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ALLEN PARK, Mich. (AP) — Protesters descended on a Lowe's store in one of the country's largest Arab-American communities on Saturday, calling for a boycott after the home improvement chain pulled its ads from a reality television show about five Muslim families living in Michigan.

About 100 people gathered outside the store in Allen Park, a Detroit suburb adjacent to the city where "All-American Muslim" is filmed. Lowe's said this week that the TLC show had become a "lightning rod" for complaints, following an email campaign by a conservative Christian group.

Protesters including Christian clergy and lawmakers called for unity and held signs that read "Boycott Bigotry" and chanted "God Bless America, shame on Lowe's" during the rally, which was organized by a coalition of Christian, Muslim and civil rights groups.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Detroit Democrat and the first Muslim woman elected to the Michigan Legislature, said it was "disgusting" for Lowe's to stop supporting a show that reflects America — the conservatives, liberals and even "the Kim Kardashians" in the Muslim community, she said.

"We're asking the company to change their mind," said protester Ray Holman, a legislative liaison for a United Auto Workers local. He said he was dismayed that the retailer "pulled sponsorship of a positive program."

A local rabbi extended his support to clergy at the protest and local Arab Americans, saying he and other Jews would have been at the protest had it not fallen during the Jewish Sabbath.

"I hope that they would likewise stand up and demonstrate should something outrageous like this take place against another religion," Rabbi Jason Miller said in a statement.

Lowe's spokeswoman Karen Cobb said Saturday that the company respected the protestors' opinion.

"We appreciate and respect everyone's right to express their opinion peacefully," she said.

The show premiered last month and chronicles the lives of families living in and around Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit at the heart of one of the largest Arab-American populations outside the Middle East.

Dearborn is home to the Islamic Center of America, one of the largest mosques in North America. Overall, the Detroit area has about 150,000 Muslims of many different ethnicities and is served by about 40 mosques.

It airs Sundays and ends its first season Jan. 8.

The Florida Family Association has said more than 60 companies it emailed, from Amazon to McDonalds, pulled their ads from the show, but Lowe's is the only major company so far to confirm that it had done so. The group accused the show of being "propaganda that riskily hides the Islamic agenda's clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values."

The travel planning site also pulled its ads, though its marketing chief said the decision was made because the company was dissatisfied by the show's quality and TLC wasn't upfront with advertisers about how the show would be presented.

Saturday's rally was met by about 20 counter-protesters including John White, who lives in nearby Livonia and called those protesting against Lowe's "terribly misdirected." He acknowledged that he hadn't watched the show, saying he'd seen previews and read about it, but believed the company made a decision based on business, not bigotry.

"Americans are not suspicious ... of baseball-playing, apple-pie eating Muslims," he said. "It's the ones you see on the news."

The manager of the Lowe's store, Doug Casey, said the company wasn't influenced by any outside group or ideology. He said those who criticized Lowe's have a right to their opinion, but that "it's not the opinion of most of the customers I spoke to in the store today."

"I'm deeply sorry if it's caused any divide in our community," he said. "It was never our intention to offend or alienate anyone."

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TLC has a reality series called "All-American Muslim" which has aired four out of a planned eight episodes. The program follows five Lebanese American families in Dearborn, Michigan.

The Islamophobia network was enraged that this program only depicts normal American Muslim families, and doesn't include terrorists, criminals, perverts, and other types that exist in the Muslim community (as they do in all communities).

According to the Islamophobes this constitutes "deception and obfuscation", an "attempt to manipulate Americans", "propaganda", "cultural jihad".

A group called the Florida Family Association (FFA), initiated an advertiser boycott against what it describes as a "propaganda show," contacting companies whose commercials appear during the broadcast and asking them to quit. So far, the organization claims, nearly 20 companies have agreed to pull their ads from the series at their urging. ** The FFA website provided a "click here" easy action form to do this.

