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Has  anyone  ever heard or  had  any  experience  with  Comwave Communication? About  4  months ago ( mid  April) I   became  a subscriber  to their VOIP Web  based telephone  service . I  am  absolutely  certain  that  I  was  not getting  into  any  long  term  contract  with  this company  since   contracts with  service  providers  are  something  I abhor with  a  passion.  Earlier today I    informed  the  Company  through  email  that  I  wish  to terminate /  suspend  my  service  indefinitely and  followed up  this  request with  a telephone  call. To  my surprise  and horror  these  bastards  told  me  that  there  is an  early   Cancellation Fees  of over a  Thousand  dollar.  I  blew  my  top  and  basically told  the   rep to GFTS! My  experience  with  this  company has  left me with  a very  poor impression  of  their  business  practice  and ethics.  in  my opinion, they are  more  crooked than  the hind  leg of  a dog. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Just  spoke to  'Josh'  from  their  marketing  department @ 1 866 518 0963  and confirmed the  the  three  packages  they  offered  their customers:

1.  $14.95  local calls  only

2. $19.95 Across  Canada

3.  $29.95 Across  North  America including  Mexico  ( land line only) with no contract. 6 months  free with a three  year  contract.


I  choose  the 'No  Contract'  option and now  these  buggers  want  to  nail me with  a  $1,000.00 early  cancellation.


Originally Posted by Mara:

Got  magic jack man  but  was  looking  for something   sof. & convenient  with   multiple  hand  sets  around  the  house  and  not stuck in  front  of  the  computer.

There is a new one with built in wifi. You don't need to hook up to a computer. You could also get google voice or last resort voyage.
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Mara, file a complaint with BBB and if you pre-authorised payment thru your credit card, cancel your card; get a new one.


See here:


Mara, there is a Majic Jack PLUS. It is plugged directly into your router with no need for a computer and works fine with any phone system, including multiple cordless phones.


I have Bell and Majic Jack PLUS and use the MJ for US and Guyana calls. The MJ PLUS works fine. 


Hi Mara,


The description included here is not the way our salespeople are trained to sell.  We want our customers to be happy with their decisions so we are very clear on laying out the options when selling.  There is a no-contract option but that does not include the 6 months free.  Each of the plans has a 3 year term option which includes 6 months free and a 30 day satisfaction guaranteed period.  The no-contract options do not have either of these incentives so customers typically choose the 3 year term option.  Please send your full name along with your Customer ID to so that we can investigate your case to see if your claim above is correct. If so, we will adjust your account accordingly.



The Comwave Team




Originally Posted by Comwave:

Hi Mara,


The description included here is not the way our salespeople are trained to sell.  We want our customers to be happy with their decisions so we are very clear on laying out the options when selling.  There is a no-contract option but that does not include the 6 months free.  Each of the plans has a 3 year term option which includes 6 months free and a 30 day satisfaction guaranteed period.  The no-contract options do not have either of these incentives so customers typically choose the 3 year term option.  Please send your full name along with your Customer ID to so that we can investigate your case to see if your claim above is correct. If so, we will adjust your account accordingly.



The Comwave Team


 Well thank  you  very  much  for  responding  here  Comwave! here  is my request to  Comwave:


-----Original Message-----">                                         11:55 AM (20 hours ago)

 Please suspend or cancel my account withh immediate effect until further notice.
Reason: Change of address, not having a principal residence for the forceable future and intermittent access to a computer & internet.


Meharam Sugrim



Followed  by  your  immediate  Auto  Response:
Comwave Customer Care via 
11:55 AM (20 hours ago)
to me
 Thank you for using Comwave's Online Support. This is to confirm that we have received your request. We will respond via email within 1 business day, though we make every effort to get back to you as quickly as possible and most queries are answered within a few hours.

We will do our best to respond to you as quickly as possible, however you may also find an immediate answer by reviewing our website located at

Your case number is  00009902
Comwave Ecare

* Please don't reply to this automated email. 
Then  another   response  
ecare comwave support account via 
2:07 PM (18 hours ago)
to m
 Dear customer,

Thank you for your email.unfortunately customer service is not handled through this portal. Please contact Customer Service at 1-877-474-6638 for further assistance.

Team Comwave.

***Please do not respond to this email. This email address is not monitored.****

Sometime  either  between  your  first  or  second  response  ,  I  followed  up my  request   with  a call  to the 877 474 6638 #  and  spoke  to  Victor and  again   repeated  my  request. At  this  stage  I  was  informed  that  I  had  a 3  years  contract   which  would  entail   a $1,000.00  and  something dollar early cancellation fee.  To  the  best  of  my  knowledge  and  recollection, this  was  the  first  time   a  contract  was  ever  mentioned to  me.   I  was  livid because  when  I  order  Comwave, no  contract  was  ever  discussed and  I furnished  my  credit  card for  auto  billing and shipping of  VOIP  device. 
I  then  followed  up  with  a  call  to the  marketing  department @ 1 866 518 0963 and  spoke  to  'Josh' who went  through  the  three  Plans as  stated  above but  only   mentioned  the 3  years / 6 months  free options  as  an  after  thought when  I  questioned  him about  it . Again this morning  I  spoke  with Susan and again  a  slightly  different sales pitch  was  made.  As  I  am writing  this I am  on  the  line  with  Anthony then  Emilio from  Customers  Care  Department  who advised  that  the  problem is  being  addressed at the  highest  level  with  management. Anthony informed   me  that  the  service  was  in  fact  cancelled  yesterday and  I was invoiced for $ 1,207.58 which  he  admitted was  incorrect. He said it  should be $457.58 which  I  still  maintain is  incorrect. He  also  advised  that  with  the  shipment  of  the  VOIP device I  would  have  had  a  1  month  free  trial.  After   speaking  with  Anthony and Emilio who were  very  reconciliatory,  I  felt  that  this matter  would  be  put  to  rest  in  a  satisfactory manner.  That is until  I  was  handed  over  to  a  Senior  Manager,  Rafael  who  in  my  opinion   has  the  listening  skills &  Customer  Relation of  El  Burro. This  moron insisted  that I  have  a  3  year  contract and  and  my  credit  card  was  billed  yesterday  for  $750.00  with still  an  outstanding  invoice of  $457.58.

