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I knew Sunil dad personally. He was the accountant for my late uncle who owned a gas station and other business at Soesdyke in the 70's.80's and 90's.

His father was a decent , friendly and a hardworking individual. He earned his respect and both him and I, although I was much younger, used to go and hang out at a few chineese restaurants in Geogretown.

About two years ago I met him in Queens and he was doing work for a Church, he was passionate about his accounting practice and more so about the well being of his fellow human being. He was a strong PPP supporter and hated the PNC with a passion.


Once again Sunil my heartfelt condolences on the passing of your dear father.


Hi Sunil:


I only just saw this.  Kindly accept my sincere condolences as well as that of my wife and her family.  It is a pity because we were down in NY around that time attending the funeral of Joel's brother in law.  We would have loved to have participated in the final rites.   As you know your family and my wife's family are related.  Your father was my father in law's accountant for a long time and was well respected by members of the family.  For myself, I socialised with him every chance I got when I visited my friend Baljit he passed away a few months ago) in NY.  I truly enjoyed his company.  May he RIP.


Thanks again to everyone for their kind words.


Errol, there was no funeral as he was cremated the next day according to his wishes. I would like to share with you the eulogy he wrote when my younger brother died 3 years ago aged 30.


And so it ended, and figuratively it also started, and in a corresponding way just ended. That which I prayed and hoped that it will never happen, which I asked not to ever dawn upon my life, that which I looked upon with imaginary and intense pain and agony, long before it actually faced me, I always thought it would have been the other way around, since I preceded him in years by almost three score.


 It was stormy, to the utmost full of cares, floods of tears, unpleasantness, unseen turmoil and every conceivable manner of life's hurts and aches. Characteristics of this life and its illnesses which lay temporarily dormant, but which could raise their various heads on dark occasions and strike with a devastation of immeasurable magnitude.


It was the best of times, it was the worse of times, it was as if time had progressed too rapidly; it was also as if time had taken a holiday, and couldn't be fathomed; it had moved away and had also scampered back bringing with it the rigors, calamities, the wicked plans of satanic dimensions; but also it mixed itself with pleasures and peace carried with it no length or breadth and obviously no area.


But in the midst of all of this, which struck in that force, there was always the mixture of smiles and pleasantness, with bouts of laughter and the continuous piece of joy, which characterized his sweet face. It was short, and sadly not without its doubts and disappointments, but amidst these he spent his happy days and did spread his short-lived joys to others as much as was within his social orbit.


All things put together with the exception of lavish financial freedoms and life's sophisticated benefits and pleasures, there were some visible dimensions to his short stay here in this world. Satisfactions in all areas was not continuously present, so there was the visible presence of periodical disapproval of life's miseries and life's wants. Persistence in hope was at all times present, and life progressed somewhat even though perhaps not to satisfaction.


Why the bells and not any other physical object sending so-called messages of peace and joy in a world filled with misery, suffering and mental pain. Why could it not have been another signal heralding tears, pains, heartaches and sufferings, which I was then passing through, and which shook me to the core of my bones that which I never envisaged for myself or expected, that which left me in a state of annihilation.


For my part days seemed to have stopped, time seemed to have halted, and all I could have brought myself to believe or comprehend, was to accept that all will be well, and time will heal all wounds; but had halted for the time being and bring myself unconsciously face the fact that life was viciously taken away from me.


Over the years I have resolved not to blame God for illnesses, accidents and sufferings, for if I do so, I realize that I gain little and lose so much. I do believe that God hates sufferings, but it is that consequence which he allows for us to be tested, and taught a lesson.


In school we are given a lesson, then we take the test, but In life it is the other way around. We are first put to the test then we learn a lesson. God does not cause misfortunes, He allows them to come to us, since we live In a world filled with inflexible laws and behaviors. The painful things that face us are not punishment for our behavior nor are they part of God's plans for us. When these things happen, we turn to Him for help in winning over each tragedy, since I believe that He is equally hurt as we are.


The question we should ask is not, "Why did this happen to me, or what did I do to deserve this?" These questions are unanswerable. A better question should have been, "Now that this has happened, what must I do next?" We need to get over the questions, which will remind us of the past, for all they do is to bring back memories of pains and losses.


I pray that as you go over my thoughts, you will find strength and the determination, which will assist you in this never-ending battle of life, and that you will face all disappointments and turmoil, which may tread in your path, with a vigor coming from within you, and also from outside of you.


One of the most difficult lessons of life, is how to accept a loss. No matter who or what you are, you are likely to face a part of your life when you may face dark moments, and they come at strange times when you least expect them. The very foundation of life may face a total collapse and our faith is shaken to the very core.


It is then that we turn to God, for comfort and peace and ask for His love and His mercy. Sometimes we lose our composure and then we become resistant, as we ask why should this happen, why such a tragedy and loss , and we skip for the time being the reality that we live in a world replete with anguish and imperfections.


But we must believe that God never abandons us, for He joins in our sufferings, and he knows what it is to lose a child. However, I will not allow this loss to destroy me even though it could have. It probably must have destroyed some of my plans and dreams, but I shall try to

stand firm and believe that my son is still around, and that we are both now temporarily away from each other.




In school we are given a lesson, then we take the test, but In life it is the other way around. We are first put to the test then we learn a lesson. God does not cause misfortunes, He allows them to come to us, since we live In a world filled with inflexible laws and behaviors. The painful things that face us are not punishment for our behavior nor are they part of God's plans for us. When these things happen, we turn to Him for help in winning over each tragedy, since I believe that He is equally hurt as we are.


The question we should ask is not, "Why did this happen to me, or what did I do to deserve this?" These questions are unanswerable. A better question should have been, "Now that this has happened, what must I do next?" We need to get over the questions, which will remind us of the past, for all they do is to bring back memories of pains and losses.


Sunil, I can tell that your father was a prolific writer. I am sure he made a profound impact on all with whom he came in contact while he was on his Earthly journey.

Originally Posted by Sunil:

Thank you guys. My dad died about 2 weeks ago, he was 77. He had a great sense of humour and was liked by everyone who knew him. He always spoke highly of Chief and his uncle who was died in GY a decade ago.

Condolences, may he rest in peace.


I wonder why he spoke highly of Chief? I myself don't have a high opinion of this fellow. 


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