This effort of course was touted on numerous Islamophobic sites who also encouraged their readers to join this effort and contact the advertisers. Here is the form letter they sent out to advertisers:

The Learning Channel's new show All-American Muslim is propaganda clearly designed to counter legitimate and present-day concerns about many Muslims who are advancing Islamic fundamentalism and Sharia law.

The show profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks while excluding many Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to the liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish.

One of the most troubling scenes occurred at the introduction of the program when a Muslim police officer stated "I really am American. No ifs and or buts about it." This scene would appear to be damage control for the Dearborn Police who have arrested numerous Christians including several former Muslims for peacefully preaching Christianity.

Many situations were profiled in the show from a Muslim tolerant perspective while avoiding the perspective that would have created Muslim conflict thereby contradicting The Learning Channel's agenda to inaccurately portray Muslims in America.

Clearly this program is attempting to manipulate Americans into ignoring the threat of jihad and to influence them to believe that being concerned about the jihad threat would somehow victimize these nice people in this show.

I encourage you to stop supporting this show with your advertising dollars.

Sadly according to this Florida Family Association site, these tactics are working. They say that "25 out of 27 advertisers targeted in the November 29th email alert did not advertise again during the December 4th and 5th episodes. And, 65 companies that Florida Family Association targeted with emails did NOT advertise again during the only two episodes of All-American Muslim that aired this past week."

Here is a list of companies that they claim to have succeeded in convincing to cancel their advertising based on this bigoted, hateful, anti-Muslim reasoning:

3M (Command, Scotchbrand tape),
Airborne Vitamin,
Anheuser Busch Inbev (Select55),
Art Instruction Schools,
Bank of America (Cash Rewards),
Bare Escentuals,
Brother International (Ptouch),
Campbell's Soup,
Capital One,
Church & Dwight (Oxi Clean, Arm & Hammer),
City Furniture,
Conagra (Hunt's Diced Tomatoes),
Corinthian Colleges (Everst411),
Cotton, Inc.,
Cumberland Packing (Sweet'N Low),
Dell computers,
Diamond Foods (Kettlebrand Chips),
Estee Lauder (Clinique),
ET Browe (Palmer's Cocoa butter),
General Motors (Chevy Runs Deep),
Good Year,
Green Mountain Coffee,
Guthy Renker (Proactiv),
Hershey kisses,
Home Depot,
Honda North America,
HTC Phones,
JC Penney,
JP Morgan Chase (Chase Sapphire),,
Kellogg (Special K),
Koa Brands (John Frieda),
Leapfrog Enterprise (Leapster Explorer),
Mars (Dove Chocolate),
Nationwide Insurance,
News Corp (We bought a zoo movie),
Nintendo (,
Novartis (Theraflu),
Old Navy,
Pernod Ricard (Kahlua),
Pier One,
Pfizer (Centrum vitamin),
Procter & Gamble (Align Probiotic, Crest, Febreze, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, Pur, Tide),
Progressive Insurance,
Prudential Financial,
Radio Shack,
Ruth's Chris Steakhouse,
SC Johnson (Drano, Glade, Scrubbing Bubbles),
Sears ,
Signet (Kay Jewelers),
Sonic Drive-ins,
Subaru, T
HQ (uDraw),
Toyota (Camry),
Vtech (Mobi Go, V Reader),
Whirlpool (Maytag)

The Florida Family Association sent out an email elert to their list which said that "Lowes sent the following email to Florida Family Association stating that All-American Muslim "does not meet Lowe's advertising guidelines." They included an email alledged to be from Andrew Kilby of Lowe's Executive Support. Here is the text of that email

Thank you for contacting Lowe's. We work hard to listen to our customers and respond to their concerns. Lowe's has strict guidelines that govern the placement of our advertising. Our company advertises primarily in national, network prime-time television programs and on a variety of cable outlets. Lowe's constantly reviews advertising buys to make certain they are consistent with its policy guidelines.

