exclusive power on its floor and within its precincts.


The courts may never dictate the floor proceedings of a legislature.


Mark my words, this changes NOTHING!

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Its time to hold a "peaceful protest" at Chang's house

On what basis? The justice of public opinion is welcome but it can't reverse  the judge's ruling.


This ruling is essentially "advisory" at best as even Chang admits that its unenforceable.


Parliament has exclusive power on its floor and within its precincts.


The courts may never dictate the floor proceedings of a legislature.


Mark my words, this changes NOTHING!

Parliament has legislative power and cannot over rule the supreme court decision. The president has the executive power. Correct me if I am wrong!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Its time to hold a "peaceful protest" at Chang's house

On what basis? The justice of public opinion is welcome but it can't reverse  the judge's ruling.


This ruling is essentially "advisory" at best as even Chang admits that its unenforceable.


Parliament has exclusive power on its floor and within its precincts.


The courts may never dictate the floor proceedings of a legislature.


Mark my words, this changes NOTHING!

Parliament has legislative power and cannot over rule the supreme court decision. The president has the executive power. Correct me if I am wrong!


You actually don't know what you're talking about. Read a wiki page or something and then come back. I'm not arguing with you over a basic issue that even the PPP Mudheads in cabinet understand.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Its time to hold a "peaceful protest" at Chang's house

On what basis? The justice of public opinion is welcome but it can't reverse  the judge's ruling.


This ruling is essentially "advisory" at best as even Chang admits that its unenforceable.


Parliament has exclusive power on its floor and within its precincts.


The courts may never dictate the floor proceedings of a legislature.


Mark my words, this changes NOTHING!

Ow bai...very very good point. You are well on your way to that JD. 


Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses. When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%. Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Parliament has legislative power and cannot over rule the supreme court decision.


The president has the executive power.


Correct me if I am wrong!


Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses. When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%. Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 


So at the end of the day, the only losers are the poor hindus.


Watch these PPP Muslims who've made millions off the PPP become staunch PNCites if/when the PNC returns to power

Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses.


When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%.


Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Similar statement like when you publicly posted on GNI that the AFC will gain more than fifty-five ( 55% ) of the votes in the 2011 elections.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Its time to hold a "peaceful protest" at Chang's house

On what basis? The justice of public opinion is welcome but it can't reverse  the judge's ruling.


This ruling is essentially "advisory" at best as even Chang admits that its unenforceable.


Parliament has exclusive power on its floor and within its precincts.


The courts may never dictate the floor proceedings of a legislature.


Mark my words, this changes NOTHING!

Ow bai...very very good point. You are well on your way to that JD. 


Our mudheads love a great statement that ultimately means nothing.


Is the PPP gonna send in the police onto the floor of the Assembly to enforce Chang's strongly worded opinion?

Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses. When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%. Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

 TK, you're absolutely right if you sincerely believe in killing your fellow men for protecting the value of one's faith. You're way out of the equation, bro.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses.


When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%.


Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Similar statement like when you publicly posted on GNI that the AFC will gain more than fifty-five ( 55% ) of the votes in the 2011 elections.


You must be smoking zeb grass or conga pum. You are the one who said the PPP will get 55 to 60%. I dare you to find where i said that because I know it is unrealistic. What I said is the AFC DOES NOT NEED TO WIN TO WIN!!!!!

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses.


When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%.


Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Similar statement like when you publicly posted on GNI that the AFC will gain more than fifty-five ( 55% ) of the votes in the 2011 elections.

You must be smoking zeb grass or conga pum. You are the one who said the PPP will get 55 to 60%. I dare you to find where i said that because I know it is unrealistic. What I said is the AFC DOES NOT NEED TO WIN TO WIN!!!!!

I stated that the PPP/C could get 55% or more in the 2011 elections. They however got a bit more than 49%.


You -- TK -- stated that the AFC will get more than 55% in the 2011 elections. They got 10%.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses.


When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%.


Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Similar statement like when you publicly posted on GNI that the AFC will gain more than fifty-five ( 55% ) of the votes in the 2011 elections.

You must be smoking zeb grass or conga pum. You are the one who said the PPP will get 55 to 60%. I dare you to find where i said that because I know it is unrealistic. What I said is the AFC DOES NOT NEED TO WIN TO WIN!!!!!

I stated that the PPP/C could get 55% or more in the 2011 elections. They however got a bit more than 49%.