Now  I  am more  than  ever   convinced  that  that  it  was  not  a mistake  to  take  this to  a  Public  Forum and  I  am  prepared  to  let the  chips  fall  where it  may.



Originally Posted by Miraver:
Originally Posted by Mara:

  I  do  believe  in  public  retaliation,  when confronted with unethical  practices by crooked corporation.

Mara, I see that your public retaliation got comwave on board GNI!!


Now  that 'Senior Manager'  El  Burro  Rafael has  pronounced on  the  matter,  I  suspect  'Comwave' will  now duck  and  run  for  cover 

Originally Posted by Comwave:

Hi Mara,


Thank you for your diligence in following up on your concerns.  Senior management is aware of the case and you will be contacted today to discuss and solve your issue.



The Comwave Team

 Oops! I thought  'Senior Management' has  already  pronounced! So  who is this Rafael  Jackass? 

Originally Posted by TI:
You sure is Comwave posting here? It could be the joker up to his pranks!

This is Comwave and not an imposter.  We are trying to assist this customer to improve their experience and impression of the brand.  


As stated, his experience is not typical of our service and we would like to make sure this is concluded to everyone's satisfaction.





Thanks for bringing this to our attention Mara. I have seen Comwave ads, they have not been able to convince me to jump ship as yet. I have been with Bell Canada for over 28 years and it will take a great deal of a sales pitch to convince me. As for long distance calls , we make less than 20 a year and when we do I just buy calling cards.

Originally Posted by Amral:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention Mara. I have seen Comwave ads, they have not been able to convince me to jump ship as yet. I have been with Bell Canada for over 28 years and it will take a great deal of a sales pitch to convince me. As for long distance calls , we make less than 20 a year and when we do I just buy calling cards.



I  have  just  gotten  of  the  phone with  a  young  lady  from  Comwave Management  Team  and having  spoken  to  her,  she  left  me   feeling a bit remorseful  that  I had  to  resort  to  a public  forum   to seek redress. She  assured  me  that my  experience  was an  exception to  their business practice and   appropriate action  has  been taken  to  rectify  and  avoid   such  conflict in  the  future. I  have absolutely  no doubt  that  she  is sincere with  her  explanation and  apologies for  what  the  termed  " Unacceptable" conduct of a  Customer Representative. In  fact  her personal  intervention   and  excellent skills  in conflict resolution  has  restored  my  confidence in  COMWAVE  COMMUNICATION to the point where  I  would  have  no  reservation  in   recommending  their  service to  anyone.   

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Mara sold out

Now  show  me  a man  who could hold out against a  woman with real charm  and  I  would  show  you  a real  cunu-munu 

I see a lagoo bagoo who cave in to lil charm and ent get nuttin.

Suh  you think,  but  dis  lagoo bagoo  ain't  sayin nutten!    

Originally Posted by Mara:

. I  have absolutely  no doubt  that  she  is sincere with  her  explanation and  apologies for  what  the  termed  " Unacceptable" conduct of a  Customer Representative. In  fact  her personal  intervention   and  excellent skills  in conflict resolution  has  restored  my  confidence in  COMWAVE  COMMUNICATION to the point where  I  would  have  no  reservation  in   recommending  their  service to  anyone.   

OMG! The woman sweet talk Mara and he buckled!!!

Originally Posted by Miraver:
Originally Posted by Mara:

. I  have absolutely  no doubt  that  she  is sincere with  her  explanation and  apologies for  what  the  termed  " Unacceptable" conduct of a  Customer Representative. In  fact  her personal  intervention   and  excellent skills  in conflict resolution  has  restored  my  confidence in  COMWAVE  COMMUNICATION to the point where  I  would  have  no  reservation  in   recommending  their  service to  anyone.   

OMG! The woman sweet talk Mara and he buckled!!!

Con***ius  says hard d@*k soff  heart  - no  good  for  business;  soff d@*k hard  heart -  very good  business! Conclusion, Mara - no  good  businessman.    

Originally Posted by Miraver:
Originally Posted by Mara:

. I  have absolutely  no doubt  that  she  is sincere with  her  explanation and  apologies for  what  the  termed  " Unacceptable" conduct of a  Customer Representative. In  fact  her personal  intervention   and  excellent skills  in conflict resolution  has  restored  my  confidence in  COMWAVE  COMMUNICATION to the point where  I  would  have  no  reservation  in   recommending  their  service to  anyone.   

OMG! The woman sweet talk Mara and he buckled!!!

you see that right? Mara got sense fa man but stchupid fa woman. (ole Guyanese road man saying).


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