While we continue to advertise on various cable networks, including TLC, there are certain programs that do not meet Lowe's advertising guidelines, including the show you brought to our attention. Lowe's will no longer be advertising on that program.

Our goal is to provide the best service, products and shopping environment in the home improvement industry. We appreciate your feedback and will share your comments with our advertising department as they evaluate future advertising opportunities. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call 1-866-900-4650, or email . You may also contact us by mailing your correspondence to Lowe's Companies, Mail Code CON8, 1605 Curtis Bridge Rd., Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28697.

Shame on Lowe's, and shame on every one of these companies if they really did cave in to such bigotry and hatred. Did this program not meet Lowe's advertising guidelines because it showed a Muslim policeman who self-identifies as an American? Was it because Muslims and Arabs were not portrayed as evil villains who are not "real Americans" and have no right to act as if they are normal human beings with families, mortgages, jobs, etc.?

As Wajahat Ali pointed out in his excellent article about this program

Within days of the show's premiere, the fear-mongering Islamphobia network complained the show is actually propaganda that promotes a "submission to Islam through the hijab" and "tries to make a religion which believes in world domination and the inferiority of women, seem normal". The author of this article, posted on David Horowitz's inflammatory Front Page Magazine, also goes on to compare Muslims to Nazis: "Muslims are like us [Americans]; that's the problem. The Nazis were like us too. So were the Communists."

Apparently, TLC is a stealth-jihadist outfit with grand schemes to brainwash American women into burning their swimsuits and tank tops and replacing them with modest, traditional Islamic clothing as a gradual means towards converting them to Islam. I'll be waiting for their next reality TV show: "UV Radiation Fighters."

Pamela Geller, founder of the shrill Atlas Shrugs blog and co-founder with blogger Robert Spencer of Stop Islamization of America, is convinced the show "is an attempt to manipulate Americans into ignoring the threat of jihad". Who would have thought a reality TV show could have so much brainwashing potential? Instead of mounting violent campaigns, all our enemies needed to secure victory was to produce "The Real Housewives of al-Qaida."

If Geller, Spencer and Horowitz were producing their version of American Muslim reality, the episodes would focus on the families' radical stealth jihadist plots. Through eight episodes, they would attempt to turn McDonald's golden arches into minarets, transform California to Caliph-ornia, place a burqa over the Statute of Liberty, creep sharia into the Denny's breakfast menu, and spike the elementary school eggnog with sumac and lentils.

A "real Muslim" according to many is this anti-American, extremist, violent stereotype Ð an image often plastered over news headlines. This myth is unsurprising, perhaps, considering 60% of Americans say they don't know a Muslim. Furthermore, the No 1 source of information about Muslims for American is the media, and often, the images are negative. Yet, according to all the studies and evidence, the reality of American Muslims is that they are moderate, loyal to America, optimistic about America's future, in tune with American values, well-educated, and are the nation's most diverse religious community.

That being said, nearly half of American Muslims say they have faced discrimination. The FBI just announced anti-Muslim hate crimes have risen 50%. And a Republican presidential candidate with an alleged proclivity towards sexual harassment and unintentionally hilarious campaign videos has claimed a majority of Muslim Americans are extremists.

The portrayal of Muslims living their daily lives is not only a welcome relief from the usual tawdry caricatures of Muslims as terrorists, extremists and taxi cab drivers, but it also helps defuse the deep-seated fears and bias that unfairly lumps 1.5 billion members of a faith in with the perverse criminal actions of a few.

The Islamophobes take on how they see this incident is evident in the headlines on their sites - Advertisers fleeing 'All-American Muslim' 'propaganda': Sears, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, others drop support for program (World Net Daily) - Advertisers fleeing All-American Muslim 'propaganda' (Jihad Watch) - "All-American Muslim" Advertisers Pulling Out (Radical Islam) - Like rats off a sinking ship, advertisers on TLC's 'All-American Muslim' are fleeing? (Soda Head) - Advertisers flee from All-American Muslim show after receiving thousands of emails (American Decency).