You -- TK -- stated that the AFC will get more than 55% in the 2011 elections. They got 10%.

Then simple...I dare you to provide the link. BTW...I have an endowed chair (with private + public funding) for life. Eat your heart out old man. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses.


When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%.


Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Similar statement like when you publicly posted on GNI that the AFC will gain more than fifty-five ( 55% ) of the votes in the 2011 elections.

You must be smoking zeb grass or conga pum. You are the one who said the PPP will get 55 to 60%. I dare you to find where i said that because I know it is unrealistic. What I said is the AFC DOES NOT NEED TO WIN TO WIN!!!!!

I stated that the PPP/C could get 55% or more in the 2011 elections. They however got a bit more than 49%.


You -- TK -- stated that the AFC will get more than 55% in the 2011 elections. They got 10%.

Then simple...I dare you to provide the link.


BTW...I have an endowed chair (with private + public funding) for life. Eat your heart out old man. 

The statement, which was posted on GNI, about your prediction of the 2011 Guyana elections is correct.


About your statement on your employment ... read again ...Your 2012 salary is far less that my salary in the mid nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's }.


Source - GNI


Title --Corruption in Guyana


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
riginally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).


Aren't you too old to be this schupid? even if he was making minimum wage, how is that even an issue?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses.


When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%.


Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Similar statement like when you publicly posted on GNI that the AFC will gain more than fifty-five ( 55% ) of the votes in the 2011 elections.

You must be smoking zeb grass or conga pum. You are the one who said the PPP will get 55 to 60%. I dare you to find where i said that because I know it is unrealistic. What I said is the AFC DOES NOT NEED TO WIN TO WIN!!!!!

I stated that the PPP/C could get 55% or more in the 2011 elections. They however got a bit more than 49%.


You -- TK -- stated that the AFC will get more than 55% in the 2011 elections. They got 10%.

Then simple...I dare you to provide the link.


BTW...I have an endowed chair (with private + public funding) for life. Eat your heart out old man. 

The statement, which was posted on GNI, about your prediction of the 2011 Guyana elections is correct.


About your statement on your employment ... read again ...Your 2012 salary is far less that my salary in the mid nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's }.


Source - GNI


Title --Corruption in Guyana


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
riginally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).

You don't know what my pay is nor would I tell you. Moreover you are a dunce because there is significant variation in pay in any college in the US. This is not the communist country where everyone has a national salary. More substantial point is I don't measure myself with what a dunce old idiot like you makes. I made the choice to go into academia to study the problems of underdevelopment and the issue of stabilization in small open economies. I have established my niche and am loving it each day. Plus flexibility and no boss to look over me. I then do lots of public service whether its being invited to give a talk on the fiscal cliff at the Manatee Democratic Party Club or at a central bank in the Caribbean. Then I get to do the most important public service which is to make sure democracy consolidates in Guyana. I am enjoying it and you seem to have a small penis problem. 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

The Chief Judge's ruling was sound in law.


So was the ruling by judge in the Rodney king case against the LA police beating or the ruling in the OJ simson case, but things has a way of working themselves out...karma can be a bitch.... 

Sir, please don't compare American justice with Guyana justice. This is not a criminal case as with OJ and Rodney King. Just say you didn't agree with the CJ ruling and kill the idea. If we can't trust our justice system then who shoule we trust?

Not because Rohee was not the trigger man in the murders in Linden makes him less of a criminal - he was the minister in charge. It may not be a criminal case but the events that led to the sanction on Rohee was his involvement of the killings of the Linden protestors.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses.


When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%.


Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Similar statement like when you publicly posted on GNI that the AFC will gain more than fifty-five ( 55% ) of the votes in the 2011 elections.

You must be smoking zeb grass or conga pum. You are the one who said the PPP will get 55 to 60%. I dare you to find where i said that because I know it is unrealistic. What I said is the AFC DOES NOT NEED TO WIN TO WIN!!!!!

I stated that the PPP/C could get 55% or more in the 2011 elections. They however got a bit more than 49%.


You -- TK -- stated that the AFC will get more than 55% in the 2011 elections. They got 10%.

Then simple...I dare you to provide the link.


BTW...I have an endowed chair (with private + public funding) for life. Eat your heart out old man. 

The statement, which was posted on GNI, about your prediction of the 2011 Guyana elections is correct.


