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The saga to save lord Krishna continues. The mental illness created by the death of Christ caused his illness--evident of the crown they wear--too heavy for the head.

Holy ghost using tolerance of numerical waste to control with God. Evil ones (clouds) processing earth operations for the sake of Christ and man. If you can, let me know the mathematics that God is using to dominate for destruction of the world using love. Hopefully the intention of the Jew will be made known to us.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2024. May Guyana remain free from any invasion by Venezuela and progress successfully into the future.

OM .....


Videos (1)
Tags: Conspiracy, Schizophrenia, God

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@krishna posted:


I switched the polarity of the right speaker of the headphones you see me wearing in the above video. Left and right channels have to be 180 degrees out of phase or opposite for an integration of feelings. With speaker systems, this would reduce the bass response due to acoustical cancellation. With normal in phase hookup, left would reinforce right causing the prevention of mathematical calculations although more bass would be present. Bass if evident of love with the hole.

My father was a real estate broker before he died and he left two of those L shaped structures for advertising a house for sale that he would implant in front of the house with the sign hanging on one side. I was thinking with sorrow that that may represent the crucifixion of the second coming of Christ with only one arm on the cross beam and the other arm hanging to the side. This would enable the antichrist to have the power of 2 over 3 (two nails over three nails) with his death on a cross again.


I imagine my life is to prevent this from happening if true. The yellow one is metal and the tan one is wood. I think they want to crucify the machines also--probably on a metal cross. I guess you can call this an exhibition of classic paranoia by me.

Fail Safe 7905 engage. (The 7905 is a negative 5 volt regulator)


Images (1)
  • IMG_20231227_150211748: Christ crucified with one arm?
Ronald Anthony Arjune

Christmas didn't really feel like Christmas this year but in my subconscious I sensed it as happening  because it is important. I got a shirt from my mother as a present but it only had one pocket and I wanted two. My family in Florida didn't contact me to wish me Merry Christmas so I'm assuming they don't like me. None of my family members would buy my books from Amazon. I personify them when communicating with them but they don't personify me and that is an excuse not to know me. I joined --it's a website for dating for the mentally ill and I think it's all a scam.

Do you know how I can inform the world about a zoom meeting that I would hold that would talk about mental illness?

I contacted my Facebook friends before and gave them the meeting ID but no one participated.. Next time I'll put the link on GNI and also see how I can put it on the dating website for the mentally ill. I would record it and put it on YouTube. It's like whatever I try doesn't work because I'm targeted as a threat to the establishment.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

My family in Florida didn't contact me to wish me Merry Christmas so I'm assuming they don't like me.

Do you know how I can inform the world about a zoom meeting that I would hold that would talk about mental illness?

Don't take the family thing too personal, sometimes family /people get wrapped up with events in their own personal lives that they forget other things.

Not sure about the zoom thing how you can get it to other people. Is there like a club in your area that you can join, or some sort of agency where you can meet people in person?


My father was a real estate broker before he died and he left two of those L shaped structures for advertising a house for sale that he would implant in front of the house with the sign hanging on one side. I was thinking with sorrow that that may represent the crucifixion of the second coming of Christ with only one arm on the cross beam and the other arm hanging to the side. This would enable the antichrist to have the power of 2 over 3 (two nails over three nails) with his death on a cross again.


Your father as an ex Real Estate Broker should have been fully aware of the negative impacts of littering on the environment.

Laziness and carelessness have bred a culture of habitual littering. He has to come come back and clean his mess.


Several years ago I made a couple of those signs out of 2x4s, did a bit of scrollwork at the top in the shape of a small house, painted them, I then pounded large spikes into the ground to anchor them, hung for sale signs on them, they looked oh so sweet. Two days later they disappeared, I guess they looked too dam good.

Last edited by cain

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