The Islamophobes take on this is also seen in the lede's on their sites. This is representative Sears, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and McDonalds have dropped support for TLC's 'All-American Muslim' program. As is this Advertisers fleeing 'All-American Muslim' 'propaganda': Sears, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, others drop support for program

It is possible based on past misrepresentations made by these folks that the situation may not be quite as they are advertising it. If these companies simply had advertising scheduled for a particular week or weeks and not for others, and did not cave to this pressure, then they need to speak up. If they are being misrepresented as agreeing with these bigots, that is a serious accusation. I would like to see them state that publically, or even sue for slander if that is within the law.

I know for a fact that many of these corporations do business in Muslim majority countries, and if they truly have caved so easily to a concerted hate campaign, that will not do their business any good.

UPDATE 12/9/2011

Today, we have a little more information. Ashley C. Woods reports that

Katherine Cody, a public relations representative for Lowe's, emailed me a statement confirming that Lowe's had cancelled the remainder of its scheduled advertising.

"We understand the program raised concerns, complaints, or issues from multiple sides of the viewer spectrum, which we found after doing research of news articles and blogs covering the show. We based our decision to pull the advertising on this research and after hearing the concerns we received through emails, calls, through social media and in news reports," she wrote.

... Ostensibly, Lowe's believes that groups like the Florida Family Association or World Net Daily (who have published invective toward American Muslims that would be unthinkable if directed toward, say, African-Americans or Jews) represent a "broad spectrum" of customers and viewers. A representative from the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) in Washington D.C. told me there is no organized boycott or petition directed toward Lowe's. Instead, they're asking supporters to contact Lowe's.

Some will argue Lowe's has the right to discontinue advertising where it deems suitableÑan obvious point. But having a "right" doesn't make it right. Caving to these groups' intolerant, dogmatic view that any religion apart from Christianity is a threat to our country isn't merely contrary to the beliefs of the Founding FathersÑbut enabling to bigots of every cloth.

CAIR has provided the information to contact Lowe's: 1-866-900-4650, or email . Or mail your correspondence to Lowe's Companies, Mail Code CON8, 1605 Curtis Bridge Rd., Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28697.

Omar Sacirbey reports that "A spokeswoman for Amway, also cited by the Florida group, denied the company pulled advertising from "All-American Muslim," and said those reports were "misleading" and "falsely named" Amway."

The American-Arab ADC has also issued an action alert


'All-American Muslim' Draws Over a Million Viewers

'All-American Muslim' is Action Packed Again, Casey Holley

All-American Muslim is Just TV, Folks, Zeba Iqbal http://www.religiondispatches....m_is_just_tv,_folks/

All-American Muslim TLC site

My Take: Defending TLC's 'All-American Muslim' against Muslim complaints, Khurran Dara

'All-American Muslim' review: Varied lives shine through on TLC, Robert Lloyd

An all-American reality show, Tuqa Nusairat

Looking Beyond "All-American Muslim", Rose Aslan http://www.stateofformation.or...can-muslim%E2%80%9D/

Media Matters notes that Anti-Muslim Activists Attack TLC's All-American Muslim As "A Little Taqiyya On The Prairie"

