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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Construction is a good sector for laundering money. That is why Rev of OP/NICIL/OP is busy deceiving good people. 

OK Gal, Abee gun buy you a Camel and build you a mud House. I know you love that kind of living.


Sorry my family has several mansions in Guyana, Caribbean and Florida. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Construction is a good sector for laundering money. That is why Rev of OP/NICIL/OP is busy deceiving good people. 

OK Gal, Abee gun buy you a Camel and build you a mud House. I know you love that kind of living.


Sorry my family has several mansions in Guyana, Caribbean and Florida. 

Then Al YUh certainly gat MUD HEADS!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Construction is a good sector for laundering money. That is why Rev of OP/NICIL/OP is busy deceiving good people. 

OK Gal, Abee gun buy you a Camel and build you a mud House. I know you love that kind of living.


Sorry my family has several mansions in Guyana, Caribbean and Florida. 

Then Al YUh certainly gat MUD HEADS!!!!


My family is not into money laundering like you and Rev of OP/NICIL/MOF.

Originally Posted by asj:

CONSTRUCTION: Every Place You Go In Guyana:


Everyone wants to get rid of the drugs dollars, before the laundering order becomes law. So it is not surprising to see a real estate boom.



* Haters of the PPP will find all the excuses in the world to deny the progress we are seeing in Guyana.


* These losers and whiners can blame and complain until thy kingdom come---but under the PPP---the push for progress will continue---and Guyana will continue to prosper.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by asj:

CONSTRUCTION: Every Place You Go In Guyana:


Everyone wants to get rid of the drugs dollars, before the laundering order becomes law. So it is not surprising to see a real estate boom.



* Haters of the PPP will find all the excuses in the world to deny the progress we are seeing in Guyana.


* These losers and whiners can blame and complain until thy kingdom come---but under the PPP---the push for progress will continue---and Guyana will continue to prosper.




PROGRESS: babies and mothers die. Floods from little rain. Garbage all over. My friends are migrating. Progress according to the money launderers. 

Originally Posted by caribny:



True but that's due to gold, remittances and money laundering.  Other than money laundering, I don't see what that has to do with the PPP.



* The good people of Guyana don't care about the source of the funds that is catalyzing the construction boom in Guyana.


* All Guyanese care about is seeing progress being made in their country.



* Everywhere you turn in Guyana you see new construction.







Originally Posted by yuji22:


Construction is an indication of economic progress and confidence in an economy. Kudos to the PPP. People lined up everywhere during the PNC days for food and basic necessities. The people will have to choose progress or PNC donkey cart economics at the next election. 



* Even the PNC supporters in Guyana are happy with the progress they are seeing around them.


* But come election time they will still vote for their beloved PNC.


* That's OK!


* Anyway you are dead right, "Construction is an indication of economic progress and confidence in an economy."


* In the meantime the losers and whiners here on GNI will keep bawling and complaining about corruption in the PPP.







Originally Posted by Nehru:

Put bach the couple of PNC/KFC and dem gun BAN Cement, Nails, Plywood, Shingles, Locks, bolts, Tiles, ------------------------EVERYTHING.

  Long lines for everything under the PNC





* You are 100% correct.


* Back in the PNC days there were shortages in everything---food, medicine, building materials, everything.


* You had long lines everywhere under the PNC.


I guess afro PNC supporters and dirty PNC Indians miss the shortages and the long lines for everything.






* What does Guyana scoring low on some Transparency Index have to do with the Booming construction we are currently seeing all across Guyana ?


* It clearly pains the losers and whiners who support the PNC and AFC to see continuous progress in Guyana under the PPP.












* PNC and AFC supporters can hug up that Transparency International report all they want.


* But while the PPP critics are freezing their balls off in Canada and the United States, Guyanese living in Guyana are seeing progress everywhere they go in Guyana.


* Construction is BOOMING all across Guyana.


* Every county in Guyana is BOOMING---Essequibo, Berbice, Demerara.


* So keep hugging up that TI report---hope it warms you up----but real Guyanese----those who reside in Guyana----not those whiners and losers freezing their balls off in Canada---real Guyanese are pleased as punch with the progress they see in their country.



Originally Posted by asj:

There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today.