About your statement on your employment ... read again ...Your 2012 salary is far less that my salary in the mid nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's }.


Source - GNI


Title --Corruption in Guyana


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
riginally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).

You don't know what my pay is nor would I tell you.


Moreover you are a dunce because there is significant variation in pay in any college in the US.


This is not the communist country where everyone has a national salary.


More substantial point is I don't measure myself with what a dunce old idiot like you makes.


I made the choice to go into academia to study the problems of underdevelopment and the issue of stabilization in small open economies. I have established my niche and am loving it each day.


Plus flexibility and no boss to look over me.


I then do lots of public service whether its being invited to give a talk on the fiscal cliff at the Manatee Democratic Party Club or at a central bank in the Caribbean. Then I get to do the most important public service which is to make sure democracy consolidates in Guyana. I am enjoying it and you seem to have a small penis problem. 

Keep on babbling your nonsense which is the best you can do in any situation.


On your substantive point .. you will never catch up with my salary.


You have no boss as your supervisor?  Ha ha ha haaaaa

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

The are ready to criticize anyone who does not agree with them.  I think if Jesus Christ comes to Guyana to help, he will be strung up in Buxton.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses.


When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%.


Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Similar statement like when you publicly posted on GNI that the AFC will gain more than fifty-five ( 55% ) of the votes in the 2011 elections.

You must be smoking zeb grass or conga pum. You are the one who said the PPP will get 55 to 60%. I dare you to find where i said that because I know it is unrealistic. What I said is the AFC DOES NOT NEED TO WIN TO WIN!!!!!

I stated that the PPP/C could get 55% or more in the 2011 elections. They however got a bit more than 49%.


You -- TK -- stated that the AFC will get more than 55% in the 2011 elections. They got 10%.

Then simple...I dare you to provide the link.


BTW...I have an endowed chair (with private + public funding) for life. Eat your heart out old man. 

The statement, which was posted on GNI, about your prediction of the 2011 Guyana elections is correct.


About your statement on your employment ... read again ...Your 2012 salary is far less that my salary in the mid nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's }.


Source - GNI


Title --Corruption in Guyana


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
riginally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).

You don't know what my pay is nor would I tell you.


Moreover you are a dunce because there is significant variation in pay in any college in the US.


This is not the communist country where everyone has a national salary.


More substantial point is I don't measure myself with what a dunce old idiot like you makes.


I made the choice to go into academia to study the problems of underdevelopment and the issue of stabilization in small open economies. I have established my niche and am loving it each day.


Plus flexibility and no boss to look over me.


I then do lots of public service whether its being invited to give a talk on the fiscal cliff at the Manatee Democratic Party Club or at a central bank in the Caribbean. Then I get to do the most important public service which is to make sure democracy consolidates in Guyana. I am enjoying it and you seem to have a small penis problem. 

Keep on babbling your nonsense which is the best you can do in any situation.


On your substantive point .. you will never catch up with my salary.


You have no boss as your supervisor?  Ha ha ha haaaaa

Again you expose your profound ignorance. Not because you have a supervisor pummeling you means I have one. I don't. We are all colleagues. Eat your heart out jealous man. BTW...we do have multiple sources of income. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

TK said the chief justice ruling is unjustified and undemocratic and further claimed that our justice system is corrupted. Do you know what I said to him? Well, It's too early to use foul language. Our justice system is an independent body and it is there for everyone. Trotman and Ramjattan are attorneys and I didn't hear anyone of them ever attack the chief judge or the justice system of being bias. What a piece of shit is coming from these power hungry voltures?

if you were possessed of basic common sense, or a lawyer who had to represent clients before corrupt judges in the same corrupted system . . . perhaps u would 'understand']

Abidah, I rest my case.

If the CJ ruling was in favor of the opposition's motion then you wouldn't hear any objection from the pro AFC/APNU, rather you would see them dancing to the African beat.

The are ready to criticize anyone who does not agree with them.  I think if Jesus Christ comes to Guyana to help, he will be strung up in Buxton.

Nahhhhhh! JC would start speaking to the people about living the proper way, he'll explain to them that stealing is a sin.

The PPP Govt on the other hand would have the people believe he's a AFC/PNC thug and he's only there to cause havoc.

They'll then call up out the fatman and ask if there's something he could do 'bout know... like put together a group or something an mek dat long haired trouble makin rass disappear. Wink wink nudge nudge,Ketch ma drift?


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