My Take: 'All-American Muslim' doesn't speak for this Muslim, Aman Ali

NPR discussion about All-American Muslim with Wajahat Ali

The Reality of "All-American Muslim", Wajahat Ali

TLC premieres 'All-American Muslim' reality TV show, Niraj Warikoo

TLC show flawed, crucial step, Noor Mir

TLC's 'All-American Muslim': A Step in the Right Direction, arsalan Iftikhar

TLC's 'All-American Muslim': A Step in the Right Direction, Dilshad Ali

TLC's 'All-American Muslim,' Shot in Dearborn, Getting Attacked on Multiple Fronts, Jim McFarlin
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A case in point was not so long ago on the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. Many Evangelical leaders rather than use their numbers to try to protest it actually joined in supporting it. These evangelicals see every action in the ME as a sign of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. So they have no choice but to supoprt any action that promise to destroy the Arabs. But the ones having the most notable multiple orgasms were the Southern Baptist Church who thought that can follow right behind the soldiers and hand out box meals with a message from Gentle Jesus not bothering to take into consideration that Iraq already had a very tolerant religious society where even Christians can live unharrassed. So what was the result of the invasion? Nearly 4500 American troops dead and over 30k injured. Nearly one trillion dollars spent and that is only on our side. But in regard to the religious aspect, Iraq is now ruled by the most strict group in Muslimhood, Christians are fleeing because they are being harrassed and many of the once Christian soldiers coming back home are converting to Islam. So I beg, please keep up the hate. Smile
Originally posted by ksazma:
A case in point was not so long ago on the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. Many Evangelical leaders rather than use their numbers to try to protest it actually joined in supporting it. These evangelicals see every action in the ME as a sign of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. So they have no choice but to supoprt any action that promise to destroy the Arabs.

The same can be written about the mullahs. They hold an equal and opposite view of the non-muslim world and Christianity. As a matter of fact, they are even more fanatical than the evangelists. At least women in Christian countries are allowed to drive and hold cucumbers..
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by ksazma:
A case in point was not so long ago on the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. Many Evangelical leaders rather than use their numbers to try to protest it actually joined in supporting it. These evangelicals see every action in the ME as a sign of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. So they have no choice but to supoprt any action that promise to destroy the Arabs.

The same can be written about the mullahs. They hold an equal and opposite view of the non-muslim world and Christianity. As a matter of fact, they are even more fanatical than the evangelists. At least women in Christian countries are allowed to drive and hold cucumbers..

Sometimes both are also done at the same time.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by ksazma:
A case in point was not so long ago on the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. Many Evangelical leaders rather than use their numbers to try to protest it actually joined in supporting it. These evangelicals see every action in the ME as a sign of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. So they have no choice but to supoprt any action that promise to destroy the Arabs.

The same can be written about the mullahs. They hold an equal and opposite view of the non-muslim world and Christianity. As a matter of fact, they are even more fanatical than the evangelists. At least women in Christian countries are allowed to drive and hold cucumbers..

Only to a degree. The Mullahs are stupid while these evangelicals are wutliss. They put on that sweet smiling face while they are malicious behind it. They have one goal which is to do whatever is in their power to hurry up the return of Jesus and don’t care who is stuck in the way. Plus they like to mock other people’s beliefs calling then paganistic and cultist not realizing that theirs can be deemed the same way. Muslim religious leaders cannot take the same liberties I do in commenting on the stupidness attributed to Jesus in the Bible because they are bound by the Qur’anic verse “we make no distinction between any of them”. Actually I shouldn’t the liberty either but I am not religious. The evangelicals have slaughtered the reputation of every other religious personality from Adam to the present ones except Jesus. But where they fail miserably is in debating the detail of their scriptures. Too many times they end up running with their tails between their legs. Smile
Originally posted by cain:
Nehru should be in here, he'll let you know dem evangeliklians sellin snake hoil.

You have no idea the amount of snake oil that some of these guys sell. Take for instance the case of Deedat who used to debate them and was greatly responsible for making them run with their tails between their legs. He died half a dozen years ago but suffered a stroke a few years earlier. Some of these evangelicals told their audience that the Christian God punished him for insulting the Christian God and the Bible. If Muslims were to take a similar stupid position, would they say that the Muslim God was punishing Billy Graham for insulting the Muslim God, Muhammad and Qur’an? What about Jesus? Did the Jewish God punished him for insulting the cream of the Jewish crop (Scribes and Pharisees) by putting him on public display being hanged and speared on the cross? According to Jesus in the Gospel, hanging was a punishment only for sinners. So does that make Jesus a sinner also?

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