No one within the PPP are today able to curtail bribery and corruptions, and this scrooge is manifested in everyday dealings.


The Cheddi Jagan International Airport is like a Technical Institute for bribery and Corruptions....It is now going the way of Racial Profiling, sometime I wonder if GRA Sattaur is sleeping or the Minister Responsible is sleeping?


Unless the PPP/C rein in corruptions and Bribery there can be no W.


Simply put, the PPP/C supporters will not go out and waste their time voting.


Maybe there is a story I will share one day that deals with the President Office and the Minister of Housing, who indirectly has told the President to go fu$K off.





Guyana slips further on Transparency’s Corruption Index



Guyana ranked a very poor 27 out of 100 points in the Transparency International 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).

The report was released this morning. Last year, Guyana scored 28 points.

Guyana is again doing worse than every other country in  Caricom except for Haiti (19) which has also traditionally been one of the worst performers.

Transparency International (TI) premiered a new methodology last year where countries are ranked from 1 to 100 points with 100 representing the least corrupt. Any score below 50 indicates a serious problem and though it is not possible to meaningfully compare Guyana’s performance with the previous methodology, the country remains in the bracket of those with a very serious problem.

By contrast, Barbados scored 75 points, the highest in Caricom, The Bahamas 71, St Lucia 71, Trinidad and Tobago 38 and Jamaica 38. Suriname came in at 36 this year.

The perception of corruption has remained a big problem for the Ramotar administration over the last two years.




* Guyana is a democracy.


* Elections under the PPP are free and fair.


* If Guyanese voters want to return to the days of long lines and shortages---if they are tired of seeing progress---if they want to see their country ruined and bankrupted---then they will vote the PNC back into power.


* It's that SIMPLE.





Originally Posted by Mitwah:

REV, Corruption persists in being a pervasive force in the public sector, hurting citizens in their daily lives and in times of dire need.”


Rev, don't don't you agree?


* The Rev agrees that corruption is evil.


* The Rev agrees that power has corrupted many PPP politicians.




* This thread is about the BOOM in CONSTRUCTION in Guyana.





Check this:








Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Construction is an indication of economic progress and confidence in an economy. Kudos to the PPP. People lined up everywhere during the PNC days for food and basic necessities. The people will have to choose progress or PNC donkey cart economics at the next election. 



* Even the PNC supporters in Guyana are happy with the progress they are seeing around them.


* But come election time they will still vote for their beloved PNC.


* That's OK!


* Anyway you are dead right, "Construction is an indication of economic progress and confidence in an economy."


* In the meantime the losers and whiners here on GNI will keep bawling and complaining about corruption in the PPP.










PNC supporters will rather eat grass and drink creek water but they will still vote PNC. Donkey Cart Economics Carl Greenidge who ruined Guyana is hell bent on returning Guyana to the dark days of shortage and long long ups. Remember how they used to run and hug the dictators Burnham and Hoyte ?


They were bare feet, bare back and hungry but Burnham and Hoyte were treated like gods. Ballot Box rigging were the norm of the day and Berbicians had to smuggle food, oil and medicine into Guyana to keep the economy alive.


Sadly, PNC Indians have joined the PNC in working 24/7 to bring back the monster Carl Greenidge to wreck Guyana. He is the AFC's newfound "hero"


It is quite possible that Guyana will return to the dark days of food shortages, military harassment and lineups and ZERO Construction Boom. The AFC's mission is to destroy Guyana and hand it over to the dirty PNC.



Last edited by Former Member

The afc/pnc contingent paint with a broad brush as they claim that in general, new construction in Guyana is funded by illicit money garnered through the drug trade or other illegal activities.

But many of us know better, business folks in Guyana are optimistic and so are the citizens despite all the challenges with crime and an obstructive opposition.


At the risk of being labeled the worst PPP government in the political history of Guyana, we feel compelled to report that nearly everywhere in Guyana; people are voicing the strong feeling that the PPP is going to lose the next general election, come mid or late 2016. And we must say our first reaction to that is it would be a relief to the nation not to have to put up with the arrogant smirks we keep seeing on the faces of some Cabinet ministers who are clearly deluded into believing that they are in office for life. But clearly the writing is on the wall for this corrupt PPP regime and we have decided to let the cat out of the bag. The process that the people started in the 2011 election that led to a minority PPP government must be completed in the next election cycle by voting the PPP out of office. Of course, simply making such a prediction could very well have the effect of triggering a serious thought in convincing many now reluctant voters to come out and vote against this decadent PPP regime. The PPP can no doubt rely on its tribal base to come out in full support in the next general election but whether that will be enough to make the PPP victorious is doubtful. Their tribal base is dwindling due to overseas migration and others are marching toward the other parties. The youths are fed up with the propaganda, distortions and untruths by the do-nothing PPP cabal who seem to think that they can squander the taxpayers’ money at will on shady projects. For certain, the minority PPP regime record in Parliament since winning the November 2011 general election has been very bleak and not at all promising. They lost the Amalia Falls project followed by the loss of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill. Their frantic defense of both the Amalia Falls and the Anti-money Laundering Bill was highly suspicious, to say the least. Earlier in the year, they lost $30 billion from the budget as a result of their clownish debate in Parliament. The PPP is a very confused party and its leader’s sluggish pace and lack of administration skills have made it extremely difficult for the regime to get anything done in or out of Parliament.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The job of govt is not to run industry but to facilitate. The fact is that because of this facilitation,  investors are confident enough in the economy to plunge millions of dollars in fixed properties, indicating a long term perspective. In the past you had to beg foreign investors to build in Guyana, now you have local and expats(the same folks who ran away under the pnc/afc rule) doing the investing. This is the ultimate sign of investor confidence. Even a consummate sourpuss like yourself can not dispute this fact. 



You have orgasms at the Marriott which is being built 100% by the govt as no private investors have been declared.  And clearly none are involved in the development of this project.


Druggie you ought to tell the PPP that it shouldn't be involved in this a this is not their role.  Especially as you know full well that this is only being built because of a hissy fit grudge that Queen Bytch Jagdeo has with the owner of Pegasus. With so many empty hotel rooms in G/twn there is absolutely no dire need for the govt to facilitate this hotel.

The best way to launder illegal earnings is to put it into real estate, so a rampant building boom is all that it is.  Illegal earnings from undeclared gold sales, narcotics, etc., is rampant in Guyana.  As is the refusal by some wealthy people to pay income taxes which are due.


How many new export oriented ventures do you see in Guyana?


By the way why don't you point out one good thing that I said about the PNC when it was in power.


Yes. I thought so. Yet you wail about pnc/afc.  Funny thing was in 2011 a AFC supporter of some significance just about accused me of sabotaging their attempts instead of helping them.  He has a bit of a weight problem so you know who I am talking about.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:


You have orgasms at the Marriott which is being built 100% by the govt as no private investors have been declared.  And clearly none are involved in the development of this project.


Druggie you ought to tell the PPP that it shouldn't be involved in this a this is not their role.  Especially as you know full well that this is only being built because of a hissy fit grudge that Queen Bytch Jagdeo has with the owner of Pegasus. With so many empty hotel rooms in G/twn there is absolutely no dire need for the govt to facilitate this hotel.

The best way to launder illegal earnings is to put it into real estate, so a rampant building boom is all that it is.  Illegal earnings from undeclared gold sales, narcotics, etc., is rampant in Guyana.  As is the refusal by some wealthy people to pay income taxes which are due.


How many new export oriented ventures do you see in Guyana?


By the way why don't you point out one good thing that I said about the PNC when it was in power.


Yes. I thought so. Yet you wail about pnc/afc.  Funny thing was in 2011 a AFC supporter of some significance just about accused me of sabotaging their attempts instead of helping them.  He has a bit of a weight problem so you know who I am talking about.

Rev has clearly stated that govt affiliated construction is not part of this discussion so lets stick to private construction. So you can discount the Marriott, which when completed and turned over to private hands, will constitute a landmark achievement for Guyana, finally having a 5 star hotel the country can be all proud of. No more will foreign dignitaries be turning their noses up at Guyana when they visit. 


I dismiss your claims of illicit money funding construction since you make these scurrilous claims without one iota of evidence. Give us the names of the individuals constructing these buildings with laundered money. In fact only a fool would plow any money, clean or not, into construction if these properties would not retain their value. For properties to retain value dictates the economy is strong and the potential buyers have confidence in investing. What you are effectively saying is that the majority of investors are laundering money via construction, which you have yet to prove. Give some names and we will further the discussion, otherwise stick to what you know for a fact. 


Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

New construction and progress under the PPP mean that the PNC/APNU/AFC are pi**ing in their pants. No milk and honey in th foreseeable future for them. Need to drop the bribery, theft and corruption mantra.  

Is that the best you can do?

I have done better. You need to know who to ask in your family.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

New construction and progress under the PPP mean that the PNC/APNU/AFC are pi**ing in their pants. No milk and honey in th forseeable future for them. Need to drop the bribery, theft and corruption mantra.  

Is that the best you can do?

Is your family constructing buildings in Guyana? If so then according to Caribj and D2, it is laundering of drug money.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Guyana is a democracy.


* Elections under the PPP are free and fair.


* If Guyanese voters want to return to the days of long lines and shortages---if they are tired of seeing progress---if they want to see their country ruined and bankrupted---then they will vote the PNC back into power.


* It's that SIMPLE.





Voting in Guyana is not a rational process where candidates are evaluated by a record of their work in the society. It is a race driven system which is a direct consequence of the Westminster system and with autocratic authority vested in the executive. Further, the Executive Candidate is selected by less than 15 people with no rhyme or reason except one may presume he is a perfect political ideologue and embraces completely the party dogma ( democratic centralism in t his instance). In reality, Guyana is not a democracy but an elected oligarchy.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Guyana is a democracy.


* Elections under the PPP are free and fair.


* If Guyanese voters want to return to the days of long lines and shortages---if they are tired of seeing progress---if they want to see their country ruined and bankrupted---then they will vote the PNC back into power.


* It's that SIMPLE.





Voting in Guyana is not a rational process where candidates are evaluated by a record of their work in the society. It is a race driven system which is a direct consequence of the Westminster system and with autocratic authority vested in the executive. Further, the Executive Candidate is selected by less than 15 people with no rhyme or reason except one may presume he is a perfect political ideologue and embraces completely the party dogma ( democratic centralism in t his instance). In reality, Guyana is not a democracy but an elected oligarchy.

Nonsense, the majority of people in Guyana know that the PNC/AFC punish them in the past and will do so again if elected.  It is a rational process.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Guyana is a democracy.


* Elections under the PPP are free and fair.


* If Guyanese voters want to return to the days of long lines and shortages---if they are tired of seeing progress---if they want to see their country ruined and bankrupted---then they will vote the PNC back into power.


* It's that SIMPLE.





Voting in Guyana is not a rational process where candidates are evaluated by a record of their work in the society. It is a race driven system which is a direct consequence of the Westminster system and with autocratic authority vested in the executive. Further, the Executive Candidate is selected by less than 15 people with no rhyme or reason except one may presume he is a perfect political ideologue and embraces completely the party dogma ( democratic centralism in t his instance). In reality, Guyana is not a democracy but an elected oligarchy.

Nonsense, the majority of people in Guyana know that the PNC/AFC punish them in the past and will do so again if elected.  It is a rational process.

You Crows will begin to caw vociferously on the unfairness of the system when ( note it is not if but when)  the PNC gets back in power.  The PPP does not stand a chance in hell to hold on to power more than one more election cycle.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Guyana is a democracy.


* Elections under the PPP are free and fair.


* If Guyanese voters want to return to the days of long lines and shortages---if they are tired of seeing progress---if they want to see their country ruined and bankrupted---then they will vote the PNC back into power.


* It's that SIMPLE.





Voting in Guyana is not a rational process where candidates are evaluated by a record of their work in the society. It is a race driven system which is a direct consequence of the Westminster system and with autocratic authority vested in the executive. Further, the Executive Candidate is selected by less than 15 people with no rhyme or reason except one may presume he is a perfect political ideologue and embraces completely the party dogma ( democratic centralism in t his instance). In reality, Guyana is not a democracy but an elected oligarchy.

Nonsense, the majority of people in Guyana know that the PNC/AFC punish them in the past and will do so again if elected.  It is a rational process.

You Crows will begin to caw vociferously on the unfairness of the system when ( note it is not if but when)  the PNC gets back in power.  The PPP does not stand a chance in hell to hold on to power more than one more election cycle.

I am not crowing, in fact I don't care who is in government, what I care about is progress. The ppp have brought progress. I will leave it up to the people of Guyana to dictate who governs the land and I will continue to be an impartial observer. If the PNC governs and there is progress, I too will view them favorably. In fact should the PNC attain power again, I am willing to bet that it will be a similar situation like Barbados, where the Whites tell the Blacks how to govern, in Guyana instead you know who will play the role of the Whites. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:


You have orgasms at the Marriott which is being built 100% by the govt as no private investors have been declared.  And clearly none are involved in the development of this project.


Druggie you ought to tell the PPP that it shouldn't be involved in this a this is not their role.  Especially as you know full well that this is only being built because of a hissy fit grudge that Queen Bytch Jagdeo has with the owner of Pegasus. With so many empty hotel rooms in G/twn there is absolutely no dire need for the govt to facilitate this hotel.

The best way to launder illegal earnings is to put it into real estate, so a rampant building boom is all that it is.  Illegal earnings from undeclared gold sales, narcotics, etc., is rampant in Guyana.  As is the refusal by some wealthy people to pay income taxes which are due.


How many new export oriented ventures do you see in Guyana?


By the way why don't you point out one good thing that I said about the PNC when it was in power.


Yes. I thought so. Yet you wail about pnc/afc.  Funny thing was in 2011 a AFC supporter of some significance just about accused me of sabotaging their attempts instead of helping them.  He has a bit of a weight problem so you know who I am talking about.

Rev has clearly stated that govt affiliated construction is not part of this discussion so lets stick to private construction. So you can discount the Marriott, which when completed and turned over to private hands, will constitute a landmark achievement for Guyana, finally having a 5 star hotel the country can be all proud of. No more will foreign dignitaries be turning their noses up at Guyana when they visit. 


I dismiss your claims of illicit money funding construction since you make these scurrilous claims without one iota of evidence. Give us the names of the individuals constructing these buildings with laundered money. In fact only a fool would plow any money, clean or not, into construction if these properties would not retain their value. For properties to retain value dictates the economy is strong and the potential buyers have confidence in investing. What you are effectively saying is that the majority of investors are laundering money via construction, which you have yet to prove. Give some names and we will further the discussion, otherwise stick to what you know for a fact. 


You can sit down wearing your drawers in your NJ bedroom all you want to disavow the fact that there isn't massive unrecorded economic activity from money laundering, undeclared gold etc.


FACT is that this is a major component of Guyana's economy and is heavily responsible for the current construction boom.


And yes Guyana must behave like some African backwaters country run byPresient for Life Dictator, where they waste money on building massive hotels so that diplomats will be impressed. 


In the mean time Guyana has no decent roads in the part of the country which is now generating more than 50% of the exports.  Every Friday night the whole world is seeing what a primitive country Guyana is.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I am not crowing, in fact I don't care who is in government, what I care about is progress. The ppp have brought progress. I will leave it up to the people of Guyana to dictate who governs the land and I will continue to be an impartial observer. If the PNC governs and there is progress, I too will view them favorably. In fact should the PNC attain power again, I am willing to bet that it will be a similar situation like Barbados, where the Whites tell the Blacks how to govern, in Guyana instead you know who will play the role of the Whites. 



People have short memories. Burnham died 30 years ago.


Continue to think that this will be a major factor, and not the blatant corruption and theft that is going on.


And yes.  High gold prices, virtually doubling Guyana's exports and remittances.  And you give credit to the PPP.  Yes I give the PPP credit for rice, but that has played a minimal role in the tremendous amount of liquidity in the system with most of this plowed into real estate.


Druggie you are ahypocrite.  When some one says that Guyana is not diversifying its economy, and setting the stage for the day that gold prices drop, you scream that the govt must stay out of the economy.


Then you want to crown them heroes because you think that Marriott is a five star chain (its a 3-4) and so foreign diplomats can stay in the lap of luxury, and then the hotel stays empty (or must discount room rates) until

the next conference comes.


There is no private investor and so the notion that it will be turned over to them is pure theory.  We might find out that Jagdeo is the private investor for all we know.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
like Barbados, where the Whites tell the Blacks how to govern,

And PPP supporters flock to cut grass for black people, clean their toilets and wipe their babies.


Who are these white people who tell the blacks what to do in Bdos. Names please.  If you mean the Goddards well they are more Bajan than you will ever be Guyanese.  After all you just scrubbed off the mud of India from between your toes.  And lots of your cousins still think they are Indian in their extreme devotion to every thing from that country.  They have been in Barbados for 300 years!

Originally Posted by caribny:

You can sit down wearing your drawers in your NJ bedroom all you want to disavow the fact that there isn't massive unrecorded economic activity from money laundering, undeclared gold etc.


FACT is that this is a major component of Guyana's economy and is heavily responsible for the current construction boom.


And yes Guyana must behave like some African backwaters country run byPresient for Life Dictator, where they waste money on building massive hotels so that diplomats will be impressed. 


In the mean time Guyana has no decent roads in the part of the country which is now generating more than 50% of the exports.  Every Friday night the whole world is seeing what a primitive country Guyana is.

I disavow nothing, you are the one making claims of money laundering without any evidence. Unlike you who make scandalous remarks, I know for a fact that many of the construction in Guyana are from wealthy expats and long established legitimate businesses. In addition, the Brazilians and Chinese are also building. You just make broad based accusations to merely discredit any progress under the PPP.


The last president for life was your hero Burnham. Jagan, Jagdeo and Ramoutar were elected by the people in contested elections overseen by international organizations. 


Guyana has far more decent roads than under Burnham/Hoyte and the PNC.  You merely glean your information from what you hear from the pedophile crew in the AFC/PNc and Kaiteur which has a political agenda, you need to go look for yourself. I will contribute $1 to your plane ticket. 

Originally Posted by caribny:



People have short memories. Burnham died 30 years ago.


Continue to think that this will be a major factor, and not the blatant corruption and theft that is going on.


And yes.  High gold prices, virtually doubling Guyana's exports and remittances.  And you give credit to the PPP.  Yes I give the PPP credit for rice, but that has played a minimal role in the tremendous amount of liquidity in the system with most of this plowed into real estate.


Druggie you are ahypocrite.  When some one says that Guyana is not diversifying its economy, and setting the stage for the day that gold prices drop, you scream that the govt must stay out of the economy.


Then you want to crown them heroes because you think that Marriott is a five star chain (its a 3-4) and so foreign diplomats can stay in the lap of luxury, and then the hotel stays empty (or must discount room rates) until

the next conference comes.


There is no private investor and so the notion that it will be turned over to them is pure theory.  We might find out that Jagdeo is the private investor for all we know.

It is just not Burnham times that people remember. They also remember mo fiah slow fiah, Buxton, the FF's, Fineman, Agricola, Lusignan, Bartica and Linden incidents. Now they have even more to be afraid of, the blocking of the specialty hospital and the hydro dam project compounded by the anti money laundering bill fiasco. 


It is up to private investors to determine the level of diversification of Guyana's economy, not some communist government strategy of running and dictating industry.


When the Marriott is developed and stays empty then you can crow. Until then staan quiet. I remember you also cried on the Providence Stadium which now host some of the top stars in the world and World Test series. You people cried white elephant back then, now I don't hear those cries recently except for skeldon. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
like Barbados, where the Whites tell the Blacks how to govern,

And PPP supporters flock to cut grass for black people, clean their toilets and wipe their babies.


Who are these white people who tell the blacks what to do in Bdos. Names please.  If you mean the Goddards well they are more Bajan than you will ever be Guyanese.  After all you just scrubbed off the mud of India from between your toes.  And lots of your cousins still think they are Indian in their extreme devotion to every thing from that country.  They have been in Barbados for 300 years!

In fact Indog's in Bbdos work for the tourist industries and hire Black Bajans to take care of their children while they work. 


Here's what one blogger says of White Bajans:


The comment is taken from pg 220, just in case some of you doubt me,
buy it and read if for yourselves, "During my stay in Barbados I was
introduced by P.K to a few of the descendants of the planter class living
there today. They make up only 5 percent of the total population but are
inordinatly proud of their ancestry and despise the black government. Once
comment which I heard at the Barbados Yacht Club was, "THEY HAVE THE
was that they had the financial muscle, owning most of the principal shops
and stores in Broad Street, Bridgetown's Mayfair!"


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